The death of [32 Spiritualist] Toki *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Kobold)

in In a Shaman's Cave

from the perspective of [32 Spiritualist] Toki *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Kobold)

In a Shaman's Cave
Obvious exits: -W
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A small raven totem lies here.
A small limestone totem lies here.
A small ivory totem lies here.
A large stone warhammer has been dropped here.
A short purple worm wriggles about here.
A huge cave spider stands here.
A large cave lizard stands here.
Burgo, the master shaman stands here communing with spirits.

< 1h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >
In a Shaman's Cave
Obvious exits: -W
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A small raven totem lies here.
A small limestone totem lies here.
A small ivory totem lies here.
A large stone warhammer has been dropped here.
A short purple worm wriggles about here.
A huge cave spider stands here.
A large cave lizard stands here.
Burgo, the master shaman stands here communing with spirits.

< 1h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 1h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 6th circle)  1 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  2 - molten spray
( 2nd circle)  3 - flameburst

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    9 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   18 seconds:  ( 4th) mending
   28 seconds:  ( 6th) greater mending
   37 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   46 seconds:  ( 4th) mending
   56 seconds:  ( 6th) greater mending
   66 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   75 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   84 seconds:  ( 4th) mending
   94 seconds:  ( 6th) greater mending
  102 seconds:  ( 4th) mending
  114 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
  121 seconds:  ( 3rd) purify spirit
  128 seconds:  ( 3rd) purify spirit
  137 seconds:  ( 4th) mending
  148 seconds:  ( 7th) ravenflight
  156 seconds:  ( 4th) pantherspeed
  164 seconds:  ( 3rd) purify spirit
  172 seconds:  ( 4th) pantherspeed
  176 seconds:  ( 1st) ice missile
  181 seconds:  ( 1st) ice missile
  185 seconds:  ( 1st) ice missile
  189 seconds:  ( 1st) ice missile
  193 seconds:  ( 1st) ice missile
  198 seconds:  ( 1st) ice missile
  202 seconds:  ( 1st) spirit armor
  206 seconds:  ( 1st) spirit armor
  210 seconds:  ( 1st) ice missile
  218 seconds:  ( 3rd) fire ward
  224 seconds:  ( 2nd) flameburst
  231 seconds:  ( 3rd) scalding blast
  238 seconds:  ( 3rd) scalding blast
  245 seconds:  ( 3rd) scalding blast
  251 seconds:  ( 2nd) flameburst
  257 seconds:  ( 2nd) flameburst
  265 seconds:  ( 3rd) scalding blast
  271 seconds:  ( 2nd) flameburst
  277 seconds:  ( 2nd) flameburst

You can memorize 1 1st and 1 2nd circle spell(s).
You continue your study.

< 1h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 1h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.

< 2h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 3h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mending.

< 3h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 3h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater mending.

< 6h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
Hint: Tired of typing kill 'mob' while the NPC is lying there bleeding to death? Try the toggle vicious command.

< 6h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 7h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
Burgo starts casting a spell.

< 8h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 8h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
Burgo completes his spell...
Burgo points at a large cave lizard.

< 8h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.

< 8h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mending.

< 11h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater mending.

< 13h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.

< 16h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 18h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.

< 18h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 19h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 20h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mending.

< 21h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 21h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 21h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater mending.

< 22h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 23h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mending.

< 24h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
Hint: If you're a Druid, cast the Animal Vision spell in different terrains for different effects.

< 26h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater soul disturbance.

< 27h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing purify spirit.

< 28h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 28h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing purify spirit.

< 29h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mending.

< 30h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ravenflight.

< 33h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing pantherspeed.

< 35h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing purify spirit.

< 37h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing pantherspeed.

< 38h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 39h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ice missile.

< 39h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ice missile.

< 40h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ice missile.

< 40h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ice missile.

< 41h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ice missile.

< 42h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ice missile.

< 43h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing spirit armor.

< 44h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 44h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing spirit armor.

< 45h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing ice missile.

< 46h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
Hint: Evils and Undead can't see very well during the day. You can use the time command to check whether it is night time or not.

< 46h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 47h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fire ward.

< 48h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 48h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing flameburst.

< 49h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing scalding blast.

< 51h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 51h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 53h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing scalding blast.

< 53h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 54h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing scalding blast.

< 55h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 55h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing flameburst.

< 57h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing flameburst.

< 57h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 58h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >

< 59h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing scalding blast.

< 59h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing flameburst.

< 60h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing flameburst.
You snap out of your meditative trance, memorization complete.

< 62h/217H 114v/114V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 62h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >
Hint: Searching a room can sometimes reveal a hidden exit!  Search in suspicious dead ends or in rooms with suspicious descriptions.

< 65h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >

< 65h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >

< 65h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >
A rakshasa tribesman snaps into visibility.
-=[Out of nowhere, a rakshasa tribesman stabs you in the back.]=-
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

< 20h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >
< T: Toki TP: sta TC: awful E: a rakshasa tribesman sta EP: excellent >
 A rakshasa tribesman dodges your futile attack.

< 20h/217H 114v/114V Pos: standing >
< T: Toki TP: sta TC: awful E: a rakshasa tribesman sta EP: excellent >
 A rakshasa tribesman snaps into visibility.
-=[A rakshasa tribesman's slash grievously wounds you.]=-
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
-=[A rakshasa tribesman's impressive slash hits you.]=-