The death of [1 Warrior] Renzo (Thri-Kreen)

in Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior

from the perspective of [1 Warrior] Renzo (Thri-Kreen)

<worn about body>    a thin batwing cloak
<worn about waist>   a thick leather belt
<worn on lower arms> a pair of studded leather sleeves
<worn around wrist>  a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn around wrist>  a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on lower wrist>a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on hands>      some thick leather gloves
<worn on lower hands>some thick leather gloves
<primary weapon>     a steel short sword
<secondary weapon>   a steel long sword
<third weapon>       a steel long sword
<fourth weapon>      a steel short sword
<worn on legs>       a pair of studded leather leggings

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Your stats will be displayed more accurately at level 10 and completely revealed at level 20.
You get a two-handed sword.
The corpse of Renzo isn't takeable.
The corpse of Renzo isn't takeable.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You sigh loudly.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You don't find anything you didn't see before.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: If you're a Druid, cast the Animal Vision spell in different terrains for different effects.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
The following commands are available:

north           east            south           west            up              
down            enter           exits           kill            get             
drink           eat             wear            wield           look            
score           say             tell            inventory       qui             
insult          help            who             emote           stand           
sit             rest            sleep           wake            news            
equipment       buy             sell            value           list            
drop            weather         read            pour            grab            
remove          put             save            hit             give            
quit            stat            innate          time            idea            
typo            bug             whisper         cast            ask             
order           sip             taste           follow          rent            
offer           acc             open            close           lock            
unlock          lick            write           hold            flee            
sneak           hide            backstab        pick            steal           
bash            rescue          kick            practice        examine         
take            info            spells          practise        use             
pray            :               toggle          wizmsg          consider        
group           return          quaff           recite          pose            
credits         disband         vis             wizlist         display         
circle          balance         deposit         withdraw        ignore          
aggr            gsay            consent         hitall          trap            
murder          glance          auction         channel         fill            
gcc             track           commands        attributes      rules           
analyze         listen          disarm          delete          play            
move            bribe           rub             stomp           exchange        
search          join            camp            report          split           
world           petition        do              '               bury            
donate          shout           disembark       throw           sweep           
bandage         kneel           meditate        shapechange     assist          
doorbash        exp             bodyslam        memorize        forget          
headbutt        shadow          ride            mount           dismount        
layhand         awareness       firstaid        springleap      feigndeath      
chant           drag            speak           reload          dragonpunch     
grant           motd            introduce       drain           scribe          
teach           trophy          zap             alert           recline         
skills          berserk         faq             disengage       retreat         
scan            apply           hitch           unhitch         map             
ogreroar        bearhug         dig             justice         society         
carve           breath          fire            repair          mail            
project         absorbe         tedit           fraglist        pay             
pardon          reporting       bind            unbind          turn_in         
capture         appraise        cover           house           doorkick        
buck            stampede        subterfuge      dirttoss        disguise        
claim           charge          lore            northwest       southwest       
northeast       southeast       nw              sw              ne              
se              will            condition       neckbite        forage          
sack            climb           make            throat          target          
suicide         unused          free            roundkick       hamstring       
decree          arena           artifacts       combination     reply           
tupor           guard           assimilate      commune         terrain         
hire            testcolor       multiclass      specialize      nchat           
warcry          tackle          disappear       hardcore        cheater         
craft           mix             forge           throwpotion     projects        
rage            maul            rampage         lotus           true strike     
chi             shieldpunch     sweeping thrust infuriate       encrust         
gmotd           fix             trample         wail            home            
whirlwind       epic            thrust          enchant         unthrust        
rush            flank           gaze            quest           relic           
scent           call            strike          mug             defend          
exhume          more            fade            shriek          remort          
recall          raid            mine            fish            spellbind       
ascend          smelt           hone            parlay          spellweave      
descend         heroescall      nexus           train           slip            
headlock        leglock         groundslam      infuse          build           
prestige        alliance        destroy         smite           gather          
outpost         offensive       peruse          harvest         battlerager     
area            epicreset       focus           boon            ctf             
tether          salvage         restrain        barrage         blade           
consume         riff            leaderboard     soulbind        achievements    
salvation       refine          dreadnaught     dice            shadowstep      
garrote         conjure         dismiss         enhance         deploy          

Commands listed:  360 of 827 total.   (Use 'commands all' to see a full list)

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Remember that all the citizens of Woodseer attack evil-aligned people on sight.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
No-one by that name here..

