The death of [48 Minstrel] Yustro o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)

in The Mystic Ward

from the perspective of [48 Minstrel] Yustro o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)

<worn as a badge>    the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water
<worn on eyes>       the severed eyes of a demon
<worn in ear>        a gnomish ear amplifier of charisma
<worn in ear>        a spiral woven of smoke of dexterity
<worn on face>       a skin-wrapped iron mask
<worn around neck>   the cloak of the ageless spirit of the wind (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a choker with red, white and a blue gems
<worn on body>       a green suit of jodani wood platemail of regeneration
<worn about body>    a light and windy cloak (glowing)
<worn on back>       a well-crafted ash longbow (illuminating)
<worn as quiver>     an embroidered illithid-hide backsheath [78%]
<worn about waist>   a belt of fresh blood [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>the epic lyre of healing and harming
<attached to belt>   a hand-carved yo-yo [80%]
<attached to belt>   the legendary harp of peace and calming
<worn around wrist>  a well-crafted gem bracer [81%]
<worn on finger>     a blood-stained gem ring from The Motte and Bailey of Duke Delwyn
<held>               the legendary flute of sleeping and charming
<worn on legs>       a pair of wooden shin guards covered with soot
<worn on feet>       the boots of a MaDMaN (glowing)

Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 154h/419H 104v/123V Pos: standing >
Rugged Hills of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 154h/419H 103v/123V Pos: standing >
The mountains are too treacherous to be scaled.  Find another way to pass them.

< 154h/419H 103v/123V Pos: standing >
The mountains are too treacherous to be scaled.  Find another way to pass them.

< 154h/419H 104v/123V Pos: standing >

< 155h/419H 109v/123V Pos: standing >
Swirling, silvery mists fill the area, slowly forming a pool on the ground..

< 156h/419H 111v/123V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 156(419)  Moves: 115(123)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Enchantments:   Ultravision Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (139 minutes)

< 156h/419H 115v/123V Pos: standing >

< 157h/419H 117v/123V Pos: standing >
You enter a moonwell and reappear elsewhere...

Zone: Alatorin - the Forge City.
Room: The Mystic Ward
The Mystic Ward
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
A pool formed of silver-colored liquid is here, slowly dissipating.
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
The corpse of a goblin wildmage is lying here.
The corpse of a Githzerai is lying here.
A shadowmage walks through here, fading in and out of existence.
A small hairless osquip scurries across the city floor.
Ico Foot ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Centaur)(large) stands in mid-air here.

< 157h/419H 119v/123V Pos: standing >
An osquip suddenly scurries out of some nearby shadows and darts past you towards another niche.

< 158h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >
Ico says 'di '

< 159h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 160h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >
You get a tome of wizardry from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a hand-carved yo-yo from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a well-crafted ash longbow from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water from the corpse of Yustro.
You get an embroidered illithid-hide backsheath from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a gnomish ear amplifier of charisma from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a spiral woven of smoke of dexterity from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the severed eyes of a demon from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the epic lyre of healing and harming from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a bone handled short sword [superior] with a strange black stone from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a belt of fresh blood [poor] from the corpse of Yustro.
You can't carry any more.

< 160h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >
Ico completes his spell...
Ico utters the words 'qfzahz gsfuio'

< 160h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >

< 161h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 161(419)  Moves: 123(123)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Enchantments:   Ultravision Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (139 minutes)

< 161h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >
You clasp a belt of fresh blood [poor] around your waist.
You wear a spiral woven of smoke of dexterity on your left ear.
You wear a gnomish ear amplifier of charisma on your right ear.
You don the guild insignia of the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water.
You slide the severed eyes of a demon over your eyes.
You strap an embroidered illithid-hide backsheath onto your back.
You wield a bone handled short sword [superior] with a strange black stone.
You lack the training to use two weapons.
You lack the training to use two weapons.
You lack the training to use two weapons.
You strap a well-crafted ash longbow on your back.
It glows brightly.
You attach the epic lyre of healing and harming to your belt.
You attach a hand-carved yo-yo to your belt.

