The death of [50 Spiritualist] Jai < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)

in The Great Anvil

from the perspective of [50 Elementalist] Sgan Brewed in Blood (Troll)

<worn as a badge>    a necromantic death shroud
<worn on head>       the helm of light
<worn on eyes>       the eyepatch of immortality (magic) (glowing)
<worn in ear>        an anti-matter earring
<worn in ear>        a dangling bloodstone earring (magic) (glowing)
<worn on face>       a mask of autumn leaves [52%]
<worn around neck>   a fine necklace of seashells [poor] (magic) (glowing) [72%]
<worn around neck>   the collar of firestones (magic) [69%]
<worn on body>       a long black satin robe (magic) (glowing) [78%]
<worn about body>    a long shadowy mane [superior]
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight with a strange dark bloodstone (magic) [85%]
<worn about waist>   a platinum-linked gem-set belt (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a dreamcasters scepter of stars [79%]
<worn on arms>       a pair of chromium dragonscale vambraces (magic)
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield [poor]
<worn around wrist>  the neck-charm of Savannah of Broken Trusts [superior] [30%]
<worn around wrist>  a misshaped electrum wristguard from The Jade Empire
<worn on hands>      some fused stony gauntlets [89%]
<worn on finger>     a ring of the mermaids [88%]
<worn on finger>     a bright platinum wedding band
<held>               a totem of Diinkarazan [superior] (magic)
<worn on legs>       a pair of chromium dragonscale greaves (magic)
<worn on feet>       a pair of clawed demon-hide moccasins

You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Sgan by 18662.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
A shield dwarf blacksmith's death cry reverberates in your head as he falls to the ground.
It appears you were able to salvage a piece of equipment from your enemy.
You have not completed the task given to you by the Gods, 
so you are not able to progress at usual pace.
You have gained 2 epic points.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You get a small pile of coins from the corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith.
There were: 2 platinum coins, 29 gold coins. 

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A shield dwarf blacksmith suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A shield dwarf blacksmith's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
The aura of displacement around Mussa absorbs most of the assault!
A shield dwarf blacksmith's feeble punch grazes Mussa.
A shield dwarf blacksmith suddenly looks stronger!
Ye roll up yer sleeves, and examine the dead...
The corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith is made of flesh and appears to be of slightly below average quality.
The corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith has an item value of 1.
It appears to be the corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith.
a hammer of forging [poor]
a platinum telescope studded with crystal shrimp (magic) (glowing)
a pair of gold-rimmed tinted spectacles
a ball of crackling energy (magic) (glowing)
some heavily-spiked stone-soled boots
a burnt tin platemail

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Mussa's fine bludgeon grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Mussa misses a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Mussa's fine bludgeon grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
You put 2 platinum, 29 gold, 0 silver, and 0 copper coins into the bag of impossibilities.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A shield dwarf blacksmith's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu assists Mussa heroically.
Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Colc heroically rescues Mussa.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Colc parries a shield dwarf blacksmith's lunge at him.
A shield dwarf blacksmith's crude punch grazes Colc.
A shield dwarf blacksmith wields a hammer of forging [superior].
A shield dwarf blacksmith almost sweeps Colc off of his feet with a well placed leg sweep.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Colc's fine crush grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
A shield dwarf blacksmith parries Colc's lunge at him.
A shield dwarf blacksmith parries Colc's lunge at him.
Colc's fine crush grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's impressive whip wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's crush grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's impressive whip wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
A shield dwarf blacksmith parries Tiu's lunge at him.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A shield dwarf blacksmith's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
You assist Tiu heroically.
You miss a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  few wounds >
 A shield dwarf blacksmith dodges your futile attack.
You miss a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  few wounds >
 A shield dwarf blacksmith's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  few wounds >
 Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine crush grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  few wounds >
 Colc's fine crush grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
A shield dwarf blacksmith parries Colc's lunge at him.
Colc's fine crush grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Colc's fine crush grazes a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  few wounds >
 Smidrin hammers and shapes some ore, his hammering hand moving with a blur of speed.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  few wounds >
 Casting: arieks shattering iceball 
Colc dodges a shield dwarf blacksmith's attack.
A shield dwarf blacksmith suddenly appears a bit confused!
A shield dwarf blacksmith's crude punch grazes Colc.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  few wounds >
 You complete your spell...
You point at a shield dwarf blacksmith.
[Damage: 231 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a shield dwarf blacksmith, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 A shield dwarf blacksmith's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sta EP:  nasty wounds >
 A shield dwarf blacksmith is knocked to the ground by Colc's skillful bash!
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP:  nasty wounds >
 Tiu's impressive whip wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's impressive whip wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's impressive whip wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP:  nasty wounds >
 Casting: arieks shattering iceball 
Colc's impressive crush wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Colc's crush wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Colc's fine crush wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Colc's impressive crush wounds a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP: pretty hurt >
 You complete your spell...
You point at a shield dwarf blacksmith.
[Damage: 186 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a shield dwarf blacksmith, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP: pretty hurt >
 A shield dwarf blacksmith's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP:  awful >
 Colc dodges a shield dwarf blacksmith's attack.
A shield dwarf blacksmith misses Colc.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP:  awful >
 Tiu's whip strikes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's impressive crush strikes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip strikes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's whip strikes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's fine whip strikes a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Tiu's impressive crush strikes a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP:  awful >
		Score information for Sgan

