The death of [ 2 Monk] Drisk (Human)

in The Ogre's Foot Inn

from the perspective of [51 Guardian] Zhady *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)

<worn on head>       a durethium helm [superior]
<worn on eyes>       an eyepatch of despair [superior] (magic)
<worn in ear>        a silver tooth earring [78%]
<worn in ear>        a silver tooth earring [64%]
<worn on face>       a misty blue mask of gauze
<worn around neck>   a symbol of Baphomet [poor] (magic)
<worn around neck>   a rusty emerald torque from The Shaughin Hunting Grounds [86%]
<worn on body>       a suit of platinum plate bearing the crest of Pelor (magic)
<worn about body>    a tattered dragon-scale bodycloak
<worn about waist>   a belt of fresh blood [superior]
<worn on arms>       some scintillating sleeves [poor] (magic)
<held as shield>     a slab of obsidian
<worn around wrist>  a thick, pulsing quartz bracelet (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a polished golden bracelet (magic)
<worn on hands>      the gauntlets of the war giant Torg [poor] (magic) (humming) [80%]
<worn on finger>     a band of fiery persistance [superior] [84%]
<worn on finger>     a death ring of Tezcatlipoca (magic)[239h 59m 43s]
<primary weapon>     a wicked waraxe covered in runes [superior] (magic)
<worn on legs>       some glittering silver greaves from The Reliquary Nexus of Aggression
<worn on feet>       the boots of the war giant Torg [superior] (magic) (humming) [68%]

A dark shroud encases Pooka as he charges into battle.
A tharnadian illusionist starts casting an offensive spell.
A tharnadian illusionist attacks Pooka. [1 Hits]
An elite guard attacks Syl. [1 Hits]

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Omm starts casting an offensive spell.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Ifix completes his spell...
Ifix utters the words 'gqahpuio xuie'
A scathing gust of wind bursts from Ifix's fingertips!
The scathing gust of wind hits a tharnadian illusionist, burning flesh from his body.
The scathing gust of wind hits an elite guard, burning flesh from his body.
Pooka attacks a tharnadian illusionist. [3 Hits]
Morrigu gets a mithril-plated gnomish brain force enhancer from the corpse of Balen.
Morrigu gets the legendary platemail of defense from the corpse of Balen.
Morrigu gets the holy symbol of sanctity [superior] from the corpse of Balen.
Morrigu gets a ring of twisted gray mist from the corpse of Balen.
Morrigu gets a ring called 'Soulcatcher' from the corpse of Balen.
Morrigu gets the sphere of wind from the corpse of Balen.
Morrigu gets a bottomless bag of the illithids from the corpse of Balen.
Morrigu gets a bunch of stuff from the corpse of Balen.
Kaji puts a bunch of stuff into a portable hole.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
The Ogre's Foot Inn
Obvious exits: -W -D
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of the receptionist is lying here.
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
The corpse of the mount is lying here.
The corpse of a Human is lying here.
[20] A perch lies on the ground, rotting.
[19] A large flat oyster lies here on the ground.
A coloured trout lays stinking here.
[3] A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
[3] A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
[27] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[12] A large wooden torch has been discarded here.
[6] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[6] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[6] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[5] A steel long sword has been left here.
[6] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[6] A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
[5] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[6] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[3] A spellbook has been tossed aside here.
A large sign hangs from the front of the counter here.
Zkr Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Goblin)(tiny) sits resting.(Red Aura)
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
*Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
Omm Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Omm's head.
Choro Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Myrk Dirty Brawler *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here, fighting an elite guard.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Myrk's head.
Javok Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Javok's head.
Ifix Firefighter *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ifix's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) sits resting.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Pooka Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a tharnadian illusionist.(Red Aura)
*Morrigu Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Morrigu's head.
Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here, fighting an elite guard.(Red Aura)
Kungen Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kungen's head.
Pohet Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A tharnadian illusionist stands in mid-air here, fighting Pooka. (Casting) 
An elite guard stands in mid-air here, fighting Syl.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Syl attacks an elite guard. [0 Hits]

