The death of [55 Swordsman] Drinn Disciple of Lloth (Thri-Kreen)

in A Solid Wooden Stairway

from the perspective of [56 Spiritualist] Daeros The Empire (Gnome)

<worn as a badge>    the atlantan badge of strength enchanted by Deathli [70%]             
<worn on head>       an ancient crown of elven royalty enchanted by Deathli (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<worn on eyes>       the eyepatch of immortality (magic) (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a tiny sapphire earring (glowing)
<worn in ear>        an enchanted earring of wisdom
<worn on face>       the mask of the plague
<worn around neck>   a spectral holy symbol of Berronar Truesilver
<worn around neck>   a spectral holy symbol of Berronar Truesilver enchanted by Deathli
<worn on body>       a robe of a Netheril Battle Mage enchanted by Deathli (magic) (humming)
<worn about body>    the cloak of woven time (magic) (glowing)
<worn as quiver>     a faded dragonscale quiver (magic) [83%]             
<worn about waist>   a belt of linked bones (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a glowing white pearl (glowing)
<worn on arms>       some glowing sleeves made of devil skin (magic) (glowing) [83%]             
<worn around wrist>  the ancestral bracelet of Sevenoaks enchanted by Deathli (magic)
<worn around wrist>  the ancestral bracelet of Sevenoaks (magic)
<worn on hands>      the hands of justice (magic) (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a ring of twisted gray mist enchanted by Deathli
<worn on finger>     a death ring of Tezcatlipoca (magic)[227h 2m 14s]
<primary weapon>     a blackened dreamwalker's staff (magic)
<held>               a lump of charcoal covered in flames (magic) (glowing)
<worn on legs>       the elven chainmail leggings of speed (magic)
<worn on feet>       a pair of dusty boots (glowing)

An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 169v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 169v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
An elite highwayman stands here, protecting the roads of Tharnadia.(Gold Aura)

< 971h/971H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
Path Leading Into a Pleasant Forest
  The path leads into a pleasant looking forest here.  The trees
are beautifully green, and birds can be heard singing in thier
branches.  Now and then, a small animal can can be seen or heard
scurrying around in the underbrush, and a gentle breeze rustles
the leaves.  The path leads south out of the forest, and continues
deeper into the forest to the north.
Obvious exits: -North -West
A SIGN is posted prominently on a tree alongside the path.

< 971h/971H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
A Pleasant Path Through the Forest
  The path leads through a pleasant forest here.  The trees are
various shades of green, and birds can be heard singing in thier
branches.  Now and then, a small animal can can be seen or heard
scurrying around in the underbrush, and a gentle breeze rustles
the leaves.  The forest path leads north and south from here.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
   The forest is much too thick to allow one access to the west here,
though it seems passable for travel in any other direction.  A soft
blanket of pine needles carpets the ground, and the woodland smells
are fresh and envigorating.  A path through the forest lies to the
Obvious exits: -North -East -South
A tiny little chipmunk is darting all around.

< 971h/971H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
   The forest is sparse enough here to allow one access to the west
and north, though the underbrush makes it too dense to travel to the
south or east. A soft blanket of leaves and pine needles carpets the
ground, and the woodland smells are fresh and envigorating.
Obvious exits: -North -West

< 971h/971H 169v/174V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
   The forest is sparse enough here to allow one to travel to the east,
though the tangled underbrush prevents access in any other direction.
A soft blanket of leaves and pine needles carpets the ground, and the
woodland smells are fresh and envigorating.
Obvious exits: -East
A little raccoon is here, foraging for food.

< 971h/971H 169v/174V Pos: standing >

< 971h/971H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal ***

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal **

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal *

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal 

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
The air explodes around you, revealing a glowing portal of energy!