Level: 50   Race: Troll   Class: Shaman / Elementalist Sex: Male
Hit points: 1032(1032)  Moves: 211(211)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: none
Status:  Standing, fighting a shield dwarf blacksmith.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   11
Detecting:      Invisible Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Fire Cold Lightning Living
Protected by:   Greater Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Haste Waterbreathing Sparkling GlobeOfDarkness
Combat Pulse:   21 Spell Pulse:  1.20 
Leaderboard Points:  651 

Active Spells:
greater spirit ward (42 minutes)
spirit ward (42 minutes)
elephantstrength (41 minutes)
elemental affinity (15 minutes)
pantherspeed (32 minutes)
spirit armor (26 minutes)
rested bonus (120 minutes)

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP:  awful >
 A shield dwarf blacksmith's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
< T: Colc TP: sta TC:excellent E: shield sit EP:  awful >
 Colc's impressive crush hits a shield dwarf blacksmith.
A shield dwarf blacksmith is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Sgan by 18662.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
The last gasps of a shield dwarf blacksmith cause a sickening chill to run up your spine.
The Great Anvil
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West  -Down 
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
[3] The corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
Standing atop a raised stone platform, the Great Anvil sits at the heart of Alatorin. (glowing)
Mussa Caskling Brewed in Blood (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Colc FeRMEntaTIOn-OvERLord Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Colc's head.
Tiu FeRMEntaTIOn-OvERLord Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A small hairless osquip scurries across the city floor.
(Q)Smidrin the dwarven forgemaster stands here, hammering and surveying his work.
(Q)Gimbrin the gully dwarf blacksmith pays the Great Anvil a visit.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You get a small pile of coins from the corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith.
There were: 1 platinum coin, 40 gold coins. 
Tiu gets something from the corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Ye roll up yer sleeves, and examine the dead...
The corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith is made of flesh and appears to be of average quality.
The corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith has an item value of 1.
It appears to be the corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You put 1 platinum, 40 gold, 0 silver, and 0 copper coins into the bag of impossibilities.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu gets some stuff from the corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
The Great Anvil
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West  -Down 
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
[3] The corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
Standing atop a raised stone platform, the Great Anvil sits at the heart of Alatorin. (glowing)
Mussa Caskling Brewed in Blood (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Colc FeRMEntaTIOn-OvERLord Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Colc's head.
Tiu FeRMEntaTIOn-OvERLord Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
A small hairless osquip scurries across the city floor.
(Q)Smidrin the dwarven forgemaster stands here, hammering and surveying his work.
(Q)Gimbrin the gully dwarf blacksmith pays the Great Anvil a visit.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(10th circle)  1 - earthen rain
               1 - etherportal
               2 - gaseous cloud
( 9th circle)  1 - greater spirit ward
               1 - arieks shattering iceball
( 8th circle)  2 - scathing wind
               1 - corrosive blast
               2 - spirit jump
( 7th circle)  5 - greater soul disturbance
               1 - spirit ward
( 6th circle)  2 - wellness
               5 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  8 - molten spray
( 4th circle)  1 - pantherspeed
               1 - summon beast
               1 - hawkvision
               3 - scorching touch
               3 - mending
( 3rd circle)  3 - scalding blast
               2 - snailspeed
               1 - molevision
               2 - purify spirit
               1 - fire ward
( 2nd circle) 10 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  9 - ice missile
               2 - spirit armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    3 seconds:  ( 9th) arieks shattering iceball
    7 seconds:  ( 9th) arieks shattering iceball
   10 seconds:  ( 9th) arieks shattering iceball

