The death of [26 Illusionist] Cynee *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)

in The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye

from the perspective of [36 Dark Dreamer] Lur o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)

<worn as a badge>    a long elegant peacock feather [superior] (illuminating) [88%]
<worn on head>       a magical pointy top hat [superior] (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       a pair of blue-tinted gnomish eyeglasses
<worn in ear>        a scale of pulsating darkness
<worn in ear>        a scale of pulsating darkness
<worn on face>       a mask of charred flesh [superior]
<worn around neck>   the medallion of gaia (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a fine silk shawl
<worn on body>       a pitch black bodycloak (glowing)
<worn about body>    a robe of many colors [88%]
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver>     a leather lifting harness [superior]
<worn about waist>   a belt of desert sands
<worn on belt buckle>the lost book of 'Magic'
<attached to belt>   a mistweyd nose-pipe
<worn on arms>       some sandy sleeves
<held as shield>     a bronze parrying dagger
<worn around wrist>  a dark religious bracer
<worn around wrist>  a lizard tail bracer (glowing)
<worn on hands>      a pair of taut dwarfhide gloves [poor]
<worn on finger>     a glowing white-gold ring
<worn on finger>     a glowing white-gold ring
<primary weapon>     an ornate staff [poor] (illuminating)
<worn on legs>       a pleated red and blue kilt [superior]
<worn on feet>       some boots of forest running

The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands, apparently asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
A large crocodile crouches, floating here, fighting YOU!

< 385h/385H 144v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 385h/385H 144v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 You attempt to flee...
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
You flee northward!

< 385h/385H 122v/175V Pos: standing >
Saving Lur.

< 385h/385H 122v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 126v/175V Pos: standing >
A large crocodile enters from the south.
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.

< 385h/385H 125v/175V Pos: standing >
A large crocodile enters from the north.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
You dodge a bash from a large crocodile, who loses his balance and falls.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 You dodge a large crocodile's vicious attack.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 Casting: hammer **

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 Casting: hammer *

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 Casting: hammer 

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP: few scratches >
 You complete your spell...
[Damage: 83 ] Your massive hammer causes a large crocodile to double over in pain!

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP:  nasty wounds >
 You miss a large crocodile.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP:  nasty wounds >
< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP:  nasty wounds >
 You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP:  nasty wounds >
 Psybr starts casting an offensive spell.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP:  nasty wounds >
 Casting: hammer **

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large kne EP:  nasty wounds >
 A large crocodile rises to his feet.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 Casting: hammer *

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'grzzs'

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 Casting: hammer 

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
< T: Lur TP: sta TC:excellent E: large sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 You complete your spell...
[Damage: 82 ] Your massive hammer causes a large crocodile to double over in pain!
A large crocodile is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a large crocodile's gurgling and choking signals his demise.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
A female crocodile enters from the east.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
The corpse of a large crocodile is lying here.
A large female crocodile is busy making sure the area is safe for her young.
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
A female crocodile suddenly attacks Psybr!
A female crocodile misses Psybr.
It appears to be the corpse of a large crocodile.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
The corpse of a large crocodile is lying here.
A female crocodile stands, floating here, fighting Psybr.
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here, fighting a female crocodile.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell.
You sit down and relax.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 8th circle)  1 - vanish
( 7th circle)  2 - hammer
( 6th circle)  2 - stunning visions
               4 - reflection
( 5th circle)  1 - illusionary wall
               3 - boulder
               2 - shadow travel
( 4th circle)  1 - farsee
               1 - levitate
               1 - infravision
               3 - insects
( 3rd circle)  3 - blindness
               2 - concealment
               3 - shadow monster
( 2nd circle)  5 - burning hands
               1 - continual light
               3 - dispel magic
( 1st circle)  2 - minor creation
               6 - magic missile
               1 - detect magic
               1 - phantom armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    3 seconds:  ( 4th) sleep
    8 seconds:  ( 7th) hammer
   13 seconds:  ( 7th) hammer

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 385h/385H 128v/175V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 385h/385H 129v/175V Pos: sitting >
Hint: Be sure to have a raft or canoe handy in case you need to cross water.

< 385h/385H 133v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing sleep.

< 385h/385H 139v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr completes his spell...

< 385h/385H 142v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr's decent pierce grazes a female crocodile.
A female crocodile dodges Psybr's attack.

