The death of [36 Holyman] Thugan *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)

in A Large Marble covered Foyer

from the perspective of [36 Pyrokinetic] Poks o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)

<worn as a badge>    the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water
<worn on head>       a relic crown of impunity of power
<worn in ear>        a tiny amethyst earring
<worn in ear>        a wispy astral-twined mindstone ring[195h 7m 41s]
<worn on face>       a beautiful mask made of bird feathers
<worn around neck>   a frost-rimed bronze amulet from The Savannah of Broken Trusts
<worn around neck>   a necklace of Drow testicles [poor] (magic) [76%]
<worn on body>       the tethered robe of the universe (magic)
<worn about body>    a fine silken bodycloak (magic) (humming)
<worn as quiver>     the masters quiver (magic) (glowing)
<worn about waist>   a belt of skulls (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>an angelic electrum flute
<attached to belt>   a mistweyd nose-pipe
<attached to belt>   a rugged adventurers satchel (magic) (illuminating)
<worn on arms>       some armplates of dust [poor] (illuminating)
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield of agility (illuminating)
<worn around wrist>  a tigerbone bracelet
<worn around wrist>  a black and white zebra-hide wristband [superior]
<worn on hands>      a pair of feathered gloves [poor] (illuminating)
<worn on finger>     a ring of endless light [poor] (magic) (illuminating)
<worn on finger>     a tarnished bronze ring (glowing) [77%]
<primary weapon>     a lunar sickle [superior] (magic)
<worn on legs>       the centaurian legplates of honor (magic)
<worn on feet>       boots of endurance [poor] [89%]

 Inertial-Barrier Ultravision Fly Armor Aware Haste Tower of Iron Will
Songs:          Song of Flight
Herbs:          Medicus
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  480 
Paladin auras:   Spell Protection
Enhancements:    Healing

Active Spells:
adrenaline control (37 minutes)
fireshield (1 minute)
minor globe of invulnerability (1 minute)
aura sight (30 minutes)
protection from acid (2 minutes)
protection from lightning (2 minutes)
protection from gas (2 minutes)
protection from cold (2 minutes)
enhance strength (20 minutes)
enhance dexterity (20 minutes)
enhance constitution (20 minutes)
enhance agility (20 minutes)
aid (19 minutes)
detect invisibility (5 minutes)
elephantstrength (13 minutes)
molecular control (3 minutes)
vitality (8 minutes)
inertial barrier (19 minutes)
cannibalize (18 minutes)
flesh armor (19 minutes)
combat mind (27 minutes)
energy containment (6 minutes)
intellect fortress (18 minutes)
tower of iron will (12 minutes)

A dark shroud encases a Githyanki as she charges into battle.
Gnomad is knocked to the ground by a Githyanki's mighty bash!

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
Jethrus suddenly attacks a Drow Elf!
A Drow Elf, looking very frustrated, packs up his holy symbol.
Drip moves in the shadows, suddenly reappearing behind a Drow Elf!
Drip is knocked to the ground by a Duergar's skillful bash!

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
Gnomad attacks a Githyanki. [0 Hits]

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
Bis gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower snaps into visibility.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower snaps into visibility.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower snaps into visibility.
A Duergar is knocked to the ground by Goonda's skillful bash!

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
A Duergar attacks Goonda. [0 Hits]
Eris starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf clambers to her feet.
A Drow Elf snaps out of her trance, looking frustrated.
A Drow Elf clambers to his feet.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
A Troll starts casting a spell.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman suddenly attacks a Troll!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman snaps into visibility.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
You begin to focus your will...
Knb gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman snaps into visibility.
The wraith of a tired sailor starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a tired sailor snaps into visibility.
Guidrich starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf raises his unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.
Tiny explosions wrack Guidrich's body with pain!
Laz sneaks in from the south.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
Naj starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
A Duergar suddenly attacks Drip!
Balen starts casting a spell.
A Troll starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf clambers to his feet.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki attacks Gnomad. [1 Hits]
A Drow Elf stops using a firwood bear totem.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
[Damage: 61 ] You feel a warm sense of satisfaction as explosions engulf a Drow Elf.
Guidrich completes his spell...
Guidrich utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Guidrich's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!
Guidrich attacks a Githyanki. [0 Hits]
A Drow Elf grabs a squat obsidian totem.
Laz dances an amazing maneuver in battle, and trips up a Drow Elf!

