The death of [25 Cleric] Kale (Dwarf)

in Cobweb Covered Hallway

from the perspective of [23 Conjurer] Terru (Orc)

<worn on eyes>       a bugbear-skin eyepatch [superior]
<worn on face>       a mask of sewn flesh [superior]
<worn around neck>   a crude flesh gorget from Kvark's Great Connector
<worn around neck>   a flaming granite choker
<worn on body>       some padded leather armor
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver>     a rusty limestone quiver
<worn about waist>   a shimmering leather girth from Morg's Place
<held as shield>     a little round wooden shield
<worn on finger>     a bent ring [superior]
<worn on finger>     a bent ring
<primary weapon>     a flaming glass dagger from Bugentolen
<worn on legs>       some human-made hemp leggings from Bugentolen

A Gnome screams out in pain!
You disengage from the fight!

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'qaiz ay qare'
A Grey Elf fires a blast of cold at Eddie, who screams out in pain!
A Gnome has reconnected.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian seems to have come back to his senses.
A Gnome attempts to flee.
A Gnome leaves east.
A Gnome enters from the east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian clambers to his feet.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome leaves east.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot's face flushes white for a moment.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome enters from the east.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]
Slusk clambers to his feet.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
Eddie starts casting a spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Eddie wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg suddenly attacks a Gnome!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare suddenly attacks a Gnome!
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]

< 266h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian deflects Slusk's blow and strikes back at him!
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg bravely steps in front of Eddie, shielding him from harm!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Rargg wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Eddie!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: wall of stone ********
Eddie completes his spell...
Eddie utters the word 'pzar'
Healing energy flows from Eddie into Eddie's body!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome enters from the east.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell called 'lightning bolt'.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell called 'life leech'.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Eddie wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Eddie!
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Eddie!
Eddie is knocked to the ground by a Barbarian's mighty bash!

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]
A deadly nightmare's hooves crash into a Gnome's chest with a stunning force.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
The taste of blood slowly fades from your body.
Rargg sighs and stares off into the sky.
A Gnome opens a spellbook and begins studying it intently.
A Gnome starts casting a spell.

< 267h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!
A Gnome, looking very frustrated, packs up his book.
Slusk tackles a Barbarian square in the chest knocking the wind out of him!

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg bravely steps in front of Eddie, shielding him from harm!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Rargg wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.
Casting: wall of stone ***

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [1 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell called 'life leech'.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome clambers to his feet.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf screams out in pain!
You feel your skill in sorcerous spell knowledge improving.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Rargg!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'lightning bolt'
Eddie wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by a Grey Elf.

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...

< 268h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [0 hits]
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell called 'life leech'.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]
You start chanting...

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]
Eddie clambers to his feet.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian's skin seems to turn to stone.
A Gnome looks at you.
Eddie starts casting an offensive spell.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Rargg!
A Gnome looks at Rargg.
Rargg turns to focus his attack on a Gnome!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 30 ] The lightning bolt hits a Gnome with full impact.
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
A Barbarian clambers to his feet.

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot's spell flows around a Grey Elf, leaving him unharmed!
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Gnome attempts to flee.
Oof! a Gnome bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Gnome tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
You start chanting...

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie completes his spell...
Eddie utters the words 'qkadagz qfuhuqar'
A Gnome screams as Eddie critically injures him.
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk headbutts a Grey Elf, but apparently a Grey Elf got the best of him.
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
Eddie is knocked to the ground by a Barbarian's mighty bash!

< 269h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Gnome attempts to flee.
Oof! a Gnome bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Gnome tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]
A Gnome attempts to flee.
Oof! a Gnome bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Gnome tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Rargg!
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 39 ] The lightning bolt hits a Gnome with full impact.
A Gnome starts casting a spell called 'heal undead'.

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!
A Gnome starts casting a spell.

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
A deadly nightmare's hooves crash into a Gnome's chest with a stunning force.
A deadly nightmare shivers as he hits a Gnome.
A Gnome is knocked to the ground!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
You start chanting...

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome stops invoking abruptly!
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: lightning bolt *
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome reaches out at a Gnome, touching him. 
A Gnome appears to gain power from the sudden deadly chill around him.
Rargg shivers as he hits a Gnome.
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [1 hits]

< 270h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: lightning bolt 
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
Oof! a Grey Elf bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 31 ] The lightning bolt hits a Grey Elf with full impact.
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome screams out in pain!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [2 hits]
A Barbarian's titan warhammer, 'Purelight' explodes in white light as it slams into Eddie.
A beam of pure holy wrath is called down on Eddie by a Barbarian!
A blanketing shroud of negative energy coalesces around Eddie...
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [1 hits]
A Gnome clambers to his feet.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]
A Gnome starts casting a spell.
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.
Slusk shivers as he hits a Grey Elf.
Eddie clambers to his feet.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attempts to flee.
Eddie tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'chill touch'
Rargg sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie starts casting a spell.

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome screams out in pain!

< 271h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie stops chanting abruptly!
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting a spell called 'heal undead'.
You start chanting...

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Nijot. [0 hits]
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'heal undead'
A Gnome reaches out at a Gnome, touching him. 
A Gnome appears to gain power from the sudden deadly chill around him.
Casting: shocking grasp *
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.
Eddie attempts to flee.
Oof! Eddie bumps into a greyish stone wall...
Eddie tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 272h/289H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 10 ] A Grey Elf dies while looking rather shocked.
A Grey Elf's fine granite ring from Rift Valley Jungle exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Grey Elf's some serpentine shin-guards exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Grey Elf's long flowing girth of spidersilk exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Grey Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You raise a level!
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
You just gained 0.20 frags!
You have gained 50 epic points.
A Grey Elf's death cry reverberates in your head as he falls to the ground.
A Grey Elf stops following a Barbarian.
Nijot attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]

< 282h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [2 hits]
A Gnome opens the cobwebs.

