The death of [50 Blademaster] Jethrus o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)

in The Breeding Grounds of the Purple Worms

from the perspective of [50 Swordsman] Drok o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)

<worn as a badge>    a glowing blue crystal (magic) [56%]
<worn on head>       a ram horned helm of demonic allegiance (magic) (humming)
<worn on eyes>       a wad of spawn goo [poor] (magic) (humming) [83%]
<worn in ear>        a lightning earring [superior]
<worn in ear>        the earring of the Dragon Lords [86%]
<worn on face>       a pitch-black leather mask [poor] (magic)
<worn around neck>   the amulet of lordly protection (magic) [71%]
<worn around neck>   a string of human teeth and beastial fangs [superior]
<worn on body>       the platemail of the Nessus royal guard (invis) (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<worn about body>    a long, flowing cape of hellfire [superior] (magic) (glowing) [65%]
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack [ 6%]
<worn as quiver>     the ancient sheath of *-* Clan BloodLust *-* of damage (magic) (glowing) [81%]
<worn about waist>   a belt adorned by shrunken heads [superior]
<worn on belt buckle>an ankylosaur tail club [superior] (magic) (glowing) [85%]
<attached to belt>   a potion of bubbling goo (magic) (glowing) [88%]
<worn around wrist>  a spiked zanthium bracer [superior] (magic) [75%]
<worn around wrist>  a bracer bearing the seal of Bozk (magic) [79%]
<worn on hands>      some razor-knuckled blood crystal gloves (magic)
<worn on finger>     a band of eldrich fire [superior] (magic) (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a ring of regeneration of endurance (magic) (glowing) [72%]
<primary weapon>     the mace of the earth (magic) (glowing)[238h 38m 22s]
<secondary weapon>   the great claymore 'Mist' (magic) [85%]
<worn on feet>       some spurred blood crystal boots (magic) [65%]

The Breeding Grounds of the Purple Worms
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Gellz Dominus o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Gold Aura)
A brightly glowing torch floats near Gellz's head. (Illuminating)
A Vampire (medium) Dark Sonata *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A Vampire (medium) Dark Sonata *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A Vampire (medium) Dark Sonata *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a Vampire's head.
*Whirly  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Centaur)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)

< 2168h/2172H 272v/284V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Duergar who is close by to your north.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your north.

< 2168h/2172H 273v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2168h/2172H 274v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    
The Breeding Grounds of the Purple Worms
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Whirly trots in from the north.
Jethrus enters from the north.

< 2168h/2172H 275v/284V Pos: standing >
Whirly trots west.

< 2168h/2172H 276v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    

< 2168h/2172H 277v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    

< 2168h/2172H 278v/284V Pos: standing >
   MP.Po M    
The blue glow surrounding you fades away.

Zone: The Chasm of the Misty Vale.
Room: A Bloody Lair in a Damp Tunnel

Zone: The Chasm of the Misty Vale.
Room: A Bloody Lair in a Damp Tunnel
A Bloody Lair in a Damp Tunnel
Obvious exits: -E -W
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of a cave viper is lying here.
*Whirly  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Centaur)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*An air elemental is here looking like a small living tornado. (minion) 
The Sinuuk is stretched out, sound asleep.
Jethrus enters from the east.

< 2169h/2172H 277v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2169h/2172H 278v/284V Pos: standing >
An air elemental suddenly attacks Jethrus!
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
An air elemental misses Jethrus.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.

< 2169h/2172H 279v/284V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your east.
A small lizard who is close by to your west.

< 2169h/2172H 280v/284V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf enters from the east.

< 2169h/2172H 281v/284V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf leaves east.

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
Whirly trots east.

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
Slay whom?

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
Gellz who is close by to your east.
Whirly who is close by to your east.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your east.
A small lizard who is close by to your west.
A cave viper who is not far off to your west.

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
An air elemental dodges Jethrus's attack.
Jethrus's fine slash wounds an air elemental.
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
Jethrus's weak slash grazes an air elemental.
Jethrus's mystic axe of the dragonkind summons forth a visage of a DRAGON
The dragon visage of the axe lashes out with its mighty tail!
Jethrus's impressive slash strikes an air elemental.
An air elemental dodges Jethrus's attack.
An air elemental dodges Jethrus's attack.

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
The ground seems to shake as the Sinuuk roars!

