The death of [37 Enslaver] Ra *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)

in The Waters of the Abyss

from the perspective of [38 Water Magus] Skully o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)

<worn as a badge>    the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water
<worn on head>       a polished mithril and dragonscale helmet (magic)
<worn on eyes>       a pair of protective goggles
<worn in ear>        a gnomish ear amplifier (magic)
<worn in ear>        a pair of silver earrings with red rubies
<worn on face>       a Tukluk spirit mask [superior]
<worn around neck>   a frozen leather choker
<worn around neck>   a pearl necklace
<worn on body>       a silky black dress of the sirens (magic)
<worn about body>    a royal robe garb lined with gold [poor]
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight (magic) [89%]
<worn about waist>   a belt of fresh blood [84%]
<worn on belt buckle>the lost book of 'Magic'
<attached to belt>   a quill
<worn on arms>       some mithril and dragonscale arm plates (magic)
<held as shield>     the shield proclaimed 'Hope'
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of finger bones [superior]
<worn around wrist>  some ivory bracers (glowing)
<worn on hands>      some ancient Tukluk spellshield gloves [superior]
<worn on finger>     a ring of endurance (magic)
<worn on finger>     a crystalline ring
<held>               the starseed nebula (magic) (illuminating) [86%]
<worn on legs>       some leggings made from werewolf hide (magic)
<worn on feet>       some hazy purple boots [superior]

Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 88%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.00   Deaths:   6
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Evil Fire Cold
Enchantments:   Ultravision Farsee Fly Haste Levitation Waterbreathing
Herbs:          Medicus
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.70 
Leaderboard Points:  586 

Active Spells:
vitality (9 minutes)
stone skin (3 minutes)
haste (13 minutes)
detect invisibility (54 minutes)

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Contact listing                                               H:0   S:20 
[UW] Carnal Knowledge               X:50  Y:51  R:1.2   B:359 H:180 S:0  |FFS
[NY] OGRE                           X:46  Y:37  R:13.8  B:196 H:349 S:78 |RF

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Speed set to 20.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
 M^^      ^           
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The Caravel Mirror Image floats here.
The Caravel Carnal Knowledge floats here.
Contact listing                                               H:0   S:20 
[UW] Carnal Knowledge               X:50  Y:50  R:0.9   B:359 H:180 S:0  |FFS
[NY] OGRE                           X:46  Y:37  R:13.1  B:197 H:349 S:78 |RF

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Speed set to 0.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Contact listing                                               H:0   S:6  
[UW] Carnal Knowledge               X:50  Y:50  R:0.8   B:359 H:180 S:0  |FFS
[NY] OGRE                           X:46  Y:38  R:12.4  B:199 H:349 S:78 |RF

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Aboard the Caravel Mirror Image
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
Skully enters from the north.
Skully enters from the north.
Skully enters from the north.
A water elemental enters from the north.
A water elemental enters from the north.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You do not see that here.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
A water elemental disembarks this ship.
A water elemental disembarks this ship.
Skully disembarks this ship.
Skully disembarks this ship.
Skully disembarks this ship.
Skully disembarks this ship.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You disembark this ship.
 M^^      @           
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The Caravel Mirror Image floats here.
The Caravel Carnal Knowledge floats here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
A water elemental is here, flowing like a living current. (minion) 
A water elemental is here, flowing like a living current. (minion) 

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
Skully boards the Caravel Carnal Knowledge.
Skully boards the Caravel Carnal Knowledge.
Skully boards the Caravel Carnal Knowledge.
Skully boards the Caravel Carnal Knowledge.
A water elemental boards the Caravel Carnal Knowledge.
A water elemental boards the Caravel Carnal Knowledge.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You board the Caravel Carnal Knowledge.
Aboard the Caravel Carnal Knowledge
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
[2] A small round shield has been dropped here.
A water elemental is here, flowing like a living current. (minion) 
A water elemental is here, flowing like a living current. (minion) 
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Githyanki who is close by to your north.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You give Skully an order.
Skully leaves north.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
On the Bridge of the Caravel Carnal Knowledge
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of a vicious cutthroat of the Northshore Pirates is lying here.
[2] The corpse of a swashbuckler of the Northshore Pirates is lying here.
[2] The corpse of a vicious cutthroat of the Northshore Pirates is lying here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
A Githyanki (medium) Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Skully enters from the south.
Skully enters from the south.
Skully enters from the south.
A water elemental enters from the south.
A water elemental enters from the south.