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
Hint: Type toggle group to let others know that you're interested in grouping.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing arieks shattering iceball.
Tiu begins to tear down their a hammer of forging [poor] into its core components...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
Tiu attempts to salvage their a hammer of forging [superior], but clumsily destroys it.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
Tiu puts some salvaged(s) into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing arieks shattering iceball.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
Tiu gets a bunch of stuff from the corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing arieks shattering iceball.
You snap out of your meditative trance, memorization complete.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu begins to tear down their a hammer of forging [poor] into its core components...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu puts some salvaged(s) into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu drops a burnt tin platemail.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu gets something from a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu puts a pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu gets something from a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu puts a pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu gets something from a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu puts a pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu gets something from a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu puts a pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
An osquip suddenly scurries out of some nearby shadows and darts past you towards another niche.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You have memorized the following spells:
(10th circle)  1 - earthen rain
               1 - etherportal
               2 - gaseous cloud
( 9th circle)  1 - greater spirit ward
               4 - arieks shattering iceball
( 8th circle)  2 - scathing wind
               1 - corrosive blast
               2 - spirit jump
( 7th circle)  5 - greater soul disturbance
               1 - spirit ward
( 6th circle)  2 - wellness
               5 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  8 - molten spray
( 4th circle)  1 - pantherspeed
               1 - summon beast
               1 - hawkvision
               3 - scorching touch
               3 - mending
( 3rd circle)  3 - scalding blast
               2 - snailspeed
               1 - molevision
               2 - purify spirit
               1 - fire ward
( 2nd circle) 10 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  9 - ice missile
               2 - spirit armor

You can memorize no more spells.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
An osquip leaves down.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu gets something from a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu puts a pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Gimbrin grins as he begins shaping a strange piece of ore with his hammering process.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
An osquip enters from below.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
The Great Anvil
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West  -Down 
A burnt tin platemail lies here on the ground.
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
[3] The corpse of a shield dwarf blacksmith is lying here.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
Standing atop a raised stone platform, the Great Anvil sits at the heart of Alatorin. (glowing)
A small hairless osquip scurries across the city floor.
*Mussa Caskling Brewed in Blood (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Colc FeRMEntaTIOn-OvERLord Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Colc's head.
Tiu FeRMEntaTIOn-OvERLord Brewed in Blood (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
(Q)Smidrin the dwarven forgemaster stands here, hammering and surveying his work.
(Q)Gimbrin the gully dwarf blacksmith pays the Great Anvil a visit.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
An osquip enters from below.
Tiu gives a platinum telescope studded with crystal shrimp to Mussa.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Hint: Most commands have help files.  Type 'help (command)' to learn how to use game commands.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Mussa licks his mouth and smiles.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu dons a ball of crackling energy.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Mussa's flesh begins to shimmer, then gains a harder look to it.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu puts some stuff into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Colc gets a dark misty potion from his bottomless bag of the shield dwarves.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You see nothing special about him.
Tiu appears to be Drow Elf and has a few scratches.
He's medium in size.
He is in the front rank.
He seems to be moving much faster than normal..
He is surrounded by burning flames!

<worn as a badge>    a ball of crackling energy (magic) (glowing)
<worn on head>       a sun halo (magic) (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       a diamond eyepiece (magic)
<worn in ear>        a glowing jade earring (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a diamond stud covered in blood (magic) (glowing)
<worn on face>       a serpentine mask (magic)
<worn around neck>   a twisted wolf pendant (magic)
<worn around neck>   an amulet of fire dragon's blood (magic)
<worn on body>       a fine enchanted tunic of drow chainmail (magic) (glowing)
<worn about body>    a griffon feather cloak [poor] (illuminating)
<worn about waist>   a thin black belt of accuracy (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a diamondine axe covered in blood (magic)
<attached to belt>   a midnight blue tome with silver bindings (glowing)
<worn on arms>       a pair of royal blacksmith sleeves [superior] (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a purple stone bracelet (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a sunsteel bracer (magic) (glowing) [86%]
<worn on hands>      some spiked raxian pit gauntlets (magic)
<worn on finger>     a spiked copper ring
<worn on finger>     a band of the winds
<primary weapon>     a long slime-covered tendril with an unblinking eye (magic) (humming)
<secondary weapon>   a burning warhammer called 'The Fury of Demons' (magic) (glowing)
<worn on legs>       a pair of leggings of clan crunch head (magic) (glowing)
<worn on feet>       the boots of speed [poor] (magic)

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Mussa nogs.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of ( 4/30):
( Head)   538/549   hit,  195/195  move Tiu
(Front)  1032/1032  hit,  211/211  move Sgan
(Front)   962/929   hit,  244/244  move Colc
(Front)   840/840   hit,  245/245  move Mussa

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Casting: greater mending *

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at Tiu.
Tiu shudders as an immense rush of life flows into his body!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(10th circle)  1 - earthen rain
               1 - etherportal
               2 - gaseous cloud
( 9th circle)  1 - greater spirit ward
               4 - arieks shattering iceball
( 8th circle)  2 - scathing wind
               1 - corrosive blast
               2 - spirit jump
( 7th circle)  5 - greater soul disturbance
               1 - spirit ward
( 6th circle)  2 - wellness
               4 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  8 - molten spray
( 4th circle)  1 - pantherspeed
               1 - summon beast
               1 - hawkvision
               3 - scorching touch
               3 - mending
( 3rd circle)  3 - scalding blast
               2 - snailspeed
               1 - molevision
               2 - purify spirit
               1 - fire ward
( 2nd circle) 10 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  9 - ice missile
               2 - spirit armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    2 seconds:  ( 6th) greater mending