< 161h/419H 123v/123V Pos: standing >
You get a light and windy cloak from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the hands of justice [poor] from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the boots of a MaDMaN from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a pair of wooden shin guards covered with soot from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the crown of doom [superior] from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a green suit of jodani wood platemail of regeneration from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a choker with red, white and a blue gems from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the cloak of the ageless spirit of the wind from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a skin-wrapped iron mask from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a well-crafted gem bracer from the corpse of Yustro.
You can't carry any more.

< 255h/513H 153v/153V Pos: standing >
A moonwell dissolves in a swirl of colors and is gone.

< 256h/513H 153v/153V Pos: standing >
You shrug into a green suit of jodani wood platemail of regeneration.
You slide your legs into a pair of wooden shin guards covered with soot.
You pull the hands of justice [poor] onto your hands.
You place the boots of a MaDMaN on your feet.
You don the crown of doom [superior] on your head.
You place a well-crafted gem bracer around your left wrist.
You duck your head and place the cloak of the ageless spirit of the wind around your neck.
You duck your head and place a choker with red, white and a blue gems around your neck.
You cover your face with a skin-wrapped iron mask.
You wear a light and windy cloak about your body.

< 256h/513H 153v/153V Pos: standing >
You get a flaming platinum ring from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a blood-stained gem ring from the Motte and Bailey of Duke Delwyn from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a small pile of coins from the corpse of Yustro.
There were: 30 platinum coins, 118 gold coins, 7 silver coins, 1 copper coin. 
You get the legendary horn of flight and dragons from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the legendary mandolin of revelations and forgetfulness from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a large leather backpack from the corpse of Yustro.
You get some pygmie-blend Sage from the corpse of Yustro.
You get a kalian crafted from a gourd from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the legendary drums of chaos and heroism from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the legendary flute of sleeping and charming from the corpse of Yustro.
You get the legendary harp of peace and calming from the corpse of Yustro.

< 325h/582H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
A shadowmage leaves north.

< 325h/582H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 325h/582H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

< 326h/582H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You place a blood-stained gem ring from the Motte and Bailey of Duke Delwyn on your left ring finger.
You place a flaming platinum ring on your right ring finger.
You attach the legendary harp of peace and calming to your belt.
You hold the legendary flute of sleeping and charming.

< 326h/582H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
The corpse of Yustro appears to be empty.

< 342h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

< 343h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

< 344h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
Ico completes his spell...
Ico utters the word 'waaixzrr'
Swirling, silvery mists fill the area, slowly forming a pool on the ground..

< 344h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You are carrying: (7/11)
the legendary drums of chaos and heroism
a kalian crafted from a gourd
some pygmie-blend Sage
a large leather backpack
the legendary mandolin of revelations and forgetfulness
the legendary horn of flight and dragons
a tome of wizardry

< 344h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 345(598)  Moves: 163(163)
Coins carried:   30 platinum   118 gold     7 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Detecting:      Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Fly Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (138 minutes)

< 345h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
Laz steps out of a moonwell.

< 346h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 346h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You are currently memorizing the following spells:
    5 seconds:  ( 7th) fireball
   10 seconds:  ( 7th) fireball
   15 seconds:  ( 8th) bigbys clenched fist
   20 seconds:  ( 8th) bigbys clenched fist
   25 seconds:  ( 8th) bigbys clenched fist
   31 seconds:  ( 8th) bigbys clenched fist
   36 seconds:  ( 7th) dimension door
   41 seconds:  ( 7th) fireball
   47 seconds:  (10th) detect invisibility
   49 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
   52 seconds:  ( 3rd) magic missile
   56 seconds:  ( 3rd) magic missile
   59 seconds:  ( 3rd) magic missile
   62 seconds:  ( 3rd) magic missile
   65 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
   67 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
   71 seconds:  ( 5th) concealment
   76 seconds:  ( 5th) concealment
   80 seconds:  ( 5th) concealment
   84 seconds:  ( 4th) burning hands
   87 seconds:  ( 4th) burning hands
   91 seconds:  ( 4th) burning hands
   95 seconds:  ( 4th) burning hands
   97 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
  100 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
  102 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
  105 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
  107 seconds:  ( 2nd) mirror image
  112 seconds:  ( 5th) concealment
  115 seconds:  ( 3rd) magic missile
  119 seconds:  ( 5th) concealment
  124 seconds:  ( 6th) dispel magic
  128 seconds:  ( 6th) dispel magic
  131 seconds:  ( 3rd) magic missile
  135 seconds:  ( 3rd) magic missile
  139 seconds:  ( 6th) lightning bolt
  144 seconds:  ( 6th) lightning bolt
  148 seconds:  ( 6th) lightning bolt
  154 seconds:  (10th) detect invisibility
  158 seconds:  ( 4th) minor creation
  162 seconds:  ( 4th) minor creation