< 529h/529H 206v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 206v/208V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 529h/529H 206v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 206v/208V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 11 ] You watch with self-pride as the magic missile hits a Githyanki.
A Githyanki's leggings smeared with blood was damaged from the massive blow!
[Damage: 11 ] You watch with self-pride as the magic missile hits a Githyanki.
[Damage: 11 ] You watch with self-pride as the magic missile hits a Githyanki.
Your spell flows around a Githyanki, leaving him unharmed!
[Damage: 11 ] You watch with self-pride as the magic missile hits a Githyanki.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
Tiny explosions wrack Skully's body with pain!
Upon being struck, Skully disappears into thin air.
Skully stops following you.
Skully is no longer in your group.
You start chanting...

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You grin evilly as you send a green beam of disintegration streaking towards a Githyanki!
[Damage: 69 ] You smile happily as your disintegration ray hits a Githyanki!

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Tiny explosions wrack Skully's body with pain!
Upon being struck, Skully disappears into thin air.
Skully stops following you.
Skully is no longer in your group.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Skully suddenly attacks a Githyanki!

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You grin evilly as you send a green beam of disintegration streaking towards a Githyanki!
[Damage: 68 ] You smile happily as your disintegration ray hits a Githyanki!

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Tiny explosions wrack Skully's body with pain!
Upon being struck, Skully disappears into thin air.
Skully stops following you.
Skully is no longer in your group.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Casting: disintegrate 

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You grin evilly as you send a green beam of disintegration streaking towards a Githyanki!
[Damage: 75 ] You smile happily as your disintegration ray hits a Githyanki!

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 111 ] You throw a fireball at a Githyanki and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki disembarks this ship.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 208v/208V Pos: standing >
Aboard the Caravel Carnal Knowledge
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
[2] A small round shield has been dropped here.
Skully enters from the north.
A water elemental enters from the north.
A water elemental enters from the north.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
A water elemental disembarks this ship.
A water elemental disembarks this ship.
Skully disembarks this ship.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You disembark this ship.
 .^^   P S@           
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The Caravel Mirror Image floats here.
The Caravel Carnal Knowledge floats here.
Skully  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here.
A water elemental is here, flowing like a living current. (minion) 
A water elemental is here, flowing like a living current. (minion) 

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 207v/208V Pos: standing >
 ..^^   P @S          
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The Ketch OGRE floats here.
Skully enters from the east.
A water elemental enters from the east.
A water elemental enters from the east.

< 529h/529H 144v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 144v/208V Pos: standing >
 ...^^   P@SS         
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Skully enters from the east.
A water elemental enters from the east.
A water elemental enters from the east.

< 529h/529H 81v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 81v/208V Pos: standing >
 ....^^   @MSS        
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A Githyanki (medium) Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* is stretched out, sound asleep.(Red Aura)
Skully enters from the east.
A water elemental enters from the east.
A water elemental enters from the east.

< 529h/529H 19v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 19v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki avoids being bashed by a water elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
A Githyanki avoids being bashed by a water elemental, who loses its balance and falls.

< 529h/529H 19v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 19v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki awakens.

< 529h/529H 21v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki clambers to his feet.

< 529h/529H 21v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki gets a sparkling large bass from his huge mining sack.

< 529h/529H 22v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki eats a sparkling large bass.

< 529h/529H 22v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki leaves west.

< 529h/529H 22v/208V Pos: standing >
 ....^^  P@ SS        

< 529h/529H 23v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 24v/208V Pos: standing >
You're too exhausted.

< 529h/529H 24v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 24v/208V Pos: standing >
The first hint of daylight can be seen on the northern horizon.
A water elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.
A water elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.

< 529h/529H 25v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 26v/208V Pos: standing >
A water elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.
A water elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.

< 529h/529H 26v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 27v/208V Pos: standing >
A water elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.
A water elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.