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A raccoon leaves east.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
As you enter the etherportal, you feel yourself being torn into a thousand
pieces, scattered over the entirety of reality. Bits of your shattered
consciousness float randomly about the universe with no overall
direction or purpose.  Suddenly, you find yourself elsewhere..
A Small Settlement
   The settlers who live here develop the land for food and sell their surplus
to the king and the nomads. The king pays handsomely for the goods and the
nomads usually barter what they can. The settlers enjoy this arrangement
since they end up having both money and useful tools and clothing. The nomads
are a mysterious people who are neither to be trifled with or underestimated.
They are highly intelligent and fierce warriors. They wander the plains in
tribes or fierce bands to hunt for food and clothing. Often times they only
remain in one spot for a few days or maybe a couple of weeks. They are often
feared among the people of the kingdom but not by the settlers here. These
settlers are a hardy bunch of people used to rigorous choirs and duties, much
like the nomadic lifestyle. Perhaps this is why they became accustomed to
the countryside and all of its surrounding beasts and warrior tribes.
Obvious exits: -East
A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
Handerly, an old settler, performs his chores.
A nomad gently strokes his horse.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock gets a fiery red potion from his portable hole.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock quaffs a fiery red potion.
A vampire warlock looks vitalized.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You now follow a vampire warlock.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You attempt to give consent...

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You are now a member of a vampire warlock's group.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Casting: hawkvision 

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a vampire warlock.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a vampire warlock.
a vampire warlock is briefly surrounded by a purple aura.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a vampire warlock.
A vampire warlock begins to move much more quickly.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You nod.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A Small Settlement
Obvious exits: -East
A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
Handerly, an old settler, performs his chores.
A nomad gently strokes his horse.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of ( 2/30):
( Head)   775/732   hit,  320/320  move Dywer
(Front)   971/971   hit,  174/174  move Daeros

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

The Rolling Foothills
   The rolling foothills continue westward. They never seem to end. Trees and
tall grass cover the countryside. The settlers here have no fear of wandering
beasts of unruly nomads, for they are both kept in check by the power of the
kings armies. The nomads of the plains are not a vigilant people, but they
are fierce. It is said that an understanding between the king and the
wandering nomadic tribes of the plains has been reached, they refuse to be
ruled and in turn the king will not try to subdue them. This is an accord
that has been kept for years and works quite well. The nomads of the plains
have no problem with the settlers and they have even traded amongst one
another. The farmers here develop the land and in turn sell their crops to
the nomads to feed their families. The king also buys from the farmers for
his armies and for his own trading purposes. The elves and dwarves are said
to pay a handsome prices for an ear of corn or a bag of barley.
Obvious exits: -East -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Plain of Grass
   The tall green grass grows abundantly here. The kingdom of Valois stretches
far and wide. Its influence can be felt nearly everywhere within the
surrounding countryside. The king favors the people of this land and endows
the most bright and brilliant with grants in hopes that they might attain
wealth of their own and succeed. King Ulgris is a brilliant ruler surrounded
by powerful friends. He realizes his vulnerabilities and strengths and
tries to offset them with powerful people and a happy nation. A strength of a
nation is defined by the loyalty to the sovereignty in the king's mind, which
is why is he generous and fair to all the people in the kingdom. Small houses
and farms surround the countryside and the king affords them with protection
in return for support in times of need. The kingdom of Valois is powerful.
Obvious exits: -East -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