You can memorize 3 9th circle spell(s).
You continue your study.

< 346h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 346h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
A shadowmage enters from the north.

< 346h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.

< 347h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.

< 348h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
An osquip sniffs around, then his long tongue sneaks out beneath its huge teeth, giving them a quick lick before retreating back into its maw.

< 348h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You stop meditating.
   This crafty little gnome mage fades in and out of sight as
the shadows shift in the room.  When he appears, he appears to be rather
young, only a few hundred years old.  He has long bushy eyebrows and a
bulbous nose and rosey cheeks.  However, most of the time his cute little
face is shrouded in darkness.
A shadowmage appears to be Gnome and is in excellent condition.
He's small in size.
He seems to be moving much faster than normal..
His body appears to be covered with swirling shadows!
He is surrounded by burning flames!
He's encased in a shimmering globe!
He's surrounded by a diffuse globe of light!

<worn on body>       some Alatorin apprentice robes [superior]

< 348h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing bigbys clenched fist.

< 350h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 352h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing bigbys clenched fist.

< 352h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You appear to be Githzerai and has quite a few wounds.
He's medium in size.
His skin has a barklike texture..
He is surrounded by burning flames!
He's encased in a shimmering globe!

<worn as a badge>    the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water
<worn on head>       the crown of doom [superior] (humming)
<worn on eyes>       the severed eyes of a demon
<worn in ear>        a gnomish ear amplifier of charisma
<worn in ear>        a spiral woven of smoke of dexterity
<worn on face>       a skin-wrapped iron mask
<worn around neck>   the cloak of the ageless spirit of the wind (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a choker with red, white and a blue gems
<worn on body>       a green suit of jodani wood platemail of regeneration
<worn about body>    a light and windy cloak (glowing)
<worn on back>       a well-crafted ash longbow (illuminating)
<worn as quiver>     an embroidered illithid-hide backsheath [78%]
<worn about waist>   a belt of fresh blood [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>the epic lyre of healing and harming
<attached to belt>   a hand-carved yo-yo [80%]
<attached to belt>   the legendary harp of peace and calming
<worn around wrist>  a well-crafted gem bracer [81%]
<worn on hands>      the hands of justice [poor] (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a flaming platinum ring
<worn on finger>     a blood-stained gem ring from The Motte and Bailey of Duke Delwyn
<primary weapon>     a bone handled short sword [superior] with a strange black stone
<held>               the legendary flute of sleeping and charming
<worn on legs>       a pair of wooden shin guards covered with soot
<worn on feet>       the boots of a MaDMaN (glowing)

< 352h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 352(598)  Moves: 163(163)
Coins carried:   30 platinum   118 gold     7 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Sitting around, resting.
         Fireshielded Memorizing
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Detecting:      Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Fly Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (138 minutes)

< 352h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico completes his spell...
Ico gently touches Ico's body, and his wounds begin to heal!

< 352h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.
Laz quaffs a fiery red potion.
Laz's skin seems to turn to stone.
Laz looks vitalized.

< 353h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico completes his spell...

< 353h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing bigbys clenched fist.

< 354h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 354h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Nah... You feel too relaxed to do that...
Maybe you should get on your feet first?

< 354h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico completes his spell...
Ico gently touches Ico's body, and his wounds begin to heal!

< 355h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
A moonwell dissolves in a swirl of colors and is gone.

< 355h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 355h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing bigbys clenched fist.

