The death of [45 Guardian] Grimcheck ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Minotaur)

in In the Heart of the Open Desert

from the perspective of [45 Guardian] Grimcheck ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Minotaur)

<worn on horns>      an unique ruby horn [70%]
<worn on eyes>       a pair of protective eyelets [superior] [52%]
<worn in ear>        a small copper colored earring [superior] (magic)
<worn in ear>        a small copper colored earring [poor] (magic) [67%]
<worn on face>       a jeweled platinum mask [53%]
<worn in nose>       a glowing brass nose ring [21%]
<worn around neck>   an amulet of discord [superior] (magic) [70%]
<worn on body>       a smoke dragon scalemail suit (glowing) [73%]
<worn about body>    a magical stone mantle [77%]
<worn on tail>       a glowing iron tail protector
<worn about waist>   a knight's electrum belt [88%]
<worn on belt buckle>a bloody bastard sword [superior] (magic) [89%]
<attached to belt>   a rugged adventurers satchel (magic) (illuminating) [77%]
<worn on arms>       some superior diamond vambraces from The Desert City of Venan'Trut
<held as shield>     a shield of the frostmaiden [superior] (magic) [51%]
<worn around wrist>  a whitestone bracer [superior] (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a whitestone bracer (magic)
<worn on hands>      a glowing pair of diamond gauntlets [poor] (glowing) [70%]
<worn on finger>     a blue earthstone ring [68%]
<worn on finger>     a blue earthstone ring [73%]
<primary weapon>     the lost sword of Cymrych Hugh of precision (magic)
<worn on legs>       some human-made adamantium pants [58%]

You dodge a small spider's vicious attack.
Santagrey blocks a small spider's lunge at him.

< 1447h/1482H 28v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: small sta EP:  awful >
 A small spider dodges your futile attack.
[Damage: 12 ] -=[Your impressive slash hits a small spider.]=-
A small spider is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Grimcheck by 1.
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a small spider's gurgling and choking signals its demise.

< 1447h/1482H 28v/190V Pos: standing >
It appears to be the corpse of a small spider.

< 1447h/1482H 28v/190V Pos: standing >
the corpse of a small spider does not contain the coins.

< 1447h/1482H 28v/190V Pos: standing >
Santagrey's fine pierce strikes a small spider hard.

< 1449h/1482H 29v/190V Pos: standing >
Santagrey dodges a small spider's attack.

< 1451h/1482H 30v/190V Pos: standing >
You feel like a potion could do you good once again.

< 1452h/1482H 31v/190V Pos: standing >
Banzai! To the rescue...

< 1454h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: small sta EP:  small wounds >
 A small spider misses you.
Santagrey sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 1455h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: small sta EP:  small wounds >
 Santagrey takes out his holy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 1455h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: small sta EP:  small wounds >
 [Damage: 16 ] -=[Your slash enshrouds a small spider in a mist of blood.]=-
[Damage: 20 ] -=[Your powerful slash critically injures a small spider.]=-
A small spider is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

< 1455h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
<Someone suddenly attacks Santagrey!
A Githyanki snaps into visibility.
Santagrey is disrupted from meditation.
Santagrey, looking very frustrated, packs up his holy symbol.
A Githyanki misses Santagrey.

< 1455h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
<Santagrey clambers to his feet.

< 1455h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
<A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1455h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
<A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
Santagrey begins to dry and wilt.

< 1455h/1482H 33v/190V Pos: standing >
<[Damage:  6 ] -=[Your fine slash hits a small spider.]=-
A small spider is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Grimcheck by 1.
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a small spider's gurgling and choking signals its demise.
Santagrey attempts to flee.
Santagrey leaves south.
You follow Santagrey.

In the Heart of the Open Desert
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Santagrey ObScuRuS ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Grey Elf)(medium) stands, floating here.

< 1455h/1482H 28v/190V Pos: standing >
You do not see that item here.

< 1455h/1482H 28v/190V Pos: standing >
You do not see or have the corpse.

< 1455h/1482H 28v/190V Pos: standing >
You attempt to flee...
In the Heart of the Open Desert
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
You flee eastward!

< 1456h/1482H 0v/190V Pos: standing >
Santagrey enters from the west.

< 1463h/1482H 5v/190V Pos: standing >
Santagrey leaves south.
You follow Santagrey.

In the Heart of the Open Desert
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Santagrey ObScuRuS ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Grey Elf)(medium) stands, floating here.

< 1466h/1482H 2v/190V Pos: standing >
Santagrey leaves south.
You follow Santagrey.

You're too exhausted.

< 1466h/1482H 2v/190V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf enters from the east.

< 1477h/1482H 10v/190V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 1481h/1482H 12v/190V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf suddenly attacks YOU!
A Drow Elf misses you.

