<worn as a badge> the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water
<worn on head> an obsidian headband studded with durithalite [superior]
<worn on eyes> a brutal hemp eyepatch
<worn in ear> a robin's tail feather (glowing) (illuminating)
<worn on face> a mask of kraken scales [superior]
<worn around neck> an honor of guards medallion
<worn around neck> a necklace of dangling drider fangs
<worn on body> a robe of lightning [poor] (glowing)
<worn about body> a long robe of the albino minotaur [superior] (magic)
<worn about waist> a belt of desert sands [superior]
<worn on arms> some moss-covered sleeves [superior] (glowing)
<held as shield> a fragile granite buckler from The Twisting Tunnels of the Durian Underdark
<worn on hands> a pair of gloves studded with durithalite [superior]
<worn on finger> a polished scarlet ring [poor] (magic)
<worn on finger> a bloodstone ring [superior] (glowing)
<primary weapon> a masterly-crafted cured leather pronged fork from The Motte and Bailey of Duke Delwyn (magic)
An air elemental enters from the north.
< 238h/466H 254v/258V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
< 240h/466H 253v/258V Pos: standing >
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
< 240h/466H 253v/258V Pos: standing >
A Wagon Trail Lined with Brick Pavers
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
< 241h/466H 252v/258V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An air elemental enters from the north.
An air elemental enters from the north.
An air elemental enters from the north.
< 242h/466H 252v/258V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An air elemental enters from the north.
An air elemental enters from the north.
An air elemental enters from the north.
< 243h/466H 251v/258V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
An air elemental enters from the east.
< 243h/466H 249v/258V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.
< 246h/466H 253v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 251h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 253h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 255h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 257h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 258h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 259h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 260h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 262h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 263h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 264h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 265h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 266h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 267h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 268h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 269h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 271h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 272h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 273h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 274h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< 275h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
A gnomish grenadier enters from the east.
< 275h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
A gnomish grenadier suddenly attacks YOU!
[Damage: 4 ]
< 269h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: few wounds E: gnome sta EP: small wounds >
An air elemental suddenly attacks a gnomish grenadier!
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental suddenly attacks a gnomish grenadier!
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
An air elemental suddenly attacks a gnomish grenadier!
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 5 ]
< 269h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: few wounds E: gnome sta EP: small wounds >
[Damage: 5 ] You feel your skin soften and return to normal.
[Damage: 4 ] [Damage: 15 ] [Damage: 16 ] A gnomish grenadier's sweep catches you in the side and you almost stumble.
[Damage: 11 ] -=[A gnomish grenadier attacks you.]=- [4 Hits]
< 184h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage: 5 ] You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage: 4 ] -=[You attack a gnomish grenadier.]=- [2 Hits]
< 184h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
[Damage: 3 ] [Damage: 4 ] [Damage: 3 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [3 Hits]
[Damage: 5 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
[Damage: 3 ] [Damage: 3 ] [Damage: 3 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [3 Hits]
An air elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.
An air elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.
An air elemental seems a bit busy at the moment, try later.
< 184h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
< 184h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
< 184h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
[Damage: 14 ] [Damage: 14 ] OUCH! That really did HURT!
[Damage: 33 ] [Damage: 14 ] -=[A gnomish grenadier attacks you.]=- [4 Hits]
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
[Damage: 3 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
-=[You attack a gnomish grenadier.]=- [0 Hits]
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
You clamber to your feet.
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: gnome sta EP: few wounds >
An air elemental fails miserably in its attempt to rescue you.
An air elemental fails miserably in its attempt to rescue you.
You are rescued by an air elemental, you are confused, but grateful!
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [2 Hits]
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
[Damage: 4 ] [Damage: 3 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [2 Hits]
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [3 Hits]
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< 61h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You attempt to flee...
A Light and Breezy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
You flee eastward!
< 61h/466H 229v/258V Pos: standing >
None here are loyal subjects of yours!
< 61h/466H 229v/258V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 61h/466H 229v/258V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A gnomish grenadier who is close by to your west.
An air elemental who is close by to your west.
An air elemental who is close by to your west.
An air elemental who is close by to your west.
A rabbit who is rather far off to your west.
< 61h/466H 229v/258V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
A gnomish grenadier stands, floating here, fighting an air elemental.
An air elemental stands in mid-air here, fighting a gnomish grenadier. (Minion)
An air elemental stands in mid-air here, fighting a gnomish grenadier. (Minion)
An air elemental stands in mid-air here, fighting a gnomish grenadier. (Minion)
< 64h/466H 230v/258V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A human traveller who is in the distance to your north.
A rabbit who is a brief walk away to your west.
