The death of [11 Warrior] Gottem (Thri-Kreen)

in Deep Within a Ravine

from the perspective of [25 Warrior] Kx (Thri-Kreen)

<worn on head>       a well-crafted gem coif
<worn around neck>   a glowing glass necklace from The Town of Moregeeth
<worn around neck>   an unique flesh pendant
<worn about body>    a reptile skin cloak
<worn about waist>   a belt made from assorted skins
<worn on belt buckle>a rugged adventurers satchel (illuminating)
<worn on arms>       a pair of studded leather sleeves
<worn on lower arms> a pair of studded leather sleeves
<worn around wrist>  a twisted granite wristguard
<worn around wrist>  a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on lower wrist>a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on lower wrist>a thick spiked leather bracer
<worn on hands>      some well-used ruby talons
<worn on lower hands>some glittering granite gauntlets from the Mushroom Caverns
<primary weapon>     a carved bone longsword
<secondary weapon>   a well-balanced, curved adamantium scimitar (glowing)
<third weapon>       a storm longsword [superior]
<fourth weapon>      a brutal clay long sword from Ghore
<worn on legs>       some tarnished bronze greaves

The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 174v/188V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 173v/188V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 170v/188V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 168v/188V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 165v/188V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 164v/188V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 162v/188V Pos: standing >
The mountains are too treacherous to be scaled.  Find another way to pass them.

< 289h/289H 162v/188V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 162v/188V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 160v/188V Pos: standing >
The sun vanishes behind the southern horizon.
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 157v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 157v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 157v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A mountain eagle soars through here, swooping with the wind.

< 289h/289H 156v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 156v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 155v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 154v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 154v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 153v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 153v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 152v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A large minotaur hulks its way around here, scouting the terrain.

< 289h/289H 151v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 151v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A young ape swings through the jungle and leaps across the rocks.

< 289h/289H 150v/188V Pos: standing >
A Gravel Path Cuts Through the Dense Forest
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West

< 289h/289H 150v/188V Pos: standing >
A Large Ravine
   This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.

< 289h/289H 149v/188V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
   The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -East -West

< 289h/289H 148v/188V Pos: standing >
A Large Ravine
   This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.

< 289h/289H 148v/188V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A young ape who is not far off to your east.
A minotaur who is rather far off to your east.
A gigantic anaconda who is close by to your south.
A small squirrel who is a brief walk away above you.

< 289h/289H 150v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South
A gigantic anaconda slithers along the ground.
A slimy snail oozes across a tree branch.

< 289h/289H 153v/188V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thri-kreen detention sentry who is not far off to your north.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
An ape who is close by to your east.
A parrot who is close by to your east.
A tsetse fly who is close by to your south.

< 289h/289H 158v/188V Pos: standing >
A Tropical Rainforest
   A large number of animals and forest life dwell within this tropical forest.
Everything is so peaceful here and natural. None of the mechanics or magic of
the outside world touches this realm. Insects of every type buzz in the air, a
few of the smaller creatures scurry along the vegetated ground. The sun shines
brightly in this section of the forest spreading its vital rays equally to all
whom dwell here. Traversing this tropical forest could take some time for those
who are unaccustomed to such plant life.
Obvious exits: -North -East
The corpse of a parrot is lying here.
The corpse of a tsetse fly is lying here.
The corpse of an earthly beetle is lying here.
The corpse of a HuGE BumbleBEE is lying here.
The corpse of a gnat is lying here.
The corpse of a blow fly is lying here.
A tsetse fly flies nearby.

< 289h/289H 160v/188V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A black fly who is close by to your east.
A crane fly who is not far off to your east.
A HuGE BumbleBEE who is a brief walk away to your east.
A gnat who is rather far off to your east.
A chimp who is rather far off to your east.
A parrot who is rather far off to your east.

< 289h/289H 164v/188V Pos: standing >
A gnat enters from the east.

< 289h/289H 174v/188V Pos: standing >
Hint: The consider command will compare your level to that of the victims, nothing else. Lower level mobs can be nastier than they appear, and higher level mobs easier than you thought.

