PvP Battle Logs

Date Room Goods Evils
03/06/25 01:50PM The Top of The Stairwell
[54 Necrolyte] Nos < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)
[51 Shadowmage] Notnyx Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[51 Spiritualist] Col Brewed in Blood (Goblin)
[54 Demonic Rider] Mis Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)
[51 Shadowmage] Naj Brewed in Blood (Drider)
[47 Enslaver] Greed Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)
03/06/25 06:04AM The Higher Row of Seats
[26 Conjurer] Lomi (Shade)
[ 9 Mercenary] Dunga (ShadowBeast)
03/05/25 11:32PM The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
[48 Necrolyte] Jaiu (Githzerai)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[52 Elementalist] Drakus Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[53 Bounty Hunter] Zai Brewed in Blood (Troll)
03/05/25 11:32PM A Rocky Ledge Over a Tunnel Opening
[48 Necrolyte] Jaiu (Githzerai)
[49 Wizard] Grutag < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[52 Elementalist] Drakus Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[53 Bounty Hunter] Zai Brewed in Blood (Troll)
03/05/25 05:59PM The Reflecting Plaza
[54 Shadowmage] Sxt < The Commonwealth > (Gnome)
[15 Blighter] Cyra (Githyanki)
03/05/25 01:17PM A Fiord Inlet Habor
[41 Healer] Gukk < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[52 Red Dragon] Zephyr Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)
[52 Water Magus] Vren Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
[48 Frost Magus] Hate Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
03/05/25 12:17AM On the Apex of the Prison
[47 Necrolyte] Jaiu (Githzerai)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[48 Gladiator] Lip Brewed in Blood (Orc)
03/04/25 10:57PM The Second Floor
[51 Zealot] Songen < The Commonwealth > (Dwarf)
[52 Minstrel] Squeaky Brewed in Blood (Kobold)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[52 Bounty Hunter] Zai Brewed in Blood (Troll)
03/03/25 06:49PM A Long Twisting Canyon
[37 Forest Druid] Hippie (Centaur)
[49 Dark Dreamer] Dzie Brewed in Blood (Shade)
03/03/25 01:34PM A Grassland Covered With Shrubs and Small Trees
[53 Assassin] Fraglo < The Commonwealth > (Dwarf)
[49 Shadowmage] Dziph Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
03/03/25 03:19AM Endless Plains of Grassy Pastures
[47 Forest Druid] Brenne (Centaur)
[53 RaGeloRd] Schlam Brewed in Blood (Troll)
03/03/25 12:52AM A Hallway
[ 2 Shaman] Kitaro (Halfling)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
03/02/25 11:13PM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[51 Forest Druid] Quee < The Commonwealth > (Halfling)
[52 Necrolyte] Spinach Brewed in Blood (Drider)
03/02/25 08:13PM Small Cobblestone Road
[23 Mercenary] Daffyn (Minotaur)
[54 Earth Magus] Zloin Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
03/02/25 02:22PM Near a Jodani Wood Wall Deep in the Jungle
[51 Bounty Hunter] Kiria < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)
[50 Forest Druid] Toyan < The Commonwealth > (Centaur)
[53 Elaphidist] Om < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)
[53 Forest Druid] Rioss < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[53 RaGeloRd] Gukkz < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)
[52 Holyman] Gax Brewed in Blood (Duergar)
03/02/25 02:22PM Near a Jodani Wood Wall Deep in the Jungle
[51 Bounty Hunter] Kiria < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)
[50 Forest Druid] Toyan < The Commonwealth > (Centaur)
[53 Elaphidist] Om < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)
[53 Forest Druid] Rioss < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[53 RaGeloRd] Gukkz < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)
[52 Red Dragon] Zephyr Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)
[52 Guardian] Colc Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
03/02/25 01:21PM A Wagon Trail Lined with Brick Pavers
[41 Healer] Gukk < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[51 Shadowmage] Notnyx Brewed in Blood (Shade)
03/01/25 05:40PM The Hallway of Elemental Fusion
[51 Spiritualist] Jelli < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[49 Dark Dreamer] Dzie Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[51 Shadowmage] Naj Brewed in Blood (Drider)
[51 Guardian] Colc Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
03/01/25 09:59AM A Sleeping Chamber
[47 Frost Magus] Jook (Halfling)
[54 Thug] Semat Brewed in Blood (Orc)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
03/01/25 07:29AM The Higher Row of Seats
[ 8 Rogue] Retriever (Vampire)
[51 Shadowmage] Pok Brewed in Blood (Kobold)
03/01/25 05:32AM In a Natural Tunnel
[51 Spiritualist] Jelli < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[51 Guardian] Colc Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
[54 Thug] Semat Brewed in Blood (Orc)
03/01/25 05:01AM End of The Docks
[47 Frost Magus] Jook (Halfling)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[51 Guardian] Colc Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
03/01/25 02:15AM Rugged Hills of the Hearth Valley
[19 Conjurer] Jixid (Gnome)
[54 Earth Magus] Zloin Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
03/01/25 02:13AM A Town Center
02/28/25 12:27PM A Fiord Inlet Habor
[41 Healer] Gukk < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[54 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[51 Guardian] Colc Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)
02/28/25 11:43AM A Small Fisherman's Dock
[51 Spiritualist] Jelli < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)
[52 RaGeloRd] Schlam Brewed in Blood (Troll)
02/28/25 10:43AM The Shores of Black Sand
[51 Bounty Hunter] Kiria < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)
[52 Pyrokinetic] Skir < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)
[50 Dark Knight] Zar Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)
02/28/25 10:43AM Within the Jungle of the Living Dead
[51 Bounty Hunter] Kiria < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)
[52 Pyrokinetic] Skir < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)
[50 Elementalist] Qed Brewed in Blood (ShadowBeast)
02/28/25 12:52AM Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
[51 Necrolyte] Aikii < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)
[53 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)
[53 Demonic Rider] Mis Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)
[53 Thug] Semat Brewed in Blood (Orc)
02/27/25 10:13PM Rugged Hills of the Hearth Valley
[53 Crusader] Juts < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)
[52 Elementalist] Xan < The Commonwealth > (Shade)
[50 Elementalist] Que < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)
[53 Assassin] Fraglo < The Commonwealth > (Dwarf)
[51 War Priest] Broc Brewed in Blood (Orc)