< 282h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attempts to flee.
A Gnome leaves west.
Eddie starts casting a spell.

< 282h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'life leech'
A Gnome seems to suck the life right out of Rargg!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.
You failed.

< 282h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare attacks a Gnome. [0 hits]
You failed.

< 282h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 282h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 282h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attempts to flee.
Oof! a Gnome bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Gnome tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
Nijot sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attacks Rargg. [0 hits]

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie completes his spell...
Eddie utters the word 'pzar'
Healing energy flows from Eddie into Eddie's body!

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: shocking grasp *

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Eddie. [0 hits]

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Gnome attempts to flee.
A Gnome leaves west.

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attempts to flee.
Eddie tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
Rargg tries to step in front of Eddie, but doesn't make it in time.
Eddie avoids being bashed by a Barbarian, who loses his balance and falls.

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You abort your spell before it's done!

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [0 hits]

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 283h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Eddie attempts to flee.
Eddie leaves west.
Nijot closes the cobwebs.

< 284h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!

< 284h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 284h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.

< 284h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf attacks Slusk. [0 hits]

< 284h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg suddenly attacks a Dwarf!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 284h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian rises to his feet.

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
In his haste to slam you around, a Barbarian slips and falls!
A Barbarian is stunned!
You start chanting...

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian heroically rescues a Dwarf.
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 28 ] You get a good hold of the shocked a Dwarf.

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]
A Dwarf attacks Slusk. [0 hits]
It's already closed!
Nijot clambers to his feet.

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
Nijot sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A deadly nightmare's hooves crash into a Barbarian's chest with a stunning force.
A Barbarian is knocked to the ground!

< 285h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: shocking grasp 

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 35 ] You get a good hold of the shocked a Dwarf.

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]
You start chanting...

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf's face turns pale as Slusk slams his head into his face.

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot clambers to his feet.

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf attacks Slusk. [0 hits]

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: shocking grasp *
A Barbarian clambers to his feet.

< 286h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 29 ] You get a good hold of the shocked a Dwarf.

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [0 hits]

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Rargg turns to focus his attack on a Dwarf!
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.
A Barbarian clambers to his feet.

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Oof! a Barbarian bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Barbarian futilely tries to rescue a Dwarf!

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf screams out in pain!
A Dwarf attacks Slusk. [0 hits]

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Casting: shocking grasp 

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 62 ] You get a good hold of the shocked a Dwarf.

< 287h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
Nijot's face flushes white for a moment.
It's already closed!

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian suddenly attacks YOU!

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Rargg attacks a Dwarf. [1 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 You have memorized the following spells:
( 5th circle)  1 - conjure elemental
( 3rd circle)  1 - dispel magic
( 2nd circle)  6 - chill touch
               1 - mirror image
( 1st circle)  4 - minor creation
               4 - magic missile

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
   20 seconds:  ( 5th) wall of stone
   38 seconds:  ( 4th) lightning bolt
   56 seconds:  ( 4th) lightning bolt
   76 seconds:  ( 5th) wall of stone
   94 seconds:  ( 4th) lightning bolt
  112 seconds:  ( 4th) lightning bolt
  130 seconds:  ( 4th) lightning bolt
  146 seconds:  ( 3rd) shocking grasp
  162 seconds:  ( 3rd) shocking grasp
  177 seconds:  ( 3rd) shocking grasp
  193 seconds:  ( 3rd) shocking grasp
  209 seconds:  ( 3rd) shocking grasp

You can memorize 1 5th circle spell(s).

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [1 hits]
A deadly nightmare's hooves crash into a Dwarf's chest with a stunning force.
A Dwarf is knocked to the ground!
A Barbarian heroically rescues a Dwarf.
A dark shroud encases Rargg as he charges into battle.

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 You are too busy fighting for your life to disengage!

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 A Dwarf attacks Slusk. [0 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 A Dwarf screams out in pain!
A Dwarf is stunned!

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Cobweb Covered Hallway
Obvious exits: -E -W#
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the east.
A Dwarf (medium) sits with a stunned look, floating here, fighting Nijot.(Gold Aura)
A Barbarian (large) stands, floating here, fighting YOU!
A Barbarian (large) stands, floating here, fighting Slusk.
A fire elemental is here blazing with heat! (minion) 
A warg prowls here looking for things to eat. (minion) 
Slusk (Troll)(large) stands here, fighting a Barbarian.
Nijot (Githyanki)(medium) stands, floating here.
Rargg (Orc)(medium) sits atop a deadly nightmare, fighting a Barbarian.

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Rargg attacks a Barbarian. [0 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 You attack a Barbarian. [0 hits]
A Barbarian attacks you. [0 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 You start chanting...

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 A Dwarf screams out in pain!
Slusk attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Casting: magic missile 

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Slusk is knocked to the ground by a Barbarian's mighty bash!

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 You complete your spell...
A Dwarf attacks Nijot. [0 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 A Barbarian attacks Slusk. [2 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 You start chanting...

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 Rargg attacks a Barbarian. [1 hits]

< 288h/299H 113v/113V Pos: standing >
< T: Terru TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Barbarian sta EP: excellent >
 You complete your spell...
[Damage:  4 ] You watch with self-pride as the magic missile hits a Dwarf.
A Dwarf is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
[Damage:  4 ] You watch with self-pride as the magic missile hits a Dwarf.
A Dwarf is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
[Damage:  4 ] The magic missile tears away the remaining life of a Dwarf.
A Dwarf's pitted bronze tower shield was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's fanged hemp hood from the Great Realm of Duris was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's ring of the hierophant was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's some boots of the smith was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's belt of dragonslaying was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!