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman completes its spell...
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
The wraith of a tired sailor completes its spell...
The wraith of a tired sailor utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a tired sailor's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
Drip attacks a Drow Elf. [0 Hits]
Drok assists Laz heroically.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 196v/197V Pos: standing >
Balen completes his spell...
Balen utters the words 'pzaruio garzz'
Upon Balen's touch a soft glow flows from his hands and surrounds Balen.
A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Troll points at Drip.
The intense flames cause Drip's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Troll coats Drip with searing agony.
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!
Goonda attacks a Duergar. [0 Hits]
Dze starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
Naj's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!
Eris completes his spell...
Eris utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
Eris causes the ground to reach up in a fist!
A Drow Elf is stunned!
A Drow Elf attacks Drip. [0 Hits]
Gnomad attacks a Githyanki. [0 Hits]
You begin to focus your will...
Yustro tries to sing a quick verse, but they cannot seem to recall the lines.
Yustro coughs loudly.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Tiny explosions wrack Guidrich's body with pain!
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at Drip.
The intense flames cause Drip's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Drow Elf coats Drip with searing agony.
A Drow Elf's squat obsidian totem was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's legendary reptile scale mantle was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You just gained 0.03 frags!
You feel the bloodlust in your heart as you hear the death cry of a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf stops following a Troll.
You abort your mental image before it has become reality!
Dze stops invoking abruptly!
Guidrich starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Duergar attacks Drip. [2 Hits]
Col enters from the south.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Troll starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf gives an order to his followers.
Saer is knocked to the ground by a water elemental's mighty bash!
Saer avoids being bashed by a water elemental, who loses its balance and falls.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
The wraith of a tired sailor fades from your mortal viewing...
A Drow Elf completes her spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at Drip.
The intense flames cause Drip's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Drow Elf coats Drip with searing agony.
Saer attacks a water elemental. [0 Hits]
A water elemental attacks Saer. [1 Hits]
A Drow Elf attacks Laz. [0 Hits]
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman attacks a Troll. [1 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Laz attacks a Drow Elf. [4 Hits]
Jethrus suddenly attacks a Drow Elf!
You begin to focus your will...
Bis gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Naj starts casting an offensive spell.
Balen starts casting a spell.
Eris starts casting a spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Troll points at Drip.
The intense flames cause Drip's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Troll coats Drip with searing agony.
A winged hellhound suddenly attacks Gnomad!
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Knb gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf suddenly attacks the wraith of a half-elven fisherman!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a tired sailor starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a tired sailor snaps into visibility.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Yustro plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.
A water elemental flies through the air, free as a bird!
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
[Damage: 61 ] You feel a warm sense of satisfaction as explosions engulf a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf's some diabolical obsidian gauntlets cracks as the tortured body writhes!
Tiny explosions wrack Col's body with pain!
Goonda deflects a Duergar's blow and strikes back at him!
A Duergar attacks Goonda. [0 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at Drip.
The intense flames cause Drip's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Drow Elf coats Drip with searing agony.
Guidrich completes his spell...
Guidrich utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Guidrich's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
Col starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf completes her spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at Drip.
The intense flames cause Drip's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Drow Elf coats Drip with searing agony.
Drip's a silvery cutlass named 'Luck' [poor] melted from the intense heat!
Drip's the masters cloak melted from the intense heat!
Drip's some heavily-spiked blood crystal leg plates melted from the intense heat!
Drip's the eye of the ogre of endurance melted from the intense heat!
Drip is dead! R.I.P.
The unmistakable scent of fresh blood can be smelled as Drip dies in agony.
Drip stops following Goonda.
A Githyanki attacks Gnomad. [2 Hits]
A Troll starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting a spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Gnomad plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
Naj causes the ground to reach up in a fist!
A Drow Elf's brutal limestone chainmail is smashed to bits by rocks and debris!
A Drow Elf's gleaming cured leather helmet is smashed to bits by rocks and debris!
A Drow Elf's elfskin belt is smashed to bits by rocks and debris!
A Drow Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You just gained 0.03 frags!
The last gasps of a Drow Elf cause a sickening chill to run up your spine.
A Drow Elf stops following a Troll.
A Drow Elf stops chanting abruptly!
Col stops invoking abruptly!
Eris stops chanting abruptly!
The wraith of a resting glassblower stops invoking abruptly!
The wraith of a resting glassblower stops invoking abruptly!
The wraith of a resting glassblower stops invoking abruptly!
Gnomad attacks a Githyanki. [0 Hits]
Drok gets a magical essence of Constitution from the corpse of Aikc.
A Duergar fills with a SURGE of BLoOdLuST! ROARRRRRRRR!!!

