The death of [48 Spiritualist] Col o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)

in Rugged Trail Through the Forest

from the perspective of [49 Elementalist] Kaji *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)

<worn as a badge>    a necromantic death shroud
<worn on head>       the helm of light
<worn on eyes>       the eyes of the High Forest (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a pulsating gemstone earring [poor] [65%]
<worn in ear>        a silver tooth earring [71%]
<worn on face>       mask of the iron bloodhounds (glowing)
<worn around neck>   an amulet of fire dragon's blood (magic)
<worn around neck>   a spectral holy symbol of Berronar Truesilver
<worn on body>       a warsuit of jade wyrmscale of regeneration (glowing)
<worn about body>    an ornate red cloak (magic)
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack [89%]
<worn as quiver>     an embroidered illithid-hide backsheath (magic) [87%]
<worn about waist>   a waistband of rock and stone [superior] (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>the dark heart of a githyanki (glowing) [81%]
<attached to belt>   a potion of greater invisibility (magic)
<attached to belt>   a potion of greater invisibility (magic) [76%]
<worn on arms>       some blue dragonscale shoulder guards (magic)
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield of agility
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide of regeneration (magic) (humming)
<worn around wrist>  the ancestral bracelet of Sevenoaks (magic)
<worn on hands>      the woven gloves of the harvest (magic)
<worn on finger>     a ring called 'Soulcatcher'
<worn on finger>     the ring of the mind flayer [poor] (magic) (glowing)
<held>               the Totem of Mastery (magic) (glowing)[238h 0m 56s]
<worn on legs>       some leggings made from werewolf hide (magic)
<worn on feet>       some fused stony boots

+5.62   Deaths:   9
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Evil Good Fire Cold Lightning Gas Acid Living Animals
Protected by:   Greater Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Aware Haste Invisibility Sneaking Tower of Iron Will GlobeOfDarkness
Combat Pulse:   21 Spell Pulse:  1.20 
Leaderboard Points: 1103 
Paladin auras:   Vigor

Active Spells:
spirit sight (38 minutes)
improved invisibility (6 minutes)
virtue (6 minutes)
agility (25 minutes)
vitality (3 minutes)
elemental affinity (1 minute)
elephantstrength (7 minutes)
lionrage (5 minutes)
fly (26 minutes)
sense spirit (56 minutes)
ravenflight (51 minutes)
spirit armor (51 minutes)
pantherspeed (52 minutes)
hawkvision (21 minutes)

< 1307h/1307H 272v/288V Pos: standing >
 ..***..     .  
 M^..*M..   ..  
A Dense Patch of Spruce Trees
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 271v/288V Pos: standing >
 MM^..*M..   .  
A Dense Patch of Spruce Trees
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 269v/288V Pos: standing >
A Dense Patch of Spruce Trees
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 268v/288V Pos: standing >
Rugged Grasslands Along the Coast
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There is a slight disturbance in the spirit realm here.
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 266v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Just Below the Mountain Glacier
Just Below the Mountain Glacier
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 265v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rocky Path Above the Tree line
Rocky Path Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -E -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 262v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rocky Path Above the Tree line

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rocky Path Above the Tree line
Rocky Path Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -E -W
A jet black bear forages for some food.
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 260v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Bend in the Path Above the Tree line
Bend in the Path Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -E -S
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 257v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 258v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rocky Path Above the Tree line
Rocky Path Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -N -S
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 255v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Bend in the Path Above the Tree line
Bend in the Path Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -N -E
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 253v/288V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 1307h/1307H 253v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Bend in the Path Above the Tree line
Bend in the Path Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -S -W
Ra enters from the west.
Ifix enters from the west.
Syl skitters in from the west.
Sizan enters from the west.
Choron enters from the west.
Pooka enters from the west.

< 1307h/1307H 250v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Above the Tree line

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Above the Tree line
Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -N -S
A jet black bear forages for some food.
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 248v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Above the Tree line
Above the Tree line
Obvious exits: -N -S
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 245v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Curve in the Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Curve in the Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Obvious exits: -N -W
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 243v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 243v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Obvious exits: -E -W
There is a slight disturbance in the spirit realm here.
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 242v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Obvious exits: -E -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 240v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Rocky Trail Climbing Through the Forest.
Obvious exits: -E -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 239v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: A Fork in the Twisted Trail
A Fork in the Twisted Trail
Obvious exits: -N -E -S
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 237v/288V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 1307h/1307H 237v/288V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 1307h/1307H 238v/288V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 1307h/1307H 238v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -N -S
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 237v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 235v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 236v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -E -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 234v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -E -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 233v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -E -S
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 231v/288V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 1307h/1307H 232v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -N -W
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near a Vampire's head.
Ra enters from the north.
Ifix enters from the north.
Syl skitters in from the north.
Sizan enters from the north.
Choron enters from the north.
Pooka enters from the north.

< 1307h/1307H 230v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 231v/288V Pos: standing >
Pooka snaps into visibility.
A dark shroud encases Pooka as he charges into battle.
A Grey Elf is knocked to the ground by Pooka's mighty bash!
Overgrown Grasslands of the Northern Wilds
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Ifix enters from the east.
Syl skitters in from the east.
Sizan enters from the east.
Choron enters from the east.

< 1307h/1307H 229v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 230v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 231v/288V Pos: standing >

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest

Zone: Arachdrathos Wilderness.
Room: Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Rugged Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -N -W
Pooka (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a Grey Elf.(Red Aura)
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- sits in mid-air here, fighting Pooka.(Gold Aura)
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*A Vampire (medium) \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near a Vampire's head.
Ra enters from the west.
Ifix enters from the west.
Syl skitters in from the west.
Sizan enters from the west.
Choron enters from the west.

