The death of [51 Necrolyte] Iska *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)

in Cave Entrance

from the perspective of [56 Reaper] Fheer o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)

<worn as a badge>    an emblem of Shanatar royalty
<worn in ear>        a tiny diorite ear stud
<worn around neck>   a charm made of dwarf bone
<worn around neck>   a mithril amulet of the magi
<worn about body>    a blood red robe of linked bones (humming)
<worn on arms>       some glowing sleeves made of devil skin (glowing)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of influence
<worn around wrist>  some polished endurium bracers
<worn on finger>     a shiny ring of the faeries (glowing)
<held>               the globe of shadows (invis)[239h 48m 43s]
<worn on legs>       some bright blue leg plates

A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) sits resting.
Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Gell  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Birj snaps out of his meditative trance, smiling placidly.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Jethrus settles to his knees.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Jethrus rises to his feet.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Jethrus settles to his knees.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Birj clambers to his feet.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Jethrus rises to his feet.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Straut sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Avernus the life stealer carried by Drok.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the shadowy crown of damnation carried by Gell.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Straut clambers to his feet.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N# -S
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
*A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
*A HUGE stone golem stands solemnly here. (minion) 
*A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Nikler  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Zloin Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Gell  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Nikler starts casting a spell.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Avernus the life stealer carried by Drok.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Nikler completes his spell...
Nikler utters the words 'xarr ay ghaiz'

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj opens a mystical serpent runed grimoire [superior] and begins studying it intently.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N# -S
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
*A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
*A HUGE stone golem stands solemnly here. (minion) 
*A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Nikler  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Zloin Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) sits resting.
Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Gell  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj closes his book and smiles broadly.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Zloin's mighty battle cry rallies his comrades and instills fear
into the hearts of his enemies.
Adrenaline burns your veins as the battle cry rings in your ears.

< 639h/639H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Nikler sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Nikler opens a myrabolan spellbook and begins studying it intently.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj clambers to his feet.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Nikler closes his book and smiles broadly.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Nikler clambers to his feet.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Zloin opens the door.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Fheer

Level: 56   Race: Githzerai   Class: Necromancer / Reaper Sex: Male
Hit points: 674(674)  Moves: 170(170)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     2 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 86%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.40   Deaths:   43
Detecting:      Invisible Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Farsee Fly Haste
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.87 
Leaderboard Points: 1617 
Paladin auras:   Spell Protection

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (5 minutes)
vampiric trance (9 minutes)
haste (12 minutes)
fly (119 minutes)
detect invisibility (53 minutes)
vitalize undead (16 minutes)
stone skin (6 minutes)
globe of invulnerability (4 minutes)
well-rested bonus (19 minutes)

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Birj points at Gell and falls down laughing.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Jethrus stops following Drok.
Jethrus now follows Zloin.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Gell says 'hide'
Gell's armor of a MaDMaN hums briefly.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Straut stops following Drok.
Drok no longer wants you to follow.
You stop following Drok.
Birj stops following Drok.
Naj stops following Drok.
Zloin stops following Drok.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Oof! Gell bumps into a greyish stone wall...

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Doombringer, the sword of chaos carried by Drok.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N -S
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
*A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
*A HUGE stone golem stands solemnly here. (minion) 
*A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Nikler  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Zloin Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Gell  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Zloin now follows Drok.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You currently have the following spell slots available:
  1st circle: 12 of 12
  2nd circle: 11 of 11
  3rd circle: 10 of 10
  4th circle:  9 of  9
  5th circle:  8 of  8
  6th circle:  7 of  7
  7th circle:  6 of  6
  8th circle:  6 of  6
  9th circle:  4 of  5   (   2 seconds)
 10th circle:  4 of  5   (   2 seconds)
 11th circle:  4 of  4
 12th circle:  1 of  1
You begin to invoke evil and assimilate the powers of darkness.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You feel completely aligned with your spirit as you sink in meditation...

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You feel infused by 10th circle DARK powers!