< 385h/385H 143v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr dodges a female crocodile's attack.
A female crocodile kicks Psybr in the stomach, rendering him breathless.

< 385h/385H 144v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell.

< 385h/385H 147v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing hammer.

< 385h/385H 151v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr's fist beats the life out of a female crocodile, blood pours from her body!

< 385h/385H 160v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing hammer.
Your studies are complete.

< 385h/385H 164v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr's weak pierce strikes a female crocodile.
A female crocodile dodges Psybr's attack.

< 385h/385H 165v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell.
You clamber to your feet.

< 385h/385H 168v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr dodges a female crocodile's attack.
A female crocodile misses Psybr.

< 385h/385H 170v/175V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 171v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: sleep 

< 385h/385H 174v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Psybr's fist beats the life out of a female crocodile, blood pours from her body!
A female crocodile is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a female crocodile's gurgling and choking signals her demise.
You abort your spell before it's done!

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr opens a leather-bound book covered in shifting shadows and begins studying it intently.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
It's really, really hot here.  A slight breeze would really improve things.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall **

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall *

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall 

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr looks at a Troll.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
It appears to be the corpse of a female crocodile.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 8th circle)  1 - vanish
( 7th circle)  4 - hammer
( 6th circle)  2 - stunning visions
               4 - reflection
( 5th circle)  3 - boulder
               2 - shadow travel
( 4th circle)  1 - sleep
               1 - farsee
               1 - levitate
               1 - infravision
               3 - insects
( 3rd circle)  3 - blindness
               2 - concealment
               3 - shadow monster
( 2nd circle)  5 - burning hands
               1 - continual light
               3 - dispel magic
( 1st circle)  2 - minor creation
               6 - magic missile
               1 - detect magic
               1 - phantom armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    4 seconds:  ( 5th) illusionary wall

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You see nothing special about him.
This Troll is in excellent condition.
He's large in size.
He seems to be moving much faster than normal..
He is surrounded by a putrid aura!
He's surrounded by a diffuse globe of light!

<worn on head>       a golden crown set with diamonds [superior]
<worn on eyes>       a pair of blue-tinted gnomish eyeglasses
<worn in ear>        a silver tooth earring
<worn on face>       a beautiful mask made of bird feathers
<worn around neck>   a fine necklace of seashells (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a coral torc [85%]
<worn on body>       a flaming marble platemail
<worn about body>    a deep hooded cloak of sorrow
<worn about waist>   a coconut belt [80%]
<worn on belt buckle>a rough glowing stone [superior] (glowing)
<worn on arms>       some cracked bronze vambraces
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield [poor]
<worn around wrist>  a crystalline wristguard
<worn around wrist>  a glittering sapphire bracer from The Great Realm of Duris
<worn on hands>      some stylish iron mitts from Harrow -The Gnome Village
<worn on finger>     a sapphire ring
<worn on finger>     a ring of the EarthMother
<held>               a tormented and wailing wraith totem [superior]
<worn on legs>       some drow-made bronze leg plates [82%]
<worn on feet>       some spurred blood crystal boots

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing illusionary wall.
Your studies are complete.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr closes his book and smiles broadly.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr clambers to his feet.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'sleep'

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall *
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall 

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'grzzs'

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr opens a leather-bound book covered in shifting shadows and begins studying it intently.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -E -S
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
The corpse of a female crocodile is lying here.
The corpse of a large crocodile is lying here.
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) sits resting.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 8th circle)  1 - vanish
( 7th circle)  4 - hammer
( 6th circle)  2 - stunning visions
               4 - reflection
( 5th circle)  3 - boulder
               2 - shadow travel
( 4th circle)  1 - sleep
               1 - farsee
               1 - levitate
               1 - infravision
               3 - insects
( 3rd circle)  3 - blindness
               2 - concealment
               3 - shadow monster
( 2nd circle)  5 - burning hands
               1 - continual light
               3 - dispel magic
( 1st circle)  2 - minor creation
               6 - magic missile
               1 - detect magic
               1 - phantom armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    4 seconds:  ( 5th) illusionary wall

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing illusionary wall.
Your studies are complete.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr closes his book and smiles broadly.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr clambers to his feet.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'grzzs'

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall 

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'grzzs'

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'grzzs'

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You would need some luck!