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
Jethrus dodges an air elemental's attack.
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
An air elemental's crude crush grazes Jethrus.
Jethrus dodges an air elemental's attack.
An air elemental's weak crush grazes Jethrus.
A Bloody Lair in a Damp Tunnel
Obvious exits: -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a cave viper is lying here.
Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting an air elemental.(Gold Aura)
An air elemental stands in mid-air here, fighting Jethrus. (Minion) 
The Sinuuk is stretched out, sound asleep.

< 2169h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
Jethrus attempts to flee.
Jethrus leaves west.

< 2170h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...

< 2170h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2170h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your east.
Gellz who is close by to your east.
Whirly who is close by to your east.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your east.
Jethrus who is close by to your west.
A small lizard who is close by to your west.
A cave viper who is not far off to your west.

< 2170h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2170h/2172H 284v/284V Pos: standing >
   M.MPo M    
The Breeding Grounds of the Purple Worms
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A Drow Elf (medium) **DANSGAME** *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a Drow Elf's head.
*Gellz Dominus o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A brightly glowing torch floats near Gellz's head. (Illuminating)
*Whirly  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Centaur)(huge) stands in mid-air here, fighting a Drow Elf.(Gold Aura)
A Drow Elf (medium) Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here, fighting Whirly.(Red Aura)

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    
A Drider skitters in from the north.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Mo M    

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
Whirly dodges a Drow Elf's attack.
A Drow Elf misses Whirly.
Whirly snaps into visibility.
Whirly's longsword named 'Vampyre' [poor] with a strange black stone was damaged from the massive blow!
Whirly snaps into visibility.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
Whirly's feeble slash grazes a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf dodges Whirly's attack.
Whirly's fine slash wounds a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf dodges Whirly's attack.

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
Whirly attempts to flee.
Whirly trots west.
Slay whom?

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A swarm of insects enters from the north.

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf stops chanting abruptly!
   M...o M    

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A Drider stops following a Drow Elf.
A Drider now follows a Drow Elf.
Jethrus enters from the west.
You quickly scan the area.
A Duergar who is not far off to your north.
Whirly who is close by to your west.
An air elemental who is close by to your west.
The Sinuuk who is close by to your west.
A small lizard who is not far off to your west.
A cave viper who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 2170h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
   M...o M    

		Score information for Drok

Level: 50   Race: Firbolg   Class: Warrior / Swordsman Sex: Male
Hit points: 2171(2172)  Moves: 282(284)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +2.59   Deaths:   39
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life
Protected from: Evil Good Fire Cold Lightning Gas Acid Living Low Circle spells
Protected by:   Spirit Ward
Enchantments:   Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Aware Haste Sparkling
Combat Pulse:   20 Spell Pulse:  1.27 
Leaderboard Points:  957 

Active Spells:
vitality (8 minutes)
dexterity (43 minutes)
strength (43 minutes)
lionrage (8 minutes)
hawkvision (7 minutes)
elephantstrength (28 minutes)

< 2171h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf attempts to flee.
A Drow Elf leaves north.
A Drider leaves north.
A swarm of insects leaves north.

< 2171h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
You are surrounded by a blue glow.
   M..Po M    
[Damage: 22 ] -=[Your impressive bludgeon strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
A Drow Elf's some hardened steel moccasins from the Twin Keeps of Devastated Tharnadia was damaged from the massive blow!
-=[Your spirit suffers from contact with a Drow Elf's aura!]=-
-=[As you strike a Drow Elf, you are scratched by his thorny skin!]=-

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 Jethrus suddenly attacks a Drow Elf!
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus's impressive slash reached a Drow Elf's arm severing tendons and muscles.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
As Jethrus strikes a Drow Elf, he smiles as Jethrus tears his flesh!
Jethrus's fine slash wounds a Drow Elf.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
As Jethrus strikes a Drow Elf, he smiles as Jethrus tears his flesh!

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
   M..Po M    

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
   M..Po M    

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
Gellz starts casting a spell.

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
   M..Po M    

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 A Vampire enters from the north.
A Vampire enters from the north.
A Vampire enters from the north.

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf's skin seems to turn to stone.
   M...o M    

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
   M...o M    

< 2163h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-
Gellz completes his spell...
Gellz utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Gellz into Jethrus's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus's weak slash grazes a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
Jethrus's slash grazes a Drow Elf.
Jethrus's slash grazes a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.