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Balen completes his spell...
Balen utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Balen into Guidrich's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
A Githyanki attacks Guidrich. [0 Hits]
Guidrich attacks a Githyanki. [0 Hits]
You begin to focus your will...
Yustro gets a magical essence of Constitution from the corpse of Aikc.
Dze starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman completes its spell...
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman utters the words 'uqz ghafw'
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman conjures an ice storm!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Duergar with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a winged hellhound with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Vampire with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Duergar with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a water elemental with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Drow Elf with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Drow Elf with a storm of ice.
Upon being struck, a Drow Elf disappears into thin air.
A Drow Elf stops following a Drow Elf.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a water elemental with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Drow Elf with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Drow Elf with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Drow Elf with a storm of ice.
A water elemental attacks the wraith of a half-elven fisherman. [1 Hits]
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Troll points at Dze.
The intense flames cause Dze's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Troll coats Dze with searing agony.
A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'gqahpuio xuie'
A scathing gust of wind bursts from a Troll's fingertips!
A Troll's spell flows around Yustro, leaving him unharmed!
The scathing gust of wind hits Eris, burning flesh from his body.
The scathing gust of wind hits the wraith of a resting glassblower, burning flesh from its body.
The scathing gust of wind hits the wraith of a resting glassblower, burning flesh from its body.
The scathing gust of wind hits the wraith of a resting glassblower, burning flesh from its body.
The scathing gust of wind hits the wraith of a half-elven fisherman, burning flesh from its body.
The scathing gust of wind hits the wraith of a half-elven fisherman, burning flesh from its body.
The scathing gust of wind hits the wraith of a tired sailor, burning flesh from its body.
The scathing gust of wind hits Bis, burning flesh from his body.
The scathing gust of wind hits Gnomad, burning flesh from his body.
The intense flames cause Naj's skin to smolder and burn!
The scathing gust of wind hits Naj, burning flesh from his body.
The scathing gust of wind hits Balen, burning flesh from his body.
The scathing gust of wind hits Goonda, burning flesh from his body.
The scathing gust of wind hits Jethrus, burning flesh from his body.
The wraith of a resting glassblower attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Naj attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]
Goonda attacks a Duergar. [2 Hits]
Gnomad clambers to his feet.
A Githyanki climbs on and rides a winged hellhound.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki bravely steps in front of a Drow Elf, shielding him from harm!
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
[Damage: 41 ] You feel a warm sense of satisfaction as explosions engulf a Githyanki.
A Githyanki's spell flows around Dze, leaving him unharmed!
The wraith of a resting glassblower attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]
Naj starts casting an offensive spell.
Gnomad starts playing the instrument of lyrical mastery and singing aloud.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf completes her spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at Dze.
The intense flames cause Dze's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Drow Elf coats Dze with searing agony.
The wraith of a resting glassblower attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Dze completes his spell...
Dze utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Dze's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
Yustro attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]
A Githyanki attempts to flee.
A Githyanki leaves west riding on a winged hellhound.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Troll starts casting a spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman completes its spell...
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman utters the words 'uqz ghafw'
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman conjures an ice storm!
The heat in here makes all ice melt!
A Duergar is splashed with water!
A Githyanki is splashed with water!
A Duergar is splashed with water!
A Duergar is splashed with water!
A water elemental is splashed with water!
A Drow Elf is splashed with water!
A water elemental is splashed with water!
A Drow Elf is splashed with water!
The wraith of a tired sailor completes its spell...
The wraith of a tired sailor utters the words 'uqz ghafw'
The wraith of a tired sailor conjures an ice storm!
The heat in here makes all ice melt!
A Duergar is splashed with water!
A Githyanki is splashed with water!
A Duergar is splashed with water!
A water elemental is splashed with water!
A Drow Elf is splashed with water!
A water elemental is splashed with water!
A Drow Elf is splashed with water!
A Drow Elf is splashed with water!
A Troll is splashed with water!
Bis gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
Gnomad attempts to flee.
Gnomad leaves up.
Col starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Dze attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]
Upon being struck, a Drow Elf disappears into thin air.
A Drow Elf stops following a Drow Elf.
You begin to focus your will...
Eris starts casting a spell.
A Troll attempts to flee.
A Troll leaves west.
A Duergar leaves west.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Vampire attacks the wraith of a half-elven fisherman. [3 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at Dze.
The intense flames cause Dze's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Drow Elf coats Dze with searing agony.
Saer attacks a water elemental. [0 Hits]
A water elemental attacks Saer. [1 Hits]
Jethrus settles to his knees.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
Naj causes the ground to reach up in a fist!
Jethrus gets a magical essence of Move Regen from the corpse of Aikc.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Col points at a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by Col.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
[Damage: 52 ] You feel a warm sense of satisfaction as explosions engulf a Drow Elf.
Tiny explosions wrack Dze's body with pain!
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'gpaqtuio ofags'
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
Knb gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a tired sailor starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting a spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Dze starts casting an offensive spell.
A Troll enters from the west.
A Duergar enters from the west.
A Githyanki rides in on a winged hellhound from the west.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Troll points at Dze.
The intense flames cause Dze's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Troll coats Dze with searing agony.
A Drow Elf attacks the wraith of a tired sailor. [0 Hits]
Drok gets something from the corpse of Aikc.
A Troll leaves south.
A Drow Elf leaves south.
A Duergar leaves south.
A Githyanki leaves south riding on a winged hellhound.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Guidrich attempts to flee.
Guidrich leaves northeast.
Col starts casting a spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Duergar attacks Goonda. [0 Hits]
Naj starts casting a spell.
You begin to focus your will...
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman shivers slightly, but turns away as a Vampire looks at it.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Eris completes his spell...
Eris utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
Eris causes the ground to reach up in a fist!
A Duergar clambers to his feet.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from a Drow Elf into a Drow Elf's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
Yustro suddenly breaks out a quick verse from their repitiore of songs...
Yustro sings so badly it makes you hurt all over.
Yustro twirls around gracefully.
Yustro's spell flows around a Vampire, leaving her unharmed!
Yustro's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!
A Troll starts casting a spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'gpaqtuio ofags'
Dze completes his spell...
Dze utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Dze's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
A water elemental clambers to its feet.
A water elemental attacks the wraith of a half-elven fisherman. [2 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
[Damage: 45 ] You feel a warm sense of satisfaction as explosions engulf a Drow Elf.
Tiny explosions wrack Dze's body with pain!
A Duergar is knocked to the ground by Goonda's skillful bash!

