The death of [26 Warrior] Arlo (Firbolg)

in In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

from the perspective of [35 Earth Magus] Zloin Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)

<worn as a badge>    a symbol of a sword thrust through a cresent moon
<worn on head>       Yingin's crown of Deepearth [88%]
<worn in ear>        a spiral woven of smoke [superior]
<worn in ear>        a pair of silver earrings with red rubies
<worn on face>       veil of darkness [superior] (glowing)
<worn around neck>   some kharma mind beads [superior]
<worn around neck>   a diamond necklace [poor]
<worn on body>       a pitch black bodycloak (glowing)
<worn about body>    the saving cloak (glowing)
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight of health
<worn about waist>   a belt of immunity [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>the lost book of 'Magic' [68%]
<worn on arms>       sleeves scrolled with intricate runes [poor] [38%]
<held as shield>     a crystalline tower shield (glowing)
<worn around wrist>  a black and white zebra-hide wristband
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of woven willow leaves [superior] (illuminating)
<worn on hands>      some hardened hide mitts
<worn on finger>     a golden ring of beauty [superior] (glowing)
<worn on finger>     the royal ring of Aravne (glowing)
<held>               the flaming orb of revenge
<worn on legs>       some shin-guards of subterfuge [85%]
<worn on feet>       boots of endurance [superior]

Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The pitch black nature of the troglodyte cave system makes it impossible
to keep ones bearings.  The cave system is a random, twisting monster that
makes navigation nearly impossible.  The cave is a natural occurrence and thus
is bound to no city plan or layout.  The black stone seems to absorb any light
that it comes in contact with making torches and even magical light almost
useless.  In many places the ceiling hangs down very low, only the masters of
this cave can safely navigate through such perils.  The air is very musty and
warm feeling, an oddity for this far below the surface.  There are no markings
or indications as to the correct path to choose.  Perhaps the safest bet would
be to come back the way one came, if of course that is even possible anymore.
One may travel to the north, south or east from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South
The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   These dark caves are filled with the entire troglodyte settlement.  The
nature of the troglodytes makes living in these caves essential as it is their
only possible habitat.  The night is the only time these creatures can come out
of hiding and when they do they search for human flesh.  The cave itself is a
natural formation, the stone still in its crude natural state.  There may have
been some mining or rock work done, but it was minimal as the troglodytes can
live withouth the luxury of smooth stone.  The air is very musty, a smell only
found with large colonies of lizards or troglodytes.  The temperature is always
warm, how the caves are kept this warm is a mystery to the outside world.  The
caves twist and turn as they travel through this underground labrynth.  One may
travel to the north or south from this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North -South
[3] The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The further into the troglodyte caves the more disorienting it becomes.
Even creatures with phenomenal infravision find this place to be a complex and
confusing cave system.  The darkness, combined with the horrible smells that
the troglodytes release from their glands, makes the air seem to be thick like
water.  The rocks are cold and wet and sound does not seem to carry very well
this far down.  Normally there would be an echo, but here there is none.  It
is as if a shadow of darkness has stolen all the light and sound from this
place.  Even with a torch one cannot see very far ahead.  Shadows seem to dance
and merge into the stone.  Or perhaps the troglodyte warriors are preparing to
attack.  The troglodytes posses an innate ability to change the color and tone
of their flesh to fit in with their surroundings.  It is safe to assume that an
adult troglodyte could blend in with the black rock and stand there invisible
to someone who walked by.  One may walk north, south or west.  The darkness
makes it hard to determine which is the main path.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West 
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: A Small Sleeping Area in the Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: A Small Sleeping Area in the Troglodyte Caves
A Small Sleeping Area in the Troglodyte Caves
   This large room is devoid of any semblance of furniture.  The room is part
of a large and naturally formed cave.  There are a few thread-bare rugs and
blankets spread out on the floor.  The room appears to be a sleeping room, a
place for mother's to tend to their children.  The males in the troglodyte
society don't take very well to raising children and much of the work is left
to the women.  The air here is very dank smelling, like a hot cellar.  The
stone here is very strong and hard to work with, making any new tunnels almost
impossible to render.  This small side room is highly defensible and for that
reason the females are allowed to use it for guarding their young.  One may
exit this room by traveling to the east in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -East 
A troglodyte mother watches over her nest here.(Red Aura)
A troglodyte mother watches over her nest here.(Red Aura)
A small troglodyte child sits here in the darkness.(Red Aura)
A small troglodyte child sits here in the darkness.(Red Aura)
A troglodyte mother watches over her nest here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The further into the troglodyte caves the more disorienting it becomes.
Even creatures with phenomenal infravision find this place to be a complex and
confusing cave system.  The darkness, combined with the horrible smells that
the troglodytes release from their glands, makes the air seem to be thick like
water.  The rocks are cold and wet and sound does not seem to carry very well
this far down.  Normally there would be an echo, but here there is none.  It
is as if a shadow of darkness has stolen all the light and sound from this
place.  Even with a torch one cannot see very far ahead.  Shadows seem to dance
and merge into the stone.  Or perhaps the troglodyte warriors are preparing to
attack.  The troglodytes posses an innate ability to change the color and tone
of their flesh to fit in with their surroundings.  It is safe to assume that an
adult troglodyte could blend in with the black rock and stand there invisible
to someone who walked by.  One may walk north, south or west.  The darkness
makes it hard to determine which is the main path.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West 
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   This dark and scary cave is inhabited by a race of highly effective and
deadly fighters.  The troglodyte race is savage and can easily overcome an
unready opponent.  The warriors of the clan are trained from an early age how
to fully use all of their weapons including their long tail.  This cave is the
perfect lair for such a race.  Because the darkness is so complete, ambushes
can and will happen as one goes further into this place.  The advanced eyes of
the troglodyte race has developed a superior form of infravision which allows
them to best take advantage of these surroundings.  The smell is horrible,
emitted from their glands and pores as yet another deterrent from this place.
The stone would look very black in the light of day, but here everything looks
like darkness.  One may travel west or north in the troglodyte cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -West 
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Oof! You bump into a greyish stone wall...

< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
Oof! You bump into a greyish stone wall...

< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The further into the troglodyte caves the more disorienting it becomes.
Even creatures with phenomenal infravision find this place to be a complex and
confusing cave system.  The darkness, combined with the horrible smells that
the troglodytes release from their glands, makes the air seem to be thick like
water.  The rocks are cold and wet and sound does not seem to carry very well
this far down.  Normally there would be an echo, but here there is none.  It
is as if a shadow of darkness has stolen all the light and sound from this
place.  Even with a torch one cannot see very far ahead.  Shadows seem to dance
and merge into the stone.  Or perhaps the troglodyte warriors are preparing to
attack.  The troglodytes posses an innate ability to change the color and tone
of their flesh to fit in with their surroundings.  It is safe to assume that an
adult troglodyte could blend in with the black rock and stand there invisible
to someone who walked by.  One may walk north, south or west.  The darkness
makes it hard to determine which is the main path.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West 
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.

< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   These dark caves are filled with the entire troglodyte settlement.  The
nature of the troglodytes makes living in these caves essential as it is their
only possible habitat.  The night is the only time these creatures can come out
of hiding and when they do they search for human flesh.  The cave itself is a
natural formation, the stone still in its crude natural state.  There may have
been some mining or rock work done, but it was minimal as the troglodytes can
live withouth the luxury of smooth stone.  The air is very musty, a smell only
found with large colonies of lizards or troglodytes.  The temperature is always
warm, how the caves are kept this warm is a mystery to the outside world.  The
caves twist and turn as they travel through this underground labrynth.  One may
travel to the north or south from this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North -South
[3] The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The pitch black nature of the troglodyte cave system makes it impossible
to keep ones bearings.  The cave system is a random, twisting monster that
makes navigation nearly impossible.  The cave is a natural occurrence and thus
is bound to no city plan or layout.  The black stone seems to absorb any light
that it comes in contact with making torches and even magical light almost
useless.  In many places the ceiling hangs down very low, only the masters of
this cave can safely navigate through such perils.  The air is very musty and
warm feeling, an oddity for this far below the surface.  There are no markings
or indications as to the correct path to choose.  Perhaps the safest bet would
be to come back the way one came, if of course that is even possible anymore.
One may travel to the north, south or east from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South
The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
A Firbolg enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The troglodyte caves continue to wind through the hard stone that lies
far below the surface.  The stone is very rough and sharp in places, not by
design, but the original state as when this cavern was formed.  The tunnels of
the troglodyte caves twist and turn in many directions, sometimes seemingly
doubling back or going in circles.  Making navigation even more difficult is
the fact that both echoes and light seem to reflect differently here than in
normal cave conditions.  The air is thick and musky making it sometimes quite
hard to breathe.  The ground is a very unforgiving monster, the sharp stones
and pebbles acting as a dangerous hazard.  One wrong step could seriously
injure even the thickest skinned creature.  The cave system here is at least
twenty feet above the tunnel that is located down from this point.  One may
travel down or west from this point.
Obvious exits: -West  -Down 
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The pitch black nature of the troglodyte cave system makes it impossible
to keep ones bearings.  The cave system is a random, twisting monster that
makes navigation nearly impossible.  The cave is a natural occurrence and thus
is bound to no city plan or layout.  The black stone seems to absorb any light
that it comes in contact with making torches and even magical light almost
useless.  In many places the ceiling hangs down very low, only the masters of
this cave can safely navigate through such perils.  The air is very musty and
warm feeling, an oddity for this far below the surface.  There are no markings
or indications as to the correct path to choose.  Perhaps the safest bet would
be to come back the way one came, if of course that is even possible anymore.
One may travel to the north, south or east from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South
The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
A Firbolg (huge) stands here.
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South
The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Pok Sickly Pale Ale - Brewed in Blood (Kobold)(small) stands, floating here.(Red Aura)
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A Firbolg (huge) stands here.

