The death of [20 Mercenary] Apoz (Goblin)

in The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog

from the perspective of [39 Zealot] Zkr < The Commonwealth > (Halfling)

<worn as a badge>    a badge of promise (glowing) [48%]
<worn on head>       a headband of woven peryton feathers (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       a pair of blue-tinted gnomish eyeglasses (magic)
<worn in ear>        a pair of silver earrings with red rubies
<worn in ear>        an earring of bone [superior]
<worn on face>       a lifebane mask [poor]
<worn around neck>   a tundra hunter's necklace of fangs
<worn around neck>   a tundra hunter's necklace of fangs
<worn on body>       a suit of elven chainmail [poor] (magic) (glowing)
<worn about body>    a griffon feather cloak [superior] (illuminating)
<worn on back>       a weathered cast net
<worn as quiver>     a quiver smeared with blood
<worn about waist>   a silken sash of raw silk [superior]
<worn on belt buckle>a barbed dagger (magic) (glowing)
<worn on arms>       a pair of ghostly sleeves (magic) [83%]
<held as shield>     a shield of black dragon scales [poor] (magic) (glowing)
<worn around wrist>  a gaseous bracelet (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a lizard tail bracer (magic) (glowing) [83%]
<worn on hands>      some snake-rattle gloves [poor]
<worn on finger>     a ring of astral essence (magic) (humming)
<worn on finger>     a sun ring (magic) (glowing)
<primary weapon>     a kau sin ke whipping chain [poor] (magic)
<worn on legs>       some shin-guards of subterfuge [superior]

