<worn as a badge> the mark of the saboteur of dexterity
<worn on head> the diamond crown of Winduin (glowing) [76%]
<worn on eyes> a black duergar eyepatch of constitution [79%]
<worn in ear> an emerald nose ring (magic) [47%]
<worn in ear> the sapphire star (magic) [62%]
<worn on face> a beautiful mask made of bird feathers [83%]
<worn around neck> an emerald pendant of the ice drake [poor] (magic)
<worn around neck> the collar of firestones (magic) [75%]
<worn on body> the platemail of the Dragon Horde (magic) (glowing)[226h 16m 15s]
<worn about body> the terrifying shroud of undead power of precision (magic) [89%]
<worn on back> a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver> the ancient sheath of *-* Clan BloodLust *-* of constitution (magic) (glowing) [87%]
<worn about waist> the mystical sash of the Netherworld (magic) (glowing)
<worn on belt buckle>a pantherhide quiver [poor] (magic) (glowing) [77%]
<attached to belt> a potion of bubbling goo (magic) (glowing) [59%]
<worn on arms> some scintillating sleeves [poor] (invis) (magic) [87%]
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of purple mist of precision [72%]
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of dracolich hide (magic) (humming) [55%]
<worn on hands> the gauntlets of the war giant Torg [poor] (magic) (humming)
<worn on finger> some mithril ringlets (magic) [61%]
<worn on finger> a glowing faerie ring
<primary weapon> an ancient adamantium warhammer of dwarven kings of dexterity (magic)
<secondary weapon> a long slime-covered tendril with an unblinking eye (magic) (humming) [69%]
<worn on legs> the leggings of a MaDMaN of damage (magic) [72%]
<worn on feet> some spurred blood crystal boots of precision (magic) [79%]
< 1415h/1439H 286v/286V Pos: standing >
M^. .....
.....^^ .M
..MM.^ ^M
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Gax (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Peet (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A globe of darkness floats near Peet's head.
Onuk (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Baulz (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.
*Ojo (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 286v/286V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the holy mace of the efreeti carried by Peet.
< 1415h/1439H 286v/286V Pos: standing >
< 1415h/1439H 286v/286V Pos: standing >
M^. .....
.....^^ .M
..MM.^ ^M
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Gax (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Peet (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A globe of darkness floats near Peet's head.
Onuk (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Baulz (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.
*Ojo (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 286v/286V Pos: standing >
Score information for Fatwa
Level: 46 Race: Troll Class: BeRSeRKeR / RaGeloRd Sex: Male
Hit points: 1415(1439) Moves: 286(286)
Coins carried: 22 platinum 37 gold 0 silver 0 copper
Compression ratio: 88%
Status: Standing.
Frags: +1.22 Deaths: 6
Detecting: Invisible Good Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Good Fire Cold Lightning Gas Acid Living All but High Circle Spells
Protected by: Greater Spirit Ward
Enchantments: Hawkvision Ultravision UD Vision Farsee Fly Haste Invisibility Sneaking Tower of Iron Will Fearless Sparkling
Combat Pulse: 19 Spell Pulse: 1.20
Leaderboard Points: 783
Paladin auras: Protection Spell Protection
Active Spells:
berserk (11 minutes)
virtue (22 minutes)
war cry (3 minutes)
agility (39 minutes)
bless (21 minutes)
lionrage (10 minutes)
elephantstrength (30 minutes)
dexterity (35 minutes)
strength (35 minutes)
vitality (8 minutes)
rested bonus (109 minutes)
< 1415h/1439H 286v/286V Pos: standing >
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
^.....^^ .M
...MM.^ ^M
^..MM ^.
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 284v/286V Pos: standing >
< 1415h/1439H 284v/286V Pos: standing >
Semat sneaks west.
Frillz leaves west.
You follow Semat.
The magenta glow surrounding you fades away.
The blue glow surrounding you fades away.
M^.....^^ .M
M...MM.^ ^M
^..MM ^
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< 1415h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
M^.....^^ .M
M...MM.^ ^M
^..MM ^
< 1415h/1439H 283v/286V Pos: standing >
Frillz leaves west.
You follow Semat.
MM^.....^^ .
MM...MM.^ ^
M ^..MM
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 283v/286V Pos: standing >
< 1415h/1439H 284v/286V Pos: standing >
< 1415h/1439H 285v/286V Pos: standing >
MM^.....^^ .
MM...MM.^ ^
M ^..MM
Semat sneaks south.
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
MM^.....^^ .
MMM...MM.^ ^M
MM ^..MM ^
M ^. M
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 284v/286V Pos: standing >
MM^.....^^ .
MMM...MM.^ ^M
MM ^..MM ^
M ^. M
Semat sneaks south.
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
MM^...@.^^ .
MMM...MM.^ ^M
MM ^..MM ^.
MM ^. M
M ^ ^M^
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
MM^...@.^^ .
MMM...MM.^ ^M
MM ^..MM ^.
MM ^. M
M ^ ^M^
< 1415h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
MM^...@.^^ .
MMM...MM.^ ^M
MM ^..MM ^.
MM ^. M
M ^ ^M^
Frillz leaves west.
You follow Semat.
