The death of [54 Guardian] Crux ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Barbarian)

in Room #2

from the perspective of [56 Wildmage] Syl *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)

<worn as a badge>    a necromantic death shroud
<worn on head>       the eladrin-bone crown of the obyriths [superior] (magic) (humming)
<worn on eyes>       a wad of spawn goo (magic) (humming)
<worn in ear>        an emerald disc fashioned from bone (magic)
<worn in ear>        a glowing jade earring (glowing) [68%]
<worn on face>       the mask of stone form (humming)
<worn around neck>   some kharma mind beads (magic) [77%]
<worn around neck>   a carnelian and ruby inlaid gorget [superior] (magic)
<worn on body>       the platemail of the Nessus royal guard (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<worn about body>    the cloak of Arachdrathos [superior] (magic)
<worn on back>       a black leather backpack [superior] [31%]
<worn on spider body>the Living Necroplasm (magic)[239h 12m 14s]
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight (magic)
<worn about waist>   a belt of skulls of endurance (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a dreamcasters scepter of stars [83%]
<attached to belt>   an illithid-skin spellbook of wyld magick (magic) [52%]
<attached to belt>   an illithid-skin spellbook of wyld magick (magic) [57%]
<worn on arms>       some blue dragonscale shoulder guards (magic)
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield [poor]
<worn around wrist>  a satanic bracelet [superior] (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of wizardry (magic) (glowing)
<worn on hands>      the gloves of warding (magic)
<worn on finger>     a ring of the Neogi Lords (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a yellow ring of chrysoberyl (magic)
<primary weapon>     a rune-covered svalich wood quarterstaff (magic)

Ra leaves east.
Kiria leaves east.
A winged hellhound leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
*Choro Cavalry of Betlehem *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Choro leaves north.

< 1069h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves east.
Ra leaves east.
Kiria leaves east.
A winged hellhound leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1069h/993H 388v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1069h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks up.
Wodo leaves up.
Ra leaves up.
Kiria floats up.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
A winged hellhound leaves up.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -S -W -D
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
You failed.

< 1069h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves west.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Ra leaves west.
Kiria leaves west.
A winged hellhound leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!

< 1069h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1069h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks west.
Wodo leaves west.
Ra leaves west.
Kiria leaves west.
A winged hellhound leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1068h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1068h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the Totem of Mastery carried by Kaji.
Kaji sneaks west.
Wodo leaves west.
Ra leaves west.
Kiria leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
A winged hellhound leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1068h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks west.
Wodo leaves west.
Ra leaves west.
Kiria leaves west.
A winged hellhound leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1068h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1068h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks south.
Wodo leaves south.
Ra leaves south.
Kiria leaves south.
A winged hellhound leaves south.
You follow Kaji.

Room #19
Obvious exits: -N
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
(Q)A bleeding halfling lies on the floor here.

< 1068h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
A bleeding halfling suddenly attacks Kiria!
A bleeding halfling suddenly appears a bit confused!
A dark shroud encases Kiria as she charges into battle.
A bleeding halfling is knocked to the ground by Kiria's mighty bash!
Kiria dives at a bleeding halfling skewering him with her huge claymore named 'Pathfinder' [superior].
A bleeding halfling is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The last gasps of a bleeding halfling cause a sickening chill to run up your spine.

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You get a small pile of coins from the corpse of a bleeding halfling.
There were: 16 gold coins, 12 silver coins, 17 copper coins. 

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves north.
Ra leaves north.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
You put 0 platinum, 16 gold, 12 silver, and 17 copper coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1068h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks north.
Wodo leaves north.
Ra leaves north.
You follow Kaji.

The blood-red glow surrounding you fades away.
Room #20
Obvious exits: -S
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A Barbarian (large) DarkHorse ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)

< 1068h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji grasps his totem tightly, and begins communing with the spirits.
Kaji starts casting an offensive spell.
Kaji snaps into visibility.

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian leaves south.

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji stops invoking abruptly!

< 1068h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves south.
Ra leaves south.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves east.
Ra leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks east.
Wodo leaves east.
Ra leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1067h/993H 388v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks east.
Wodo leaves east.
Ra leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1067h/993H 388v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves east.
Ra leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -S -W -D
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1067h/993H 388v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves down.
Ra leaves down.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks east.
Wodo leaves east.
Ra leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

The Ogre's Foot Inn
Obvious exits: -W -D
The corpse of a tharnadian illusionist is lying here.
[2] The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of the receptionist is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A large sign hangs from the front of the counter here.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.

< 1067h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks down.
Wodo leaves down.
Ra leaves down.
You follow Kaji.

