The death of [36 Forest Druid] Rioss < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)

in Northern Valley of Myrabolus

from the perspective of [37 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)

<worn as a badge>    a glowing blue crystal (magic)
<worn on head>       the crown of unholy saints [superior]
<worn on eyes>       a wad of spawn goo [superior] (magic) (humming)
<worn in ear>        a long gemstone earring (magic) (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a pair of silver earrings with red rubies
<worn on face>       a translucent crystal hemisphere [poor] (magic) (glowing) (illuminating)
<worn around neck>   a royal token of Valois (magic) (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a necklace of flowing mist [poor] (magic)
<worn on body>       an imperceptable shroud of stars [superior] (invis) (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<worn about body>    a royal robe garb lined with gold [poor]
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight (magic)
<worn about waist>   a thin length of twisted cord [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>a dreamcasters scepter of stars
<worn on arms>       sleeves smeared with blood
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield [superior] (illuminating)
<worn around wrist>  the neck-charm of Savannah of Broken Trusts [poor] [80%]
<worn around wrist>  a duergar-made adamantine bracelet [poor]
<worn on hands>      a pair of ghostly gloves (magic)
<worn on finger>     a scratched copper ring
<worn on finger>     a boreal adamantium ring
<held>               a carved femur of a stupid barb [superior] (magic) (glowing) (illuminating)
<worn on legs>       some shin-guards of subterfuge
<worn on feet>       some fragile bamboo boots

You quickly scan the area.
A veteran pikeman who is not far off to your north.
An elite guard who is not far off to your north.
A pigeon who is a brief walk away to your north.
Simon who is in the distance to your north.
A visiting grey elf who is almost out of sight to your north.
A celestial white dragon who is almost out of sight to your north.
A kitty who is almost out of sight to your north.
A half-orc commoner who is almost out of sight to your north.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A veteran pikeman who is not far off to your north.
An elite guard who is not far off to your north.
A pigeon who is a brief walk away to your north.
Simon who is in the distance to your north.
A visiting grey elf who is almost out of sight to your north.
A celestial white dragon who is almost out of sight to your north.
A kitty who is almost out of sight to your north.
A half-orc commoner who is almost out of sight to your north.
A Halfling who is in the distance to your south.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A veteran pikeman who is not far off to your north.
An elite guard who is not far off to your north.
A pigeon who is a brief walk away to your north.
Simon who is in the distance to your north.
A visiting grey elf who is almost out of sight to your north.
A celestial white dragon who is almost out of sight to your north.
A kitty who is almost out of sight to your north.
A half-orc commoner who is almost out of sight to your north.
A Halfling who is in the distance to your south.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You quickly scan the area.
A veteran pikeman who is not far off to your north.
An elite guard who is not far off to your north.
A pigeon who is a brief walk away to your north.
Simon who is in the distance to your north.
A visiting grey elf who is almost out of sight to your north.
A celestial white dragon who is almost out of sight to your north.
A kitty who is almost out of sight to your north.
A half-orc commoner who is almost out of sight to your north.
A Halfling who is not far off to your south.
A deer who is a brief walk away to your south.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You quickly scan the area.
A veteran pikeman who is not far off to your north.
An elite guard who is not far off to your north.
A pigeon who is a brief walk away to your north.
Simon who is in the distance to your north.
A visiting grey elf who is almost out of sight to your north.
A celestial white dragon who is almost out of sight to your north.
A kitty who is almost out of sight to your north.
A half-orc commoner who is almost out of sight to your north.
A Halfling who is close by to your south.
A deer who is a brief walk away to your south.
A Halfling enters from the south.
Peet suddenly attacks a Halfling!
Peet misses a Halfling.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You quickly scan the area.
A veteran pikeman who is not far off to your north.
An elite guard who is not far off to your north.
A pigeon who is a brief walk away to your north.
Simon who is in the distance to your north.
A visiting grey elf who is almost out of sight to your north.
A celestial white dragon who is almost out of sight to your north.
A kitty who is almost out of sight to your north.
A half-orc commoner who is almost out of sight to your north.
A deer who is a brief walk away to your south.
Mussa suddenly attacks a Halfling!
Mussa snaps into visibility.
Mussa misses a Halfling.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A veteran pikeman who is not far off to your north.
An elite guard who is not far off to your north.
A pigeon who is a brief walk away to your north.
Simon who is in the distance to your north.
A visiting grey elf who is almost out of sight to your north.
A celestial white dragon who is almost out of sight to your north.
A kitty who is almost out of sight to your north.
A half-orc commoner who is almost out of sight to your north.
A deer who is a brief walk away to your south.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
A Halfling attempts to flee.
A Halfling leaves west.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
Zloin settles to his knees.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
Col settles to his knees.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You sit down.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
A Gnome enters from the west.
A Centaur trots in from the west.
A Centaur trots in from the west.
A Githzerai rides in on a beautiful pegasus from the west.
A Githzerai suddenly attacks Peet!
A halo of white light settles over a Githzerai as he charges into battle.
A Githzerai's powerful slash strikes Peet.
A Centaur starts casting an offensive spell.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
A Gnome leaves east.
A Grey Elf sneaks east.
A Centaur trots east.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You feel a blast of cold from the east!
You failed.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Mussa drops flat to the ground.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Centaur completes her spell...
A Centaur utters the words 'earthen maul'
A Centaur causes the earth to rise up in the shape of a fist!

