The death of [1 Warrior] Gellztoo (Human)

in The Ogre's Foot Inn

from the perspective of [1 Warrior] Gellztoo (Human)

< 3h/26H 117v/117V Pos: standing >
The door seems to be closed.

< 3h/26H 117v/117V Pos: standing >
A Kobold starts casting an offensive spell.

< 3h/26H 117v/117V Pos: standing >
A Kobold completes his spell...
A Kobold utters the words 'gragpuio eabratizgg'
A Kobold utters a word of dark speech, and a shadowy hand coalesces near YOU!
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
A clawed darkness rushing at you is the last thing you before everything goes dark...