The death of [50 Elaphidist] Sizen *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)

in A Soaring Mushroom Cavern

from the perspective of [56 Earth Magus] Zloin o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)

<floating about head>a dark purple ioun stone[220h 11m 12s]
<worn as a badge>    a glowing blue crystal (magic)
<worn on head>       a magical pointy top hat (magic) (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       a foggy visor [superior]
<worn in ear>        a glowing jade earring (glowing) [88%]
<worn in ear>        a polished scale of Tiamat of greater intelligence (invis) (magic) (glowing)
<worn on face>       the mask of wildmagic[220h 11m 12s]
<worn around neck>   the pendant of the aboleth [superior] (magic)
<worn around neck>   some kharma mind beads (magic) [82%]
<worn on body>       a suit embodying ethereal soul shards of regeneration
<worn about body>    Daganar's cloak of stealth of regeneration (magic) (glowing) [67%]
<worn as quiver>     the ancient sheath of *-* Clan BloodLust *-* of endurance (magic) (glowing) [87%]
<worn about waist>   a belt of fresh blood [superior] [89%]
<worn on belt buckle>a large tome engulfed in blue flames (magic) (humming) [84%]
<attached to belt>   a tome of wizardry [55%]
<worn on arms>       some cracked bone arm bracers [superior] with a strange dark bloodstone
<held as shield>     the shield of the earthwyrm [superior] (magic) [80%]
<worn around wrist>  the divine bracer of greater defense (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<worn around wrist>  the bracelet of emeralds of endurance
<worn on hands>      the gloves of the adept [superior] (magic)
<worn on finger>     a gleaming platinum ring of intelligence (magic)
<worn on finger>     a ring of the Neogi Lords [superior] (glowing) [84%]
<primary weapon>     a staff of power (magic)
<worn on legs>       some leggings made from werewolf hide (magic)
<worn on feet>       a pair of boots emitting dust [superior] (magic) (glowing)

< 835h/835H 178v/180V Pos: standing >
An ancient roper suddenly attacks YOU!
-=[An ancient roper's weak bite grazes you.]=-
  M  ,,,,M  

< 830h/835H 178v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: ancient sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 830h/835H 178v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: ancient sta EP: excellent >
   M  ,,,,M  
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 831h/835H 178v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: ancient sta EP: excellent >
 You attempt to flee...
  M  ,,,,M  
A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the south.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the south.
You flee northward!

< 831h/835H 153v/180V Pos: standing >
  M  ,,,,M  
  M  ,,,,M  
A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the north.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the north.

< 831h/835H 151v/180V Pos: standing >
A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
An ancient roper seeks to destroy anything that moves.
A large purple worm looks really hungry.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the north.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the north.

< 832h/835H 150v/180V Pos: standing >
An ancient roper suddenly attacks YOU!
You snap into visibility.
-=[An ancient roper's bite grazes you.]=-
A large purple worm suddenly attacks a LARGE earth elemental!
A large purple worm's bite grazes a LARGE earth elemental.

< 828h/835H 151v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: ancient sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 829h/835H 151v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: ancient sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 829h/835H 151v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: ancient sta EP: excellent >
 You attempt to flee...
A Large Cavern Covered With Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A small round shield has been dropped here.
A deadly drider wanders silently throughout the room.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the north.
You flee southward!
A deadly drider suddenly attacks YOU!
-=[A deadly drider's punch grazes you.]=-

< 827h/835H 127v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 828h/835H 127v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 828h/835H 128v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 You attempt to flee...
PANIC!  You couldn't escape!

< 828h/835H 128v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 829h/835H 128v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 829h/835H 128v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 You attempt to flee...
A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
An orog raider explores the Underdark for victims.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the west.
You flee eastward!

< 829h/835H 102v/180V Pos: standing >
A Large Cavern Covered With Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A small round shield has been dropped here.
A deadly drider wanders silently throughout the room.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the east.

< 830h/835H 100v/180V Pos: standing >
An ancient roper enters from the north.
A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
*A strange looking cloud of darkness clings to the ground.
A LARGE earth elemental enters from the north.
A shadow suddenly attacks YOU!
A shadow snaps into visibility.
-=[A shadow's feeble punch grazes you.]=-

< 829h/835H 99v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: shadow sta EP: excellent >
< 830h/835H 100v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: shadow sta EP: excellent >
 A LARGE earth elemental says 'For glory!'
A LARGE earth elemental suddenly attacks a shadow!
A LARGE earth elemental misses a shadow.
A deadly drider skitters in from the north.
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 830h/835H 100v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: shadow sta EP: excellent >
 A deadly drider suddenly attacks YOU!
-=[A deadly drider's weak punch grazes you.]=-

< 826h/835H 100v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: shadow sta EP: excellent >
 You attempt to flee...
A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
You flee eastward!