< 2042h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf dodges your futile attack.
[Damage:  5 ] -=[Your crude slash grazes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[Your spirit suffers from contact with a Drow Elf's aura!]=-
-=[As you strike a Drow Elf, you are scratched by his thorny skin!]=-
A Drow Elf dodges your futile attack.
A Drow Elf dodges your futile attack.
[Damage: 10 ] -=[Your fine bludgeon wounds a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[Your spirit suffers from contact with a Drow Elf's aura!]=-
-=[As you strike a Drow Elf, you are scratched by his thorny skin!]=-
You strike viciously at a Drow Elf's wrist causing him to swing about madly.
[Damage:  9 ] -=[Your decent bludgeon wounds a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[Your spirit suffers from contact with a Drow Elf's aura!]=-
-=[As you strike a Drow Elf, you are scratched by his thorny skin!]=-
   M...o M    

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 Jethrus turns into a blur of blades as he charges at his foes!

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
< T: Drok TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
   M..Po M    
A Drow Elf attempts to flee.
A Drow Elf leaves north.
Whirly trots in from the west.
A Vampire leaves west.
A Vampire leaves west.
A Vampire leaves west.
   M..Po M    
The Breeding Grounds of the Purple Worms
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Whirly  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Centaur)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Gellz Dominus o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A brightly glowing torch floats near Gellz's head. (Illuminating)

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf enters from the north.
A Drider skitters in from the north.
A swarm of insects enters from the north.

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A swarm of insects starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A Drider starts casting an offensive spell.
Whirly trots west.
A Drow Elf leaves north.
You quickly scan the area.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your north.
A Drow Elf who is close by to your north.
A Duergar who is not far off to your north.
Whirly who is close by to your west.
A Vampire who is close by to your west.
An air elemental who is close by to your west.
A small lizard who is not far off to your west.
A cave viper who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
   M..Po M    

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
A swarm of insects completes his spell...
A swarm of insects utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before Jethrus, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!

< 2033h/2172H 282v/284V Pos: standing >
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
A Drow Elf enters from the north.
Jethrus suddenly attacks a Drow Elf!
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
Jethrus's impressive slash wounds a Drow Elf.
Jethrus's slash wounds a Drow Elf.
In your haste to slam people around, you slip and fall!
The world starts spinning, and your ears are ringing!

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Drider stops invoking abruptly!
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
   M..Po M    

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Vampire enters from the west.
A Vampire enters from the west.
A Vampire enters from the west.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
   M..Po M    

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A swarm of insects starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Vampire starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
Gellz sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
Gellz takes out his holy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A swarm of insects completes his spell...
A swarm of insects utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before Jethrus, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Vampire completes his spell...
A Vampire utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
A Vampire's fist beats the life out of Jethrus, blood pours from his body!
A swarm of insects's spell flows around Jethrus, leaving him unharmed!

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A swarm of insects's spell flows around Jethrus, leaving him unharmed!

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Drow Elf enters from the north.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
   M...o M    

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
Jethrus's slash wounds a Drow Elf.
Jethrus's impressive slash wounds a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
A Drow Elf dodges Jethrus's attack.
A swarm of insects starts casting an offensive spell.
A Duergar starts casting a spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Vampire starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
The world stops spinning.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2033h/2172H 252v/284V Pos: on your ass >
Gellz raises his holy symbol and smiles broadly.
Jethrus turns to focus his attack on a Drow Elf!
Jethrus snaps into visibility.

< 2034h/2172H 253v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 2034h/2172H 254v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A swarm of insects completes his spell...
A swarm of insects utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before Jethrus, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
Sparkling magic surrounds a Drider as he begins his chant.
A Drider starts casting an offensive spell.

< 2034h/2172H 255v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Vampire completes his spell...
A Vampire utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
A Vampire's fist beats the life out of Jethrus, blood pours from his body!
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!

< 2034h/2172H 257v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Duergar completes her spell...
A Duergar utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from a Duergar into a Drider's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
A Drider completes his spell...
A Drider utters the words 'buoblg qfjgpuio paie'
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus is encircled by a huge fist sent by a Drider, which begins to crush his body.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!

< 2034h/2172H 258v/284V Pos: on your ass >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'zrzqhfuqar znzjudihuai'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus is engulfed by a shower of arcing electricity sent by a Drow Elf.
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
Jethrus snaps into visibility.
Jethrus begins to dry and wilt.
Jethrus's silken backsheath of flight with a strange dark bloodstone melted corroded by the acid.
Jethrus is dead! R.I.P.