< 65h/466H 231v/258V Pos: standing >
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [3 Hits]
< 68h/466H 234v/258V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
< 69h/466H 235v/258V Pos: standing >
< 71h/466H 237v/258V Pos: standing >
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [3 Hits]
< 73h/466H 239v/258V Pos: standing >
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
[Damage: 3 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
< 75h/466H 241v/258V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 77h/466H 243v/258V Pos: standing >
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [0 Hits]
< 78h/466H 244v/258V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 69 ] You throw a fireball at a gnomish grenadier and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.
< 79h/466H 245v/258V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 81h/466H 246v/258V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
< 82h/466H 247v/258V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 76 ] You throw a fireball at a gnomish grenadier and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.
< 83h/466H 248v/258V Pos: standing >
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [2 Hits]
< 83h/466H 249v/258V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 84h/466H 250v/258V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 59 ] You throw a fireball at a gnomish grenadier and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.
< 86h/466H 252v/258V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
< 88h/466H 253v/258V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 88h/466H 253v/258V Pos: standing >
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [3 Hits]
< 88h/466H 254v/258V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 56 ] You throw a fireball at a gnomish grenadier and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.
< 90h/466H 255v/258V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 92h/466H 257v/258V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 83 ] You throw a fireball at a gnomish grenadier and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [1 Hits]
< 93h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 4 ] [Damage: 4 ] [Damage: 4 ] [Damage: 4 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [4 Hits]
[Damage: 7 ] [Damage: 4 ] [Damage: 7 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [3 Hits]
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
< 94h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.
< 95h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.
< 95h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
A gnomish grenadier attacks an air elemental. [1 Hits]
< 98h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 99h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 3 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [0 Hits]
[Damage: 3 ] An air elemental attacks a gnomish grenadier. [1 Hits]
< 100h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
Casting: disintegrate
< 100h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You grin evilly as you send a green beam of disintegration streaking towards a gnomish grenadier!
[Damage: 54 ] You smile happily as your disintegration ray hits a gnomish grenadier!
A gnomish grenadier is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Nikler by 335340.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
The unmistakable scent of fresh blood can be smelled as a gnomish grenadier dies in agony.
< 101h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You failed.
< 103h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
Ye roll up yer sleeves, and examine the dead...
The corpse of a gnomish grenadier is made of flesh and appears to be of average quality.
The corpse of a gnomish grenadier has an item value of 1.
It appears to be the corpse of a gnomish grenadier.
a small pile of coins
< 104h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
< 104h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
A Light and Breezy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of a gnomish grenadier is lying here.
An air elemental is here looking like a small living tornado. (minion)
An air elemental is here looking like a small living tornado. (minion)
*An air elemental is here looking like a small living tornado. (minion)
< 105h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
< 105h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You get a small pile of coins from the corpse of a gnomish grenadier.
There were: 1 platinum coin, 62 gold coins.
< 108h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
< 109h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite highwayman who is not far off to your east.
A rabbit who is a brief walk away to your west.
< 112h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.
< 117h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(10th circle) 1 - farsee
1 - group stone skin
1 - stornogs shimmering starshell
1 - air form
( 9th circle) 1 - relocate
1 - fly
1 - gate
2 - electrical execution
( 8th circle) 1 - detect invisibility
3 - disintegrate
( 7th circle) 1 - dimension door
( 6th circle) 3 - teleport
3 - stone skin
( 5th circle) 1 - identify
1 - fireshield
5 - wall of stone
( 4th circle) 1 - enchant weapon
8 - lightning bolt
( 3rd circle) 5 - shocking grasp
1 - strength
2 - dispel magic
1 - agility
( 2nd circle) 6 - burning hands
2 - sleep
2 - mirror image
( 1st circle) 2 - minor creation
8 - magic missile
1 - detect magic
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
3 seconds: ( 5th) conjure elemental
6 seconds: ( 6th) stone skin
10 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
14 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
17 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
21 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
25 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
29 seconds: ( 8th) disintegrate
You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.
< 118h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...
< 118h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing conjure elemental.
< 120h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing stone skin.
< 123h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
Score information for Nikler
Level: 50 Race: Grey Elf Class: Conjurer / Air Magus Sex: Male
Hit points: 124(466) Moves: 258(258)
Coins carried: 1 platinum 62 gold 0 silver 0 copper
Compression ratio: 84%
Status: Sitting around, resting.
Fireshielded Memorizing Meditating
Frags: -0.25 Deaths: 9
Detecting: Invisible Magic Heat
Protected from: Fire
Enchantments: Fly Aware Haste Waterbreathing
Herbs: Medicus
Combat Pulse: 17 Spell Pulse: 0.82
Leaderboard Points: 483
Active Spells:
air form (4 minutes)
fireshield (2 minutes)
well-rested bonus (64 minutes)
detect invisibility (46 minutes)
detect magic (46 minutes)
agility (1 minute)
strength (1 minute)
vitality (10 minutes)
< 124h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.