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Halfling enters from the north.
As Peet raises his hands sending a prayer to Eilistraee, a soft glow descends from above.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Gnome enters from the east.
A Centaur trots in from the east.
Mussa clambers to his feet.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.
An earth elemental suddenly attacks a Gnome!
A Githzerai bravely steps in front of a Gnome, shielding him from harm!
An earth elemental's decent crush grazes a beautiful pegasus.
Nyx starts casting a spell.
You start chanting...

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A beautiful pegasus's feeble thrash grazes an earth elemental.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Halfling starts casting an offensive spell.
Col rises to his feet.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
Your spell flows around a Grey Elf, leaving him unharmed!
A Githzerai's mount sidesteps Peet's blow.
A Githzerai dodges Peet's attack.
A Githzerai misses Peet.
Peet dodges a Githzerai's attack.
You feel your skin soften and return to normal.
A Grey Elf's body appears to recover from the affects of the potion.
A Centaur starts casting an offensive spell called 'earthen maul'.
Zloin rises to his feet.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Nyx completes her spell...
Nyx utters the word 'qaiqzarwunsoh'
Nyx slowly fades out of existence.
Peet starts casting a spell.

< 586h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Gnome completes his spell...
A Gnome utters the words 'uqz ghafw'
A Gnome conjures an ice storm!
A Gnome crushes a wild horse with a storm of ice.
A wild horse is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A Gnome crushes a prong-horned antelope with a storm of ice.
A prong-horned antelope is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
A Gnome crushes a thick-haired buffalo with a storm of ice.
A thick-haired buffalo is dead! R.I.P.
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a thick-haired buffalo's gurgling and choking signals its demise.
A thick-haired buffalo quickly returns to the plane from whence they were summoned...
A thick-haired buffalo stops following Col.
You are blasted by the storm!
You feel less vulnerable to the elements!
-=[A Gnome bashes you with a storm of ice.]=-
A Gnome crushes Zloin with a storm of ice.
Upon being struck, Zloin disappears into thin air.
Zloin stops following Zloin.
A Gnome crushes Zloin with a storm of ice.
Upon being struck, Zloin disappears into thin air.
Zloin stops following Zloin.
A Gnome crushes an earth elemental with a storm of ice.
A Gnome crushes an earth elemental with a storm of ice.
A Gnome dodges an earth elemental's attack.
A Gnome dodges an earth elemental's attack.
Col starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Slowly the light engulfs your body, as a greater being starts to watch over you.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
A Grey Elf causes the earth to rise up in the shape of a fist!
You start chanting...

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Peet completes his spell...
Peet utters the words 'pzaruio garzz'
Upon Peet's touch a soft glow flows from his hands and surrounds Peet.
Nyx starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Col points at a Gnome.
A Gnome's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by Col.
Zloin taps the purple rain of death [superior] three times on the ground.
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves Zloin's hands...
And blasts into a Halfling!
Then leaps and smacks into a Githzerai!
Then leaps and smacks into a beautiful pegasus!
Then leaps and smacks into a Centaur!
Then leaps and smacks into a wild horse!
A wild horse is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a wild horse's gurgling and choking signals its demise.
A wild horse quickly returns to the plane from whence they were summoned...
A wild horse stops following Col.
Then leaps and smacks into a prong-horned antelope!
A prong-horned antelope is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a prong-horned antelope's gurgling and choking signals its demise.
A prong-horned antelope quickly returns to the plane from whence they were summoned...
A prong-horned antelope stops following Col.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Halfling completes his spell...
A Halfling utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
A Halfling causes the earth to rise up in the shape of a fist!
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 73 ] -=[A Grey Elf's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is wracked with unbearable pain.]=-

