The death of [56 Warrior] Nomi (Thri-Kreen)

in A Thri-kreen Training Area

from the perspective of [56 Warrior] Nomi (Thri-Kreen)

<primary weapon>     a crystalline chatkcha (glowing)
<secondary weapon>   a crystalline chatkcha (glowing)
<third weapon>       a crystalline chatkcha (glowing)
<fourth weapon>      a crystalline chatkcha (glowing)

< 1h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
You are carrying: (0/12)

< 1h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
You get a crystalline chatkcha.

< 2h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You get a crystalline chatkcha.

< 3h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You get a crystalline chatkcha.

< 4h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You get a crystalline chatkcha.

< 4h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Be sure to check your innate abilities. These can help you win the fight. Just type "innate" to see a list.

< 6h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You wield a crystalline chatkcha.
You wield a crystalline chatkcha.
You wield a crystalline chatkcha.
You wield a crystalline chatkcha.

< 6h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior
Obvious exits: -East
The corpse of a Thri-Kreen is lying here.
[3] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[3] A steel long sword has been left here.
[3] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[3] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A two-handed sword, nearly six feet in length, lies here.
[2] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[2] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[4] Someone has left a crystalline chatkcha here. (glowing)
[6] A double-bladed weapon lies here.
Slipper relaxes and prepares to train warriors.

< 6h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You do not see a bandage here.

< 7h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You tell your racewar 'kobold and duergar in that zone with skeletal chipmunks on kk'

< 15h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior
Obvious exits: -East
The corpse of a Thri-Kreen is lying here.
[3] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[3] A steel long sword has been left here.
[3] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[3] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A two-handed sword, nearly six feet in length, lies here.
[2] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[2] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[4] Someone has left a crystalline chatkcha here. (glowing)
[6] A double-bladed weapon lies here.
Slipper relaxes and prepares to train warriors.

< 16h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You tell your racewar 'iceballed me'

< 17h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior
Obvious exits: -East
The corpse of a Thri-Kreen is lying here.
[3] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[3] A steel long sword has been left here.
[3] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[3] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A two-handed sword, nearly six feet in length, lies here.
[2] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[2] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[4] Someone has left a crystalline chatkcha here. (glowing)
[6] A double-bladed weapon lies here.
Slipper relaxes and prepares to train warriors.

< 17h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You are carrying: (0/12)

< 18h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 20h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 20h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Charisma affects the prices stores charge you and affects how obedient your summoned monsters (pets) are.

< 21h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior
Obvious exits: -East
The corpse of a Thri-Kreen is lying here.
[3] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[3] A steel long sword has been left here.
[3] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[3] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A two-handed sword, nearly six feet in length, lies here.
[2] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[2] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[4] Someone has left a crystalline chatkcha here. (glowing)
[6] A double-bladed weapon lies here.
Slipper relaxes and prepares to train warriors.

< 24h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Among the Cracked Tunnels
   Years of compression provide for the tunnels at hand. Centuries undoutably
have gone by to produce these tunnels that so steadily remained uncollasped.
The cavern has moisture in the air and the tunnel's floor remains slick and
treacherous. Water seeps from the tunnels ceiling providing another means
of weathering. Huge cracks lay in the tunnel's walls and it seem that the
weathering has taken its toll. the cavern tunnel has taken the test of time
and lost miserably. The moisture in the air provides means for bacteria and
fungus to grow it seems for the plagues the rims of the stalagmites.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West

< 24h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >

< 24h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 28h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
Among the Cracked Tunnels
Obvious exits: -North -South -West

< 29h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
A Junk Smith Dealer
   Somewhere in his career this dealer decided to turn his expertise into a
profit, thus he became a junk dealer. He must have served under the Queen in
many campaigns to come across the among of arms as he has on display here.
Many wars he has had to serve under her to receive the prestige and acceptance
of the Queen to open this shop. Since this dealer is the only one in within
the wild Underdark, he must turn a profit that every dealer only dreams of.
Obvious exits: -North
A junk smith dealer sells weapons and armor.

< 29h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Among the Cracked Tunnels
   Years of compression provide for the tunnels at hand. Centuries undoutably
have gone by to produce these tunnels that so steadily remained uncollasped.
The cavern has moisture in the air and the tunnel's floor remains slick and
treacherous. Water seeps from the tunnels ceiling providing another means
of weathering. Huge cracks lay in the tunnel's walls and it seem that the
weathering has taken its toll. the cavern tunnel has taken the test of time
and lost miserably. The moisture in the air provides means for bacteria and
fungus to grow it seems for the plagues the rims of the stalagmites.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West

< 29h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Within a Domed Cavern
   The ceiling of this spacious cavern stretches far above, easily a hundred
feet from the rough stone floor below. It is shaped like a dome, the center
being much higher than the edges. The gray stone ceiling is rather smooth,
lacking the stalactites that decorate most of the Underdark. Most of the walls
within this cavern are bare, save for the occasional crack or crude drawing
from unorthodox being. Patches of blackish moss seem to grow from some of these
cracks and in small clumps along the floor.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South
A slimy mold oozes across the cavern floor.