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pohet sings a song to protect him from the world.
Omm completes his spell...
Omm utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Omm points at an elite guard.
An elite guard's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by Omm.
An elite guard is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Kiria puts a bunch of stuff into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Zkr raises his unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist completes his spell...
A tharnadian illusionist utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before Pooka, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
Pooka gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
Omm gets a small pile of coins from the corpse of an elite guard.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pooka gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
Omm gets a small pile of coins from the corpse of the receptionist.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist's spell flows around Pooka, leaving him unharmed!
Omm puts a pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.
The Ogre's Foot Inn
Obvious exits: -W -D
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of the receptionist is lying here.
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
The corpse of the mount is lying here.
The corpse of a Human is lying here.
[20] A perch lies on the ground, rotting.
[19] A large flat oyster lies here on the ground.
A coloured trout lays stinking here.
[3] A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
[3] A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
[27] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[12] A large wooden torch has been discarded here.
[6] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[6] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[6] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[5] A steel long sword has been left here.
[6] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[6] A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
[5] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[6] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[3] A spellbook has been tossed aside here.
A large sign hangs from the front of the counter here.
Zkr Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Goblin)(tiny) sits resting.(Red Aura)
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
*Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
Omm Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Omm's head.
Choro Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Myrk Dirty Brawler *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here, fighting an elite guard.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Myrk's head.
Javok Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Javok's head.
Ifix Firefighter *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ifix's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) sits resting.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Pooka Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a tharnadian illusionist.(Red Aura)
*Morrigu Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Morrigu's head.
Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kungen Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kungen's head.
Pohet Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A tharnadian illusionist stands in mid-air here, fighting Pooka.
An elite guard is lying here, mortally wounded.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Omm sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Omm stares off into space, entering a meditative trance.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
An elite guard is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Zhady by 52.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
An elite guard's death cry reverberates in your head as he falls to the ground.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist starts casting an offensive spell.
A tharnadian illusionist attacks Pooka. [1 Hits]
Zkr clambers to his feet.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Thugan raises his unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.
You feel your skin soften and return to normal.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pooka attacks a tharnadian illusionist. [3 Hits]
Bash who?

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Thugan clambers to his feet.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
As Zkr raises his hands calling for aid of Bargrivyek, a purple haze descends from above waking AnGeR and FuRy!

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Kungen starts casting a spell.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
A winged hellhound growls at a tharnadian illusionist.
A winged hellhound suddenly attacks a tharnadian illusionist!
A tharnadian illusionist completes his spell...
A tharnadian illusionist utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before Pooka, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
Pooka gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
Ifix sits down in a comfortable spot.
The Ogre's Foot Inn
Obvious exits: -W -D
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
[2] The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of the receptionist is lying here.
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
The corpse of the mount is lying here.
The corpse of a Human is lying here.
[20] A perch lies on the ground, rotting.
[19] A large flat oyster lies here on the ground.
A coloured trout lays stinking here.
[3] A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
[3] A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
[27] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[12] A large wooden torch has been discarded here.
[6] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[6] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[6] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[5] A steel long sword has been left here.
[6] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[6] A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
[5] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[6] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[3] A spellbook has been tossed aside here.
A large sign hangs from the front of the counter here.
Zkr Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Goblin)(tiny) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
*Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
Omm Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) sits resting.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Omm's head.
*Choro Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
*Myrk Dirty Brawler *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Myrk's head.
Javok Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Javok's head.
*Ifix Firefighter *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) sits resting.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ifix's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
A winged hellhound stands in mid-air here, fighting a tharnadian illusionist. (Minion) (Red Aura)
Pooka Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a tharnadian illusionist.(Red Aura)
*Morrigu Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Morrigu's head.
Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kungen Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kungen's head.
Pohet Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A tharnadian illusionist stands in mid-air here, fighting Pooka.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pooka gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
Ifix stares off into space, entering a meditative trance.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Kungen completes his spell...
Kungen utters the words 'diesilla gpuzre'
Kungen is surrounded by a crackling maelstrom of energy!
A tharnadian illusionist's spell flows around Pooka, leaving him unharmed!