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.
Your group consists of ( 9/30):
( Head)                                Gelcro
(Front)                                Xanan
(Front)                                Col
(Front)                                Drok
(Front)                                Jethrus
(Front)   522/522   hit,  130/130  move Psybr
(Front)   385/385   hit,  175/175  move Lur
(Front)                                the wraith of a fierce manticore
(Front)                                the wraith of a nightmare

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr completes his spell...
You have memorized the following spells:
( 8th circle)  1 - vanish
( 7th circle)  4 - hammer
( 6th circle)  2 - stunning visions
               4 - reflection
( 5th circle)  3 - boulder
               2 - shadow travel
( 4th circle)  1 - sleep
               1 - farsee
               1 - levitate
               1 - infravision
               3 - insects
( 3rd circle)  3 - blindness
               2 - concealment
               3 - shadow monster
( 2nd circle)  5 - burning hands
               1 - continual light
               3 - dispel magic
( 1st circle)  2 - minor creation
               6 - magic missile
               1 - detect magic
               1 - phantom armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    4 seconds:  ( 5th) illusionary wall

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -S
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
The corpse of a female crocodile is lying here.
The corpse of a large crocodile is lying here.
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) 

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr completes his spell...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You see nothing special about him.
This Troll is in excellent condition.
He's large in size.
He seems to be moving much faster than normal..
He is surrounded by a putrid aura!
He's surrounded by a diffuse globe of light!

<worn on head>       a golden crown set with diamonds [superior]
<worn on eyes>       a pair of blue-tinted gnomish eyeglasses
<worn in ear>        a silver tooth earring
<worn on face>       a beautiful mask made of bird feathers
<worn around neck>   a fine necklace of seashells (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a coral torc [85%]
<worn on body>       a flaming marble platemail
<worn about body>    a deep hooded cloak of sorrow
<worn about waist>   a coconut belt [80%]
<worn on belt buckle>a rough glowing stone [superior] (glowing)
<worn on arms>       some cracked bronze vambraces
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield [poor]
<worn around wrist>  a crystalline wristguard
<worn around wrist>  a glittering sapphire bracer from The Great Realm of Duris
<worn on hands>      some stylish iron mitts from Harrow -The Gnome Village
<worn on finger>     a sapphire ring
<worn on finger>     a ring of the EarthMother
<held>               a tormented and wailing wraith totem [superior]
<worn on legs>       some drow-made bronze leg plates [82%]
<worn on feet>       some spurred blood crystal boots

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing illusionary wall.
Your studies are complete.
Psybr opens a leather-bound book covered in shifting shadows and begins studying it intently.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
Psybr sizes up a Troll with a quick glance.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You would need some luck!

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
 M *M**     
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -S
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
The corpse of a female crocodile is lying here.
The corpse of a large crocodile is lying here.
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) sits resting.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
 M *M**     
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -S
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
The corpse of a female crocodile is lying here.
The corpse of a large crocodile is lying here.
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) sits resting.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights southward.
A Marshy Clearing with Patches of Tanglebush
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights southward.
A Marshy Clearing with Patches of Tanglebush
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights southward.
A Marshy Clearing with Patches of Tanglebush
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr closes his book and smiles broadly.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr clambers to his feet.
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights southward.
A Marshy Clearing with Patches of Tanglebush
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights southward.
A Marshy Clearing with Patches of Tanglebush
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.
A thin troll who is rather far off to your south.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall **

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall *
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'grzzs'

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Casting: illusionary wall 

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
An odd looking shadow silently arrives and slowly forms into a Drow Elf.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Hint: Type 'forget (spell name)' to free up a spell slot.  Alternately, you can 'forget all' to free all your spell slots.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the word 'grzzs'

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr starts casting an offensive spell called 'bigbys clenched fist'.
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: None!
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
The corpse of a female crocodile is lying here.
The corpse of a large crocodile is lying here.
A Drow Elf (medium) FaNaTiC *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands, floating here.
A Troll (large) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.
Psybr Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) 

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 385h/385H 175v/175V Pos: standing >
Psybr completes his spell...
Psybr utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Psybr's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from her body!
A Drow Elf's ashen reed heater shield was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's light blue scarf was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's light blue scarf was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's steel earring hanging from an obsidian post was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's lifting belt was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.