The death of [51 Necrolyte] Kerf *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)

in The Fog Enshrouded Forest

from the perspective of [56 Bounty Hunter] Ur o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Barbarian)

<floating about head>a dark yellow ioun stone[231h 36m 10s]
<worn as a badge>    a wisp of shimmering faerie light with a strange sharp rubin (illuminating)
<worn on head>       a blood-red Vistani bandana (magic)
<worn on eyes>       a pair of goggles of faerie sight (magic)
<worn in ear>        a large golden ring
<worn in ear>        a large golden ring [superior]
<worn on face>       the death-mask of Nakral (magic)
<worn around neck>   a necklace of halfling ears [poor] [86%]
<worn around neck>   a scarf of enhanced stealth [superior] (magic)
<worn on body>       a mithril breastplate with a golden cross [superior] (magic) (glowing)
<worn about body>    a long, flowing cape of hellfire [superior] (magic) (glowing)
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight (magic)
<worn about waist>   the woven entrails of an unfortunate soul [superior]
<worn on belt buckle>a diamondine axe covered in blood [superior] (magic)
<attached to belt>   a bottle of dark ale
<attached to belt>   a bottle of dark ale
<worn on arms>       some wolf hide sleeves [superior]
<worn around wrist>  a spiked dragonskin bracelet [superior] (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a twisted nether crystal bracelet (magic) (glowing) [79%]
<worn on hands>      some black leather gloves with mithril blades [62%]
<worn on finger>     a shiny crimson ring of dexterity (magic)
<worn on finger>     an obsidian circle (magic) [60%]
<primary weapon>     the legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior] (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<secondary weapon>   a green bladed dagger named 'Sepsis' [superior] (magic) (humming)
<worn on legs>       some wolf hide pants [superior]
<worn on feet>       a pair of boots of stealth (magic)

Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading south.
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1149h/1578H 166v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1150h/1578H 165v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1150h/1578H 163v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are Troll tracks going west.
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1151h/1578H 162v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1151h/1578H 161v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1151h/1578H 160v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading south.
There are Drider tracks going south.

< 1152h/1578H 159v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1152h/1578H 158v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1153h/1578H 157v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1153h/1578H 156v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are Troll tracks going west.
There are some tracks heading west.

< 1154h/1578H 155v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading west.

< 1154h/1578H 154v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading west.

< 1155h/1578H 153v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1155h/1578H 151v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1156h/1578H 150v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1156h/1578H 149v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1157h/1578H 148v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
Vast Plains of the Eagle Ridge Delta
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1157h/1578H 147v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
The Fog Enshrouded Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1158h/1578H 146v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
The Fog Enshrouded Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 1158h/1578H 145v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
The Fog Enshrouded Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading west.
There are Drider tracks going east.
There are Drider tracks going west.

< 1158h/1578H 144v/251V Pos: standing >

< 1159h/1578H 145v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
The Fog Enshrouded Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1159h/1578H 144v/251V Pos: standing >
Bodyslam who?

< 1160h/1578H 145v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
The Fog Enshrouded Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*A Drider (large) Cultist *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1160h/1578H 143v/251V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
You mindlessly slam him with your mass!

A Drider snaps into visibility.
[Damage:  8 ] 
< 1161h/1578H 114v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  small wounds >
 You dodge a Drider's vicious attack.
You snap into visibility.

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  small wounds >

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  small wounds >
< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  small wounds >
< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  small wounds >
 Your improved dexterity grants you an additional attack!
Your improved dexterity grants you an additional attack!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 10 ] -=[Your fine slash wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
As you swing your sword at your foe, a distinct concordant note of sound _&-RCRACKS_ the air and blasts a Drider!
You glare at a Drider, and begin to generate a wretched sound of death!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 108 ] -=[A Drider screams as he is hit by your ghastly wave of sound!]=-
[Damage: 11 ] -=[Your pierce wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 30 ] -=[Your powerful slash strikes a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 14 ] -=[Your impressive pierce wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 13 ] -=[Your impressive pierce wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 10 ] -=[Your fine slash wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 12 ] -=[Your slash wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  few wounds >
 You dodge a Drider's vicious attack.
You snap into visibility.

