<worn on head> a blood hawk headdress [54%]
<worn on eyes> a golden eye
<worn in ear> a mithril stud carved like a fist (magic) [88%]
<worn in ear> a gold leaf (magic)
<worn on face> a lithixl beak
<worn around neck> a smooth torque of dwarven kind (magic)
<worn around neck> a frozen flesh charm from The Surface Realm of Duris
<worn on body> the ultrathin robes of probability (magic) (glowing)
<worn about body> the cloak of multi-colored beads (magic) (glowing)
<worn on spider body>the drider robe of the shadow spinner [poor] (magic)
<worn as quiver> an embroidered illithid-hide backsheath (magic) [88%]
<worn about waist> an emerald green sash [superior]
<worn on belt buckle>a hide-bound spellbook with a glowing Alatorin insignia (magic) (glowing)
<worn on arms> some cockatrice feathers
<held as shield> the royal shield of Aravne (magic) [79%]
<worn around wrist> a faerie bracelet [superior]
<worn around wrist> the bracer of unsubstance (glowing)
<worn on hands> a pair of crystalized gloves (glowing) (humming)
<worn on finger> a glowing black ring
<worn on finger> a glowing white-gold ring (magic)
<held> a candle made of melted human flesh [superior] (magic) [78%]
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ..P.^^....
< 903h/903H 153v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ..P.^^....
< 903h/903H 155v/239V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 903h/903H 156v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ..P.^^....
< 903h/903H 157v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. P.P.^^....
< 903h/903H 157v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MMP.@..^....
.. ..P.^^....
< 903h/903H 158v/239V Pos: standing >
Casting: fireball
< 903h/903H 159v/239V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 46 ] -=[You throw a fireball at a Human and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.]=-
You receive your share of experience.
.. ....^.....
.. MM.P@..^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 159v/239V Pos: standing >
A Human rides in on a shaggy mount from the west.
< 903h/903H 159v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 160v/239V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves east riding on a shaggy mount.
< 903h/903H 160v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@P.^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 161v/239V Pos: standing >
Saving Naj.
< 903h/903H 162v/239V Pos: standing >
A Human rides in on a shaggy mount from the east.
< 903h/903H 162v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ....^^....
A Human leaves south riding on a shaggy mount.
You sit down and relax.
< 903h/903H 163v/239V Pos: sitting >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ..P.^^....
You have memorized the following spells:
(11th circle) 1 - solbeeps missile barrage
(10th circle) 3 - chain lightning
1 - bigbys crushing hand
( 9th circle) 1 - relocate
1 - mass invisibility
3 - incendiary cloud
( 8th circle) 3 - immolate
2 - shadow shield
( 7th circle) 1 - haste
5 - bigbys clenched fist
( 6th circle) 2 - teleport
4 - blink
( 5th circle) 6 - dimension door
1 - slowness
1 - coldshield
( 4th circle) 2 - lightning bolt
1 - farsee
5 - dispel magic
1 - infravision
( 3rd circle) 5 - concealment
2 - shocking grasp
1 - agility
( 2nd circle) 3 - burning hands
2 - chill touch
4 - sleep
1 - strength
( 1st circle) 3 - minor creation
8 - magic missile
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
1 seconds: ( 3rd) concealment
3 seconds: ( 3rd) concealment
6 seconds: ( 6th) fireball
You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.
< 903h/903H 163v/239V Pos: sitting >
A Human rides in on a shaggy mount from the south.
< 903h/903H 166v/239V Pos: sitting >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 167v/239V Pos: sitting >
A Human leaves east riding on a shaggy mount.
< 903h/903H 168v/239V Pos: sitting >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@P.^....
.. ....^^....
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@P.^....
.. ....^^....
Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 903h/903H 169v/239V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.
< 903h/903H 171v/239V Pos: sitting >
A Human rides in on a shaggy mount from the east.
< 903h/903H 173v/239V Pos: sitting >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 174v/239V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing concealment.
< 903h/903H 177v/239V Pos: sitting >
A Human says 'hi'
< 903h/903H 178v/239V Pos: sitting >
A Human leaves south riding on a shaggy mount.
< 903h/903H 181v/239V Pos: sitting >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ..P.^^....
< 903h/903H 182v/239V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.
Your studies are complete.
< 903h/903H 187v/239V Pos: sitting >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ...P^^....
< 903h/903H 189v/239V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.
< 903h/903H 190v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@P.^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 192v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. M M.@P.^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 193v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. M M.@P.^....
.. ....^^....
You start chanting...
< 903h/903H 194v/239V Pos: standing >
A Human rides in on a shaggy mount from the east.
< 903h/903H 196v/239V Pos: standing >
Casting: fireball
.. ....^.....
.. M M.@..^....
.. ....^^....
A Human pulls down her pants and shows you her bottom. Ain't it cute?
< 903h/903H 197v/239V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 37 ] -=[You throw a fireball at a Human and have the satisfaction of seeing her enveloped in flames.]=-
A Human's pair of studded leather sleeves melted from the intense heat!
A Human is stunned!
A Human falls off her mount!
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The last gasps of a Human cause a sickening chill to run up your spine.
< 903h/903H 197v/239V Pos: standing >
Saving Naj.
< 903h/903H 200v/239V Pos: standing >
Ye roll up yer sleeves, and examine the dead...
The corpse of Mongoloid is made of flesh and appears to be of average quality.