Before an Old Tavern
   This road is made of old cobblestones and needs to be repaired. The stones
have been here awhile and not been cared for. Weeds and other ferns are
slowly overtaking the road. The tall plains of grass on either side run great
distances before meeting trees or rolling foothills. The foothills are home
to the roaming nomads. These nomads live in tribes and are fiercely protective
of their own. They believe in family, and family means no one gets left
behind or forgotten. To the world they are outsiders, but to them the world is
just the opposite. None one can understand their ways unless they've lived
among them. A nomad life is survivable only if all nomads stick together. The
kingdom of Valois reaches far and wide, but doesn't assert any authority over
the wandering nomads. King Ulgris is a wise and powerful ruler, he is just
and treats everyone with respect. The nomadic people live under his protection
still and it is rumored that he has laid a pact down with them sealed in blood.
Obvious exits: -North# -East -South -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 169v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Winding Cobblestone Road
   This road leads straight to the castle of Valois. It is surrounded on all
sides by fields of grass. The grass grows tall and is very green. There are
many birds in flying overhead. The forests to the south are home to some of
the most exotic plants and animals in all of the world. The Valoisians are
a rich people full of rich dreams. They cultivate the land in the surrounding
area for crops and other resources, such as gold and timber. Their city is at
the center of great trade and has a great tactical advantage at war. The high
castle walls of Valois have withstood countless attacks by bands of militants
and barbarians. The high king that sits on its thrown is endowed with the
responsibility of the kingdom's welfare. The king has many enemies but many
more powerful friends. Merchants travel from afar to do business within the
castle walls. The kings powerful retainers do much for the city's welfare,
such as providing troops and arms in time of need. The tall castle walls can
be seen from here to the north. The wind blows, making a whining sound.
Obvious exits: -East -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 169v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Guard Station
   This is the huge iron gate leading toward the great castle of Valois.
Its huge iron frame is dotted with dull knobs to enforce it against battering
rams and lesser assaults. The hinges are secured deep into the brick wall with
thick metal bolts. Huge timbers lean against the wall, used to block the gate
if the kingdom is ever invaded. Two small towers flank the gate, each one
housing a single guard. These provide a constant watch for invaders. Guards
man these gates at all times during the day and night. Intruders have been
caught before trying to sneak their way into the area. Ruffians and shady
people are turned away from the castle. The road continues to the east and
runs toward the massive castle to the north. The castle Valois is protected
at all times with massive forces. It is said to have a large armed force
protecting the gates at all times and even a deadlier squad of warriors inside
warding against assassins. The wind creates a whining sound.
Obvious exits: -North -West
The corpse of a wandering bard is lying here.
[2] A steel broadsword lies upon the ground.
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
Hugo, the war cleric, prepares the guard for combat.(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands proudly in uniform.(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands proudly in uniform.(Gold Aura)

< 971h/971H 170v/174V Pos: standing >

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Cobblestone Road
   This road leads to the great castle Valois. Valois is the greatest castle in
all the lands. It is the meeting place of all of the races of the world. They
discuss matters of the state and trade. It is the one place that all the races
can come together to discuss their interests. It is also one of the most secure
castles in all of the land and boasts an army greater than most. The elves
enjoy this great castle and the many luxuries it affords. The dwarven nation
marvels at the design of this castle and the architecture within. The humans
don't pay much attention to the king or the castle but are resolved to work out
their own interests. The barbarians enjoy the celebrations and the food that
the great castle serves. Ulgris, the king of the castle, has an estate larger
than most provinces. He has a royal line of retainers that are powerful in
their own ways and just as rich and influential. The great king relies on their
expertise and their loyalty. Having great retainers makes a great king. This
cobblestone road was built years ago when the castle was first built. It isn't
much but it is the only road leading to the great Voloisian castle.
Obvious exits: -North# -East -South
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A swordsman who is close by to your east.
A swordsman who is close by to your east.
A noble lord who is rather far off to your east.
A former soldier who is rather far off to your east.
A warrior who is in the distance to your east.
A warrior who is in the distance to your east.
Hugo who is close by to your south.
A dusty guard who is close by to your south.
A dusty guard who is close by to your south.
You follow a vampire warlock.

Before the Du'kel Mansion
   There are two loyal guards protecting the front entrance of the kingdom's
largest mansion, which belongs to Lord Du'Kel. Lord Du'kel is the king's most
trusted ally. He is a powerful retainer and a master of logistics. Having a
man who knows how to move arms and men must be trustworthy and good with
numbers. Lord Du'Kel was a brilliant soldier in his life and an even more
brilliant pusher of wars. He has served the king faithfully for any number of
years in any number of ways. His insignia is that of a flaming dragon. It is
embedded into the two doubled doors of the mansion, which is very large and
has a many stained glass windows with many different designs upon them. The
mansion was constructed using wood, brick, stone, and mortar. There is a small
fence running the perimeter of a plush green yard which keeps small animals
out. The king depends on his retainers for support and if Lord Du'Kel ever
turned against him then he would be doomed for sure politically.
Obvious exits: -North# -East -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
A loyal swordsman stands at the gate.
A loyal swordsman stands at the gate.