< 827h/835H 75v/180V Pos: standing >

< 827h/835H 75v/180V Pos: standing >
An ancient roper enters from the west.
An ancient roper leaves west.
A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
An ancient roper stands, floating here, fighting a LARGE earth elemental.
A deadly drider wanders silently throughout the room.
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, fighting a shadow. (Minion) 
A strange looking cloud of darkness clings to the ground.

< 827h/835H 74v/180V Pos: standing >
A deadly drider suddenly attacks YOU!
-=[A deadly drider's feeble punch grazes you.]=-
A shadow suddenly attacks YOU!
A shadow misses you.
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 825h/835H 75v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 825h/835H 75v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Zloin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: deadly sta EP: excellent >
 You attempt to flee...
A Shaft Beneath a Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West  -Up   
You flee westward!

< 826h/835H 46v/180V Pos: standing >
A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 

< 826h/835H 45v/180V Pos: standing >
A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 

< 827h/835H 44v/180V Pos: standing >

< 827h/835H 45v/180V Pos: standing >
A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 

< 828h/835H 45v/180V Pos: standing >
A Shaft Beneath a Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West  -Up   

< 829h/835H 44v/180V Pos: standing >

Zone: the Mushroom Caverns.
Room: A Soaring Mushroom Cavern

Zone: the Mushroom Caverns.
Room: A Soaring Mushroom Cavern
A Soaring Mushroom Cavern
   This area is in sharp contrast to the perfect order of the
rest of the tunnel system. The walls are rough and jagged and
this small cave gives the impression of being a natural one
rather than chiseled out anything living. The cavern floor is
filled with small violet and blue fungi that give off a sweet
but not entirely unpleasant smell. The chamber soars upwards
and there seems to be nothing to limit it. At times one might
even claim to see a tiny spek of light thousands of feet above
but most would laugh at such a statement. Sometimes the flutter
of wings can be heard coming from far above but perhaps that
was also vivid imagination playing tricks. An enormous mushroom
some twenty feet tall grows in the middle of the chamber and
it is probably the largest speciment ever.
Obvious exits: -North -Down 
A greyish stone wall is here to the north. (magic)
*A Githyanki (medium) Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here, fighting Naj.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a Githyanki's head.
An earth elemental crouches here, fighting a Githyanki. (Minion) 
An earth elemental crouches here, fighting a Githyanki. (Minion) 
An earth elemental crouches here, fighting a Githyanki. (Minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a Githyanki.(Gold Aura)

< 829h/835H 44v/180V Pos: standing >

< 830h/835H 46v/180V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 831h/835H 48v/180V Pos: standing >

< 831h/835H 50v/180V Pos: standing >

< 832h/835H 51v/180V Pos: standing >

< 833h/835H 54v/180V Pos: standing >
An earth elemental rises to its feet.

< 834h/835H 56v/180V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 835h/835H 58v/180V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki's punch grazes Naj.
A Githyanki pokes Naj really hard, making you wince.
A Githyanki's punch wounds Naj.
Naj dodges a Githyanki's attack.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes Naj.
A Githyanki pokes Naj really hard, making you wince.
A Githyanki's feeble punch grazes Naj.
A Githyanki's feeble punch grazes Naj.

< 835h/835H 59v/180V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki settles to his knees.

< 835h/835H 62v/180V Pos: standing >
Naj misses a Githyanki.
Naj misses a Githyanki.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki's leap knocks into Naj, sending him slightly off balance...

< 835h/835H 63v/180V Pos: standing >
Casting: acidimmolate 
A Githyanki gracefully whirls around an earth elemental's attack.
An earth elemental rises to its feet.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An earth elemental suddenly appears a bit confused!
An earth elemental misses a Githyanki.
An earth elemental misses a Githyanki.
An earth elemental suddenly appears a bit confused!
An earth elemental's crude crush grazes a Githyanki.
An earth elemental rises to its feet.