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Agility affects your armor class, how often you abort your spells, and how often you dodge attacks.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
The following commands are available:

north           east            south           west            up              
down            enter           exits           kill            get             
drink           eat             wear            wield           look            
score           say             tell            inventory       qui             
bounce          smile           dance           kiss            cackle          
laugh           giggle          shake           puke            growl           
scream          insult          comfort         nod             sigh            
sulk            help            who             emote           stand           
sit             rest            sleep           wake            hug             
snuggle         cuddle          nuzzle          cry             news            
equipment       buy             sell            value           list            
drop            weather         read            pour            grab            
remove          put             save            hit             give            
quit            stat            innate          time            idea            
typo            bug             whisper         cast            ask             
order           sip             taste           follow          rent            
offer           poke            acc             grin            bow             
open            close           lock            unlock          applaud         
blush           burp            chuckle         clap            cough           
curtsey         fart            flip            fondle          frown           
gasp            glare           groan           grope           hiccup          
lick            love            moan            nibble          pout            
purr            ruffle          shiver          shrug           sing            
slap            smirk           snap            sneeze          snicker         
sniff           snore           spit            squeeze         stare           
strut           thank           twiddle         wave            whistle         
wiggle          wink            yawn            write           hold            
flee            sneak           hide            backstab        pick            
steal           bash            rescue          kick            french          
comb            massage         tickle          practice        pat             
examine         take            info            spells          practise        
curse           use             pray            :               beg             
bleed           cringe          dream           fume            grovel          
hop             nudge           peer            point           ponder          
punch           snarl           spank           steam           ground          
taunt           think           whine           worship         yodel           
toggle          wizmsg          consider        group           return          
quaff           recite          pose            credits         disband         
vis             wizlist         display         circle          balance         
deposit         withdraw        ignore          aggr            gsay            
consent         hitall          trap            murder          glance          
auction         channel         fill            gcc             track           
commands        attributes      rules           analyze         listen          
disarm          pet             delete          play            move            
bribe           bonk            calm            rub             censor          
choke           drool           flex            jump            lean            
moon            ogle            pant            pinch           push            
scare           scold           seduce          shove           shudder         
shush           slobber         smell           sneer           spin            
squirm          stomp           strangle        stretch         tap             
tease           tip             tweak           twirl           undress         
whimper         exchange        search          join            camp            
report          split           world           petition        do              
'               caress          bury            donate          shout           
disembark       panic           nog             twibble         throw           
sweep           apologize       afk             lag             touch           
scratch         wince           toss            flame           arch            
amaze           bathe           embrace         brb             ack             
cheer           snort           eyebrow         bang            pillow          
nap             nose            raise           hand            pull            
tug             wet             mosh            wait            hi5             
envy            flirt           bark            whap            roll            
blink           duh             gag             grumble         dropkick        
whatever        fool            noogie          melt            smoke           
wheeze          bird            boggle          hiss            bite            
bandage         blow            bored           bye             congratulate    
duck            flutter         goose           gulp            halo            
hello           hickey          hose            hum             impale          
jam             kneel           mourn           protect         puzzle          
roar            rose            salute          skip            swat            
tongue          woops           zone            trip            meditate        
shapechange     assist          doorbash        exp             rofl            
agree           happy           pucker          spam            beer            
bodyslam        memorize        forget          headbutt        shadow          
ride            mount           dismount        bbl             gape            
veto            jk              tiptoe          grunt           holdon          
imitate         tango           tarzan          pounce          cheek           
layhand         awareness       firstaid        springleap      feigndeath      
chant           drag            speak           reload          dragonpunch     
grant           motd            full            welcome         introduce       
sweat           mutter          lucky           ayt             fidget          
fuzzy           snoogie         ready           plonk           hero            
lost            drain           flash           curious         hunger          
thirst          scribe          teach           trophy          zap             
alert           recline         skills          berserk         faq             
disengage       retreat         scan            apply           hitch           
unhitch         map             ogreroar        bearhug         dig             
justice         society         carve           breath          fire            
repair          mail            project         absorbe         tedit           
fraglist        pay             pardon          reporting       bind            
unbind          turn_in         capture         appraise        cover           
house           doorkick        buck            stampede        subterfuge      
dirttoss        disguise        claim           charge          lore            
northwest       southwest       northeast       southeast       nw              
sw              ne              se              will            condition       
neckbite        forage          sack            climb           make            
throat          target          suicide         unused          free            
roundkick       hamstring       decree          arena           artifacts       
combination     reply           tupor           guard           assimilate      
commune         terrain         omg             bslap           hump            
bong            spoon           eek             moving          wit             
flap            spew            addict          banzai          bhug            
bkiss           blindfold       boogie          brew            bully           
bungee          sob             curl            cherish         clue            
chastise        coffee          cower           carrot          doh             
ekiss           faint           gawk            ghug            hangover        
hcuff           hmm             icecube         maim            mahvelous       
meow            mmmm            mooch           cow             muhaha          
mwalk           nails           nasty           ni              ohno            
oink            ooo             peck            ping            plop            
potato          pardon          reassure        ohhappy         glum            
smooch          squeal          squish          stickup         strip           
suffer          stoke           sweep           swoon           tender          
throttle        timeout         torture         tummy           type            
wedgie          wish            wrap            yabba           yahoo           
yeehaw          sload           castrate        boot            glee            
scowl           mumble          jeer            tank            praise          
beckon          crack           grenade         chortle         whip            
claw            shades          tan             sunburn         threaten        
twitch          babble          wrinkle         guffaw          jig             
blame           shuffle         froth           howl            monkey          
disgust         hire            testcolor       multiclass      specialize      
nchat           warcry          tackle          disappear       hardcore        
cheater         craft           mix             forge           throwpotion     
projects        rage            maul            rampage         lotus           
true strike     chi             shieldpunch     sweeping thrust infuriate       
encrust         gmotd           fix             trample         wail            
home            whirlwind       epic            thrust          enchant         
unthrust        rush            flank           gaze            quest           
relic           scent           call            strike          mug             
defend          exhume          more            fade            shriek          
remort          recall          raid            mine            fish            
spellbind       ascend          smelt           hone            parlay          
spellweave      descend         heroescall      nexus           train           
slip            headlock        leglock         groundslam      infuse          
build           prestige        alliance        accuse          destroy         
smite           gather          nafk            grimace         outpost         
offensive       peruse          harvest         battlerager     area            
epicreset       focus           boon            ctf             tether          
salvage         restrain        barrage         blade           consume         
riff            leaderboard     soulbind        achievements    salvation       
refine          dreadnaught     dice            shadowstep      garrote         
conjure         dismiss         enhance         deploy          