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Red-Hued Brick Road
   The brick road is neatly constructed and is very fine. The brick was
chiseled by master workmen. They fit evenly next to one another and are almost
seamless. This is impressive workmanship only fit for the finest of roads.
The brick was stained the color red and the road spans a good twenty feet
wide. It runs northeastward toward the great castle of Valois, and the castle
walls can be seen from this distance. A few shouts can be heard from here from
guards on top of the castle walls. These guards are expert archers with uncanny
marksmanship. They have been trained in the arts of war and have been masters,
just like most of the Valoisian guard, for many years. It takes years of
practice and studying to be admitted into the world's richest and most powerful
army. It does not discriminate against anyone, but it only accepts those truly
committed. All sons of Valois are honored to be dressed in warrior garb under
the kingdoms banner. It is considered a time honored privilege to serve the
king and country. The road continues northeast toward the castle.
Obvious exits: -East -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock sneaks east.
You follow a vampire warlock.

Before a Large Courtyard
   The king's castle rises a good thirty feet in the air to the north. Guards
forever pace the parapets never to let up their guard even though they are,
in their minds, in the safest spot within the realm. The brilliant black
cobblestones that make up the road are perfectly square and have been laid out
purposely to form a well constructed non-faulty road that gives pleasure to
the nobles that live nearby. The guests of Valois are often taken by the
exquisite design and craftsmanship of the royal roads. Great care has been
taken and afforded in the building of these roads and are the source of great
pride throughout the realm. The great king of Valois resides in the castle to
the north and his loyal retainers support him inasmuch as they can and they are
very powerful. He has rid the nearby plains of orcs and destroyed the hordes
demons in the mountains to the north. He is the greatest king in all the land.
Obvious exits: -North -East -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Circular Fountain in a Lush Courtyard
   The courtyard of the Oakencrest Mansion contains some of the most exotic
plants found anywhere in Valois. Massive bushes line the low wall which
encircles the courtyard, their thick branches adding an extra layer of
defense against spying eyes. Several different trees have been planted here,
adding their lush green color and scent to the other growths. Few flowers
can be seen, but those that are visible appear to have been chosen for their
unusual and sturdy appearance. A path leads northwards, towards the mansion.
Half way there it separates, as it traces its way around a circular fountain
in the courtyard's center. An endless spray of water erupts from a stone
eagle located in the fountain.
Obvious exits: -North# -East -West
A circular fountain erupts with water.
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
A noble lord listens to a retired soldier.
A former soldier relaxes in a chair and talks about old times.

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock opens the door.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock sneaks north.
You follow a vampire warlock.

The Entrance to the Oakencrest Mansion
   The vaulted entryway into the Oakencrest Mansion is is quite large,
stretching well over fifty feet across. Several different hallways stretch
in every direction, leading towards different parts of the mansion. The floor
here is covered with simple tiles, decorated with a pattern of dark hunter
green and white diamonds. Several tapestries hang from the walls, accenting
the floor with their green dies and golden borders. The occasional portrait of
an Oakencrest family member can be seen hanging from the walls, usually a
memorial to someone who has fallen with honor in battle.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock closes the door.

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Room lined with Items of War
   Weapons and armor of varying origins decorate the walls. Some is much too
old to be of any use, having been forged thousands of years ago. The
collection seems to honor battle, though in a way that doesn't support
unnecessary violence or bloodshed. Several paintings and tapestries hang
between the monuments of battle, each depicting knights and rangers in
their greatest glory. The other decor is quite plain, consisting of a few
potted plants and emerald curtains. This is to keep the weapons and armor a
focus of the room. The floor is polished and crafted of a dark hardwood. Its
surface reflects the glow of several lamps which hang from brass holders
attached to the walls.
Obvious exits: -North -West
The corpse of the weaponsmaster is lying here.
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock sneaks west.
You follow a vampire warlock.

The Entrance to the Oakencrest Mansion
   The vaulted entryway into the Oakencrest Mansion is is quite large,
stretching well over fifty feet across. Several different hallways stretch
in every direction, leading towards different parts of the mansion. The floor
here is covered with simple tiles, decorated with a pattern of dark hunter
green and white diamonds. Several tapestries hang from the walls, accenting
the floor with their green dies and golden borders. The occasional portrait of
an Oakencrest family member can be seen hanging from the walls, usually a
memorial to someone who has fallen with honor in battle.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South# -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Solid Wooden Stairway
   This wooden staircase leads up to the second floor of the Oakencrest
mansion. Its solid frame is quite impressive, probably designed by one of the
more famous carpenters within Valois. A thick railing leads the way up to the
second floor, preventing anyone frame falling to their death. Several small
paintings hang from the walls here, each one of a passed member of the
Oakencrest family. Oakencrest is a valuable general. He is like a brother to the
king and is treated as such. His advice is valuable and his patronage even so.
Obvious exits: -East -Up
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
A servant scurries along on an errand.(Gold Aura)