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Gnome gets a small pile of coins from the corpse of a mountaineer.
A Centaur starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Nyx completes her spell...
Nyx utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Nyx's fist beats the life out of a Gnome, blood pours from his body!

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Centaur completes her spell...
A Centaur utters the words 'earthen maul'
A Centaur causes the earth to rise up in the shape of a fist!
Ye roll up yer sleeves, and examine the dead...
The corpse of a mountaineer is made of flesh and appears to be of average quality.
The corpse of a mountaineer has an item value of 1.
It appears to be the corpse of a mountaineer.
Col starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Tiny explosions wrack a Gnome's body with pain!
Ye roll up yer sleeves, and examine the dead...
The corpse of a mountaineer is made of flesh and appears to be of average quality.
The corpse of a mountaineer has an item value of 1.
It appears to be the corpse of a mountaineer.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
A Halfling starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Col points at a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by Col.
A Gnome puts a small pile of coins into a huge mining sack.
Nyx leaves west.
Peet starts casting a spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Centaur completes his spell...
A Centaur utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
A Centaur points at Peet.
Peet's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by a Centaur.
A beautiful pegasus misses an earth elemental.
A Githzerai attempts to flee.
A Githzerai leaves east riding on a beautiful pegasus.
A Grey Elf starts casting a spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 70 ] -=[A Grey Elf's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is wracked with unbearable pain.]=-

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Centaur starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Halfling stops chanting abruptly!
Peet completes his spell...
Peet utters the words 'pzaruio garzz'
Upon Peet's touch a soft glow flows from his hands and surrounds Peet.
Col starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
A Grey Elf causes the earth to rise up in the shape of a fist!

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai rides in on a beautiful pegasus from the east.
You start chanting...
A Centaur starts casting an offensive spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Col points at a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by Col.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai bravely steps in front of a Gnome, shielding him from harm!
Nyx smirks as her fireball explodes into the face of a Githzerai.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from a Grey Elf into a Gnome's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
Peet starts casting a spell.

< 552h/586H 225v/225V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 72 ] -=[A Grey Elf's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is wracked with unbearable pain.]=-
-=[A beautiful pegasus's hooves crash into you with a stunning force!]=-
You are knocked to the ground!

< 544h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Gnome dodges an earth elemental's attack.

< 544h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Githzerai suddenly appears a bit confused!
You watch in glee as a Githzerai looks dazzled.
-=[A Githzerai's slash wounds you.]=-
A Githzerai misses you.
Col starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell called 'earthen maul'.

< 534h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 Tiny explosions wrack a Gnome's body with pain!
A Centaur completes his spell...
A Centaur utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
A Centaur points at Peet.
Peet's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by a Centaur.
Nyx enters from the west.

< 534h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
Nyx starts casting an offensive spell.

< 534h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 Col completes his spell...
Col utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Col points at a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is viciously attacked by Col.
A Centaur completes her spell...
A Centaur utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
A Centaur causes the earth to rise up in the shape of a fist!

< 534h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 Peet completes his spell...
Peet utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Peet into Peet's body, and his wounds begin to heal!

< 534h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Gnome starts casting an offensive spell.

< 534h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
A Grey Elf causes the earth to rise up in the shape of a fist!
A Halfling starts casting an offensive spell.
A Centaur starts casting a spell.

< 534h/586H 225v/225V Pos: sitting >
< T: Beltorin TP: sit TC:few scratches E: A Githzerai sta EP:  small wounds >
 Nyx completes her spell...
Nyx utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Nyx's fist beats the life out of a Gnome, blood pours from his body!
Zloin taps the purple rain of death [superior] three times on the ground.
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves Zloin's hands...
And blasts into a beautiful pegasus!
Then leaps and smacks into a Grey Elf!
A Grey Elf's small round wooden shield exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Grey Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!