< 1307h/1307H 230v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 231v/288V Pos: standing >
Sizan starts casting an offensive spell.
Sizan snaps into visibility.
An earth elemental suddenly attacks Sizan!
Pooka tries to step in front of Sizan, but doesn't make it in time.
An earth elemental's feeble crush grazes Sizan.
A Vampire suddenly attacks Sizan!
Pooka bravely steps in front of Sizan, shielding him from harm!
A Vampire misses Pooka.

< 1307h/1307H 233v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 233v/288V Pos: standing >
A Vampire starts casting a spell.

< 1307h/1307H 234v/288V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You call upon the powers of the spirit realm, channeling your power...
You snap into visibility.

< 1307h/1307H 234v/288V Pos: standing >
Pooka's weak slash grazes a Grey Elf.
Pooka's weak slash grazes a Grey Elf.

< 1307h/1307H 235v/288V Pos: standing >
Pooka parries a Grey Elf's lunge at him.
A Grey Elf misses Pooka.
Syl starts casting an offensive spell.
Syl snaps into visibility.

< 1307h/1307H 236v/288V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 141 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a Grey Elf, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-

< 1307h/1307H 236v/288V Pos: standing >
A Vampire completes his spell...
A Vampire utters the words 'wuffaf uwaoz'

< 1307h/1307H 237v/288V Pos: standing >
Sizan completes his spell...
Sizan utters the words 'uiqzieuabral qraje'
Billowing clouds of incendiary gases pour from Sizan's fingertips!
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches a Grey Elf.
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches an earth elemental.
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches an earth elemental.
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches an earth elemental.
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches a Vampire.
Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
Syl stops invoking abruptly!
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches a Vampire.
Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches a Vampire.
Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
Sizan's spell flows around a Vampire, leaving him unharmed!
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
A Vampire snaps into visibility.
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches a Vampire.
Sizan dodges an earth elemental's attack.
Sizan dodges an earth elemental's attack.

< 1307h/1307H 237v/288V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 1307h/1307H 239v/288V Pos: standing >
Ra snaps into visibility.

< 1307h/1307H 239v/288V Pos: standing >
Sizan dodges an earth elemental's attack.
A Vampire misses Pooka.

< 1307h/1307H 240v/288V Pos: standing >
Casting: arieks shattering iceball 
An earth elemental barely blocks Sizan's lunge at it.
An earth elemental dodges Sizan's attack.

< 1307h/1307H 241v/288V Pos: standing >

< 1307h/1307H 241v/288V Pos: standing >
Ra snaps into visibility.
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 154 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a Grey Elf, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-
Sizan starts casting an offensive spell.

< 1307h/1307H 242v/288V Pos: standing >
A Vampire suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A Vampire's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
Sizan dodges an earth elemental's attack.
Sizan dodges an earth elemental's attack.
An earth elemental kicks Sizan causing parts of Sizan to cave in!

< 1307h/1307H 242v/288V Pos: standing >
Pooka's fine slash wounds a Grey Elf.
Pooka's weak slash grazes a Grey Elf.
Choron suddenly attacks a Grey Elf!
Choron's crush grazes a Grey Elf.

< 1307h/1307H 243v/288V Pos: standing >
Pooka parries a Grey Elf's lunge at him.
Pooka parries a Grey Elf's lunge at him.

< 1307h/1307H 244v/288V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 1307h/1307H 244v/288V Pos: standing >
Sizan completes his spell...
Sizan utters the words 'uiqzieuabral qraje'
Billowing clouds of incendiary gases pour from Sizan's fingertips!
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches a Grey Elf.
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches an earth elemental.
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches an earth elemental.
Sizan cackles as his incendiary cloud torches an earth elemental.

< 1307h/1307H 246v/288V Pos: standing >
Casting: arieks shattering iceball 
An earth elemental's feeble crush grazes Sizan.
Sizan sneers at an earth elemental while sidestepping its kick.

< 1307h/1307H 247v/288V Pos: standing >
Ifix starts casting a spell.
Ifix snaps into visibility.

< 1307h/1307H 247v/288V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 146 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a Grey Elf, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-
A Grey Elf avoids being bashed by Pooka, who loses his balance and falls.

< 1307h/1307H 248v/288V Pos: standing >
Syl starts casting an offensive spell.

< 1307h/1307H 248v/288V Pos: standing >
Sizan misses an earth elemental.
Sizan misses an earth elemental.

< 1307h/1307H 249v/288V Pos: standing >
Ifix snaps into visibility.
An earth elemental's feeble crush grazes Sizan.
An earth elemental kicks Sizan causing parts of Sizan to cave in!

< 1307h/1307H 249v/288V Pos: standing >
Ifix completes his spell...
Ifix utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
Ifix points at a Grey Elf.
A blast of molten spray sent by Ifix coats a Grey Elf with searing agony.

< 1307h/1307H 250v/288V Pos: standing >
Pooka's decent slash strikes a Grey Elf.
Pooka's weak slash grazes a Grey Elf.
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 1307h/1307H 250v/288V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A Grey Elf's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
A Grey Elf's crown of unholy saints [superior] shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf's pair of drow-skin sleeves shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf's pleated red and blue kilt [poor] shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf's mask of charred flesh [superior] shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Kaji by 6600000.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!