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
Drok sneaks north.
Zloin sneaks north.
Jethrus leaves north.
Nikler leaves north.
A LARGE earth elemental leaves north.
A HUGE stone golem leaves north.
A large xorn leaves north.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You feel infused by 9th circle DARK powers!
You feel fully infused...
The assimilation process leaves you momentarily shocked.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
Gell sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
Gell takes out his holy symbol and begins praying intently.
You clamber to your feet.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
You are already standing.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Hall of Knighthood.
Room: The Hall of Knighthood

Zone: The Hall of Knighthood.
Room: The Hall of Knighthood
The Hall of Knighthood
Obvious exits: -N -S
*A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
*A HUGE stone golem stands solemnly here. (minion) 
*A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Nikler  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Zloin Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >
The first rays of sunlight signal that day is approaching.

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >
You are using:
<worn as a badge>    an emblem of Shanatar royalty
<worn in ear>        a tiny diorite ear stud
<worn around neck>   a charm made of dwarf bone
<worn around neck>   a mithril amulet of the magi
<worn about body>    a blood red robe of linked bones (humming)
<worn on arms>       some glowing sleeves made of devil skin (glowing)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of influence
<worn around wrist>  some polished endurium bracers
<worn on finger>     a shiny ring of the faeries (glowing)
<worn on legs>       some bright blue leg plates

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >
Zloin gives you the globe of shadows.

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >
The Hall of Knighthood
Obvious exits: -N -S
*A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
*A HUGE stone golem stands solemnly here. (minion) 
*A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Nikler  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Zloin Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
You can't wield that.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
You are using:
<worn as a badge>    an emblem of Shanatar royalty
<worn in ear>        a tiny diorite ear stud
<worn around neck>   a charm made of dwarf bone
<worn around neck>   a mithril amulet of the magi
<worn about body>    a blood red robe of linked bones (humming)
<worn on arms>       some glowing sleeves made of devil skin (glowing)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of influence
<worn around wrist>  some polished endurium bracers
<worn on finger>     a shiny ring of the faeries (glowing)
<worn on legs>       some bright blue leg plates

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
You hold the globe of shadows.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Jethrus leaves north.
Nikler leaves north.
A LARGE earth elemental leaves north.
A HUGE stone golem leaves north.
A large xorn leaves north.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
The Hall of Knighthood
Obvious exits: -N -S

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
The magenta glow surrounding you fades away.

Zone: The Hall of Knighthood.
Room: The White Knight
The White Knight
Obvious exits: -N -S
A small pile of coins lies here.

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Hall of Knighthood.
Room: The Hall of Knighthood
The Hall of Knighthood
Obvious exits: -N -S

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Hall of Knighthood.
Room: Cave Entrance

Zone: The Hall of Knighthood.
Room: Cave Entrance
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N -S
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Gell  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 674h/674H 168v/170V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 674h/674H 168v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 169v/170V Pos: standing >
You are surrounded by a magenta glow.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj starts casting a spell.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'wuffaf uwaoz'
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Naj suddenly rises from the ground!

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Fheer

Level: 56   Race: Githzerai   Class: Necromancer / Reaper Sex: Male
Hit points: 674(674)  Moves: 170(170)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     2 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 86%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.40   Deaths:   43
Detecting:      Invisible Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Farsee Fly Haste Invisibility Sneaking Fearless GlobeOfDarkness
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.84 
Leaderboard Points: 1617 
Paladin auras:   Spell Protection

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (4 minutes)
vampiric trance (8 minutes)
haste (11 minutes)
fly (118 minutes)
detect invisibility (52 minutes)
vitalize undead (15 minutes)
stone skin (5 minutes)
globe of invulnerability (3 minutes)
well-rested bonus (18 minutes)

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the shadowy crown of damnation carried by Gell.
It appears to be the corpse of Skellen.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N -S
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Gell  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Gell says 'hide'
Gell's armor of a MaDMaN hums briefly.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You currently have the following spell slots available:
  1st circle: 12 of 12
  2nd circle: 11 of 11
  3rd circle: 10 of 10
  4th circle:  9 of  9
  5th circle:  8 of  8
  6th circle:  7 of  7
  7th circle:  6 of  6
  8th circle:  6 of  6
  9th circle:  5 of  5
 10th circle:  5 of  5
 11th circle:  4 of  4
 12th circle:  1 of  1

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You feel completely aligned with your spirit as you sink in meditation...

