The death of [21 Monk] Yzarafk (Orc)

in Along a Crumbling Cobblestone Road

from the perspective of [21 Monk] Yzarafk (Orc)

<worn around neck>   a ghastly hide charm
<worn around neck>   a crude glassteel charm
<worn on body>       a leather crafters apron [superior]
<worn about body>    a finely woven centaur blanket [superior] [73%]
<worn around wrist>  a cracked copper wristguard
<worn on legs>       some icy cured leather leggings
<worn on feet>       a pair of black boots

The Inn of the Shady Grove
   The small and simple room here is decorated with a variety of
plants and pieces of furniture.  The room is constructed from stone
and mortar.  The room glows an erie yellow from the large candles
which burn on the counter along the west wall.  A hallway can be
seen just beyond the counter where visitors have taken some time
off.  There are exits leading into the House of the Poor and the
Bar of the Dancing Flame.
Obvious exits: -East  -South
Some strangely-flowered, pungent hemp has been left here.
A rare piece of blessed bronze lies here, glowing softly. (glowing)
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[2] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[2] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[10] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[3] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[3] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[3] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A large stone warhammer has been dropped here.
A small leather-bound book lies here.
An orc anti-paladin surveys the area for intruders.
An orcish guard stands here patrolling.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
Try becoming part of a guild first!  DUH!

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
Zoku suddenly fades into this reality, muttering a word of thanks.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
Zoku makes a magical gesture, sending a snarling warg back to the nether plane.
Zoku makes a magical gesture, sending an orc warrior back to the nether plane.
Zoku makes a magical gesture, sending an orc warrior back to the nether plane.
Zoku makes a magical gesture, sending an orc warrior back to the nether plane.
Zoku makes a magical gesture, sending an orc warrior back to the nether plane.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
Zoku leaves south.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
You appear to be Orc and is in excellent condition.
She's medium in size.

<worn as a badge>    an unique ruby badge
<worn around neck>   a ghastly hide charm
<worn around neck>   a crude glassteel charm
<worn on body>       a leather crafters apron [superior]
<worn about body>    a finely woven centaur blanket [superior] [73%]
<worn around wrist>  a cracked copper wristguard
<worn on legs>       some icy cured leather leggings
<worn on feet>       a pair of black boots

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
The Inn of the Shady Grove
Obvious exits: -East  -South
Some strangely-flowered, pungent hemp has been left here.
A rare piece of blessed bronze lies here, glowing softly. (glowing)
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[2] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[2] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[10] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[3] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[3] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[3] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A large stone warhammer has been dropped here.
A small leather-bound book lies here.
An orc anti-paladin surveys the area for intruders.
An orcish guard stands here patrolling.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
You appear to be Orc and is in excellent condition.
She's medium in size.

<worn as a badge>    an unique ruby badge
<worn around neck>   a ghastly hide charm
<worn around neck>   a crude glassteel charm
<worn on body>       a leather crafters apron [superior]
<worn about body>    a finely woven centaur blanket [superior] [73%]
<worn around wrist>  a cracked copper wristguard
<worn on legs>       some icy cured leather leggings
<worn on feet>       a pair of black boots

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
An orc anti-paladin starts casting a spell.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
An orc anti-paladin completes his spell...
An orc anti-paladin utters the word 'saihpzfgszze'
An orc anti-paladin points at an orcish guard.
An orcish guard begins to move much more quickly.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
The Bar of Dancing Flame
   Chairs and tables can be found through out this room. This bar serves as
a gathering place for social events. Many drunks can always be found here.
There is a large counter along the west wall where most of the drunks are
gathered drinking heartily. Drinks and other items are available for sample
in this store. The only exits are down and north out of the this bar.
Obvious exits: -North -Down 
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[2] A steel long sword has been left here.
[2] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[2] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
A mighty board stands here held up by great swords reading 'Flame Board.'
Crawling about, this baby orc is crying loudly.
An orcish shaman is here practicing a new spell.
An orcish merchant is standing here completing his next transaction.
(Q)Ixie, the bartender, stands behind the counter ready to serve you.
A dancing elven girl dances along her way through the bar.

< 263h/263H 114v/115V Pos: standing >
An orcish merchant leaves down.

< 263h/263H 114v/115V Pos: standing >
A Small Side Street of the Grove
  This pathway is almost ten feet wide and is heavily littered with trash
and other debris.  Many visitors to the city use this pathway to acess the
inn and bar which lie just ahead. Large puddles of water gather here due to
poor drainage system. Among these puddles of water are scattered lose change
and other unwanted items that people have carelessly dropped. The only
exits are east and up which lead into various parts of town.
Obvious exits: -East  -Up   
An orcish merchant is standing here completing his next transaction.