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

The Second Floor
   A deep hunter green rug runs along the wooden floor throughout this hallway,
creating an effect similar to thick plush grass. A golden border lines this
rug, defining a line between the dark green of the carpet and brilliant yellow
of the light wooden floor below. Several small tables have been placed along
this hallway, some holding vases and other artifacts while others being bare,
except for a simple cloth. The occasional window allows a slight breeze to
enter, carrying the scent of fresh plants from the courtyard outside.
Obvious exits: -North -East -Down
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
A servant scurries along on an errand.(Gold Aura)

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

The Second Floor
   A deep hunter green rug runs along the wooden floor throughout this hallway,
creating an effect similar to thick plush grass. A golden border lines this
rug, defining a line between the dark green of the carpet and brilliant yellow
of the light wooden floor below. Several small tables have been placed along
this hallway, some holding vases and other artifacts while others being bare,
except for a simple cloth. The occasional window allows a slight breeze to
enter, carrying the scent of fresh plants from the courtyard outside.
Obvious exits: -North -East -West
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
Lord Oakencrest silently thinks to himself.(Gold Aura)

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A sleeping guest who is close by to your north.
A sleeping guest who is close by to your north.
A Thri-Kreen who is close by to your east.
A sleeping guest who is close by to your east.
A sleeping guest who is close by to your east.
A servant who is close by to your west.

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Large Bedroom
   This large bedroom is reserved for visiting guests and members of the
Oakencrest family that might drop in. It contains a sturdy, firm bed which
provides a very comfortable place to rest. The bed is covered with a thick
forest green quilt and linens. A simple oak dresser stands across from the
bed, containing five roomy drawers with bronze handles. A mirror is attatched
to the dresser, allowing those staying here to freshen up before going outside
the room. A soft green carpet covers the floor, its hue matching both the
curtains and quilt.
Obvious exits: -West
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
A Thri-Kreen (medium) Disciple of Lloth stands here, fighting a sleeping guest.(Red Aura)
A sleeping guest sits here, fighting a Thri-Kreen.(Gold Aura)
A sleeping guest stands here.(Gold Aura)

< 971h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock snaps into visibility.
A vampire warlock moves in the shadows, suddenly reappearing behind a Thri-Kreen!

< 971h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen's fine whip wounds a sleeping guest.
A sleeping guest clambers to his feet.
A Thri-Kreen misses a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's crush strikes a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's powerful whip strikes a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's powerful slash strikes a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen misses a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's fine slash grazes a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen misses a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's impressive slash strikes a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's impressive whip strikes a sleeping guest.
You failed.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen leaps over a sleeping guest's attack.
A Thri-Kreen blocks a sleeping guest's lunge at him.
A Thri-Kreen avoids being bashed by a sleeping guest, who loses his balance and falls.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock snaps into visibility.
A vampire warlock dances an amazing maneuver in battle, and trips up a Thri-Kreen!

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen's whip wounds a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's crush strikes a sleeping guest.
A sleeping guest's body quivers as a Thri-Kreen's hit strikes deep!
A Thri-Kreen's awesome crush seriously wounds a sleeping guest.
A Thri-Kreen's jewel of the Spider Queen flares up upon hitting a sleeping guest!
a sleeping guest screams out in pain, as his lifeforce is drained by a Thri-Kreen!
A Thri-Kreen's jewel of the Spider Queen FLARES, draining a sleeping guest's vigor!
A Thri-Kreen's powerful whip strikes a sleeping guest very hard.
A Thri-Kreen misses a sleeping guest.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock snaps into visibility.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen blocks a vampire warlock's lunge at him.
A Thri-Kreen easily blocks a vampire warlock's lunge at him.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.

< 971h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 21 ] Your bludgeon strikes a Thri-Kreen hard.
You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Thri-Kreen.

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: sleeping TP: ass TC: awful E: A Thri-Kreen ass EP:  nasty wounds >
 A Thri-Kreen blocks a sleeping guest's lunge at him.