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  few wounds >
< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  few wounds >
< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  few wounds >
 Your improved dexterity grants you an additional attack!
You surprise a Drider with a blow to the back, leaving him momentarily confused.
You snap into visibility.
[Damage:  8 ] -=[Your fine pierce wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 23 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 15 ] -=[Your impressive pierce strikes a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage:  9 ] -=[Your fine pierce wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage:  7 ] -=[Your slash wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You strike viciously at a Drider's wrist causing him to swing about madly.
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 32 ] -=[Your powerful slash strikes a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 28 ] -=[Your powerful slash strikes a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  nasty wounds >
< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  nasty wounds >
< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  nasty wounds >
< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  nasty wounds >
		Score information for Ur

Level: 56   Race: Barbarian   Class: Mercenary / Bounty Hunter Sex: Male
Hit points: 1161(1578)  Moves: 115(251)
Coins carried:   90 platinum     9 gold     0 silver     9 copper
Compression ratio: 89%
Status:  Standing, fighting A Drider.
Frags:   +8.78   Deaths:   40
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life
Protected from: Evil Good Fire Cold Lightning Gas Acid Living All but High Circle Spells
Enchantments:   Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Aware Haste Invisibility Waterbreathing Listen Sneaking Fearless Sparkling MageFlame
Herbs:          Gootwiet Medicus
Combat Pulse:   20 Spell Pulse:  1.22 
Leaderboard Points: 2477 
Enhancements:    Healing

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (4 minutes)
minor globe of invulnerability (2 minutes)
stone skin (less than a minute remaining)
lionrage (15 minutes)
hawkvision (14 minutes)
elephantstrength (35 minutes)
protection from lightning (11 minutes)
protection from acid (11 minutes)
protection from gas (11 minutes)
protection from cold (11 minutes)
vitality (11 minutes)
bless (22 minutes)
armor (17 minutes)
strength (10 minutes)
dexterity (10 minutes)

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  nasty wounds >
 Headbutt requires you to be able to reach his head!

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  nasty wounds >
 Looking panicked, a Drider scrambles madly to his feet!

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 You dodge a Drider's vicious attack.
You snap into visibility.
A Drider attempts to flee.
A Drider leaves north.

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
Headbutt whom?

< 1161h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
Headbutt whom?

< 1161h/1578H 116v/251V Pos: standing >
You feel uneasy with so many Good players on Good Continent.
The Fog Enshrouded Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A Drider (large) Cultist *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Red Aura)
There are some tracks heading south.

< 1162h/1578H 115v/251V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
You mindlessly slam him with your mass!

[Damage:  8 ] A Drider is stunned!

< 1162h/1578H 86v/251V Pos: standing >
<Your improved dexterity grants you an additional attack!
Your improved dexterity grants you an additional attack!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 33 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drider hard.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 36 ] -=[Your powerful pierce strikes a Drider hard.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 26 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 34 ] -=[Your powerful pierce strikes a Drider very hard.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 38 ] -=[Your pierce strikes a Drider very hard.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 30 ] -=[Your powerful slash strikes a Drider very hard.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 39 ] -=[Your mighty slash seriously wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 24 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drider very hard.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.

< 1163h/1578H 87v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP: pretty hurt >
< 1163h/1578H 87v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP: pretty hurt >
 A Drider stops invoking abruptly!

< 1163h/1578H 87v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP: pretty hurt >
< 1163h/1578H 87v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP: pretty hurt >
 With superb grace and ease, you intercept a Drider's attack with green bladed dagger named 'Sepsis' [superior] and counter-attack!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 34 ] -=[Your powerful slash seriously wounds a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 24 ] -=[Your powerful slash seriously wounds a Drider.]=-
A Drider's hardened limestone quiver was damaged from the massive blow!
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.

< 1163h/1578H 87v/251V Pos: standing >
< T: Ur TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drider ass EP:  awful >
 Your improved dexterity grants you an additional attack!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 35 ] -=[Your powerful slash causes a Drider to grimace in pain.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 33 ] -=[Your slash critically injures a Drider.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Drider's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 14 ] -=[Your impressive pierce hits a Drider.]=-
A Drider's the ultrathin robes of probability was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Drider is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!