The death of [32 Frost Magus] June (Drow Elf)

in On the Prison Floor L4

from the perspective of [43 Thief] Laz o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Shade)

<worn as a badge>    a ball of crackling energy [superior] (magic) (glowing) [86%]
<worn on head>       the diamond crown of Winduin (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       a collapsable platinum prospector's monocle
<worn in ear>        a silver tooth earring
<worn in ear>        a light mithril earring from Krethik Keep
<worn on face>       a snakeskin mask
<worn around neck>   an angelic gem medallion from The Surface Realm of Duris
<worn around neck>   a brittle collar of glowing glass [poor]
<worn on body>       the chameleon suit of transformation [superior]
<worn about body>    a cloak bearing the seal of Bozk (magic)
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight with a strange dark bloodstone (magic)
<worn about waist>   a belt encrusted with black sapphires [poor] (invis) (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a chipped soulstone dagger [superior] (magic)
<worn on arms>       the sleeves of impskin
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide (magic) (humming) [78%]
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of purple mist [poor]
<worn on hands>      some black leather gloves with mithril blades
<worn on finger>     a tiny silver ring (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a gold ring with diamonds
<primary weapon>     a darksteel rapier [poor] with a strange black stone (magic) (glowing)
<secondary weapon>   a blazing dagger called 'The Fury of Demons' (glowing)
<worn on legs>       a pair of vapor leggings
<worn on feet>       some black leather boots fit with adamantium heel blades

A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your west.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A shady prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your north.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your west.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A shady prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your north.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your west.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A shady prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves north.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2
On the Prison Floor L2
Obvious exits: -N -E# -S -W
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A shady prisoner is standing here glaring at you.
A timid prisoner is standing here, wishing he were free.

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your north.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your west.
A shady prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
Tec leaves north.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2
On the Prison Floor L2
Obvious exits: -S -W
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your south.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your south.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your west.
A shady prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
A shady prisoner who is a brief walk away to your west.
Tec leaves west.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2
On the Prison Floor L2
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves west.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2
On the Prison Floor L2
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves west.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L2
On the Prison Floor L2
Obvious exits: -E -S -U
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A shady prisoner is standing here glaring at you.
A timid prisoner is standing here, wishing he were free.
A shady prisoner is standing here glaring at you.

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your east.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your east.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by above you.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your east.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your east.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A timid prisoner who is close by above you.
Tec floats up.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -E -S -D
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A timid prisoner is standing here, wishing he were free.

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your east.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your east.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your east.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your east.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your east.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your east.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your south.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your south.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your south.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.
A timid prisoner who is close by below you.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves south.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W#
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A timid prisoner is standing here, wishing he were free.
A shady prisoner is standing here glaring at you.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your east.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your south.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your south.
Tec leaves south.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W#
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)
A shady prisoner is standing here glaring at you.

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves south.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -N -E -S#
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your north.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your north.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your east.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your east.

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your north.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your north.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A shady prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your east.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your east.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves east.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves east.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A timid prisoner who is close by to your north.
A small rat who is not far off to your north.
A timid prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is not far off to your north.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your north.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your north.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your north.
A timid prisoner who is a brief walk away to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your east.
Tec leaves east.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -N -W -U
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is a brief walk away to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your west.
A timid prisoner who is close by above you.
A sinister prisoner who is close by above you.
Tec floats up.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4
On the Prison Floor L4
Obvious exits: -W# -D
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A timid prisoner is standing here, wishing he were free.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)

< 622h/622H 184v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An Ogre who is close by to your west.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec nods.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An Ogre who is close by to your west.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
The inmates is closed.
To the west the prison continues.
The closed inmates blocks your farsight.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
On the Prison Floor L4
Obvious exits: -W# -D
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A timid prisoner is standing here, wishing he were free.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec crap

