<worn on head> a severely dented battle helmet of endurance
<worn on eyes> a flaming gem visor from Taliccicopiid
<worn around neck> a decent tin pendant
<worn on body> a brutal leather chainmail
<worn about body> a long flowing robe [poor]
<worn on back> a large leather backpack
<worn on arms> some angelic granite sleeves
<held as shield> a dented limestone tower shield
<worn on hands> a pair of sparkled mesh gloves [superior]
<worn on feet> a pair of shoes [superior]
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
...^. ...
.^.^^. ....
..^.^. .M..
^^^..@ ....
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
..^. ....
^.^^. .....
.^.^. M...S
The Rapid Waters of a Tropical River
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
.^. .....
.^^. ......
^.^. M...SS
^... @...
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
^. ......
^^. ......*
.^. M...SS
... .@..
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
^. ......
.^. M...SS
... ....
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
The Galleon Fluval floats here.
The Galleon Tengil floats here.
The Ketch Gonads and Strife floats here.
The Ketch Titanic! floats here.
The Sloop Zoomer floats here.
Dalvik stands here, watching the waves.
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The taste of blood slowly fades from your body.
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Find a dock to swim from!
< 212h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
< 193h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Valid syntax is 'list <hull/weapon/equipment/cargo>'
< 193h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Ships Available
| Load Cargo Passenger Max Total Weapons Epic |
| Name Cap. Cap. Cap. Speed Armor (F/S/R/P) Cost Cost |
1 ) Sloop 5 1 1 100 9 0/0/0/0 100 platinum
2 ) Yacht 12 3 2 100 26 1/1/1/1 300 platinum
3 ) Clipper 55 10 5 88 119 1/2/1/2 1500 platinum
4 ) Ketch 75 20 8 78 165 1/2/1/2 2500 platinum
5 ) Caravel 100 35 10 68 218 1/3/1/3 4000 platinum
6 ) Carrack 130 50 15 58 284 1/3/1/3 8000 platinum
7 ) Galleon 165 70 20 50 363 2/3/1/3 12000 platinum
8 ) Corvette 82 0 6 74 213 1/3/1/3 9000 platinum
9 ) Destroyer 110 0 8 64 285 2/3/1/3 15000 platinum
10) Frigate 142 0 10 55 370 2/3/2/3 22000 platinum
11) Cruiser 200 0 15 48 519 2/4/2/4 36000 platinum
You qualify for a Free Sloop!
To claim this reward, use the command 'buy hull 1 <name>' where <name> is the name of your ship (ansi color allowed).
Read HELP WARSHIP before buying one!
To buy a ship, type 'buy hull <number> <name of ship>'.
< 193h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
< 178h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
< 165h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The day has begun.
< 165h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
< 156h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
^. ......
.^. ....SS
... .M..
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
The Galleon Fluval floats here.
The Galleon Tengil floats here.
The Ketch Gonads and Strife floats here.
The Ketch Titanic! floats here.
The Sloop Zoomer floats here.
Dalvik stands here, watching the waves.
< 156h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
^. ......
^^. ......*
.^. ....SS
... M@..
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 156h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Xaula, the benevolent frost magus enters from the west.
< 156h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
.^. .....
.^^. ......
^.^. ....SS
^... @M..
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
..^. ....
^.^^. .....
.^.^. ....S
The Rapid Waters of a Tropical River
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
...^. ...
.^.^^. ....
..^.^. ....
^^^..@ .M..
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
....^. ..
..^.^^. ...
...^.^. ...
.^^^.@. .M.
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
.....^. .
...^.^^. ..
^...^.^. ..
^.^^^@.. .M
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
....^.^^. .
.^...^.^. .
^^.^^@... .
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
This small forest path is difficult to see amid the shubbery. Small
berry bushes grow alongside the path, providing plentiful nourishment
and shelter for small forest creatures. Tall trees line the game trail
on both sides as it winds its way west, and back to the east.
Though the forest is particularly thick here, not far away, a very
ancient Oak tree can be seen, at least three times the height of any
other tree in the wood.
Obvious exits: -East -West
A HUGE sign has been nailed to a tree.
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Sorry, but you cannot do that here!
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
a HUGE sign
| Students of the Opal |
| Phoenix. Bring forth the |
| Glory of Melkivar. |
< 136h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -East -West
A HUGE sign has been nailed to a tree.
< 140h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
This small forest path is difficult to see amid the shubbery. Small
berry bushes grow alongside the path, providing plentiful nourishment
and shelter for small forest creatures. Tall trees line the game trail
on both sides as it winds its way e ast, and back to the north.
Though the forest is particularly thick here, not far away, a very
ancient Oak tree can be seen, at least three times the height of any
other tree in the wood.
Obvious exits: -North -East
< 141h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
This small forest path is difficult to see amid the shubbery. Small
berry bushes grow alongside the path, providing plentiful nourishment
and shelter for small forest creatures. Tall trees line the game trail
on both sides as it winds its way south, and back to the east.
Though the forest is particularly thick here, not far away, a very
ancient Oak tree can be seen, at least three times the height of any
other tree in the wood.
Obvious exits: -South -West
A member of the enclave is here keeping order within the Oak.
< 143h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
This small forest path is difficult to see amid the shubbery. Small
berry bushes grow alongside the path, providing plentiful nourishment
and shelter for small forest creatures. Tall trees line the game trail
on both sides as it winds its way east, and back to the west.