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater mending.
You snap out of your meditative trance, memorization complete.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
An osquip leaves down.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >

		Score information for Sgan

Level: 50   Race: Troll   Class: Shaman / Elementalist Sex: Male
Hit points: 1032(1032)  Moves: 211(211)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: none
Status:  Sitting around, resting.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   11
Detecting:      Invisible Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Fire Cold Lightning Living
Protected by:   Greater Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Haste Waterbreathing Sparkling GlobeOfDarkness
Combat Pulse:   21 Spell Pulse:  1.20 
Leaderboard Points:  651 

Active Spells:
greater spirit ward (40 minutes)
spirit ward (40 minutes)
elephantstrength (39 minutes)
elemental affinity (13 minutes)
pantherspeed (30 minutes)
spirit armor (24 minutes)
rested bonus (118 minutes)

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Beams of light emit from Mussa, and Mussa explodes into energy!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Outside the distant walls of Alatorin, the thunderous roar of a dragon resonates through the atmosphere.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf enters from below.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu suddenly attacks a Grey Elf!
Tiu's fine whip grazes a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Colc, leaving him unharmed!
A Grey Elf is knocked to the ground by Colc's skillful bash!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Slay whom?

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu's impressive whip wounds a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's fine crush wounds a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's troll-skin wrist protector was damaged from the massive blow!
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Tiu, leaving him unharmed!
Tiu's fine whip grazes a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Tiu, leaving him unharmed!
Tiu's fine whip grazes a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's fine whip grazes a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Tiu, leaving him unharmed!
Tiu's fine crush wounds a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Colc's crush grazes a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Colc's crush grazes a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Colc, leaving him unharmed!
Colc's fine crush wounds a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Colc's crush wounds a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
A Grey Elf misses Tiu.
Tiu dodges a Grey Elf's attack.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Casting: arieks shattering iceball 

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
Your spell flows around a Grey Elf, leaving him unharmed!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu settles to his knees.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu's fine whip grazes a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's fine crush grazes a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's fine whip wounds a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Casting: arieks shattering iceball 

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 186 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a Grey Elf, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-
Colc's impressive crush wounds a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Colc, leaving him unharmed!
Colc's impressive crush strikes a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Colc's crush wounds a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Colc's fine crush wounds a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf misses Tiu.
A Grey Elf misses Tiu.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
The green cloud encasing Colc suddenly turns pitch-black. Twin
tentacles of writhing mist leap out from the haze wrapping themselves around
the chest of a Grey Elf who shudders from the cold.  Moments later he
lets out an agonized scream as the warmth is drained from his body.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu's fine whip wounds a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Tiu, leaving him unharmed!
Tiu's powerful whip strikes a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's impressive whip wounds a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Tiu, leaving him unharmed!
Tiu's fine whip wounds a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf clambers to his feet.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 92 ] -=[Your blast of molten spray slams into a Grey Elf, burning holes into his flesh.]=-
Tiu's leap knocks into a Grey Elf, sending him slightly off balance...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf avoids being bashed by Colc, who loses his balance and falls.
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Colc's fine crush wounds a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Colc's titan warhammer, 'Purelight' explodes in white light as it slams into a Grey Elf.
A beam of pure wrath is called down on a Grey Elf by Colc!
Colc's fine crush wounds a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Colc's fine crush wounds a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Colc, leaving him unharmed!
Colc's fine crush strikes a Grey Elf.
Colc ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu dodges a Grey Elf's attack.
Tiu dodges a Grey Elf's attack.

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 94 ] -=[Your blast of molten spray slams into a Grey Elf, burning holes into his flesh.]=-

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Tiu's fine whip strikes a Grey Elf hard.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Tiu, leaving him unharmed!
Tiu's fine whip strikes a Grey Elf very hard.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's fine crush strikes a Grey Elf very hard.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's whip seriously wounds a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu misses a Grey Elf.
Tiu's whip seriously wounds a Grey Elf.
Tiu ignites into black flames as he hits a Grey Elf!
Tiu's fine crush seriously wounds a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf's spell flows around Tiu, leaving him unharmed!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
Beams of light appear from nowhere, and implode into Mussa!

< 1032h/1032H 211v/211V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 24 ] -=[Your blast of molten spray slams into a Grey Elf, burning holes into his flesh.]=-
A Grey Elf's well-polished mithril body shield [superior] melted from the intense heat!
A Grey Elf's living oceanic cloak [superior] melted from the intense heat!
A Grey Elf's tribal necklace of royal authority melted from the intense heat!
A Grey Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Sgan by 13333333.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!