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   These dark caves are filled with the entire troglodyte settlement.  The
nature of the troglodytes makes living in these caves essential as it is their
only possible habitat.  The night is the only time these creatures can come out
of hiding and when they do they search for human flesh.  The cave itself is a
natural formation, the stone still in its crude natural state.  There may have
been some mining or rock work done, but it was minimal as the troglodytes can
live withouth the luxury of smooth stone.  The air is very musty, a smell only
found with large colonies of lizards or troglodytes.  The temperature is always
warm, how the caves are kept this warm is a mystery to the outside world.  The
caves twist and turn as they travel through this underground labrynth.  One may
travel to the north or south from this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North -South
[3] The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The further into the troglodyte caves the more disorienting it becomes.
Even creatures with phenomenal infravision find this place to be a complex and
confusing cave system.  The darkness, combined with the horrible smells that
the troglodytes release from their glands, makes the air seem to be thick like
water.  The rocks are cold and wet and sound does not seem to carry very well
this far down.  Normally there would be an echo, but here there is none.  It
is as if a shadow of darkness has stolen all the light and sound from this
place.  Even with a torch one cannot see very far ahead.  Shadows seem to dance
and merge into the stone.  Or perhaps the troglodyte warriors are preparing to
attack.  The troglodytes posses an innate ability to change the color and tone
of their flesh to fit in with their surroundings.  It is safe to assume that an
adult troglodyte could blend in with the black rock and stand there invisible
to someone who walked by.  One may walk north, south or west.  The darkness
makes it hard to determine which is the main path.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West 
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   This dark and scary cave is inhabited by a race of highly effective and
deadly fighters.  The troglodyte race is savage and can easily overcome an
unready opponent.  The warriors of the clan are trained from an early age how
to fully use all of their weapons including their long tail.  This cave is the
perfect lair for such a race.  Because the darkness is so complete, ambushes
can and will happen as one goes further into this place.  The advanced eyes of
the troglodyte race has developed a superior form of infravision which allows
them to best take advantage of these surroundings.  The smell is horrible,
emitted from their glands and pores as yet another deterrent from this place.
The stone would look very black in the light of day, but here everything looks
like darkness.  One may travel west or north in the troglodyte cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -West 
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Obvious exits: -North -West 
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Pok Sickly Pale Ale - Brewed in Blood (Kobold)(small) stands, floating here.(Red Aura)
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zloin Lord of the DrAuGhT - Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte berserker who is a brief walk away to your north.
A Firbolg who is a brief walk away to your north.
A troglodyte female who is rather far off to your north.
A troglodyte berserker who is rather far off to your north.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your west.

< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The further into the troglodyte caves the more disorienting it becomes.
Even creatures with phenomenal infravision find this place to be a complex and
confusing cave system.  The darkness, combined with the horrible smells that
the troglodytes release from their glands, makes the air seem to be thick like
water.  The rocks are cold and wet and sound does not seem to carry very well
this far down.  Normally there would be an echo, but here there is none.  It
is as if a shadow of darkness has stolen all the light and sound from this
place.  Even with a torch one cannot see very far ahead.  Shadows seem to dance
and merge into the stone.  Or perhaps the troglodyte warriors are preparing to
attack.  The troglodytes posses an innate ability to change the color and tone
of their flesh to fit in with their surroundings.  It is safe to assume that an
adult troglodyte could blend in with the black rock and stand there invisible
to someone who walked by.  One may walk north, south or west.  The darkness
makes it hard to determine which is the main path.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West 
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte berserker who is not far off to your north.
A Firbolg who is not far off to your north.
A troglodyte female who is a brief walk away to your north.
A troglodyte berserker who is a brief walk away to your north.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte mother who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte mother who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte child who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte child who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte mother who is close by to your west.

< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   These dark caves are filled with the entire troglodyte settlement.  The
nature of the troglodytes makes living in these caves essential as it is their
only possible habitat.  The night is the only time these creatures can come out
of hiding and when they do they search for human flesh.  The cave itself is a
natural formation, the stone still in its crude natural state.  There may have
been some mining or rock work done, but it was minimal as the troglodytes can
live withouth the luxury of smooth stone.  The air is very musty, a smell only
found with large colonies of lizards or troglodytes.  The temperature is always
warm, how the caves are kept this warm is a mystery to the outside world.  The
caves twist and turn as they travel through this underground labrynth.  One may
travel to the north or south from this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North -South
[3] The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.

< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The pitch black nature of the troglodyte cave system makes it impossible
to keep ones bearings.  The cave system is a random, twisting monster that
makes navigation nearly impossible.  The cave is a natural occurrence and thus
is bound to no city plan or layout.  The black stone seems to absorb any light
that it comes in contact with making torches and even magical light almost
useless.  In many places the ceiling hangs down very low, only the masters of
this cave can safely navigate through such perils.  The air is very musty and
warm feeling, an oddity for this far below the surface.  There are no markings
or indications as to the correct path to choose.  Perhaps the safest bet would
be to come back the way one came, if of course that is even possible anymore.
One may travel to the north, south or east from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South
The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
A Firbolg (huge) stands here.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
A Firbolg leaves south.

< 403h/403H 183v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   These dark caves are filled with the entire troglodyte settlement.  The
nature of the troglodytes makes living in these caves essential as it is their
only possible habitat.  The night is the only time these creatures can come out
of hiding and when they do they search for human flesh.  The cave itself is a
natural formation, the stone still in its crude natural state.  There may have
been some mining or rock work done, but it was minimal as the troglodytes can
live withouth the luxury of smooth stone.  The air is very musty, a smell only
found with large colonies of lizards or troglodytes.  The temperature is always
warm, how the caves are kept this warm is a mystery to the outside world.  The
caves twist and turn as they travel through this underground labrynth.  One may
travel to the north or south from this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North -South
[3] The corpse of a troglodyte female is lying here.
A Firbolg (huge) stands here.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
A Firbolg leaves south.

< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
You abort your spell before it's done!

< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The further into the troglodyte caves the more disorienting it becomes.
Even creatures with phenomenal infravision find this place to be a complex and
confusing cave system.  The darkness, combined with the horrible smells that
the troglodytes release from their glands, makes the air seem to be thick like
water.  The rocks are cold and wet and sound does not seem to carry very well
this far down.  Normally there would be an echo, but here there is none.  It
is as if a shadow of darkness has stolen all the light and sound from this
place.  Even with a torch one cannot see very far ahead.  Shadows seem to dance
and merge into the stone.  Or perhaps the troglodyte warriors are preparing to
attack.  The troglodytes posses an innate ability to change the color and tone
of their flesh to fit in with their surroundings.  It is safe to assume that an
adult troglodyte could blend in with the black rock and stand there invisible
to someone who walked by.  One may walk north, south or west.  The darkness
makes it hard to determine which is the main path.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West 
A Firbolg (huge) stands here.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
A Firbolg leaves south.