< 529h/529H 27v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 28v/208V Pos: standing >
A water elemental clambers to its feet.
You drop to your belly.

< 529h/529H 29v/208V Pos: on your ass >
You drift off to sleep.

< 529h/529H 29v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 34v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 36v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 38v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 40v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 42v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 44v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 47v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 49v/208V Pos: on your ass >
You wake up.

< 529h/529H 51v/208V Pos: on your ass >
You clamber to your feet.

< 529h/529H 53v/208V Pos: standing >
You are already about as tense as you can get.

< 529h/529H 54v/208V Pos: standing >
You stop using a large leather backpack.

< 529h/529H 54v/208V Pos: standing >
Carnal Knowledge has sunk to the depths of the ocean!

You get a sparkling medium sized cod from a large leather backpack.

< 529h/529H 55v/208V Pos: standing >
You strap a large leather backpack on your back.

< 529h/529H 55v/208V Pos: standing >
You eat the sparkling medium sized cod.

< 529h/529H 55v/208V Pos: standing >
You're too exhausted.

< 529h/529H 56v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 57v/208V Pos: standing >
 ...M^^ S             
 ....^^ PP@  S        

< 529h/529H 59v/208V Pos: standing >
You're too exhausted.

< 529h/529H 61v/208V Pos: standing >
 ..M.^^ S             
 ....^^ PP@  S        

< 529h/529H 62v/208V Pos: standing >
 ..M.^^ S             
 ....^^ P @  S        

< 529h/529H 62v/208V Pos: standing >
 ...M.^^ S            
 .....^^ P@M  S       
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 529h/529H 1v/208V Pos: standing >
Col enters from the west.

< 529h/529H 1v/208V Pos: standing >
 ...M.^^ S            
 .....^^ P@M  S       

< 529h/529H 2v/208V Pos: standing >
You drop to your belly.

< 529h/529H 4v/208V Pos: on your ass >
You drift off to sleep.

< 529h/529H 5v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 5v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 8v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 11v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 14v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 16v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 19v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 22v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 25v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 27v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 30v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 33v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 36v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 38v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 41v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 44v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 47v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 49v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 52v/208V Pos: on your ass >

< 529h/529H 55v/208V Pos: on your ass >
You wake up.

< 529h/529H 71v/208V Pos: on your ass >
You clamber to your feet.

< 529h/529H 74v/208V Pos: standing >
You are already about as tense as you can get.

< 529h/529H 75v/208V Pos: standing >
 ....M.^^ S           
 ......^^ @ M  S      
The Waters of the Abyss
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Col Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands here, fighting a Githyanki.
A Githyanki (medium) Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here, fighting Col.(Red Aura)

< 529h/529H 13v/208V Pos: standing >
None here are loyal subjects of yours!

< 529h/529H 13v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 14v/208V Pos: standing >
Col starts casting an offensive spell.

< 529h/529H 15v/208V Pos: standing >
Tiny explosions wrack Col's body with pain!

< 529h/529H 16v/208V Pos: standing >

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
< T: Col TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Col points at a Githyanki.
Col's spell flows around a Githyanki, leaving him unharmed!

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
< T: Col TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
 ...M..^^ S           
 ......^^ @ M  S      

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
< T: Col TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Tiny explosions wrack Col's body with pain!

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
< T: Col TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
 A Githyanki attacks Col. [0 Hits]

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
< T: Col TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Col starts casting an offensive spell called 'greater soul disturbance'.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
< T: Col TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
 ...M..^^ S           
 ......^^ @ M  S      

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
< T: Col TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'greater soul disturbance'
Col points at a Githyanki.
A Githyanki's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by Col.
A Githyanki is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki's face flushes white for a moment.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
Col starts casting a spell.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
You have no idea how to even begin.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf wunsoeuio'
Col shudders as an immense rush of life flows into his body!

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Your spell flows around a Githyanki, leaving him unharmed!

< 529h/529H 18v/208V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 529h/529H 19v/208V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 15 ] The lightning bolt hits a Githyanki with full impact.
A Githyanki's dark obsidian pendant [poor] exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Githyanki's ring of citizenship exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Githyanki's lithixl beak exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Githyanki's earring made from bluejay feathers exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Githyanki is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!