Though the forest is particularly thick here, not far away, a very
ancient Oak tree can be seen, at least three times the height of any
other tree in the wood.
Obvious exits: -East -West
A member of the enclave is here keeping order within the Oak.
< 145h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
This small forest path is difficult to see amid the shubbery. Small
berry bushes grow alongside the path, providing plentiful nourishment
and shelter for small forest creatures. Tall trees line the game trail
on both sides as it winds its way south, and back to the east.
Though the forest is particularly thick here, not far away, a very
ancient Oak tree can be seen, at least three times the height of any
other tree in the wood.
Obvious exits: -South -West
A member of the enclave is here keeping order within the Oak.
< 146h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Are you mad!?
< 154h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
< 170h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
Obvious exits: -South -West
< 203h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
This small forest path is difficult to see amid the shubbery. Small
berry bushes grow alongside the path, providing plentiful nourishment
and shelter for small forest creatures. Tall trees line the game trail
on both sides as it winds its way e ast, and back to the north.
Though the forest is particularly thick here, not far away, a very
ancient Oak tree can be seen, at least three times the height of any
other tree in the wood.
Obvious exits: -North -East
A member of the enclave is here keeping order within the Oak.
< 204h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Winding Game Trail Through the Forest
This small forest path is difficult to see amid the shubbery. Small
berry bushes grow alongside the path, providing plentiful nourishment
and shelter for small forest creatures. Tall trees line the game trail
on both sides as it winds its way west, and back to the east.
Though the forest is particularly thick here, not far away, a very
ancient Oak tree can be seen, at least three times the height of any
other tree in the wood.
Obvious exits: -East -West
A HUGE sign has been nailed to a tree.
< 205h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
****.^. .
*...... .
....@^. .
..^.^^. .
...^.^. .
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
***.^. ..
...... .M
....@. ..
.^.^^. ..
..^.^. ..
Grassy Hills Covered with Exotic Shrubs
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
**.^. ...
..... .M.
...^@ ...
^.^^. ...
.^.^. ...
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
*.^. ....
.... .M..
.^^. ....
^.^. ....
The Rapid Waters of a Tropical River
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
.^. ....*
... .M...
.^. @....
^^. .....
.^. ....S
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
^. ....**
.. .M...*
^. .@....
^. ......
^. ....SS
The Lush Grasslands of Khomani-Khan
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
.. .M...*
^. ......
^. .@....
^. ....SS
.. .M..
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
^. ......
^. ......
^. .@..SS
.. .M..
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
^. ......
^. ....SS
.. .@..
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A frosty human magus leaves a trail of icicles behind him.
< 206h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
^. ....SS
.. .M..
MM .@S
A Tropical Sandy Beach
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
The Galleon Fluval floats here.
The Galleon Tengil floats here.
The Ketch Gonads and Strife floats here.
The Ketch Titanic! floats here.
The Sloop Zoomer floats here.
Dalvik stands here, watching the waves.
< 200h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
You have no ship.. land lubber.
< 200h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
< 184h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
You have no ship.. land lubber.
< 184h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Valid syntax is 'list <hull/weapon/equipment/cargo>'
< 184h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Ships Available
| Load Cargo Passenger Max Total Weapons Epic |
| Name Cap. Cap. Cap. Speed Armor (F/S/R/P) Cost Cost |
1 ) Sloop 5 1 1 100 9 0/0/0/0 100 platinum
2 ) Yacht 12 3 2 100 26 1/1/1/1 300 platinum
3 ) Clipper 55 10 5 88 119 1/2/1/2 1500 platinum
4 ) Ketch 75 20 8 78 165 1/2/1/2 2500 platinum
5 ) Caravel 100 35 10 68 218 1/3/1/3 4000 platinum
6 ) Carrack 130 50 15 58 284 1/3/1/3 8000 platinum
7 ) Galleon 165 70 20 50 363 2/3/1/3 12000 platinum
8 ) Corvette 82 0 6 74 213 1/3/1/3 9000 platinum
9 ) Destroyer 110 0 8 64 285 2/3/1/3 15000 platinum
10) Frigate 142 0 10 55 370 2/3/2/3 22000 platinum
11) Cruiser 200 0 15 48 519 2/4/2/4 36000 platinum
You qualify for a Free Sloop!
To claim this reward, use the command 'buy hull 1 <name>' where <name> is the name of your ship (ansi color allowed).
Read HELP WARSHIP before buying one!
To buy a ship, type 'buy hull <number> <name of ship>'.
< 184h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
The cursed sun makes your skin crack and burn!
< 176h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A black two-dimensional door appears, then vanishes without a sound.
< 176h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
Sparkling magic surrounds someone as she begins her chant.
A Shade snaps into visibility.
< 176h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Shade snaps into visibility.
A Shade completes her spell...
A Shade utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
-=[A Shade's mighty magic fist slams into you!]=-
YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
< 51h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Shade snaps into visibility.
< 51h/212H 156v/156V Pos: standing >
A Shade completes her spell...
A Shade utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
A Shade snaps into visibility.
-=[A Shade's mighty magic fist slams into you!]=-
Your fanged emerald rod was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your holy silver medallion of endurance was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your pair of spiked leather leggings [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your toolbelt with ingredient pouches [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
The world starts spinning, and your ears are ringing!
You stop riding a horse.