< 1482h/1482H 12v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 A Drow Elf suddenly attacks YOU!
A Drow Elf misses you.

< 1482h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 [Damage:  9 ] -=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Your skillful bash knocks a Drow Elf to the ground!

< 1477h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf misses you.

< 1477h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 You parry someone's lunge at you.
Someone misses you.
Someone misses you.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1477h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1477h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 [Damage: 15 ] -=[Your impressive slash wounds a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 17 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Your lost sword of Cymrych Hugh of precision explodes with vibrant colors as it sends a green beam towards a Drow Elf!
Your spell flows around a Drow Elf, leaving him unharmed!

< 1460h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'aque ghcandusaw'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[A Drow Elf sends a stream of acid at you, burning away skin and muscle that you rather miss.]=-

< 1373h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 You parry a Drow Elf's lunge at you.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1373h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 You haven't reoriented yourself yet enough for another bash!

< 1373h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1373h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:few scratches E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'aque ghcandusaw'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[A Drow Elf sends a stream of acid at you, burning away skin and muscle that you rather miss.]=-
Your blue earthstone ring was corroded by acid.
You feel yourself slowing down.

< 1301h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 [Damage: 11 ] -=[Your impressive slash wounds a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 17 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
A Drow Elf clambers to his feet.
You haven't reoriented yourself yet enough for another bash!

< 1286h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1286h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 1286h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  small wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
Your eyes dry out!!!
You have been blinded!
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-

< 1179h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone misses you.
-=[Someone's crude pierce grazes you.]=-
Someone misses you.

< 1176h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Um.. you don't see any such target here?

< 1176h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
-=[Someone calls down a roaring flamestrike which hits you dead on!]=-

< 1152h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-
OUCH!  That really did HURT!

< 1001h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone dodges your futile attack.
[Damage: 14 ] -=[Your impressive slash wounds someone.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit someone.]=-

< 994h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
-=[Someone calls down a roaring flamestrike which hits you dead on!]=-

< 957h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 -=[Someone's fine bludgeon grazes you.]=-

< 952h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-

< 837h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Um.. you don't see any such target here?

< 837h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
< 837h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'pzaruio garzz'
Upon someone's touch a soft glow flows from his hands and surrounds someone.

< 837h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: few wounds E: someone sta EP:  small wounds >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-

< 696h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: someone sta EP: few scratches >
 Um.. you don't see any such target here?

< 696h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: someone sta EP: few scratches >
 Someone misses you.

< 696h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: someone sta EP: few scratches >
 Someone dodges your futile attack.
[Damage: 12 ] -=[Your impressive slash wounds someone.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit someone.]=-

< 690h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: someone sta EP: few scratches >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'aque ghcandusaw'
-=[Someone sends a stream of acid at you, burning away skin and muscle that you rather miss.]=-

< 607h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: someone sta EP: few scratches >
 Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from someone into your body, and your wounds begin to heal!
Your vision returns!

< 889h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'yjrr pabraw'
-=[A Drow Elf calls down a blast of might from Eilistraee at you, ouch!]=-
You block a Drow Elf's lunge at you.

< 848h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 848h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 Santagrey starts casting a spell.

< 848h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
< 848h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 848h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'aque ghcandusaw'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
A Drow Elf's spell flows around Santagrey, leaving him unharmed!

< 848h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: excellent >
 [Damage: 12 ] -=[Your impressive slash wounds a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 12 ] -=[Your impressive slash wounds a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
As you strike a Drow Elf, the power of your ancestors fill you with RAGE!

< 836h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 [Damage:  9 ] -=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Your skillful bash knocks a Drow Elf to the ground!

< 831h/1482H 13v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 Santagrey completes his spell...
Santagrey utters the word 'uizuoafahz'
Fresh energy pours through your body. You are invigorated!

< 831h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 831h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 You dodge a Drow Elf's vicious attack.

< 831h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: excellent >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'aque ghcandusaw'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
A Drow Elf sends a stream of acid into Santagrey, vaporizing fragile carbon compounds and creating a horrible stench.
Santagrey begins to sllooowwww down.
Someone misses you.
Someone misses you.
Someone misses you.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 831h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: excellent >
 Santagrey starts casting a spell.

< 831h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: excellent >
< 831h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: excellent >
 A scarab enters from the east.
Santagrey completes his spell...
Santagrey utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Santagrey into your body, and your wounds begin to heal!

< 1117h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: excellent >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1117h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: small wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: excellent >
 [Damage: 19 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 15 ] -=[Your impressive slash wounds a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 19 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-

< 1089h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
Santagrey seems to be blinded!

< 1089h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 -=[A Drow Elf's bludgeon grazes you.]=-

< 1083h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 Santagrey leaves east.

