The death of [56 Death Magus] Urlix Kingdom of Lich (Lich)

in Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley

from the perspective of [56 Shadowmage] Soloren Disciple of Lloth (Troll)

<worn as a badge>    the emblem of meditation
<worn on head>       a superior platinum cap from Home of the Divine
<worn on eyes>       the goggles of hate (magic)
<worn in ear>        a delicate nipple ring (magic) (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a glowing jade earring (glowing)
<worn on face>       a golden mask [87%]             
<worn around neck>   the amulet of the triad of witches (magic)
<worn around neck>   a misshaped electrum charm from The Chasm of the Misty Vale [86%]             
<worn on body>       some robes of the arch-magi (magic) (glowing)
<worn about body>    the frost-covered cloak of the north wind
<worn as quiver>     a glowing bard sack (glowing)
<worn about waist>   a belt bearing the symbol of Baphomet (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a glowing quill (glowing) [87%]             
<worn on arms>       some tarnished dragonscale sleeves from The Stone Tomb of Kelek
<worn around wrist>  a black and white zebra-hide wristband
<worn around wrist>  a legendary obsidian wristguard from Morg's Place
<worn on hands>      some soldier's ruby mitts from Lost Temple of Tikitzopl
<worn on finger>     a ring of citizenship (magic)
<worn on finger>     a fine emerald ring from The Behemoth Herders
<primary weapon>     the glowing stiletto 'Sunfist'
<held>               a shriveled and rotting human head
<worn on legs>       some well-used ruby pants from Morg's Place
<worn on feet>       vibrating gnomish charged magical boots

Urlix drains a Town Guardian - what a waste of energy!
Karnik starts casting an offensive spell.
Karnik snaps into visibility.

< 744h/790H 148v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk misses a Town Guardian.
An ugly looking wench starts casting an offensive spell.

< 744h/790H 149v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: bigbys clenched fist *

< 744h/790H 149v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix starts casting an offensive spell called 'energy drain'.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik snaps into visibility.
Karnik completes his spell...
Karnik utters the words 'yaftze diesilla'
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
A Town Guardian completes its spell...
A Town Guardian utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from a Town Guardian into a Town Guardian's body, and its wounds begin to heal!
A swarm of insects's feeble sting grazes a Town Guardian.
A Town Guardian dodges a swarm of insects's attack.
A swarm of insects's feeble sting grazes a Town Guardian.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench completes her spell...
An ugly looking wench utters the word 'pawwzf'
An ugly looking wench creates a hammer out of thin air that smashes into a Town Guardian, bits of flesh and bone fly everywhere!
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 119 ] Your giant fist of force causes a Town Guardian to stagger in agony!

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix completes his spell...
Urlix utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Urlix drains a Town Guardian - what a waste of energy!

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik starts casting an offensive spell.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
A Town Guardian dodges a swarm of insects's attack.
A swarm of insects's sting grazes a Town Guardian.
A Town Guardian dodges a swarm of insects's attack.
A Town Guardian's decent punch wounds a troll mercenary.
A Town Guardian's punch grazes a troll mercenary.
A Town Guardian's impressive punch strikes a troll mercenary.
A Town Guardian's crude punch wounds a troll mercenary.
A Town Guardian's punch wounds a troll mercenary.
A Town Guardian starts casting an offensive spell.
You miss a Town Guardian.
Kesk suddenly attacks a Town Guardian!
Kesk misses a Town Guardian.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: troll TP: sta TC: few wounds E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage:  9 ] Your impressive pierce wounds a Town Guardian.
You miss a Town Guardian.
A shadow monster's feeble punch grazes a Town Guardian.
An ugly looking wench starts casting an offensive spell.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: troll TP: sta TC: few wounds E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Karnik completes his spell...
Karnik utters the words 'yaftze diesilla'
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: troll TP: sta TC: few wounds E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 An ugly looking wench completes her spell...
An ugly looking wench utters the words 'ghjiilla zuguaig'
You start chanting...

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: troll TP: sta TC: few wounds E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Kesk misses a Town Guardian.
A troll mercenary's impressive pierce wounds a Town Guardian.
A troll mercenary's impressive pierce wounds a Town Guardian.
A troll mercenary misses a Town Guardian.
A troll mercenary's impressive pierce wounds a Town Guardian.
A Town Guardian's face turns pale as a troll mercenary slams his head into its face.
A Town Guardian is stunned!

