The death of [26 Sorcerer] Bisil (Grey Elf)

in Cobweb Covered Hallway

from the perspective of [23 Conjurer] Terru (Orc)

<worn on eyes>       a bugbear-skin eyepatch [superior]
<worn on face>       a mask of sewn flesh [superior]
<worn around neck>   a crude flesh gorget from Kvark's Great Connector
<worn around neck>   a flaming granite choker
<worn on body>       some padded leather armor
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver>     a rusty limestone quiver
<worn about waist>   a shimmering leather girth from Morg's Place
<held as shield>     a little round wooden shield
<worn on finger>     a bent ring [superior]
<worn on finger>     a bent ring
<primary weapon>     a flaming glass dagger from Bugentolen
<worn on legs>       some human-made hemp leggings from Bugentolen

A Grey Elf's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.
Slusk shivers as he hits a Grey Elf.
A Barbarian clambers to his feet.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]
Eddie starts casting an offensive spell.
A Dwarf starts casting a spell.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You feel your skill in sorcerous spell knowledge improving.
A Gnome attempts to flee.
A Gnome leaves east.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot's face flushes white for a moment.
A deadly nightmare attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]
Slusk attacks a Grey Elf. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie stops chanting abruptly!
A Dwarf stops chanting abruptly!
Casting: lightning bolt 

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 41 ] The lightning bolt hits a Grey Elf with full impact.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks a fire elemental. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
Eddie is knocked to the ground by a Barbarian's mighty bash!

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf starts casting a spell.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A fire elemental rises to its feet.
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]
Rargg attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]
Rargg turns to focus his attack on a Grey Elf!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Krzzn's fist shoots with sound barrier-breaking force towards a Grey Elf, stopping only when it strikes her flesh.
Krzzn suffers from contact with the aura about a Grey Elf.
Krzzn shivers as he hits a Grey Elf.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 53 ] The lightning bolt hits a Grey Elf with full impact.
Slusk tries to tackle a Grey Elf and misses completely, making a nice dent in his forehead and the ground!

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'cone of cold'
A Grey Elf fires a blast of cold at Eddie, who screams out in pain!
Eddie sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.
A Grey Elf completes her spell...
A Grey Elf utters the word 'pzar'
Healing energy flows from a Grey Elf into a Grey Elf's body!
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf leaves east.
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.
That's absurd.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Cobweb Covered Hallway
Obvious exits: -E -W#
A Dwarf (medium) stands, floating here.(Gold Aura)
A Grey Elf (medium) stands, floating here, fighting Slusk.
A Barbarian (large) stands, floating here, fighting Eddie.
A Barbarian (large) stands, floating here, fighting Rargg.
Eddie (Duergar)(medium) sits here, fighting a Barbarian.
Krzzn (Orc)(medium) stands here.
A fire elemental is here blazing with heat! (minion) 
A warg prowls here looking for things to eat. (minion) 
Slusk (Troll)(large) crouches here, fighting a Grey Elf.
Nijot (Githyanki)(medium) stands, floating here. (casting) 
Rargg (Orc)(medium) sits atop a deadly nightmare.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Slusk. [0 hits]
A deadly nightmare attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg suddenly attacks a Grey Elf!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Rargg. [0 hits]
You start chanting...

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.
A Grey Elf screams out in pain!

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie clambers to his feet.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie starts casting a spell.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: wall of stone ********
A Barbarian heroically rescues a Grey Elf.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf screams out in pain!
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'qaiz ay qare'
A Grey Elf fires a blast of cold at Eddie, who screams out in pain!
Eddie sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!
Slusk rises to his feet.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.
Rargg shivers as he hits a Grey Elf.
Rargg attacks a Grey Elf. [1 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: wall of stone *******
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]
A Barbarian's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.
A Barbarian stumbles side to side with starry eyes and a lost expression... finally collapsing.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Barbarian fills with BloodLust
A deadly nightmare bucks madly disobeying Rargg's order.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie completes his spell...
Eddie utters the word 'pzar'
Healing energy flows from Eddie into Eddie's body!

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: wall of stone ******
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome enters from the east.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf screams out in pain!
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The shadowy hand slashes at Krzzn, who staggers under the blow.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot attacks a Grey Elf. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg bravely steps in front of Eddie, shielding him from harm!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'cone of cold'
A Grey Elf fires a blast of cold at Rargg, who screams out in pain!
Rargg sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You feel your skill in sorcerous spell knowledge improving.
Rargg shivers as he hits a Grey Elf.
Rargg attacks a Grey Elf. [1 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Krzzn leaves east.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome stops invoking abruptly!
Casting: wall of stone **
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf leaves east.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot's face flushes white for a moment.

< 289h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
Your life &+force seems to slip away as a Gnome touches you.
Krzzn enters from the east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<A Gnome utters a word of dark speech, and a shadowy hand coalesces near YOU!
Slusk leaps at a Barbarian only to realize he is down already.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<Impossible! You can't concentrate enough!
You abort your spell before it's done!

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.
Eddie starts casting a spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<Krzzn leaves east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<A Gnome stops invoking abruptly!

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<Eddie stops chanting abruptly!