Commands listed:  714 of 827 total.   (Use 'commands all' to see a full list)

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Some commands can be abbreviated.  Try using shortened commands like 'exp' to see if they work.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Among the Cracked Tunnels
Obvious exits: -N -S -W

< 26h/26H 167v/168V Pos: standing >
Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior
Obvious exits: -E
[2] The corpse of a Thri-Kreen is lying here.
Slipper relaxes and prepares to train warriors.

< 26h/26H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Type "score" to get some information about your character.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You are using:
<worn on head>       a bronze skull cap
<worn about body>    a thin batwing cloak
<worn about waist>   a thick leather belt
<worn on arms>       a pair of studded leather sleeves
<worn on lower arms> a pair of studded leather sleeves
<worn around wrist>  a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn around wrist>  a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on lower wrist>a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on lower wrist>a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on hands>      some thick leather gloves
<worn on lower hands>some thick leather gloves
<primary weapon>     a steel short sword
<secondary weapon>   a steel long sword
<third weapon>       a steel long sword
<fourth weapon>      a steel short sword
<worn on legs>       a pair of studded leather leggings

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: "Luring" means hitting a mob and running away to make it follow you.  Luring is useful to trick a mob into leaving its friends, so you can kill it more easily.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior
Obvious exits: -E
[2] The corpse of a Thri-Kreen is lying here.
Slipper relaxes and prepares to train warriors.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Try 'toggle battle' before your next fight.  It displays attacks a little more vividly.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You turn your battle alert status on.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Cavern of the Thri-kreen Warrior
Obvious exits: -E
[2] The corpse of a Thri-Kreen is lying here.
Slipper relaxes and prepares to train warriors.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

The "help" command lets you access things like this entry. Type "help"
alone to see a list of major topics.

                      Duris DikuMUD - Main Help Menu

  Type:                   Produces:
  HELP..............This screen
  HELP INDEX........Help File Index
  HELP POLICIES.....Master list of Duris Policies and rules. These are a
  and HELP RULES    *must* read for all players.
  HELP <keyword>....Information on a policy, command, skill or spell
  HELP COMMANDS.....List of the most frequently used commands
  NEWS..............Up to date information on Duris
  COMMANDS..........List of *all* available commands, including SOCIAL ACTIONS
  FAQ.....* NEW! *........The FAQ (Duris"s Frequently Asked Questions)

  Help topics can be reached by using the entire spell/skill name, race/class name,
  or by short form query.  If you cannot find help for a term using short form, use
  the entire name.
The following character attributes are used in execution of this ability (if any):

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
An Ogre enters from the east.

< 26h/26H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
An Ogre suddenly looks a bit dumb, and madly slams _YOU_!
OUCH!  That really did HURT!

< 23h/26H 168v/168V Pos: on your ass >
< T: Renzo TP: ass TC: small wounds E: An Ogre sta EP: few scratches >
 -=[You attack an Ogre.]=- [0 hits]

< 23h/26H 168v/168V Pos: on your ass >
< T: Renzo TP: ass TC: small wounds E: An Ogre sta EP: few scratches >
 -=[You attack an Ogre.]=- [0 hits]

< 23h/26H 168v/168V Pos: on your ass >
< T: Renzo TP: ass TC: small wounds E: An Ogre sta EP: few scratches >
 Your vision spins into darkness as your head falls towards the ground.
Your bronze skull cap was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your pair of studded leather sleeves was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your thick spiked leather bracer was completely destroyed by the massive blow!