< 835h/835H 64v/180V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Your bubbling spray of goo strikes a Githyanki full on!
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 39 ] 
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki's decent punch wounds Naj.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes Naj.
A Githyanki's decent punch wounds Naj.
A Githyanki pokes Naj really hard, making you wince.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes Naj.
A Githyanki pokes Naj really hard, making you wince.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes Naj.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: excellent >
 Casting: acidimmolate 

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: excellent >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 You snap into visibility.
You complete your spell...
Your bubbling spray of goo strikes a Githyanki full on!
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 36 ] 
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 A Githyanki attempts to flee.
A Githyanki tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 A Githyanki nimbly swivels out of the path of Naj's attack.
A Githyanki gracefully whirls around Naj's attack.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 An earth elemental suddenly appears a bit confused!
An earth elemental misses a Githyanki.
A Githyanki gracefully whirls around an earth elemental's attack.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki gracefully whirls around an earth elemental's attack.
A Githyanki nimbly swivels out of the path of an earth elemental's attack.
An earth elemental's crush grazes a Githyanki.
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 Naj clambers to his feet.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: Naj TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 Naj gives an order to his followers.
An earth elemental futilely tries to rescue Naj!
An earth elemental futilely tries to rescue Naj!
An earth elemental heroically rescues Naj.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
Casting: acidimmolate 

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sta EP: few scratches >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
A Githyanki's spiked circles of bloodletting was corroded by acid.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sta EP:  small wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
You complete your spell...
Your bubbling spray of goo strikes a Githyanki full on!
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 32 ] An earth elemental barely blocks a Githyanki's lunge at it.
A Githyanki's feeble punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's feeble punch grazes an earth elemental.
An earth elemental barely blocks a Githyanki's lunge at it.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes an earth elemental.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Githyanki gracefully whirls around your attack.
A Githyanki gracefully whirls around your attack.
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki settles to his knees.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki kne EP:  small wounds >
 A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki makes a futile attempt to springleap an earth elemental, but it is simply immovable.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  small wounds >
 You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  small wounds >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  small wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  small wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
Casting: acidimmolate 

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  small wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  small wounds >
 You complete your spell...
Your bubbling spray of goo strikes a Githyanki full on!
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 47 ] 
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An earth elemental's crush grazes a Githyanki.
An earth elemental misses a Githyanki.
An earth elemental's decent crush grazes a Githyanki.
An earth elemental's decent crush wounds a Githyanki.
An earth elemental's decent crush wounds a Githyanki.
An earth elemental misses a Githyanki.
Sparkling magic surrounds Naj as he begins his chant.
Naj starts casting a spell.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'wuffaf uwaoz'
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki's decent punch wounds an earth elemental.
A Githyanki misses an earth elemental.
A Githyanki misses an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's decent punch wounds an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's punch grazes an earth elemental.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 You don't have that spell memorized.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 You don't have that spell memorized.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 Naj starts casting a spell.
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage:  5 ] -=[Your decent bludgeon wounds a Githyanki.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Githyanki's assault!
You miss a Githyanki.
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
A Githyanki's some mithril-plated gnomish leg enhancers was corroded by acid.
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 Casting: disintegrate 

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 You complete your spell...
You grin evilly as you send a green beam of disintegration streaking towards a Githyanki!
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 154 ] -=[You smile happily as your disintegration ray hits a Githyanki!]=-
A Githyanki's punch grazes an earth elemental.
An earth elemental barely blocks a Githyanki's lunge at it.
A Githyanki's punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's punch wounds an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's feeble punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes an earth elemental.
A Githyanki's weak punch grazes an earth elemental.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sit EP:  nasty wounds >
 The mordant substance oozes off of a Githyanki.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sit EP:  nasty wounds >
 The mordant substance oozes off of a Githyanki.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An earth elemental's decent crush wounds a Githyanki.
An earth elemental suddenly appears a bit confused!
An earth elemental's decent crush wounds a Githyanki.
An earth elemental's crush wounds a Githyanki.
An earth elemental suddenly appears a bit confused!
An earth elemental's crush wounds a Githyanki.
An earth elemental's decent crush wounds a Githyanki.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sit EP:  nasty wounds >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
A Githyanki's some spurred blood crystal boots was corroded by acid.
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'xarr ay ghaiz'

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sit EP: pretty hurt >
 You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sit EP: pretty hurt >
 You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sit EP: pretty hurt >
 A Githyanki clambers to his feet.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
< T: earth TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Githyanki sta EP: pretty hurt >
< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
<You snap into visibility.
Casting: disintegrate 

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
<You complete your spell...
You grin evilly as you send a green beam of disintegration streaking towards a Githyanki!
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 156 ] -=[You smile happily as your disintegration ray hits a Githyanki!]=-

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
<You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
<You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Green slime eats away at a Githyanki's skin!]=-
A Githyanki is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A Githyanki's spiked circles of bloodletting was corroded by acid.

< 835h/835H 67v/180V Pos: standing >
Naj gives an order to his followers.
A Githyanki is no condition to avoid an earth elemental's attack!
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An earth elemental's weak crush hits a Githyanki.
A Githyanki's necromantic death shroud was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githyanki is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Zloin by 13200000.