< 289h/289H 176v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -North -East -West
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of an earthly beetle is lying here.
The corpse of a HuGE BumbleBEE is lying here.
The corpse of a chimp is lying here.
The corpse of a black fly is lying here.
The corpse of a chimp is lying here.
The corpse of an ape is lying here.
A chimp swings amoung the trees.
An ape snorts and beats its chest.
A blow fly buzzes in the air and makes loud noises.
A Thri-Kreen (medium) stands here (Newbie).(Gold Aura)

< 289h/289H 175v/188V Pos: standing >
A black fly enters from the north.
A Thri-Kreen drops some thick leather gloves.

< 289h/289H 175v/188V Pos: standing >
Some thick leather gloves crumbles to dust and blows away.

< 289h/289H 176v/188V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen suddenly attacks a black fly!
A Thri-Kreen misses a black fly.

< 289h/289H 179v/188V Pos: standing >
A blow fly leaves north.

< 289h/289H 180v/188V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen parries a black fly's lunge at him.

< 289h/289H 184v/188V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen's slash strikes a black fly.
A Thri-Kreen misses a black fly.
A black fly dodges a Thri-Kreen's attack.

< 289h/289H 185v/188V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 12 ] You leap towards a Thri-Kreen and sink your jaws dripping with venom deep in his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen shivers slightly.

< 289h/289H 187v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: black TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  small wounds >
 [Damage: 10 ] You hit a Thri-Kreen in the face, sending him reeling.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: black TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  few wounds >
 A black fly misses a Thri-Kreen.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: black TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  few wounds >
 A Thri-Kreen attempts to flee.
A Thri-Kreen leaves east.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
A black fly leaves north.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
A blow fly enters from the north.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen enters from the east.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
A crane fly enters from the north.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen leaves west.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -East -South -West
A gigantic anaconda slithers along the ground.

< 289h/289H 186v/188V Pos: standing >
Slay whom?

< 289h/289H 186v/188V Pos: standing >
You wouldn't know where to start.

< 289h/289H 186v/188V Pos: standing >
You don't know how.

< 289h/289H 186v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -North -East -West
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of an earthly beetle is lying here.
The corpse of a HuGE BumbleBEE is lying here.
The corpse of a chimp is lying here.
The corpse of a black fly is lying here.
The corpse of a chimp is lying here.
The corpse of an ape is lying here.
A gigantic anaconda slithers along the ground.
A crane fly flies freely through the air.
A blow fly buzzes in the air and makes loud noises.
A chimp swings amoung the trees.
An ape snorts and beats its chest.

< 289h/289H 184v/188V Pos: standing >
A crane fly leaves east.

< 289h/289H 186v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -South -West
A slimy snail oozes across a tree branch.
A black fly buzzes in near a brush and lands.
An ape snorts and beats its chest.
A parrot is perched on a branch.

< 289h/289H 186v/188V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 289h/289H 187v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -North -East -West
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of an earthly beetle is lying here.
The corpse of a HuGE BumbleBEE is lying here.
The corpse of a chimp is lying here.
The corpse of a black fly is lying here.
The corpse of a chimp is lying here.
The corpse of an ape is lying here.
A gigantic anaconda slithers along the ground.
A blow fly buzzes in the air and makes loud noises.
An ape snorts and beats its chest.

< 289h/289H 186v/188V Pos: standing >
A Tropical Rainforest
   A large number of animals and forest life dwell within this tropical forest.
Everything is so peaceful here and natural. None of the mechanics or magic of
the outside world touches this realm. Insects of every type buzz in the air, a
few of the smaller creatures scurry along the vegetated ground. The sun shines
brightly in this section of the forest spreading its vital rays equally to all
whom dwell here. Traversing this tropical forest could take some time for those
who are unaccustomed to such plant life.
Obvious exits: -North -East
The corpse of a parrot is lying here.
The corpse of a tsetse fly is lying here.
The corpse of an earthly beetle is lying here.
The corpse of a HuGE BumbleBEE is lying here.
The corpse of a gnat is lying here.
The corpse of a blow fly is lying here.
A chimp swings amoung the trees.
A gnat hovers over an animal.
A tsetse fly flies nearby.