The Ogre's Foot Lounge
Obvious exits: -N# -U -D
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of a Githzerai is lying here.
A large portal leading to the arena floats here. (glowing)
A stone hearth is set in the wall.
A mighty board stands here held up by great swords reading 'Flame Board.'
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
*Choro Cavalry of Betlehem *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
*Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
You are surrounded by a magenta glow.

< 1067h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the sphere of wind carried by Sainth.

< 1067h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Ye roll up yer sleeves, and examine the dead...
The corpse of Elak is made of flesh and appears to be of average quality.
The corpse of Elak has an item value of 1.
It appears to be the corpse of Elak.
a pair of silver earrings with red rubies
a misty blue mask of gauze
a petrified bone shard [superior] (magic) (humming)
a bracelet of twisted roots [superior] (glowing)
a sturdy firbolg climbing belt [poor]
some fur-lined shoulder guards [superior]
some boots of abandonment [superior]
a sinister dragonscale quiver
an unearthly ruby eyepatch
a masterly-crafted bamboo hood
the royal platemail of Aravne (magic) (glowing) [56%]
the medallion of gaia (glowing) [67%]
a royal token of Valois (magic) (glowing) [74%]
a ring of endurance (magic)
a spider ring (magic) (humming)
a few coins
a rugged adventurers satchel (magic) (illuminating)

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves up.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Ra leaves up.
You follow Kaji.

The Ogre's Foot Inn
Obvious exits: -W -D
The corpse of a tharnadian illusionist is lying here.
[2] The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of the receptionist is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
A large sign hangs from the front of the counter here.
*Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Choro enters from below.

< 1066h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >

< 1066h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Kiria enters from the west.
A winged hellhound trots in from the west.

< 1066h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo leaves west.
Ra leaves west.
Sainth sneaks west.
Kiria leaves west.
A winged hellhound leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Choro enters from the east.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!

< 1066h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
Sainth closes the door.

< 1066h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks west.
Wodo leaves west.
Ra leaves west.
Kiria leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
A winged hellhound leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Choro enters from the east.

< 1066h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Sainth has lost his link.

< 1066h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1066h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Sainth has reconnected.
You failed.

< 1066h/993H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks east.
Wodo leaves east.
Ra leaves east.
Kiria leaves east.
A winged hellhound leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N# -E -S -W -U
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Sainth Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sainth's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Choro enters from the west.
You failed.

< 1066h/993H 389v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You are surrounded by a blood-red glow.

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji opens the door.

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Sainth closes the door.

< 1066h/993H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Your heroic urges slowly fade away.
You failed.

< 1046h/973H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji closes the door.
Wodo leaves north.
Ra's mighty battle cry rallies his comrades and instills fear
into the hearts of his enemies.
Adrenaline burns your veins as the battle cry rings in your ears.

< 1046h/973H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!

< 1068h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You feel queasy as the Living Necroplasm sends its tendrils deep into your body, harvesting your lifeforce!

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Sainth sneaks east.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji opens the door.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
The magenta glow surrounding you fades away.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Kaji sneaks north.
Ra leaves north.
Kiria leaves north.
A winged hellhound leaves north.
You follow Kaji.

Room #2
Obvious exits: -S
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) (Red Aura)
Kiria Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kiria's head.
*Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ra's head.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Wodo MasterMind *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Red Aura)
A Barbarian (large) DarkHorse ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
(Q)A brawny dwarf stands here, practicing his technique.
Choro enters from the south.
Choro snaps into visibility.
Choro fills with BLooDLuST and makes a ferocious leap at a Barbarian!
Choro knocks a Barbarian down with a mighty blow!

< 1048h/996H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 1048h/996H 390v/391V Pos: standing >
Ra snaps into visibility.
Ra wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
A Barbarian screams and doubles over in agony as searing heat ignites within his body.
A Barbarian's some pitch-black spiked leg plates [poor] cracks as the tortured body writhes!
Choro snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian attacks Choro. [1 Hits]
A Barbarian avoids being bashed by Kiria, who loses her balance and falls.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji closes the door.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo snaps into visibility.
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Zech, the dwarven warrior suddenly attacks Kiria!
A dark shroud encases Kiria as she charges into battle.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Kaji starts casting a spell.
Kaji snaps into visibility.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
Casting: solbeeps missile barrage 

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
Wodo snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 1048h/996H 391v/391V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 48 ] Your missile of force hits a Barbarian soundly.
A Barbarian's ring of invisibility [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Barbarian's boots of thundering might was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Barbarian's slimy aboleth eye [superior] with a strange dark bloodstone was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Barbarian is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!