< 1083h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 Someone misses you.
Someone misses you.
Someone misses you.
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1083h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 You haven't reoriented yourself yet enough for another bash!

< 1083h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP: few scratches >
 [Damage: 20 ] -=[Your powerful slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 18 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 17 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
A Drow Elf clambers to his feet.

< 1054h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  small wounds >
 You block a Drow Elf's lunge at you.

< 1054h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  small wounds >
< 1054h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  small wounds >
 [Damage: 10 ] -=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Your skillful bash knocks a Drow Elf to the ground!

< 1049h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  small wounds >
< 1049h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  small wounds >
 Santagrey enters from the south.

< 1049h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  small wounds >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 1049h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  small wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-
OUCH!  That really did HURT!

< 888h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  small wounds >
 A Drow Elf misses you.

< 888h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  small wounds >
 You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage: 35 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 14 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 17 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 Santagrey starts casting a spell.

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
Santagrey completes his spell...
Santagrey utters the word 'pzar'
Healing energy flows from Santagrey into Santagrey's body!

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 Santagrey's pupils dialate and return to normal.
The taste of blood slowly fades from your body.

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 Santagrey starts casting a spell.

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 You dodge a Drow Elf's vicious attack.

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
Santagrey begins to dry and wilt.

< 852h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 [Damage: 15 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 13 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-

< 837h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 Santagrey completes his spell...
Santagrey utters the word 'uizuoafahz'
Santagrey appears invigorated.

< 837h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 837h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf clambers to his feet.

< 837h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
Santagrey begins to dry and wilt.

< 837h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf starts casting a spell.

< 837h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  few wounds >
 [Damage:  9 ] -=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Your skillful bash knocks a Drow Elf to the ground!

< 833h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 833h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf stops chanting abruptly!

< 833h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 Santagrey leaves east.

< 833h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf stops chanting abruptly!

< 833h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 [Damage: 16 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 13 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-

< 818h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf misses you.

< 818h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 [Damage: 15 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 14 ] -=[Your slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-

< 803h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 You parry a Drow Elf's lunge at you.

< 803h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf enters from the east.
A Githyanki enters from the east.
A Drow Elf clambers to his feet.

< 803h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf starts casting a spell.

< 803h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sta EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'pzaruio garzz'
Upon a Drow Elf's touch a soft glow flows from his hands and surrounds a Drow Elf.
[Damage:  8 ] -=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Your skillful bash knocks a Drow Elf to the ground!

< 799h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  nasty wounds >
 A Drow Elf misses you.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 799h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: few wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Githyanki wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
-=[You scream in agony as searing heat ignites and bursts into flames within your body.]=-
The heat damages your muscles, you feel weaker.
[Damage: 17 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
[Damage: 18 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
Your lost sword of Cymrych Hugh of precision explodes with vibrant colors as it sends a green beam towards a Drow Elf!
[Damage: 28 ] -=[The power of your god causes a Drow Elf's body to suffer from your harm spell!]=-

< 655h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-

< 522h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Githyanki wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
-=[You scream in agony as searing heat ignites and bursts into flames within your body.]=-
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 404h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:pretty hurt E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Githyanki enters from the east.

< 404h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:pretty hurt E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 You block a Drow Elf's lunge at you.

< 404h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:pretty hurt E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-

< 298h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:pretty hurt E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Githyanki suddenly attacks YOU!
A Githyanki misses you.

< 298h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC:pretty hurt E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Githyanki wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
-=[You scream in agony as searing heat ignites and bursts into flames within your body.]=-
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.

< 174h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: awful E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  small wounds >
 [Damage: 14 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
[Damage: 13 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Drow Elf.]=-
-=[You shiver from the unnatural cold as you hit a Drow Elf.]=-
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
As you strike a Drow Elf, the power of your ancestors fill you with RAGE!

< 159h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: awful E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
-=[You begin to dry out and wilt.]=-
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

< 48h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: awful E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 A scarab leaves north.

< 48h/1482H 127v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: awful E: A Drow Elf sit EP:  few wounds >
 You attempt to flee...
In the Heart of the Open Desert
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of a small spider is lying here.
You flee westward!

< 48h/1482H 95v/190V Pos: standing >
A Githyanki enters from the east.

< 49h/1482H 96v/190V Pos: standing >
Someone suddenly attacks YOU!
A Drow Elf snaps into visibility.
A Drow Elf misses you.
A Githyanki enters from the east.

< 51h/1482H 97v/190V Pos: standing >
< T: Grimcheck TP: sta TC: awful E: A Drow Elf sta EP: few scratches >
 A Githyanki wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
-=[You scream in agony as searing heat ignites and bursts into flames within your body.]=-
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
The world starts spinning, and your ears are ringing!
Your amulet of discord shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!