< 29h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Why don't you just lie down and pretend you're dead instead?

< 30h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
A Treacherous Turning Point
   This huge junction of tunnels makes an enormous advantage to whomever would
control its access points. The cavern gives access towards the rest of the
underground. Fungus on the cavern floor makes footing hazardous. Years of
weathering have taken its toll, huge cracks are evident among the huge cavern
floor. Water drips from the stalagmites above. These stalagmites look unstable
and are enormous enough to instantly crush any living thing that it pleases.
Holes and large cracks in the cavern walls make this place an ideal spot for
an ambush.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A duergar assassin hides here.

< 30h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
Within a Domed Cavern
   The ceiling of this spacious cavern stretches far above, easily a hundred
feet from the rough stone floor below. It is shaped like a dome, the center
being much higher than the edges. The gray stone ceiling is rather smooth,
lacking the stalactites that decorate most of the Underdark. Most of the walls
within this cavern are bare, save for the occasional crack or crude drawing
from unorthodox being. Patches of blackish moss seem to grow from some of these
cracks and in small clumps along the floor.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South

< 30h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Within a Domed Cavern
   The ceiling of this spacious cavern stretches far above, easily a hundred
feet from the rough stone floor below. It is shaped like a dome, the center
being much higher than the edges. The gray stone ceiling is rather smooth,
lacking the stalactites that decorate most of the Underdark. Most of the walls
within this cavern are bare, save for the occasional crack or crude drawing
from unorthodox being. Patches of blackish moss seem to grow from some of these
cracks and in small clumps along the floor.
Obvious exits: -South -West

< 31h/53H 165v/168V Pos: standing >
Within a Domed Cavern
   The ceiling of this spacious cavern stretches far above, easily a hundred
feet from the rough stone floor below. It is shaped like a dome, the center
being much higher than the edges. The gray stone ceiling is rather smooth,
lacking the stalactites that decorate most of the Underdark. Most of the walls
within this cavern are bare, save for the occasional crack or crude drawing
from unorthodox being. Patches of blackish moss seem to grow from some of these
cracks and in small clumps along the floor.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South

< 31h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Among the Cracked Tunnels
   Years of compression provide for the tunnels at hand. Centuries undoutably
have gone by to produce these tunnels that so steadily remained uncollasped.
The cavern has moisture in the air and the tunnel's floor remains slick and
treacherous. Water seeps from the tunnels ceiling providing another means
of weathering. Huge cracks lay in the tunnel's walls and it seem that the
weathering has taken its toll. the cavern tunnel has taken the test of time
and lost miserably. The moisture in the air provides means for bacteria and
fungus to grow it seems for the plagues the rims of the stalagmites.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 31h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
A Thri-kreen Training Area
   About three times the size in length and width but of the other caverns
and tunnels and suits the thri-kreen very well for their warrior training. On
the north side of the cavern are eight large targets set up for piercing
practice. On the northwest side of the training area are a bunch of thri-kreen
sparring with one another with wooden weapons. On the southeast side of the
cavern there are thri-kreen doing some strength fitness in rock throwing.
Obvious exits: -South
A thri-kreen warrior trains here.
A thri-kreen warrior trains here.

< 31h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A duergar assassin who is a brief walk away to your south.

< 31h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
This thing will kill you so fast, it's not EVEN funny!

< 32h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Among the Cracked Tunnels
   Years of compression provide for the tunnels at hand. Centuries undoutably
have gone by to produce these tunnels that so steadily remained uncollasped.
The cavern has moisture in the air and the tunnel's floor remains slick and
treacherous. Water seeps from the tunnels ceiling providing another means
of weathering. Huge cracks lay in the tunnel's walls and it seem that the
weathering has taken its toll. the cavern tunnel has taken the test of time
and lost miserably. The moisture in the air provides means for bacteria and
fungus to grow it seems for the plagues the rims of the stalagmites.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 32h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
A Thri-kreen Training Area
   About three times the size in length and width but of the other caverns
and tunnels and suits the thri-kreen very well for their warrior training. On
the north side of the cavern are eight large targets set up for piercing
practice. On the northwest side of the training area are a bunch of thri-kreen
sparring with one another with wooden weapons. On the southeast side of the
cavern there are thri-kreen doing some strength fitness in rock throwing.
Obvious exits: -East
A thri-kreen warrior trains here.
A thri-kreen warrior trains here.

< 32h/53H 166v/168V Pos: standing >

< 33h/53H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Things in your inventory weighing you down?  Wearing or holding your containers may ease the load.

< 36h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You start setting up camp...

< 49h/53H 168v/168V Pos: standing >