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
<A swarm of insects's weak sting grazes a Town Guardian.
A swarm of insects's feeble sting grazes a Town Guardian.
A swarm of insects's weak sting wounds a Town Guardian.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: insects TP: sta TC:excellent E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 A Town Guardian stops chanting abruptly!
Karnik starts casting an offensive spell.
An ugly looking wench sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: insects TP: sta TC:excellent E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Casting: bigbys clenched fist *
Urlix starts casting an offensive spell called 'negative concussion blast'.
An ugly looking wench opens an enchanted spellbook and begins studying it intently.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: insects TP: sta TC:excellent E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 A swarm of insects's weak sting grazes a Town Guardian.
A swarm of insects's weak sting grazes a Town Guardian.
A swarm of insects's feeble sting grazes a Town Guardian.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
< T: insects TP: sta TC:excellent E: guard sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Karnik completes his spell...
Karnik utters the words 'yaftze diesilla'
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
Karnik stretches out his hand, unleashing a blast of deadly forked lightning toward a Town Guardian.
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 120 ] Your giant fist of force causes a Town Guardian to stagger in agony!
Urlix completes his spell...
Urlix utters the words 'izoahuzz qaijudigguai bragh'
Urlix blasts a Town Guardian into the next life!
A Town Guardian is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You feel the bloodlust in your heart as you hear the death cry of a Town Guardian.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
A shadow monster quickly fades into the thin air!
A shadow monster disappears as quickly as it came!
Karnik gets something from the corpse of a Town Guardian.
A swarm of insects quickly fades into the thin air!
A swarm of insects disappears as quickly as it came!

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik stops using an adventurers backpack.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik puts a small pile of coins into an adventurers backpack.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik straps an adventurers backpack to his back.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik starts casting a spell.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik completes his spell...
Karnik utters the word 'qaregpuzre'
Karnik is surrounded by an aura of deadly cold!

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
 ......    *  
 ....P@   **  
 .....   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
*Karnik Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)(tiny) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench sits resting.(Red Aura)
Urlix DeMoN Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)(tiny) sits resting.(Red Aura)

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
Kesk enters from the west.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: mass invisibility **
Kesk leaves west.
A troll mercenary leaves west.

< 744h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: mass invisibility *

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: mass invisibility 

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench closes her book and grins malevolently.
You complete your spell...
Karnik slowly fades out of existence.
You vanish.
Kesk slowly fades out of existence.
Kesk slowly fades out of existence.
Kesk slowly fades out of existence.
Kesk slowly fades out of existence.
An ugly looking wench slowly fades out of existence.
Urlix slowly fades out of existence.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench clambers to her feet.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench starts casting a spell.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik clambers to his feet.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench completes her spell...
An ugly looking wench utters the word 'iaiznughunsoqz'
Karnik shimmers in and out of view as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover him.
Kesk shimmers in and out of view as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover him.
Kesk shimmers in and out of view as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover him.
Kesk shimmers in and out of view as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover him.
Kesk shimmers in and out of view as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover him.
An ugly looking wench shimmers in and out of view as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover her.
Urlix shimmers in and out of view as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover him.
You shimmer in and out of existence as an ugly looking wench's illusion starts to cover you.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: shadow shield 

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Their body is already covered with a magic shell!

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench opens an enchanted spellbook and begins studying it intently.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench closes her book and grins malevolently.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: concealment 

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You vanish.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench clambers to her feet.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench sneaks west.
Kesk leaves west.
Kesk leaves west.
Kesk leaves west.
Kesk leaves west.

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 726h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!
Urlix clambers to his feet.

< 717h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix starts casting a spell called 'protect undead'.

< 717h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix completes his spell...
Urlix utters the words 'sfahzqh jioculoae'
Urlix begins to shimmer.
A dark chill from beyond the grave permeates the air around Urlix.

< 717h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Karnik leaves west.
Urlix leaves west.

< 717h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix shouts 'pussies'

< 717h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!

< 698h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
A Human shouts 'fudk you. virid uf lobuld astes'

< 698h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix shouts in god 'you wanna fight or what wusses'

< 698h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix shouts in god 'bring it shit face'

< 698h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You feel the swirling shadows around your body dissipate.

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
A Human shouts 'alm u do is fudkipg sun'

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix shouts in god 'cmon faggot'

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You reappear, visible to all.
You start chanting...

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix shouts in god 'quit crying'

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: shadow shield 

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You feel a strange shadowy mist cover your body.

< 691h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!
Urlix shouts in god 'lets go'

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 9th circle)  1 - relocate
               1 - prismatic ray
( 8th circle)  2 - immolate
               1 - shadow shield
( 7th circle)  4 - bigbys clenched fist
( 6th circle)  3 - teleport
               3 - blink
( 5th circle)  2 - cone of cold
               4 - dimension door
               1 - coldshield
( 4th circle)  3 - lightning bolt
               1 - farsee
               1 - wizard eye
               3 - dispel magic
( 3rd circle)  4 - concealment
               2 - shocking grasp
               1 - agility
( 2nd circle)  2 - burning hands
               7 - sleep
               1 - strength
( 1st circle)  2 - minor creation
               8 - magic missile
               1 - detect magic

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    2 seconds:  ( 3rd) concealment
    6 seconds:  ( 7th) bigbys clenched fist
   10 seconds:  ( 7th) bigbys clenched fist
   15 seconds:  ( 9th) mass invisibility
   19 seconds:  ( 8th) shadow shield
   21 seconds:  ( 3rd) concealment
   26 seconds:  ( 8th) shadow shield

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.
Urlix shouts in god 'bring it'

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing bigbys clenched fist.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing bigbys clenched fist.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mass invisibility.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing shadow shield.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing shadow shield.
Your studies are complete.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
A Human shouts 'yoyr pot wosht watting vimi u jutt guclinh ryn'

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: concealment 

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You vanish.