< 356h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico completes his spell...
Ico gently touches Ico's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
You start meditating...

< 356h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico drinks from a tiny bubbling spring.
Ico gently touches Ico's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
Ico appears invigorated.

< 357h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing dimension door.

< 358h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico drinks from a tiny bubbling spring.
Ico gently touches Ico's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
Ico appears invigorated.

< 358h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Laz says 'group me'

< 359h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.

< 359h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 360(598)  Moves: 163(163)
Coins carried:   30 platinum   118 gold     7 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Sitting around, resting.
         Fireshielded Memorizing Meditating
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Detecting:      Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Fly Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (138 minutes)

Laz is now a member of Ico's group.

< 360h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
An osquip leaves east.
You stop meditating.
You now follow Ico.

< 360h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You attempt to give consent...

< 360h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 361h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 361h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico completes his spell...
Ico gently touches Ico's body, and his wounds begin to heal!

< 361h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing detect invisibility.

< 362h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 362h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.

< 362h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing magic missile.

< 363h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico completes his spell...

< 363h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing magic missile.

< 363h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
A shadowmage leaves north.

< 364h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You are now a member of Ico's group.

< 364h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >

< 364h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing magic missile.

< 365h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 365h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing magic missile.

< 366h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.

< 366h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.
Ico completes his spell...

< 367h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.

< 367h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 368(598)  Moves: 163(163)
Coins carried:   30 platinum   118 gold     7 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Sitting around, resting.
         Fireshielded Memorizing Meditating
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Detecting:      Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Fly Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (138 minutes)

< 368h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.

< 368h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico nods.

< 368h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.

< 369h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Laz now follows Ico.

< 369h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing burning hands.

< 370h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing burning hands.

< 370h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing burning hands.

< 371h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing burning hands.

< 372h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.

< 372h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Laz places a bracelet of dracolich hide around his wrist.

< 373h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico starts casting a spell.

< 373h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.

< 373h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.

< 374h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.

< 374h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing mirror image.
Ico completes his spell...
Ico's crested shield of Melkivar starts to crackle with energy, as small bolts of lightning run along its surface.

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 375(598)  Moves: 163(163)
Coins carried:   30 platinum   118 gold     7 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Sitting around, resting.
         Fireshielded Memorizing Meditating
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Detecting:      Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Fly Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (137 minutes)

< 375h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.

< 376h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico trots east.

< 376h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing magic missile.

< 376h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Someone peers around intently, looking for something.

< 377h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico trots in from the east.

< 377h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >

< 377h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.

< 377h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
An osquip enters from the east.

< 378h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
Ico trots west.

< 379h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing dispel magic.

< 379h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing dispel magic.

< 381h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing magic missile.

< 382h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >

< 382h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing magic missile.

< 382h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >

		Score information for Yustro

Level: 48   Race: Githzerai   Class: Bard / Minstrel Sex: Male
Hit points: 383(598)  Moves: 163(163)
Coins carried:   30 platinum   118 gold     7 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status:  Sitting around, resting.
         Fireshielded Memorizing Meditating
Frags:   +0.44   Deaths:   33
Detecting:      Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Fly Listen
Combat Pulse:   15 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points:  540 

Active Spells:
rested bonus (137 minutes)

< 383h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing lightning bolt.

< 384h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing lightning bolt.

< 386h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
An osquip leaves east.

< 386h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing lightning bolt.

< 387h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
A Drider snaps into visibility.

< 387h/598H 163v/163V Pos: sitting >
A Drider completes his spell...
A huge fist sent by a Drider grabs you, and begins crushing your body.
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You stop meditating.
You clamber to your feet.
You abandon your studies.

< 136h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
A Drider starts casting an offensive spell called 'bigbys crushing hand'.

< 136h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 136h/598H 163v/163V Pos: standing >
A Drider completes his spell...
A Drider utters the words 'bigbys crushing hand'
A huge fist sent by a Drider grabs you, and begins crushing your body.
Your bone handled short sword [superior] with a strange black stone was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your hands of justice [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your crown of doom [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your flaming platinum ring was completely destroyed by the massive blow!