MMM...MM.^ ^
. MM ^..MM ^
MM ^. M
MM ^ ^M^
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 281v/286V Pos: standing >
MMM...MM.^ ^
. MM ^..MM ^
MM ^. M
MM ^ ^M^
MMM...MM.^ ^
. MM ^..MM ^
MM ^. M
MM ^ ^M^
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
MMM..@MM.^ ^
. MM ^..MM ^
. MM ^. M
MMM ^ ^M^
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 281v/286V Pos: standing >
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
MMM...MM.^ ^
. MM ^@.MM ^
. MM ^. M
MMMM ^ ^M^
MM^ ...
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 280v/286V Pos: standing >
MMM...MM.^ ^
. MM ^@.MM ^
. MM ^. M
MMMM ^ ^M^
MM^ ...
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
MMM...MM.^ ^
. MM ^..MM ^
. MM ^@ M
MMMM ^ ^M^
MMM^^ DMM^ .
MMM^ ....
MM ...M^
Burnt Plains of a Fallen Realm
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 279v/286V Pos: standing >
MMM...MM.^ ^
. MM ^..MM ^
. MM ^@ M
MMMM ^ ^M^
MMM^^ DMM^ .
MMM^ ....
MM ...M^
< 1415h/1439H 281v/286V Pos: standing >
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
MMM...MM.^ ^
.. MM ^..MM ^.
M. MM ^. M .
.MMMM ^@ ^M^ .
MMM^^ DMM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 281v/286V Pos: standing >
Semat sneaks south.
Frillz leaves south.
You follow Semat.
. MM ^..MM ^
M. MM ^. M .
.MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^@DMM^ .
MMM^ ....
.. MM ...M^
. .MM^^ ^
^..M ^^.
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
< 1415h/1439H 280v/286V Pos: standing >
Frillz leaves east.
You follow Semat.
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
Rocky Foothills of the Black Mountains
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
Frillz (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Semat (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A Grey Elf (medium) < The Commonwealth > stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Githzerai (medium) < The Commonwealth > stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
< 1415h/1439H 279v/286V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 12 ] -=[Your impressive crush wounds a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
< 1416h/1439H 280v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sta EP: small wounds >
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1418h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sta EP: small wounds >
Semat tackles a Grey Elf square in the chest knocking the wind out of her!
< 1420h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: small wounds >
Semat's slash wounds a Grey Elf.
Semat's fine pierce wounds a Grey Elf.
Semat's slash wounds a Grey Elf.
Semat's impressive pierce wounds a Grey Elf.
Semat's fine slash wounds a Grey Elf.
Semat's impressive slash strikes a Grey Elf.
A Githzerai leaves west.
< 1422h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^P@MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1423h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
Frillz starts casting an offensive spell.
< 1424h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^P ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1426h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^P M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1427h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^P.MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1428h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
MM..PMM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1429h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
You dodge a Grey Elf's vicious attack.
You parry a Grey Elf's lunge at you.
You snap into visibility.
MM..PMM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1430h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1431h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: few wounds >
Frillz completes his spell...
Frillz utters the words 'buoblg qfjgpuio paie'
A Grey Elf is encircled by a huge fist sent by Frillz, which begins to crush her body.
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
You feel a rage start to come from within...
You are filled with a HUGE rush of BLOODLUST!
< 1432h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: nasty wounds >
MM...MM.^ ^
MM ^..MM ^.
. MM ^. M .
MMMM ^ ^M^ .
MMM^^ @MM^ .
MMM^ ....
. MM ...M^
.MM^^ ^
..M ^^.
< 1433h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: nasty wounds >
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 15 ] -=[Your crush strikes a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 13 ] -=[Your impressive whip strikes a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 16 ] -=[Your impressive crush strikes a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 21 ] -=[Your crush strikes a Grey Elf hard.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
< 1435h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: nasty wounds >
Semat's impressive pierce strikes a Grey Elf.
Semat's slash strikes a Grey Elf.
Semat's fine pierce strikes a Grey Elf.
Semat's powerful slash seriously wounds a Grey Elf.
Semat's powerful slash seriously wounds a Grey Elf.
< 1437h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Grey Elf sit EP: pretty hurt >
You madly swing your weapon around, trying to hit all of your opponents...
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Your crush seriously wounds a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 15 ] -=[Your impressive crush seriously wounds a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
< 1439h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Grey Elf sit EP: awful >
Frillz starts casting an offensive spell.
< 1439h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Grey Elf sit EP: awful >
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 15 ] -=[Your impressive crush seriously wounds a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Your powerful whip enshrouds a Grey Elf in a mist of blood.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 19 ] -=[Your powerful crush causes a Grey Elf to grimace in pain.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 16 ] -=[Your impressive crush grievously wounds a Grey Elf.]=-
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
You snap into visibility.
< 1439h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Grey Elf sit EP: awful >
A Grey Elf misses you.
You parry a Grey Elf's lunge at you.
You snap into visibility.
< 1439h/1439H 282v/286V Pos: standing >
< T: Fatwa TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Grey Elf sit EP: awful >
Frillz completes his spell...
Frillz utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Frillz's fist beats the life out of a Grey Elf, blood pours from her body!
A Grey Elf's crown of unholy saints [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Grey Elf's tarnished and abused ring [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Grey Elf's odd looking fish-scale belt was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Grey Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Fatwa by 6666666.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!