< 680h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk enters from the west.
Shablem the High Priest enters from the west.
A troll mercenary enters from the west.

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix shouts in god 'whatever yer pussies'

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Urlix shouts in god 'cowards'

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Shablem the High Priest stops following Kesk.
Kesk makes a magical gesture, sending Shablem the High Priest back to the nether plane.

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk's charisma radiates as they call forth their minion!
Kesk utters a quick incantation, calling forth someone who softly says 'Your wish is my command, Kesk!'

< 660h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk gives an order to his followers.
The singer lets off a rip-roaring fart!  Clear the room!  Gas explosion!
A troll mercenary lets off a rip-roaring fart!  Clear the room!  Gas explosion!

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk gives an order to his followers.
The singer starts singing aloud with a beautiful voice.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
The singer sings a song to protect her from the world.
The singer begins to shimmer.
The singer's skin seems to turn to stone.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You reappear, visible to all.
You start chanting...

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Casting: concealment 

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You vanish.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk starts casting a spell.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
The singer sings a song to protect her from the world.

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 641h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk completes his spell...
Kesk utters the words 'xarr ay yafqz'

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
The sunlight! It's too bright to see!

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
The sky to the west lights up with brilliant lightning flashes!

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench starts casting an offensive spell called 'dispel magic'.
An ugly looking wench snaps into visibility.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
The singer sings a song to protect her from the world.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench completes her spell...
An ugly looking wench utters the words 'eugszr waouq'
 ......    *  
 ...PP@   **  
 ....P   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A wall of shifting color is here to the west. (magic)
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench starts casting an offensive spell called 'dispel magic'.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
An ugly looking wench completes her spell...
An ugly looking wench utters the words 'eugszr waouq'
A prismatic wall crumbles to dust and blows away.
 ......    *  
 ...PP@   **  
 ....P   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
 ......    *  
 ...PP@   **  
 .....   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
 ......    *  
 ..PDP@   **  
 .....   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
 ......    *  
 ..PDP@   **  
 .....   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk starts casting a spell.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
The singer sings a song to protect her from the world.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
 ......    *  
 ..PDP@   **  
 .....   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here. (casting) (Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk completes his spell...
Kesk utters the words 'xarr ay yafqz'
A Human enters from the west.
Oof! a Human bumps into a wall of force...

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
 ......    *  
 ...DP@   **  
 .....   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The outline of some wall is here to the west. (invis) (magic)
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
A Human (medium) Legionary of The Empire stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk starts casting a spell.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You reappear, visible to all.
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.
A Human leaves south.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You abort your spell before it's done!

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
Kesk completes his spell...
Kesk utters the words 'xarr ay yafqz'

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
The singer sings a song to protect her from the world.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
 ......    *  
 ...PP@  M**  
 .....   ***  
 ..^.   ****  
  .    .***   
The Greater Kilfray River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The outline of some wall is here to the south. (invis) (magic)
The outline of some wall is here to the west. (invis) (magic)
The corpse of A Town Guardian is lying here.
The singer harmonizes his song to other tunes. (minion) (Red Aura)
*A troll mercenary rests at the side of the bridge. (minion) (Red Aura)
An ugly looking wench cringes here, looking for some action.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kesk's head.

< 631h/790H 150v/150V Pos: standing >
You pass right through a wall of force.
 ^...P@M  M*  
 ^.....   **  
 ...^.   ***  
  ..    .**   
Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
The outline of some wall is here to the east. (invis) (magic)
The outline of some wall is here to the south. (invis) (magic)
The outline of some wall is here to the north. (invis) (magic)
The outline of some wall is here to the west. (invis) (magic)
A Human (medium) Protectores Augusti of The Empire stands in mid-air here. (casting) (Gold Aura)
A Revenant (large) Legionary of The Empire stands in mid-air here, fighting Urlix.(Gold Aura)
A Thri-Kreen (small) Magister Militum of The Empire stands in mid-air here, fighting Urlix.(Gold Aura)
Urlix DeMoN Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)(tiny) sits in mid-air here, fighting a Thri-Kreen.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
*Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)(medium) stands here.(Red Aura)
*Karnik Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)(tiny) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Oof! You bump into a wall of force...

< 631h/790H 148v/150V Pos: standing >
Arrgg! The sun! It burnss!!

< 616h/790H 148v/150V Pos: standing >
A Human completes his spell...
A Human utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
A Human points at Urlix.
The force of a Human's iceball shatters any hopes Urlix had of living a long and happy life.
Urlix's illithid's circlet freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
Urlix's sleeves of sorcery freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
Urlix's glowing crystal ring of the Angels [poor] made by Kabo freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
Urlix's glowing obsidian tail protector freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
Urlix's static dragonscale pants freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
Urlix is dead! R.I.P.