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Goonda attacks a Duergar. [0 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf wunsoeuio'
Col shudders as an immense rush of life flows into his body!
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'wuffaf uwaoz'
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A Duergar attacks Yustro. [0 Hits]
A Githyanki attacks Yustro. [1 Hits]
A Vampire attacks the wraith of a half-elven fisherman. [3 Hits]
Bis gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a resting glassblower starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Troll points at Dze.
The intense flames cause Dze's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Troll coats Dze with searing agony.
Eris starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman completes its spell...
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman utters the words 'uqz ghafw'
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman conjures an ice storm!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes Naj with a storm of ice.
Upon being struck, Naj disappears into thin air.
Naj stops following Naj.
A Drow Elf stops invoking abruptly!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes Naj with a storm of ice.
Upon being struck, Naj disappears into thin air.
Naj stops following Naj.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes Naj with a storm of ice.
Upon being struck, Naj disappears into thin air.
Naj stops following Naj.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes Naj with a storm of ice.
Upon being struck, Naj disappears into thin air.
Naj stops following Naj.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Duergar with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Githyanki with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Drow Elf with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a water elemental with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman's spell flows around a water elemental, leaving it unharmed!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Troll with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman completes its spell...
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman utters the words 'uqz ghafw'
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman conjures an ice storm!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Duergar with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Vampire with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a Drow Elf with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman's spell flows around a water elemental, leaving it unharmed!
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman crushes a water elemental with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!
The wraith of a tired sailor completes its spell...
The wraith of a tired sailor utters the words 'uqz ghafw'
The wraith of a tired sailor conjures an ice storm!
The wraith of a tired sailor crushes a Duergar with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a tired sailor crushes a Githyanki with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a tired sailor crushes a Duergar with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a tired sailor crushes a water elemental with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a tired sailor crushes a water elemental with a storm of ice.
The wraith of a tired sailor's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving her unharmed!
Dze attacks a Troll. [0 Hits]
You begin to focus your will...
Balen starts casting a spell.
A Drow Elf attempts to flee.
A Drow Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf completes her spell...
A Drow Elf utters the word 'yrawzmosagh'
A Drow Elf points at the wraith of a tired sailor.
Col attacks a Githyanki. [0 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Yustro plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.
Saer attacks a water elemental. [1 Hits]
A water elemental attacks Saer. [0 Hits]
Jethrus rises to his feet.
Naj starts casting an offensive spell.
Knb gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a half-elven fisherman starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a tired sailor starts casting an offensive spell.
Dze starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting a spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
[Damage: 59 ] You feel a warm sense of satisfaction as explosions engulf a Drow Elf.
Balen completes his spell...
Balen utters the words 'pzaruio garzz'
Upon Balen's touch a soft glow flows from his hands and surrounds Dze.
A Githyanki's spell flows around Dze, leaving him unharmed!
Jethrus suddenly attacks a Drow Elf!

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf attacks the wraith of a tired sailor. [0 Hits]
A Drow Elf starts casting a spell.
Col starts casting a spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
A Duergar attacks Yustro. [0 Hits]
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Yustro attacks a Githyanki. [0 Hits]

< 631h/631H 197v/197V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the word 'yufzbarr'
Naj smirks as his fireball explodes into the face of a Drow Elf.
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!
The wraith of a resting glassblower completes its spell...
The wraith of a resting glassblower utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a resting glassblower's fist beats the life out of a Drow Elf, blood pours from his body!
A Drow Elf's crown of dragons was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's pair of minotaur boots was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's blood-red eyepiece was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's beautiful mask made of bird feathers was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's diamond earring was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!