< 289h/289H 184v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South

< 289h/289H 183v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -South -West
A slimy snail oozes across a tree branch.
A black fly buzzes in near a brush and lands.
An ape snorts and beats its chest.
A parrot is perched on a branch.

< 289h/289H 183v/188V Pos: standing >
A blow fly enters from the south.

< 289h/289H 184v/188V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 289h/289H 185v/188V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
   This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South

< 289h/289H 184v/188V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 289h/289H 185v/188V Pos: standing >
A Large Ravine
   This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.

< 289h/289H 185v/188V Pos: standing >
Deep Within a Ravine
   The tropical tree's sprout up a good forty feet into the air. The animals
sirt restlessly within the thick of the forest's ground. Some of the more
versatile animals fly through the air and land roughly onto other trees. Many
insects buzz through the air and rummage through the ground. Tropical forests
are notorious for their ability to weed out the hardened traveler from those
who just want to play with nature for a few days. It is here that men are
separated from the boys. The ability to withstand a night within this forest
is highly overestimated, for once you've journeyed far and wide into a tropical
forest such as this, you'd be forced to stay the night. It is here that the
ants get you. You might wake up in the morning and find yourself one big
swollen whelp, or you might find that some bat took a scat on your person. Now
snakes are a real threat too, you could also wake up to find some boa wrapped
around you so tightly that you'd be unable to breath. You might wake up and
discover some anaconda has swallowed your friend during the middle of the
the night. Worst case scenario, you might not wake up at all.
Obvious exits: -Up -Down#
A severely dented battle helmet lays here.

< 289h/289H 187v/188V Pos: standing >
The boulder seems to be closed.

< 289h/289H 187v/188V Pos: standing >
The boulder seems to be closed.

< 289h/289H 187v/188V Pos: standing >
The boulder seems to be closed.

< 289h/289H 187v/188V Pos: standing >
Slay whom?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
You wouldn't know where to start.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
You don't know how.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Slay whom?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
You wouldn't know where to start.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
You don't know how.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Target who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Kick who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Target who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Kick who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Target who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Kick who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Target who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
Kick who?

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
A Thri-Kreen enters from above.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A small squirrel who is not far off above you.
A small squirrel who is rather far off above you.
A small squirrel who is rather far off above you.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
[Damage:  3 ] Your crude slash strikes a Thri-Kreen.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: Kx TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  few wounds >
 A Thri-Kreen attempts to flee.
A Thri-Kreen tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: Kx TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  few wounds >
 The night has begun.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: Kx TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  few wounds >
 You parry a Thri-Kreen's lunge at you.
You parry a Thri-Kreen's lunge at you.
You parry a Thri-Kreen's lunge at you.
You dodge a Thri-Kreen's vicious attack.
[Damage:  6 ] Your fine slash seriously wounds a Thri-Kreen.
[Damage:  4 ] Your slash strikes a Thri-Kreen very hard.
A Thri-Kreen dodges your futile attack.
[Damage:  7 ] Your fine slash enshrouds a Thri-Kreen in a mist of blood.
A Thri-Kreen parries your futile lunge at him.
[Damage:  4 ] Your decent slash seriously wounds a Thri-Kreen.
[Damage:  5 ] Your slash enshrouds a Thri-Kreen in a mist of blood.
A Thri-Kreen is stunned!
You miss a Thri-Kreen.
A Thri-Kreen seems to be trying to shake off his woozy feeling.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: Kx TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  bleeding, close to death >
 You wouldn't know where to start.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: Kx TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  bleeding, close to death >
 You don't know how.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
< T: Kx TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Thri-Kreen sta EP:  bleeding, close to death >
 [Damage:  8 ] You leap towards a Thri-Kreen and sink your jaws dripping with venom deep in his flesh.
A Thri-Kreen is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A Thri-Kreen shivers slightly.

< 289h/289H 188v/188V Pos: standing >
<[Damage: 14 ] Your kick shatters a Thri-Kreen's skull.
A Thri-Kreen's thin batwing cloak was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Thri-Kreen's thick leather belt was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Thri-Kreen is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.