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   This dark and scary cave is inhabited by a race of highly effective and
deadly fighters.  The troglodyte race is savage and can easily overcome an
unready opponent.  The warriors of the clan are trained from an early age how
to fully use all of their weapons including their long tail.  This cave is the
perfect lair for such a race.  Because the darkness is so complete, ambushes
can and will happen as one goes further into this place.  The advanced eyes of
the troglodyte race has developed a superior form of infravision which allows
them to best take advantage of these surroundings.  The smell is horrible,
emitted from their glands and pores as yet another deterrent from this place.
The stone would look very black in the light of day, but here everything looks
like darkness.  One may travel west or north in the troglodyte cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -West 
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
A Firbolg (huge) stands here.
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   The further into the troglodyte caves the more disorienting it becomes.
Even creatures with phenomenal infravision find this place to be a complex and
confusing cave system.  The darkness, combined with the horrible smells that
the troglodytes release from their glands, makes the air seem to be thick like
water.  The rocks are cold and wet and sound does not seem to carry very well
this far down.  Normally there would be an echo, but here there is none.  It
is as if a shadow of darkness has stolen all the light and sound from this
place.  Even with a torch one cannot see very far ahead.  Shadows seem to dance
and merge into the stone.  Or perhaps the troglodyte warriors are preparing to
attack.  The troglodytes posses an innate ability to change the color and tone
of their flesh to fit in with their surroundings.  It is safe to assume that an
adult troglodyte could blend in with the black rock and stand there invisible
to someone who walked by.  One may walk north, south or west.  The darkness
makes it hard to determine which is the main path.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West 
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves

Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
   This dark and scary cave is inhabited by a race of highly effective and
deadly fighters.  The troglodyte race is savage and can easily overcome an
unready opponent.  The warriors of the clan are trained from an early age how
to fully use all of their weapons including their long tail.  This cave is the
perfect lair for such a race.  Because the darkness is so complete, ambushes
can and will happen as one goes further into this place.  The advanced eyes of
the troglodyte race has developed a superior form of infravision which allows
them to best take advantage of these surroundings.  The smell is horrible,
emitted from their glands and pores as yet another deterrent from this place.
The stone would look very black in the light of day, but here everything looks
like darkness.  One may travel west or north in the troglodyte cave system.
Obvious exits: -North -West 
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
A Firbolg (huge) stands here.
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >

< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
Oof! a Firbolg bumps into a greyish stone wall...

< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
A Firbolg attempts to flee.
Oof! a Firbolg bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Firbolg tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 70 ] -=[You cause the earth to reach up and crush your opponent!
The unstable nature of your surroundings, causes extreme amounts of extra debris!]=-

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Casting: earthen maul 

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 146 ] -=[You cause the earth to reach up and crush your opponent!
The unstable nature of your surroundings, causes extreme amounts of extra debris!]=-

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok starts casting an offensive spell called 'cone of cold'.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the words 'qaiz ay qare'
Pok fires a blast of cold at a Firbolg, who screams out in pain!
A Firbolg sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
In his haste to slam Zloin around, a Firbolg slips and falls!

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok starts casting an offensive spell.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Casting: earthen maul 

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 145 ] -=[You cause the earth to reach up and crush your opponent!
The unstable nature of your surroundings, causes extreme amounts of extra debris!]=-

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the words 'qaiz ay qare'
Pok fires a blast of cold at a Firbolg, who screams out in pain!
A Firbolg sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok starts casting an offensive spell.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the words 'qaiz ay qare'
Pok fires a blast of cold at a Firbolg, who screams out in pain!
A Firbolg sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Casting: earthen maul 

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 150 ] -=[You cause the earth to reach up and crush your opponent!
The unstable nature of your surroundings, causes extreme amounts of extra debris!]=-
Pok starts casting an offensive spell called 'cone of cold'.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the words 'qaiz ay qare'
Pok fires a blast of cold at a Firbolg, who screams out in pain!
A Firbolg sags, apparently weakened from the frigid cold!

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 45 ] -=[The lightning bolt hits a Firbolg with full impact.]=-

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok looks at a Firbolg.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok sizes up a Firbolg with a quick glance.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok starts casting an offensive spell.
A Firbolg clambers to his feet.

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
A Firbolg attempts to flee.
Oof! a Firbolg bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Firbolg tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 52 ] -=[The lightning bolt hits a Firbolg with full impact.]=-
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the words 'diesilla barh'
A Firbolg wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by Pok.
A Firbolg is stunned!

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok starts casting an offensive spell called 'lightning bolt'.
You start chanting...

< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the words 'diesilla barh'
A Firbolg wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by Pok.
A Firbolg is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.