 M^^^^....^...M*** *  
 ^^.^....**M*  M ***  
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 239v/255V Pos: standing >
 ^^^^....^...M*** *   
 ^.^....**M*  M ****  
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 238v/255V Pos: standing >
 ^^^....^...M*** *    
 ***^^..**@*       *  
 .^....**M*  M *****  
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 237v/255V Pos: standing >
 ^^....^...M*** *  *  
 **^^..***@       **  
 ^....**M*  M ******  
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 237v/255V Pos: standing >
 ^....^...M*** *  **  
 *^^..****@      **   
 ....**M*  M *******  
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 236v/255V Pos: standing >
 ....^...M*** *  **+  
 ^^..**** @     **    
 ...**M*  M *******+  
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 235v/255V Pos: standing >
 ....^...M*** *  **+  
 ^^..****       **    
 ...**M*  M *******+  
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
 ...^...M*** *  **+   
 ^..****       **     
 ..**M*  M *******+*  
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 233v/255V Pos: standing >
 ..^...M*** *  **+ M  
 ^...*****@        M  
 ..****       **      
 .**M*  M *******+*   
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 232v/255V Pos: standing >
 .^...M*** *  **+ M   
 ...***** @       M   
 .****       **       
 **M*  M *******+*    
 **************MM  *  
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 231v/255V Pos: standing >
 .M....M.^^^.**+** M  
 .^^M....******+*  *  
 ^...M*** *  **+ M    
 ..*****  @      M *  
 ****       **     *  
 *M*  M *******+*     
 *************MM  **  
  ****.^.*M+++++  +   
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 230v/255V Pos: standing >
 M....M.^^^.**+** M*  
 ^^M....******+*  **  
 ...M*** *  **+ M  *  
 .*****   @     M **  
 ***       **     **  
 M*  M *******+*   *  
 ************MM  ***  
  ***.^.*M+++++  ++   
   ..^..*M+*M*** *    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 229v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^^^^^^^...**  *    
  ^M........*+*   *   
 ....M.^^^.**+** M*.  
 ^M....******+*  ***  
 ..M*** *  **+ M  **  
 *****    @    M ***  
 **       **     ***  
 *  M *******+*   **  
 ***********MM  ****  
  **.^.*M+++++  +++   
   .^..*M+*M*** **    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 229v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^^^^^^...**  **    
  M........*+*   *.   
 ...M.^^^.**+** M*.^  
 M....******+*  ***.  
 .M*** *  **+ M  ***  
 ****     @   M ****  
 *       **     ****  
   M *******+*   ***  
 **********MM  *****  
  *.^.*M+++++  ++++   
   ^..*M+*M*** ***    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 228v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^^^^^...**  **M    
  ........*+*   *.^   
 ..M.^^^.**+** M*.^^  
 ....******+*  ***.^  
 M*** *  **+ M  ***.  
 ***      @  M *****  
        **     *****  
  M *******+*   ****  
 *********MM  ******  
  .^.*M+++++  +++++   
   ..*M+*M*** ***M    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 228v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^^^^...**  **M.    
  .......*+*   *.^M   
 .M.^^^.**+** M*.^^M  
 ...******+*  ***.^M  
 *** *  **+ M  ***.^  
 **       @ M *****.  
       **     *****M  
 M *******+*   *****  
 ********MM  *******  
  ^.*M+++++  ++++++   
   .*M+*M*** ***MM    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 227v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^^M.....*    **    
  ^^^^^...**  **M.M   
 ........*+*   *.^MM  
 .M.^^^.**+** M*.^^M  
 ...******+*  ***.^M  
 *** *  **@ M  ***.^  
 **         M *****.  
       **     *****M  
 M *******+*   *****  
  *******MM  ******   
   .*M+++++  +++++    
A Gravel Path Next to the Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 226v/255V Pos: standing >
   M.^......     .    
  ^^^M.....*    **M   
 ^^^^^^...**  **M.MM  
 ........*+*   *.^MM  
 .M.^^^.**+** M*.^^M  
 ...******@*  ***.^M  
 *** *  **+ M  ***.^  
 **         M *****.  
       **     *****M  
   *******+*   ****   
   ******MM  *****    
A Gravel Path Next to the Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 226v/255V Pos: standing >
   .^M^.M.+..    .    
  MM.^......     .M   
 M^^^M.....*    **MM  
 ^^^^^^...**  **M.MM  
 ........*+*   *.^MM  
 .M.^^^.**@** M*.^^M  
 ...******+*  ***.^M  
 *** *  **+ M  ***.^  
 **         M *****.  
       **     *****   
   *******+*   ***    
A Gravel Path Next to the Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 226v/255V Pos: standing >
  ^.^M^.M.+..    .M   
 MMM.^......     .MM  
 M^^^M.....*    **MM  
 ^^^^^^...**  **M.MM  
 ........*@*   *.^MM  
 .M.^^^.**+** M*.^^M  
 ...******+*  ***.^M  
 *** *  **+ M  ***.^  
  *         M *****   
       **     ****    
A Gravel Path Next to the Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 227v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^.^...M..     M    
  .^M^.M.+..    .MM   
 MM.^......     .MM^  
 ^^^M.....*    **MM.  
 ^^^^^...**  **M.MM^  
 .......*+@   *.^MM^  
 M.^^^.**+** M*.^^M^  
 ..******+*  ***.^M^  
 ** *  **+ M  ***.^M  
           M *****.   
      **     *****    
The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 228v/255V Pos: standing >
   .^...M..     MM    
  ^M^.M.+..    .MM^   
 M.^......     .MM^.  
 ^^M.....*    **MM.^  
 ^^^^...**  **M.MM^.  
 ......*+*@  *.^MM^.  
 .^^^.**+** M*.^^M^^  
 .******+*  ***.^M^^  
 * *  **+ M  ***.^MM  
          M *****.^   
     **     *****M    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 227v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^...M..     MM^    
  M^.M.+..    .MM^.   
 .^......     .MM^.^  
 ^M.....*    **MM.^^  
 ^^^...**  **M.MM^.^  
 .....*+* @ *.^MM^..  
 ^^^.**+** M*.^^M^^.  
 ******+*  ***.^M^^^  
  *  **+ M  ***.^MMM  
         M *****.^^   
    **     *****MM    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 226v/255V Pos: standing >
   ...^+^..    .MM    
  .^...M..     MM^^   
 ^M^.M.+..    .MM^.M  
 .^......     .MM^.^  
 ^M.....*    **MM.^^  
 ^^^...** @**M.MM^.^  
 .....*+*   *.^MM^..  
 ^^^.**+** M*.^^M^^.  
 ******+*  ***.^M^^^  
  *  **+ M  ***.^MM   
         M *****.^    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 225v/255V Pos: standing >
   .++++^.      MM    
  ....^+^..    .MM^   
 ^.^...M..     MM^^M  
 ^M^.M.+..    .MM^.M  
 .^......     .MM^.^  
 ^M.....* @  **MM.^^  
 ^^^...**  **M.MM^.^  
 .....*+*   *.^MM^..  
 ^^^.**+** M*.^^M^^.  
  *****+*  ***.^M^^   
     **+ M  ***.^M    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 224v/255V Pos: standing >
   .+..^.^.  P  ^M    
  ..++++^.      MMM   
 .....^+^..    .MM^^  
 ^.^...M..     MM^^M  
 ^M^.M.+..    .MM^.M  
 .^...... @   .MM^.^  
 ^M.....*    **MM.^^  
 ^^^...**  **M.MM^.^  
 .....*+*   *.^MM^..  
  ^^.**+** M*.^^M^^   
   ****+*  ***.^M^    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 223v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^+^....^^.  .^^    
  ..+..^.^.  P  ^MM   
 ...++++^.      MMMM  
 .....^+^..    .MM^^  
 ^.^...M..     MM^^M  
 ^M^.M.+..@   .MM^.M  
 .^......     .MM^.^  
 ^M.....*    **MM.^^  
 ^^^...**  **M.MM^.^  
  ....*+*   *.^MM^.   
   ^.**+** M*.^^M^    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 223v/255V Pos: standing >
   +^....^^.  .^^M    
  .+..^.^.  P  ^MMM   
 ..++++^.      MMMM^  
 ....^+^..    .MM^^^  
 .^...M..     MM^^M.  
 M^.M.+.. @  .MM^.M^  
 ^......     .MM^.^.  
 M.....*    **MM.^^M  
 ^^...**  **M.MM^.^.  
  ...*+*   *.^MM^..   
   .**+** M*.^^M^^    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 222v/255V Pos: standing >
   ^....^^.  .^^MM    
  +..^.^.  P  ^MMM^   
 .++++^.      MMMM^.  
 ...^+^..    .MM^^^^  
 ^...M..     MM^^M.^  
 ^.M.+..  @ .MM^.M^*  
 ......     .MM^.^.*  
 .....*    **MM.^^M*  
 ^...**  **M.MM^.^.*  
  ..*+*   *.^MM^..^   
   **+** M*.^^M^^.    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 221v/255V Pos: standing >
  +^....^^.  .^^MMM   
 .+..^.^.  P  ^MMM^^  
 .++++^.      MMMM^.  
 ...^+^..    .MM^^^^  
 ^...M..  @  MM^^M.^  
 ^.M.+..    .MM^.M^*  
 ......     .MM^.^.*  
 .....*    **MM.^^M*  
  ...**  **M.MM^.^.   
   .*+*   *.^MM^..    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 220v/255V Pos: standing >
 ^+^....^^.  .^^MMM^  
 .+..^.^.  P  ^MMM^^  
 .++++^.      MMMM^.  
 ...^+^.. @  .MM^^^^  
 ^...M..     MM^^M.^  
 ^.M.+..    .MM^.M^*  
 ......     .MM^.^.*  
  ....*    **MM.^^M   
   ..**  **M.MM^.^    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 221v/255V Pos: standing >
 +^....^^.  .^^MMM^^  
 +..^.^.  P  ^MMM^^^  
 ++++^.      MMMM^.^  
 ..^+^..  @ .MM^^^^^  
 ...M..     MM^^M.^*  
 .M.+..    .MM^.M^**  
 .....     .MM^.^.**  
  ...*    **MM.^^M*   
   .**  **M.MM^.^.    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 220v/255V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A large swamp rat who is not far off to your north.
A Goblin who is not far off to your north.
An immature leucrotta who is in the distance to your south.