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell called 'chill touch'.
A Grey Elf enters from the east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
<A Grey Elf enters from the east.
Rargg suddenly attacks a Gnome!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: excellent >
 A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell called 'cone of cold'.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: excellent >
 A snarling warg growls at a Gnome.
A snarling warg suddenly attacks a Gnome!

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: excellent >
 A deadly nightmare suddenly attacks a Gnome!
A deadly nightmare shivers as he hits a Gnome.
A Grey Elf leaves east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: few scratches >
 A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'chill touch'
The cold goes right to the bone, you feel yourself weakening!
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: few scratches >
 Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]
You attack a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: few scratches >
< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: few scratches >
 A Gnome utters a word of dark speech, and a shadowy hand coalesces near YOU!
A Gnome has lost his link.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Rargg TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Gnome sta EP: few scratches >
 A Gnome screams out in pain!
You disengage from the fight!

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'qaiz ay qare'
A Grey Elf fires a blast of cold at Eddie, who screams out in pain!
A Gnome has reconnected.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian seems to have come back to his senses.
A Gnome attempts to flee.
A Gnome leaves east.
A Gnome enters from the east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian clambers to his feet.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome leaves east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot's face flushes white for a moment.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome enters from the east.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]
Slusk clambers to his feet.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
Eddie starts casting a spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Eddie wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg suddenly attacks a Gnome!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare suddenly attacks a Gnome!
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian deflects Slusk's blow and strikes back at him!
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg bravely steps in front of Eddie, shielding him from harm!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Rargg wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Eddie!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: wall of stone ********
Eddie completes his spell...
Eddie utters the word 'pzar'
Healing energy flows from Eddie into Eddie's body!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome enters from the east.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell called 'lightning bolt'.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell called 'life leech'.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Eddie wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Eddie!
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Eddie!
Eddie is knocked to the ground by a Barbarian's mighty bash!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]
A deadly nightmare's hooves crash into a Gnome's chest with a stunning force.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The taste of blood slowly fades from your body.
Rargg sighs and stares off into the sky.
A Gnome opens a spellbook and begins studying it intently.
A Gnome starts casting a spell.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!
A Gnome, looking very frustrated, packs up his book.
Slusk tackles a Barbarian square in the chest knocking the wind out of him!

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg bravely steps in front of Eddie, shielding him from harm!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Rargg wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.
Casting: wall of stone ***

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [1 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell called 'life leech'.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome clambers to his feet.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf screams out in pain!
You feel your skill in sorcerous spell knowledge improving.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Rargg!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Eddie wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [0 hits]
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell called 'life leech'.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]
You start chanting...

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]
Eddie clambers to his feet.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian's skin seems to turn to stone.
A Gnome looks at you.
Eddie starts casting an offensive spell.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Rargg!
A Gnome looks at Rargg.
Rargg turns to focus his attack on a Gnome!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 30 ] The lightning bolt hits a Gnome with full impact.
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
A Barbarian clambers to his feet.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot's spell flows around a Grey Elf, leaving him unharmed!
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Gnome attempts to flee.
Oof! a Gnome bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Gnome tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
You start chanting...

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie completes his spell...
Eddie utters the words 'qkadagz qfuhuqar'
A Gnome screams as Eddie critically injures him.
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk headbutts a Grey Elf, but apparently a Grey Elf got the best of him.
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
Eddie is knocked to the ground by a Barbarian's mighty bash!

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Gnome attempts to flee.
Oof! a Gnome bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Gnome tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]
A Gnome attempts to flee.
Oof! a Gnome bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Gnome tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Rargg!
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 39 ] The lightning bolt hits a Gnome with full impact.
A Gnome starts casting a spell called 'heal undead'.

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!
A Gnome starts casting a spell.

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
A deadly nightmare's hooves crash into a Gnome's chest with a stunning force.
A deadly nightmare shivers as he hits a Gnome.
A Gnome is knocked to the ground!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
You start chanting...

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome stops invoking abruptly!
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: lightning bolt *
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome reaches out at a Gnome, touching him. 
A Gnome appears to gain power from the sudden deadly chill around him.
Rargg shivers as he hits a Gnome.
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: lightning bolt 
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 31 ] The lightning bolt hits a Grey Elf with full impact.
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [2 hits]
A Barbarian's titan warhammer, 'Purelight' explodes in white light as it slams into Eddie.
A beam of pure holy wrath is called down on Eddie by a Barbarian!
A blanketing shroud of negative energy coalesces around Eddie...
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [1 hits]
A Gnome clambers to his feet.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]
A Gnome starts casting a spell.
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.
Slusk shivers as he hits a Grey Elf.
Eddie clambers to his feet.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attempts to flee.
Eddie tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'chill touch'
Rargg sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie starts casting a spell.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome screams out in pain!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie stops chanting abruptly!
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting a spell called 'heal undead'.
You start chanting...

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome reaches out at a Gnome, touching him. 
A Gnome appears to gain power from the sudden deadly chill around him.
Casting: shocking grasp *
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.
Eddie attempts to flee.
Oof! Eddie bumps into a greyish stone wall...
Eddie tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 10 ] A Grey Elf dies while looking rather shocked.
A Grey Elf's fine granite ring from Rift Valley Jungle exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Grey Elf's some serpentine shin-guards exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Grey Elf's long flowing girth of spidersilk exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Grey Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You raise a level!
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!