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pohet sings a song to protect him from the world.
You feel your skin harden to stone.
Zkr is briefly surrounded by an unholy glow!
Myrk snaps into visibility.
Choro assists Myrk heroically.
Choro snaps into visibility.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
You are surrounded by a blue glow.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Thugan sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist suddenly appears a bit confused!
A tharnadian illusionist starts casting an offensive spell.
Myrk snaps into visibility.
Myrk lunges, slamming his fist into a tharnadian illusionist's larynx.
A tharnadian illusionist stops invoking abruptly!
A tharnadian illusionist attacks Pooka. [1 Hits]

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pooka attacks a tharnadian illusionist. [3 Hits]

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Choro snaps into visibility.
A tharnadian illusionist is stunned!
A tharnadian illusionist is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Zhady by 191.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
A tharnadian illusionist's death cry reverberates in your head as he falls to the ground.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
You are already standing.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Ifix snaps out of his meditative trance, grinning widely.
Thugan clambers to his feet.
Kiria snaps into visibility.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Ifix clambers to his feet.
The Ogre's Foot Inn
Obvious exits: -W -D
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
The corpse of a tharnadian illusionist is lying here.
[2] The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of the receptionist is lying here.
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
The corpse of the mount is lying here.
The corpse of a Human is lying here.
[20] A perch lies on the ground, rotting.
[19] A large flat oyster lies here on the ground.
A coloured trout lays stinking here.
[3] A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
[3] A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
[27] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[12] A large wooden torch has been discarded here.
[6] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[6] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[6] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[5] A steel long sword has been left here.
[6] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[6] A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
[5] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[6] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[3] A spellbook has been tossed aside here.
A large sign hangs from the front of the counter here.
Zkr Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Goblin)(tiny) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
Omm Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) sits resting.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Omm's head.
Choro Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
*Myrk Dirty Brawler *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Myrk's head.
Javok Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Javok's head.
*Ifix Firefighter *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ifix's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Pooka Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Morrigu Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Morrigu's head.
Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kungen Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kungen's head.
Pohet Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pooka leaves west.
A winged hellhound leaves west.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Kaji shouts out loudly.. MOVING!!!!

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Pohet sings a song to protect him from the world.
A Human has returned from the dead.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
Omm snaps out of his meditative trance, grinning widely.
Omm clambers to his feet.
You are already standing.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the sphere of wind carried by Morrigu.

< 1332h/1332H 210v/210V Pos: standing >
The blood-red glow surrounding you fades away.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Pohet leaves west.
Kungen leaves west.
Syl leaves west.
Sainth leaves west.
Thugan sneaks west.
Ra leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Ifix leaves west.
Javok leaves west.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Choro leaves west.
Omm leaves west.
Kiria leaves west.
You follow Kiria.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
*Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
Omm Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Omm's head.
*Choro Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
*Myrk Dirty Brawler *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Myrk's head.
Javok Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Javok's head.
*Ifix Firefighter *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ifix's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
*Morrigu Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Morrigu's head.
Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kungen Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kungen's head.
Pohet Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A winged hellhound trots in from the east.
Zkr enters from the east.

< 1332h/1332H 209v/210V Pos: standing >
Pohet leaves east.
Kungen leaves east.
Syl leaves east.
Morrigu sneaks east.
Sainth leaves east.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Ra leaves east.
Ifix leaves east.
Javok leaves east.
Myrk sneaks east.
Choro leaves east.
Omm leaves east.
Kiria leaves east.
You follow Kiria.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Ogre's Foot Inn
Obvious exits: -W -D
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
The corpse of a tharnadian illusionist is lying here.
[2] The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of the receptionist is lying here.
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
The corpse of the mount is lying here.
The corpse of a Human is lying here.
[20] A perch lies on the ground, rotting.
[19] A large flat oyster lies here on the ground.
A coloured trout lays stinking here.
[3] A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
[3] A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
[27] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[12] A large wooden torch has been discarded here.
[6] A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
[6] A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
[6] A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
[5] A steel long sword has been left here.
[6] A steel short sword lies discarded here.
[6] A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
[5] A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
[6] A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
[3] A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
[3] A spellbook has been tossed aside here.
A large sign hangs from the front of the counter here.
*Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
Omm Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Omm's head.
*Choro Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
*Myrk Dirty Brawler *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Myrk's head.
Javok Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Javok's head.
*Ifix Firefighter *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ifix's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
*Morrigu Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Morrigu's head.
Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kungen Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kungen's head.
Pohet Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A Human (medium) stands here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A winged hellhound trots in from the west.
Zkr enters from the west.

< 1332h/1332H 208v/210V Pos: standing >

< 1332h/1332H 209v/210V Pos: standing >
Myrk snaps into visibility.
Myrk places a gladius called 'Backstabber' in the back of a Human, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
A Human's set of loose fitting leggings was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Human's thin leather belt was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.