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec floats down.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L3
On the Prison Floor L3
Obvious exits: -N -W -U
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A shady prisoner is standing here glaring at you.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec floats up.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4
On the Prison Floor L4
Obvious exits: -W# -D
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A timid prisoner is standing here, wishing he were free.
A sinister prisoner is standing here looking you over.(Red Aura)

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shady prisoner who is close by below you.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You get a set of lockpicks from a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
A timid prisoner leaves down.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You stop using a darksteel rapier [poor] with a strange black stone.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You hold a set of lockpicks.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
The lock quickly yields to your skills.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You stop using a set of lockpicks.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
You wield a darksteel rapier [poor] with a strange black stone.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Saving Laz.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec opens the inmates.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves west.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4
On the Prison Floor L4
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
A crafting recipe lies here collecting dust.
An ancient fragment of mammoth ivory has been left here.
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Saving Laz.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec closes the inmates.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An Ogre who is close by to your north.
An ice elemental who is close by to your north.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your north.
A sinister prisoner who is close by to your east.

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves north.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4
On the Prison Floor L4
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
[2] The corpse of a menacing prisoner is lying here.
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An Ogre (huge) RaVaGeR *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands here.(Red Aura)
An ice elemental is here chilling the room. (minion) 
A Drow Elf (medium) sits resting. (Non-Fraggable)

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec snaps into visibility.
A Drow Elf shrieks in shock from the severed tupor link.
Tec places the dagger of Wind in the back of a Drow Elf, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
A Drow Elf's spell flows around Tec, leaving him unharmed!
Tec places a slimy troglodyte claw [superior] in the back of a Drow Elf, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Tec snaps into visibility.
Tec shivers as he hits a Drow Elf.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
An ice elemental says 'Prepare to fight me, too!'
Tec avoids being bashed by an ice elemental, who loses its balance and falls.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec attempts to flee.
Tec leaves east.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4
On the Prison Floor L4
Obvious exits: -N -W
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec leaves west.
You follow Tec.

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4

Zone: Bloodstone Keep.
Room: On the Prison Floor L4
On the Prison Floor L4
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
[2] The corpse of a menacing prisoner is lying here.
*Tec (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An Ogre (huge) RaVaGeR *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands here.(Red Aura)
An ice elemental crouches here. (Minion) 
A Drow Elf (medium) sits in mid-air here. (Non-Fraggable)

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
Tec snaps into visibility.
Tec places the dagger of Wind in the back of a Drow Elf, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Tec snaps into visibility.
Tec shivers as he hits a Drow Elf.
Tec places a slimy troglodyte claw [superior] in the back of a Drow Elf, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Tec snaps into visibility.
Tec shivers as he hits a Drow Elf.

< 622h/622H 185v/187V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
You stealthily position yourself behind a Drow Elf, circling her.

< 622h/622H 186v/187V Pos: standing >
< T: Tec TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  nasty wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 18 ] -=[A Drow Elf screams in pain as your slash tears into her flesh]=-
You snap into visibility.
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 26 ] -=[A Drow Elf screams in pain as your pierce tears into her flesh]=-
A Drow Elf's orc-skin wrist protector was damaged from the massive blow!
You snap into visibility.
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 19 ] -=[A Drow Elf screams in pain as your pierce tears into her flesh]=-
You snap into visibility.
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 22 ] -=[A Drow Elf screams in pain as your slash tears into her flesh]=-
You snap into visibility.
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 24 ] -=[A Drow Elf screams in pain as your slash tears into her flesh]=-
You snap into visibility.
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Tec attempts to flee.
Tec leaves south.

< 539h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
<Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
Tec enters from the south.

< 539h/622H 187v/187V Pos: standing >
<Tec snaps into visibility.
Tec places the dagger of Wind in the back of a Drow Elf, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
A Drow Elf is stunned!
Tec snaps into visibility.
Tec shivers as he hits a Drow Elf.
Tec places a slimy troglodyte claw [superior] in the back of a Drow Elf, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
A Drow Elf's lost token of the mines of Khul'Lor was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drow Elf's a tiny amethyst ring was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
An ice elemental stops following a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.