The death of [48 Necrolyte] Skellen Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)

in The Great Lava Fields of the Damned

from the perspective of [49 Bounty Hunter] Kiria < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)

<worn as a badge>    the bronze Zarbonesti seal of Kryz'Kyssik (magic)
<worn on head>       a blood-red Vistani bandana (magic)
<worn on eyes>       the eyes of the High Forest (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a wad of spawn goo [superior] (magic) (humming)
<worn in ear>        a large golden ring [superior]
<worn on face>       a beautiful mask made of bird feathers
<worn around neck>   a grim blood soaked necklace [poor] (magic)
<worn around neck>   a necklace of halfling ears [poor]
<worn on body>       the chameleon suit of transformation [poor]
<worn about body>    a cloak of werewolf fur [superior]
<worn on back>       a big big bag for a little person (illuminating)
<worn as quiver>     the ancient sheath of *-* Clan BloodLust *-* (magic) (glowing) [89%]
<worn about waist>   the woven entrails of an unfortunate soul [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>a glowing white pearl (glowing)
<worn on arms>       a pair of silver arm protectors [89%]
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide of damage (magic) (humming) [59%]
<worn around wrist>  an elven bracelet of precision [superior] (magic) [86%]
<worn on hands>      some black leather gloves with mithril blades with a strange sharp rubin
<worn on finger>     an obsidian circle (magic) [44%]
<worn on finger>     an obsidian circle (magic) [69%]
<primary weapon>     a flaming longsword emblazoned 'Cinder' (magic)
<secondary weapon>   a darksteel rapier with a strange black stone (magic) (glowing)
<worn on legs>       some black leather pants glowing with faerie fire (magic) (glowing) [88%]
<worn on feet>       a pair of boots of stealth of damage (magic)

   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  MM  .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^ M ....       
 ... MM ...M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM .M.M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^  ..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ M.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM .M.M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM .M.M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM .M.M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM .M.M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
It's hot out here.
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM .M.M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)
Jelli sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Jelli stares off into space, entering a meditative trance.

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM .M.M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Jelli snaps out of her meditative trance, smiling placidly.

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Jelli clambers to her feet.

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^  ^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Aikc starts casting a spell.

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^ P^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*A Githyanki (medium) Malter-oF-DoOm Brewed in Blood stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near a Githyanki's head.
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M M .     
 ..MMMM ^ P^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*A Githyanki (medium) Malter-oF-DoOm Brewed in Blood stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near a Githyanki's head.
A nightcrawler shadow floats in and out through the shadows here.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Aikc completes his spell...
Aikc utters the word 'zuharuhl'
You feel a slight magical surge that reinforces and refreshes your vitality.

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
Sxt leaves west.
Jelli sneaks west.

< 1314h/1314H 335v/335V Pos: standing >
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ..M MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .M. MM ^.  M  M.     
 ..MMMM . @^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
The Great Lava Fields of the Damned
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Jelli  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a nightcrawler.(Gold Aura)
Sxt  < The Commonwealth > (Gnome)(small) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Gold Aura)
*An orog warrior is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Disguised)(Gold Aura)
*A Githyanki (medium) Malter-oF-DoOm Brewed in Blood stands in mid-air here, fighting an orog warrior.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near a Githyanki's head.
A nightcrawler stands in mid-air here, fighting Jelli.(Red Aura)

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
You tackle a Githyanki square in the chest knocking the wind out of him!

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ... MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .MM MM ^.  M  M.     
 ..MMMM . @^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 Aikc enters from the east.

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP:  few wounds >
 Sxt completes his spell...
Sxt utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
Sxt's fist beats the life out of a Githyanki, blood pours from his body!
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ... MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .MM MM ^.  M  M.     
 ..MMMM . @^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP: pretty hurt >
   MMM^.....M^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ... MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .MM MM ^.  M  M.     
 ..MMMM . @^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP: pretty hurt >
 An orog warrior snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An orog warrior's pierce strikes a Githyanki hard.
An orog warrior snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An orog warrior's pierce hits a Githyanki across the leg, resulting in a limp stride.
An orog warrior misses a Githyanki.
An orog warrior snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An orog warrior's impressive pierce seriously wounds a Githyanki.
An orog warrior snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
An orog warrior's impressive pierce seriously wounds a Githyanki.
An orog warrior snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
Sxt starts casting an offensive spell.
Sxt snaps into visibility.

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP:  awful >
 Jelli dodges a nightcrawler's attack.
A nightcrawler misses Jelli.

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP:  awful >
   MMM^....M^^ M..    
 ^^ MMM...MM.^ ^.  .  
 ... MM ^..MM  ^..    
 .MM MM ^.  M  M.     
 ..MMMM . @^M^  .     
    MMM^^ ^MM^ .      
 ^  MMM^   ....       
 ... MM M..M^         
  .. .MM^^  ^         
    ^..M ^^.          
Jelli starts casting an offensive spell.

< 1314h/1314H 333v/335V Pos: standing >
< T: an orog warrior TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Githyanki sit EP:  awful >
 Sxt completes his spell...
Sxt utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Sxt snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
Sxt's fist beats the life out of a Githyanki, blood pours from his body!
A Githyanki's well-polished mithril body shield [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githyanki's moss-covered cloak [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githyanki's pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githyanki's silverthorn corsage was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githyanki is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!