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: sleeping TP: ass TC: awful E: A Thri-Kreen ass EP:  nasty wounds >
 Looking panicked, a Thri-Kreen scrambles madly to his feet!

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: sleeping TP: ass TC: awful E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 A vampire warlock snaps into visibility.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen leaps over a vampire warlock's attack.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen dodges a vampire warlock's attack.
A Thri-Kreen screams in pain as a vampire warlock's pierce tears into his flesh.

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: sleeping TP: ass TC: awful E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP: pretty hurt >
 A Thri-Kreen attempts to flee.
A Thri-Kreen tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: sleeping TP: ass TC: awful E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP: pretty hurt >
 A Thri-Kreen attempts to flee.
A Thri-Kreen leaves west.

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
What should the spell be cast upon?  You must specify a target!

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
What should the spell be cast upon?  You must specify a target!
You follow a vampire warlock.

The Second Floor
   A deep hunter green rug runs along the wooden floor throughout this hallway,
creating an effect similar to thick plush grass. A golden border lines this
rug, defining a line between the dark green of the carpet and brilliant yellow
of the light wooden floor below. Several small tables have been placed along
this hallway, some holding vases and other artifacts while others being bare,
except for a simple cloth. The occasional window allows a slight breeze to
enter, carrying the scent of fresh plants from the courtyard outside.
Obvious exits: -North -East -West
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
A servant scurries along on an errand.(Gold Aura)
Lord Oakencrest silently thinks to himself.(Gold Aura)

< 969h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

The Second Floor
   A deep hunter green rug runs along the wooden floor throughout this hallway,
creating an effect similar to thick plush grass. A golden border lines this
rug, defining a line between the dark green of the carpet and brilliant yellow
of the light wooden floor below. Several small tables have been placed along
this hallway, some holding vases and other artifacts while others being bare,
except for a simple cloth. The occasional window allows a slight breeze to
enter, carrying the scent of fresh plants from the courtyard outside.
Obvious exits: -North -East -Down
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.

< 969h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 969h/971H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 969h/971H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
You follow a vampire warlock.

A Solid Wooden Stairway
   This wooden staircase leads up to the second floor of the Oakencrest
mansion. Its solid frame is quite impressive, probably designed by one of the
more famous carpenters within Valois. A thick railing leads the way up to the
second floor, preventing anyone frame falling to their death. Several small
paintings hang from the walls here, each one of a passed member of the
Oakencrest family. Oakencrest is a valuable general. He is like a brother to the
king and is treated as such. His advice is valuable and his patronage even so.
Obvious exits: -East -Up
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
*a vampire warlock is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a vampire warlock's head.
A Thri-Kreen (medium) Disciple of Lloth stands here.(Red Aura)
A servant scurries along on an errand.(Gold Aura)

< 969h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock snaps into visibility.
A vampire warlock places a MaDMaNs stabber in the back of a Thri-Kreen, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.

< 969h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen misses a vampire warlock.
A vampire warlock parries a Thri-Kreen's lunge at him.
A vampire warlock parries a Thri-Kreen's lunge at him.
A Thri-Kreen misses a vampire warlock.
A vampire warlock flourishes his dagger, intercepting a Thri-Kreen's attack, and gracefully counters!
A vampire warlock snaps into visibility.
A vampire warlock's impressive pierce strikes a Thri-Kreen hard.
A vampire warlock's impressive pierce strikes a Thri-Kreen hard.
A vampire warlock anticipates a Thri-Kreen's attack and masterfully parries the incoming blow.
A Thri-Kreen misses a vampire warlock.
A Thri-Kreen's weak whip grazes a vampire warlock.
A vampire warlock parries a Thri-Kreen's lunge at him.

< 969h/971H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
A vampire warlock's decent pierce strikes a Thri-Kreen.
a vampire warlock's MaDMaNs stabber goes mad...
A vampire warlock drains the energy of a Thri-Kreen who crumbles into a lifeless husk.
A Thri-Kreen's jewel of the Spider Queen was disintegrated by the negative energy!
A Thri-Kreen's ghastly cured leather vambraces from the Valoisian Castle was disintegrated by the negative energy!
A Thri-Kreen is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.