< 263h/263H 113v/115V Pos: standing >
A Small Side Street of the Grove
  This pathway is almost ten feet wide and is heavily littered with trash
and other debris.  Many visitors to the city use this pathway to acess the
inn and bar which lie just ahead. Large puddles of water gather here due to
poor drainage system. Rotten corpses of some animals are seen along the
side of this street. There is a potent stench of decay in this area. The
only exits are east and west leading into various parts of the Grove.
Obvious exits: -East  -West 
A small collar collects among the rubble on the ground.
A drunken orc wanders about lost out of his mind.
Crawling about, this baby orc is crying loudly.

< 263h/263H 113v/115V Pos: standing >
The Path of the Damned
   Lined with stones of all shapes and sizes, the Path of the Damned serves
as the main north-south road through the Grove. The road here is roughly
thirty feet wide.  A variety of shoppes and taverns can be found on this
pathway. Running along side of the many buildings, innocent citizens can be
seen moving from shop to shop conducting their business. This road also serves
home to many various stray animals and beggars. There are exits to the north
and south along this path, west into an alley, and east to the bakery.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
The corpse of a stray dog is lying here.
[10] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[2] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[2] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[2] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[2] A steel long sword has been left here.
[2] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[2] A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
[2] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[2] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
(Q)An old orcish woman cries over the loss of her spouse.

< 263h/263H 112v/115V Pos: standing >
The Path of the Damned
   Lined with stones of all shapes and sizes, the Path of the Damned serves
as the main north-south road through the Grove. The road here is roughly
thirty feet wide.  A variety of shoppes and taverns can be found on this
pathway. Running along side of the many buildings, innocent citizens can be
seen moving from shop to shop conducting their business. This road also serves
home to many various stray animals and beggars. There are exits to the north
and south along this path and there is an exit east to the shopping district
of the city.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South

< 263h/263H 111v/115V Pos: standing >
The Path of the Damned
   Lined with stones of all shapes and sizes, the Path of the Damned serves
as the main north-south road through the Shady Grove. The road here is
roughly thirty feet wide.  A variety of shoppes and taverns can be found
on this pathway. Running along side of the many buildings, innocent
citizens can be seen moving from shop to shop conducting their business.
This road also serves home to many various stray animals and beggars.
There are exits to the north and south along this path. The Guard Barracks
of the Black Order of Orcs is located just to the west with the Shady
Jewelers to the east.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 

< 263h/263H 111v/115V Pos: standing >
The Path of the Damned
   Lined with stones of all shapes and sizes, the Path of the Damned serves
as the main north-south road through the Shady Grove. The road here is
roughly thirty feet wide.  A variety of shoppes and taverns can be found
on this pathway. Running along side of the many buildings, innocent
citizens can be seen moving from shop to shop conducting their business.
This road also serves home to many various stray animals and beggars.
There are exits to the north and south along this path and a small
scribers shop to the east.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South

< 263h/263H 111v/115V Pos: standing >
The Path of the Damned
   Lined with stones of all shapes and sizes, the Path of the Damned serves
as the main north-south road through the Shady Grove. The road here is
roughly thirty feet wide.  A variety of shoppes and taverns can be found
on this pathway. Running along side of the many buildings, innocent
citizens can be seen moving from shop to shop conducting their business.
This road also serves home to many various stray animals and beggars.
There are exits to the north and south along this path. On the west side
of the pathway, there is a small stone tower rising above the city. On
the east side is the southern branch of the Bank of the Shady.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A cowardly orcish girl tries to hide herself in protection.

< 263h/263H 110v/115V Pos: standing >
The South Gates of the Shady Grove
  A large city dwells before your eyes. Many citizens have made this city
their home.  Citizens of the Shady Grove can been seen running about tending
to their tasks at hand. The black obsidian gates closing off the city exit to
the south is here along with many guards protecting it from unlawful entry.
Eyes from above the city wall watch every move. There are exits to the north,
west, and east leading into various parts of the city. The exit beyond the
gate downwards leads to a ramp that descends into a deep moat.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West  -Down 
Zoku Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Loms Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.
Newly recruited by Shady Grove, a young orc sentinel watches the gates.
Newly recruited by Shady Grove, a young orc sentinel watches the gates.
Newly recruited by Shady Grove, a young orc sentinel watches the gates.
A massive umber hulk stands here chained to the ground.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.

< 263h/263H 110v/115V Pos: standing >
Zoku closes the black.

< 263h/263H 110v/115V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 263h/263H 110v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 111v/115V Pos: standing >
Loms sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 263h/263H 113v/115V Pos: standing >
Loms stares off into space, entering a meditative trance.