< 564h/564H 221v/255V Pos: standing >
 +^....^^.  .^^MMM^^  
 +..^.^.  P  ^MMM^^^  
 ++++^.   @  MMMM^.^  
 ..^+^..    .MM^^^^^  
 ...M..     MM^^M.^*  
 .M.+..    .MM^.M^**  
  ....     .MM^.^.*   
   ..*    **MM.^^M    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 564h/564H 233v/255V Pos: standing >
 +^....^^.  .^^MMM^^  
 +..^.^.  @  ^MMM^^^  
 ++++^.      MMMM^.^  
 ..^+^..    .MM^^^^^  
 ...M..     MM^^M.^*  
  M.+..    .MM^.M^*   
   ...     .MM^.^.    
The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of a female crocodile is lying here.
A large swamp rat is lying here, mortally wounded.
A Goblin (small) stands here (Newbie). (Non-Fraggable)(Red Aura)

< 564h/564H 232v/255V Pos: standing >
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage: 21 ] Your impressive whip strikes a Goblin hard.

< 564h/564H 233v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP:  small wounds >
 You dodge a Goblin's vicious attack.
You block a Goblin's lunge at you.
You block a Goblin's lunge at you.

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP:  small wounds >
 Your improved dexterity grants you an additional attack!
Your devotion to your god causes you to unleash a Flurry of attacks against a Goblin!
You say 'Beg for forgiveness and be saved!'
[Damage: 10 ] Your whip strikes a Goblin.
[Damage:  9 ] Your whip strikes a Goblin.
[Damage:  8 ] Your fine whip strikes a Goblin.
[Damage:  8 ] Your fine whip strikes a Goblin.
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage: 24 ] Your whip seriously wounds a Goblin.
[Damage:  9 ] Your fine whip strikes a Goblin.

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP:  few wounds >
 You start chanting...

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP:  few wounds >
 You complete your spell...
[Damage: 28 ] [Damage: 28 ] You call down a roaring flamestrike which hits a Goblin dead on!

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP: pretty hurt >
 The rain stops.

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Your Terminal mode is now: MSP .

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP: pretty hurt >
 You start chanting...

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP: pretty hurt >
 You dodge a Goblin's vicious attack.
A Goblin misses you.

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP: pretty hurt >
 Casting: flame strike 

< 564h/564H 234v/255V Pos: standing >
< T: Zkr TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Goblin sta EP: pretty hurt >
 You complete your spell...
[Damage: 32 ] [Damage: 32 ] You call down a roaring flamestrike which hits a Goblin dead on!
A Goblin's static rubber bodycloak melted from the intense heat!
A Goblin's pair of studded leather sleeves melted from the intense heat!
A Goblin is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.