The corpse of Mongoloid has an item value of 1.
It appears to be the corpse of Mongoloid.
a thin leather belt
a hard leather cloak
a pair of brown leather gloves
a pair of studded leather boots
a pair of studded leather leggings
a bronze skull cap
a suit of spiked leather armor
a large wooden torch
a large two-handed sword
a small leather-bound book
a small round wooden shield
a small leather bag
a large two-handed sword
a steel warhammer
< 903h/903H 201v/239V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.
< 903h/903H 206v/239V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(11th circle) 1 - solbeeps missile barrage
(10th circle) 3 - chain lightning
1 - bigbys crushing hand
( 9th circle) 1 - relocate
1 - mass invisibility
3 - incendiary cloud
( 8th circle) 3 - immolate
2 - shadow shield
( 7th circle) 1 - haste
5 - bigbys clenched fist
( 6th circle) 2 - teleport
4 - blink
( 5th circle) 6 - dimension door
1 - slowness
1 - coldshield
( 4th circle) 2 - lightning bolt
1 - farsee
5 - dispel magic
1 - infravision
( 3rd circle) 7 - concealment
2 - shocking grasp
1 - agility
( 2nd circle) 3 - burning hands
2 - chill touch
4 - sleep
1 - strength
( 1st circle) 3 - minor creation
8 - magic missile
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
2 seconds: ( 6th) fireball
You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.
< 903h/903H 207v/239V Pos: sitting >
< 903h/903H 208v/239V Pos: sitting >
.. ....^.....
.. M M.@..^....
.. ....^^....
< 903h/903H 210v/239V Pos: sitting >
< 903h/903H 215v/239V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing fireball.
Your studies are complete.
< 903h/903H 219v/239V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.
< 903h/903H 221v/239V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 903h/903H 225v/239V Pos: standing >
< 903h/903H 226v/239V Pos: standing >
Casting: mass invisibility *
< 903h/903H 227v/239V Pos: standing >
Casting: mass invisibility
< 903h/903H 229v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..@..^....
.. ....^^...M
< 903h/903H 229v/239V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
A shaggy mount slowly fades out of existence.
You vanish.
< 903h/903H 230v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^.....
.. MM..M..^....
.. ..@.^^...M
Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Human is lying here.
< 903h/903H 232v/239V Pos: standing >
... ....^....
... MM..M..^...
... .@..^^...
Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 903h/903H 230v/239V Pos: standing >
.. ....^...
... MM..M..^...
... ....^^...
Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
< 903h/903H 229v/239V Pos: standing >
... ....^..
P... MM..M..^..
+... ....^^..
A Scorched Section of Field
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
< 903h/903H 227v/239V Pos: standing >
< 903h/903H 228v/239V Pos: standing >
< 903h/903H 230v/239V Pos: standing >
+... ....^.
.P... MM..M..^.
.+... ....^^.
A Scorched Section of Field
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
< 903h/903H 229v/239V Pos: standing >
.+... ....^
..P... MM..M..^
..+... ....^^
A Scorched Section of Field
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
< 903h/903H 227v/239V Pos: standing >
..+... ....
...P... MM..M..
...+... ....^
A Scorched Section of Field
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
< 903h/903H 225v/239V Pos: standing >
...+... ...
....P... MM..M.
^...+... ....
A Scorched Section of Field
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
< 903h/903H 224v/239V Pos: standing >
....+... ..
M....P... MM..M
M^...+... ...
Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
< 903h/903H 222v/239V Pos: standing >
.....+... .
MM....P... MM..
^M^...+... ..
Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 903h/903H 221v/239V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.
< 903h/903H 221v/239V Pos: standing >
^MM....P... MM.
.^M^...+... .
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 903h/903H 220v/239V Pos: standing >
M^.....+... .
^MM....P... MM.
.^M^...@... .
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 903h/903H 219v/239V Pos: standing >
< 903h/903H 220v/239V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Gnome who is close by to your north.
< 903h/903H 220v/239V Pos: standing >
< 903h/903H 221v/239V Pos: standing >
A Gnome enters from the north.
< 903h/903H 222v/239V Pos: standing >
M^.....+... .
^MM....+... MM.
.^M^...@... .
A Gnome leaves south.
< 903h/903H 223v/239V Pos: standing >
M^.....+... .
^MM....+... MM.
.^M^...@... .
Umm. I don't believe there is anything that direction.
You failed.
< 903h/903H 223v/239V Pos: standing >
M^.....+... .
^MM....+... MM.
.^M^...@... .
< 903h/903H 224v/239V Pos: standing >
M^.....+... .
^MM....+... MM.
.^M^...@... .
< 903h/903H 225v/239V Pos: standing >
< 903h/903H 225v/239V Pos: standing >
Umm. I don't believe there is anything that direction.
You failed.
< 903h/903H 226v/239V Pos: standing >
^MM....+... MM.
.^M^...+... .
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 903h/903H 226v/239V Pos: standing >
MM....+... MM
.^M^...+... .
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 903h/903H 226v/239V Pos: standing >
MM....+... MM
.^M^...+... .
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.
< 903h/903H 226v/239V Pos: standing >
MM....+... MM
.^M^...+... .
< 903h/903H 228v/239V Pos: standing >
Casting: fireball
< 903h/903H 228v/239V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 36 ] -=[You throw a fireball at a Gnome and have the satisfaction of seeing him enveloped in flames.]=-
You receive your share of experience.