< 263h/263H 113v/115V Pos: standing >
Loms snaps out of his meditative trance, grinning widely.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
Loms clambers to his feet.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
The black seems to be closed.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
The South Gates of the Shady Grove
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West  -Down #
Zoku Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Loms Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.
Newly recruited by Shady Grove, a young orc sentinel watches the gates.
Newly recruited by Shady Grove, a young orc sentinel watches the gates.
Newly recruited by Shady Grove, a young orc sentinel watches the gates.
A massive umber hulk stands here chained to the ground.
The orc gate guard of the Shady Grove stands here on duty.

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >

< 263h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
Before the Ramparts that Lead to the South Gates of Shady Grove
A massive moat was recently built before the gates. From within the deep moat,
a long ramp leads upwards to the south gates of Shady Grove. The moat is
currently dry...

   Standing before the magnificent entryway into the city, one easily notices
the many eyes watching from above.  These eyes of the sentries on the city wall
mark your entry into the city and keep an eye out for danger.  The gates to the
city are large and black.  Constructed from black obsidian forged in the fiery
pits of a volcanoe, these gates have kept unwanted visitors out of the city. On
the other side of the gates, many guards can be seen standing stern and
attending to their tasks at hand.
Obvious exits: -South -Up   

< 263h/263H 114v/115V Pos: standing >
Nearing the Shady Grove
   The pathway leads closer to a large city. High black city walls surround
this city called the Shady Grove. Along the city wall, there appear to be
many sentries observing the city and near by surroundings. Along side of this
pathway, beautiful pastures filled with grazing animals can be seen. The only
exits are north and south along this pathway.
Obvious exits: -North -South
Crawling about, this baby orc is crying loudly.

< 263h/263H 113v/115V Pos: standing >
A Small Pathway
   The rocky pathway continues here heading up to a large city in the near
distance.  The city to the north is marked by its varying skyline of towers
and the city wall.  Many guards can been seen on their posts from this path.
There are a variety of animals roaming about here in search of food to satisfy
their appetites.  The pathway continues north and south through the surrouding
Obvious exits: -North -South

< 263h/263H 112v/115V Pos: standing >
Along a Crumbling Cobblestone Road
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
The corpse of a forest ettercap is lying here.

< 263h/263H 111v/115V Pos: standing >
Oof! You bump into a greyish stone wall...
A Vampire tackles you square in the chest knocking the wind out of you!
You suddenly don't have the energy to fight!

< 263h/263H 112v/115V Pos: sitting >

< 263h/263H 113v/115V Pos: sitting >
-=[A Vampire's impressive slash strikes you.]=-
-=[A Vampire's fine pierce strikes you.]=-
-=[A Vampire's fine slash strikes you.]=-
A Vampire misses you.

< 231h/263H 115v/115V Pos: sitting >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Vampire sta EP: excellent >
 [Damage: 12 ] -=[You hit a pressure point on a Vampire with additional force.]=-
A Vampire dodges your futile attack.

< 231h/263H 115v/115V Pos: sitting >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 -=[A Vampire's impressive slash strikes you.]=-
-=[A Vampire's fine pierce strikes you.]=-
-=[A Vampire's impressive slash strikes you.]=-
You arch around a Vampire's blow, and deal a brutal counterattack!
You miss a Vampire.
-=[A Vampire's impressive slash strikes you.]=-

< 185h/263H 115v/115V Pos: sitting >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 [Damage:  8 ] -=[You hit a pressure point on a Vampire with additional force.]=-

< 185h/263H 115v/115V Pos: sitting >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
That last attack was particularly invasive, and you feel your collective wisdom decrease.
-=[As your body is consumed with pain, pain, and more pain, you briefly go to that 'happy place' inside.]=-
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You turn green and puke...Chunks everywhere!!! 

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: sitting >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sit TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 A Vampire enters from the east.
A Vampire enters from the east.
A Vampire enters from the east.
A Vampire enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
A Grey Elf enters from the east.

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: sitting >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sit TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 A Vampire gives an order to his followers.
You dodge a bash from an earth elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
You dodge a bash from an earth elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
You dodge a bash from an earth elemental, who loses its balance and falls.

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: sitting >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sit TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 You clamber to your feet.

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sta TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sta TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sta TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 You attempt to flee...
Oof! You bump into a greyish stone wall...
PANIC!  You couldn't escape!

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sta TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 You attempt to flee...
PANIC!  You couldn't escape!

< 7h/263H 115v/115V Pos: standing >
< T: Yzarafk TP: sta TC: awful E: A Vampire sta EP: few scratches >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
-=[Everything is blurry after a Vampire's head came crashing into your skull.]=-
Your unique ruby badge was completely destroyed by the massive blow!