The death of [33 Zealot] Rae (Human)

in Tharnadia Postal Servics

from the perspective of [56 Necrolyte] Orp Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)

<worn on head>       a black crown encrusted with mindstones (glowing)
<worn in ear>        the earring of the gods
<worn in ear>        a masterly-crafted dragonscale stud
<worn on face>       the mask of Tentro (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a spiked steel gorget
<worn on body>       the tethered robe of the universe
<worn about body>    a blood red robe of linked bones (humming)
<worn as quiver>     a golden scabbard encrusted with emeralds and rubies (glowing)
<worn about waist>   a fine dragonscale belt
<worn on arms>       some blue dragonscale sleeves
<worn around wrist>  a crimson braid of rank [66%]             
<worn around wrist>  a glowing emerald bracelet (glowing) (humming)
<worn on hands>      a virulent case of herpes simplex
<worn on finger>     a ring of absorption
<worn on finger>     a soldier's dragonscale ring from Zalkapfaan, City of the Headless Horde
<primary weapon>     the globe of stars (glowing) (humming)
<held>               a shriveled and rotting human head

< 610h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 611h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
The town crier shouts 'We can use all the warriors and fighters there is!'
The town crier shouts 'Force those evils back into the Underdark where they belong.'

< 612h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 613h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

< 614h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

< 614h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You tell your racewar '*Zloin* deathli is probably uber pissed atm :p'

< 614h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 614h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 614h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 614h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Orp

Level: 46   Race: Kobold   Class: Necromancer / Necrolyte Sex: Male
Hit points: 615(625)  Moves: 163(163)
Coins carried:    7 platinum    14 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Coins in bank:  165 platinum   577 gold    17 silver     0 copper
Playing time: 4 days / 12 hours/ 50 minutes
Received data: 1.7208 MB this session.
Send data:     0.0259 MB this session.
Compression ratio: none
Send data:     0.0259 MB this session.
Status:  Standing.
Epic points: 443  Skill points: 4
Epic Bonus: No Epic Bonus (0.00%)
Frags:   +2.27   Deaths:   83
Detecting:       Invisible Evil Heat
Protected from:  All but High Circle Spells
Protected by:    Slow Poison
Enchantments:    Ultravision Farsee Fly Aware Haste Tower of Iron Will
Bartender Quests Remaining: 6
Combat Pulse:   13 Spell Pulse:  0.60 
Leaderboard Points:  683 

Active Spells:
stone skin (7 minutes)
haste (6 minutes)
stone skin (4 minutes)
globe of invulnerability (3 minutes)
stone skin (3 minutes)
vitalize undead (6 minutes)
stone skin (less than a minute remaining)
detect invisibility (32 minutes)
fly (29 minutes)
vampiric trance (5 minutes)

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You vanish.

< 615h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 616h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You feel protected by powers from beyond the grave.

< 616h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 616h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You take on the shape of undead...

< 616h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 616h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 616h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You feel protected by powers from beyond the grave.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You currently have the following spell slots available:
  1st circle: 11 of 11
  2nd circle: 10 of 10
  3rd circle:  9 of  9
  4th circle:  8 of  8
  5th circle:  7 of  7
  6th circle:  6 of  6
  7th circle:  4 of  6   (  13 seconds)
  8th circle:  4 of  5   (   7 seconds)
  9th circle:  4 of  4
 10th circle:  0 of  1   (   7 seconds)
You begin to invoke evil and assimilate the powers of darkness.

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 617h/625H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You feel infused by 10th circle DARK powers!

< 618h/625H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You feel infused by 8th circle DARK powers!

< 619h/625H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You feel infused by 7th circle DARK powers!

< 620h/625H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You feel infused by 7th circle DARK powers!
You feel fully infused...
The assimilation process leaves you momentarily shocked.

< 620h/625H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 621h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Human who is close by above you.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 621h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Human who is close by above you.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 621h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Human who is close by above you.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 621h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 621h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Human who is close by above you.
The receptionist who is close by above you.
A tharnadian illusionist who is close by above you.
A beautiful pegasus who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
An elite guard who is close by above you.
The mailman who is close by below you.

< 621h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 622h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
A Human floats in from above.

< 622h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You utter a word of dark speech and a shadowy hand coalesces near a Human!
The globe around a Human's body flares as it bears the brunt of your assault!
The globe around a Human's body flares as it bears the brunt of your assault!
You dodge a Human's vicious attack.

< 622h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You see nothing special about her.
This Human is in excellent condition.
She's medium in size.
She's encased in a shimmering globe!

<worn on head>       a shimmering iron crown
<worn on eyes>       a troglodyte eyepatch
<worn in ear>        a platinum stud (illuminating) [80%]             
<worn on face>       a fanged jaw piece
<worn around neck>   a wicked looking collar
<worn around neck>   a wicked looking collar
<worn on body>       a glowing steel breastplate from Caves of Mt. Skelenak
<worn about waist>   a soft beaver pelt
<worn on arms>       a pair of steel arm plates
<held as shield>     a mithril shield
<worn around wrist>  a mithril bracer
<worn around wrist>  an engraved bracelet of human bones
<worn on hands>      a pair of studded black leather gloves
<worn on finger>     a silver ring encrusted with a black sapphire (humming)
<worn on legs>       some dwarven-made crystal greaves
<worn on feet>       a pair of fur lined boots

< 622h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 622h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 80 ] Your concussion blast rips into a Human, shattering her soul!

< 686h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
A Human attempts to flee.
A Human tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 686h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You dodge a Human's vicious attack.
You miss a Human.

< 686h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
< T: Orp TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Human sta EP:  few wounds >
 A Human attempts to flee.
A Human floats down.

< 686h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 686h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 686h/625H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
Tharnadia Postal Servics
  This is just a small room, with various cubbyholes cut into the walls. A
small counter is built into the northern wall, and upon this sits a small
sign. Spiral stairs rise from the southwestern corner back to the lounge
Obvious exits: -Up
A Human (medium) stands in mid-air here.
The postal master of Tharnadia sorts piles of letters.

< 686h/625H 162v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 686h/625H 162v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 76 ] Your concussion blast rips into a Human, shattering her soul!

< 687h/625H 162v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 687h/625H 162v/163V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 78 ] Your blast shatters a Human into a million pieces!
A Human's wicked looking collar was disintegrated by the negative energy!
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.