< 125h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.
< 128h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You stop meditating.
You clamber to your feet.
You abandon your studies.
< 129h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 131h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Your flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
< 132h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.
< 134h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(10th circle) 1 - farsee
1 - group stone skin
1 - stornogs shimmering starshell
1 - air form
( 9th circle) 1 - relocate
1 - fly
1 - gate
2 - electrical execution
( 8th circle) 1 - detect invisibility
3 - disintegrate
( 7th circle) 2 - fireball
1 - dimension door
( 6th circle) 3 - teleport
3 - stone skin
( 5th circle) 1 - identify
1 - conjure elemental
1 - fireshield
5 - wall of stone
( 4th circle) 1 - enchant weapon
8 - lightning bolt
( 3rd circle) 5 - shocking grasp
1 - strength
2 - dispel magic
1 - agility
( 2nd circle) 6 - burning hands
2 - sleep
2 - mirror image
( 1st circle) 2 - minor creation
8 - magic missile
1 - detect magic
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
3 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
7 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
11 seconds: ( 7th) fireball
15 seconds: ( 8th) disintegrate
18 seconds: ( 6th) stone skin
You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.
< 135h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...
< 135h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.
< 137h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.
< 140h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.
< 143h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing disintegrate.
< 146h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing stone skin.
Your studies are complete.
< 148h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.
< 149h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf enters from the south.
A Drow Elf enters from the south.
A Drow Elf enters from the south.
A Drow Elf enters from the south.
A Drow Elf enters from the south.
An air elemental enters from the south.
An air elemental enters from the south.
An air elemental enters from the south.
< 160h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf gives an order to his followers.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
An air elemental's mass slams into you, knocking you to the ground!
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from an air elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from an air elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
< 159h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
-=[An air elemental attacks you.]=- [4 Hits]
< 155h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
-=[You attack an air elemental.]=- [0 Hits]
< 155h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf starts casting a spell.
< 155h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
-=[An air elemental attacks you.]=- [2 Hits]
< 153h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'sfugwahuq judibz'
< 153h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
-=[You attack an air elemental.]=- [0 Hits]
< 153h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
You do not see or have the satchel.
< 153h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
An air elemental clambers to its feet.
You scramble madly to your feet!
< 153h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
-=[An air elemental attacks you.]=- [1 Hits]
You are already standing.
< 152h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
You attempt to flee...
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
< 152h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
An air elemental clambers to its feet.
< 152h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf gives an order to his followers.
An air elemental's mass slams into you, knocking you to the ground!
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from an air elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from an air elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
< 151h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
-=[You attack an air elemental.]=- [0 Hits]
< 151h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
-=[An air elemental attacks you.]=- [2 Hits]
< 149h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell called 'electrical execution'.
< 149h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'zrzqhfuqar znzjudihuai'
A huge shower of arcing electricity from a Drow Elf engulfs you.
OUCH! That really did HURT!
< 94h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: air sta EP: excellent >
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
-=[You attack an air elemental.]=- [0 Hits]
< 94h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[A Drow Elf attacks you.]=- [0 Hits]
< 94h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: air sta EP: excellent >
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
-=[An air elemental attacks you.]=- [4 Hits]
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
< 90h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
The electrical arcs turn your exposed flesh black!
< 66h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'zrzqhfuqar znzjudihuai'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
A huge shower of arcing electricity from a Drow Elf engulfs you.
YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: air sta EP: excellent >
You can't do this sitting!
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: sitting >
< T: Nikler TP: sit TC: awful E: air sta EP: excellent >
You clamber to your feet.
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: air sta EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf gives an order to his followers.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from an air elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: air kne EP: excellent >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
An air elemental clambers to its feet.
You resist the effects of a Drow Elf's spell!
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: air kne EP: excellent >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
An air elemental clambers to its feet.
You resist the effects of a Drow Elf's spell!
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: air kne EP: excellent >
-=[You attack an air elemental.]=- [0 Hits]
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: air kne EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[A Drow Elf attacks you.]=- [0 Hits]
-=[An air elemental attacks you.]=- [0 Hits]
< 8h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: air kne EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
The electrical arcs turn your exposed flesh black!
YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
< 3h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >
< T: Nikler TP: sta TC: awful E: air kne EP: excellent >
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
The electrical arcs turn your exposed flesh black!
You watch as the world spins around your gruesomely cut body.
You feel your strength wane, leaving you for the carrion crawlers to
< -4h/466H 258v/258V Pos: standing >