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You stop meditating.
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N -S
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
You sense a lifeform nearby.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N -S
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
You sense a lifeform nearby.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Birj now follows Straut.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the shadowy crown of damnation carried by someone.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj starts casting a spell.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Cave Entrance
Obvious exits: -N -S
The corpse of a Githyanki is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A greyish stone wall is here to the south.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
A LARGE earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
A large Xorn stands here, three arms flailing. (minion) 
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) 
*Birj  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
You sense a lifeform nearby.
*Straut  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Naj \/---\/ o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'xarr ay ghaiz'

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Naj closes the door.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki enters from elsewhere.
The lich of the singer enters from elsewhere.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Straut starts casting an offensive spell.
Straut snaps into visibility.
Oof! a Githyanki bumps into a greyish stone wall...

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Oof! a Githyanki bumps into a greyish stone wall...

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Kithron enters from elsewhere.
Naj gives an order to his followers.
A Githyanki avoids being bashed by a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki avoids being bashed by a LARGE earth elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
The lich of the singer suddenly attacks a LARGE earth elemental!
A Githyanki avoids being bashed by a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
Kithron suddenly attacks Naj!
Upon being struck, Naj disappears into thin air.
Naj stops following Naj.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Kithron suddenly attacks Naj!
Upon being struck, Naj disappears into thin air.
Naj stops following Naj.
A large xorn attacks a Githyanki. [1 Hits]
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Straut completes his spell...
Straut utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Straut drains a Githyanki - what a waste of energy!
A Githyanki's illithid's circlet is blasted by the negative energy!
Birj starts casting an offensive spell called 'arieks shattering iceball'.
Birj snaps into visibility.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A LARGE earth elemental attacks a Githyanki. [1 Hits]
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
A large xorn attacks a Githyanki. [1 Hits]
Gell suddenly attacks a Githyanki!
Gell snaps into visibility.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Kithron suddenly attacks a Githyanki!
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
You complete your spell...
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 91 ] You drain a Githyanki of some of his energy.
Your victim is too well protected against necromancy - no lingering effects of the energy drain will hold.
Straut starts casting an offensive spell.
Straut snaps into visibility.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Birj completes his spell...
Birj utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
Birj points at a Githyanki.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
Birj's iceball shatters upon impacting a Githyanki, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
A Githyanki starts casting an offensive spell called 'dispel magic'.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Fheer

Level: 56   Race: Githzerai   Class: Necromancer / Reaper Sex: Male
Hit points: 674(674)  Moves: 170(170)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     2 silver     1 copper
Compression ratio: 86%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.40   Deaths:   43
Detecting:      Invisible Life
Protected from: All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Ultravision Farsee Fly Haste Invisibility Sneaking Fearless GlobeOfDarkness
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.84 
Leaderboard Points: 1617 
Paladin auras:   Spell Protection

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (4 minutes)
vampiric trance (8 minutes)
haste (11 minutes)
fly (118 minutes)
detect invisibility (52 minutes)
vitalize undead (15 minutes)
stone skin (5 minutes)
globe of invulnerability (3 minutes)
well-rested bonus (18 minutes)

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
Straut completes his spell...
Straut utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Straut snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
Straut drains a Githyanki - what a waste of energy!
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
The lich of the singer attacks a LARGE earth elemental. [2 Hits]
Straut starts casting an offensive spell called 'energy drain'.
Straut snaps into visibility.

< 674h/674H 170v/170V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You snap into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 84 ] You drain a Githyanki of some of his energy.
A Githyanki's cloak of vitality was disintegrated by the negative energy!
A Githyanki's some mithril and dragonscale arm plates was disintegrated by the negative energy!
A Githyanki's scale of pulsating darkness was disintegrated by the negative energy!
A Githyanki's daemonic serpent insignia [superior] was disintegrated by the negative energy!
The lich of the singer stops following a Githyanki.
A Githyanki is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Fheer by 13333333.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!