The death of [46 Healer] Kilof ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Dwarf)

in Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley

from the perspective of [51 Dark Dreamer] Dod *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Shade)

<worn as a badge>    a wisp of shimmering faerie light with a strange dark bloodstone
<worn on head>       a decent mithril helmet from Plane of Earth
<worn on eyes>       a butterfly domino mask [superior] (magic) (glowing) [88%]
<worn in ear>        a glowing jade earring (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a glowing jade earring (glowing)
<worn on face>       a white hot mask of living flame (glowing)
<worn around neck>   some kharma mind beads (magic)
<worn around neck>   a fine necklace of seashells [poor] (magic) (glowing)
<worn on body>       the ultrathin robes of probability (magic) (glowing)
<worn about body>    the living oceanic cloak [superior] (magic) (glowing) [86%]
<worn as quiver>     a majestic bluejay feather
<worn about waist>   the silk twined rope (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a petrified fanged snake
<attached to belt>   a midnight blue tome with silver bindings (glowing)
<worn on arms>       a finely woven pair of spidersilk sleeves [superior] (magic)
<held as shield>     a dented gold shield from Plane of Earth
<worn around wrist>  a black and white zebra-hide wristband
<worn around wrist>  a sparkling dragonscale bracer from Plane of Earth
<worn on hands>      a pair of crystalized gloves (glowing) (humming)
<worn on finger>     a yellow ring of chrysoberyl [poor] (magic)
<worn on finger>     some mithril ringlets (magic)
<primary weapon>     the orb of destruction (magic)
<worn on legs>       some crude ruby pants from Plane of Earth
<worn on feet>       some spurred blood crystal boots (magic)

Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra has just given you his consent.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
The sound of metal hewing rock can be heard in the distance to the west...
Ra is now a member of your group.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
A rakshasa warrior stumbles out of the wormhole.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra starts following you.
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
A Cold and Windy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
[2] A black rift of swirling mass is here, tearing itself apart. (magic)
*A rakshasa warrior is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Illusion)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a rakshasa warrior's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
The wormhole crumbles to dust and blows away.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra puts a bunch of stuff into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
A rakshasa warrior has just given you her consent.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
A rakshasa warrior starts following you.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
No one here by that name.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra gets a sparkling large bass from his bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra puts a sparkling large bass into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
A rakshasa warrior is now a member of your group.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra is rifting sizen

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ripping through reality, a black rift opens up here.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
It's hotter than anyone could imagine.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
A Cold and Windy Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
[2] A black rift of swirling mass is here, tearing itself apart. (magic)
*A rakshasa warrior is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Illusion)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near a rakshasa warrior's head.
Ra Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
The wormhole crumbles to dust and blows away.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Sizen stumbles out of the wormhole.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Sizen starts following you.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Sizen has just given you his consent.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Beams of light appear from nowhere, and implode into Wodo!
Sizen is now a member of your group.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
The wormhole crumbles to dust and blows away.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights westward.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
You muster up your lungpower and scream "MOVING!!!".

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Sizen's body appears to recover from the affects of the potion.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Epic Zones -----------------------------------------

   Court of the Muse                             (extremely good)
   The Chasm of the Misty Vale                   (neutral)       
   The Battlefield                               (very good)     
   The Swamp Laboratory of Khul'Lor              (neutral)       
   Clan Stoutdorf Settlement                     (neutral)       
   Kobold Settlement                             (slightly good) 
   The High Moor Forest                          (good)          
   The Stone Tomb of Kelek                       (slightly evil) 
   Orrak                                         (good)          
   Pits of Cerberus                              (neutral)       
   Myrloch Vale                                  (extremely good)
   Pharr Valley Swamp                            (neutral)       
   Village of Werrun                             (very good)     
   Nizari                                        (pure good)     
   The Dark Stone Tower of the Northern Realms   (neutral)       
   Tower of High Sorcery                         (pure good)     
   Bloodstone Keep                               (good)          
   The Temple of the Sun                         (pure good)     
   The Elemental Groves                          (slightly good) 
   Temple of Flames                              (neutral)       
   Drustl's Yerdonia Enslaved                    (neutral)       
   The Obsidian Citadel                          (slightly good) 
   The Ruins of Undermountain                    (pure good)     
   The Mountain of the Banished                  (neutral)       
   Nakral's Crypt                                (neutral)       
   The Outcasts Tower                            (pure good)     
   Fort Boyard                                   (slightly good) 
   Crystalspyre Mountains                        (neutral)       
   The Prisons of Carthapia                      (slightly good) 
   Faerie Realm                                  (pure good)     
   The Ruins of Tharnadia's Old Quarter          (neutral)       
   The Fields Between                            (neutral)       
   The Githyanki Fortress                        (slightly evil) 
   Labyrinth of No Return                        (neutral)       
   The Desert City of Venan'Trut                 (neutral)       
   Rogue Plains                                  (good)          
   City of Torrhan                               (pure good)     
   The Lair of the Swamp Troll King              (neutral)       
   Zalkapfaan, City of the Headless Horde        (neutral)       
   New Cave city                                 (slightly good) 
   Ice Tower                                     (neutral)       
   Desolate Under Fire                           (neutral)       
   The Citadel                                   (slightly good) 
   The Twin Keeps of Devastated Tharnadia        (good)          
   IceCrag Castle                                (evil)          
   Prison of Fort Boyard                         (neutral)       
   The Ancient Halls of Ironstar                 (good)          
   The Jade Empire                               (extremely evil)
   Mazzolin                                      (slightly good) 
   Forest of Mir                                 (slightly good) 
   Quintaragon Castle                            (pure good)     
   The Sky City of Ultarium                      (extremely good)
   Lair of the Gibberling King                   (neutral)       
   Plane of Air                                  (pure good)     
   The Kingdom of Torg                           (neutral)       
   Tribal Oasis                                  (good)          
   The Para-Elemental Plane of Smoke             (neutral)       
   Plane of Water                                (slightly good) 
   Shadamehr Keep                                (neutral)       
   The Temple to Skrentherlog                    (neutral)       
   Alatorin - the Forge City                     (neutral)       
   The Trakkia Mountains                         (neutral)       
   The Ethereal Plane                            (slightly good) 
   The Caverns of Armageddon                     (good)          
   The Forest City of Aravne                     (neutral)       
   Plane of Fire                                 (very good)     
   Ruined Temple of Tezcatlipoca                 (neutral)       
   The Astral Plane                              (very good)     
   Jotunheim                                     (very good)     
   The Transparent Tower                         (slightly good) 
   Krethik Keep                                  (good)          
   Temple of the Earth                           (slightly good) 
   Sea Kingdom                                   (neutral)       
   Plane of Earth                                (very good)     
   Sevenoaks                                     (good)          
   The Keep of Evil                              (slightly good) 
   The Forgotten Mansion                         (good)          
   Domain of Lost Souls                          (neutral)       
   The Hall of Knighthood                        (good)          
   The Depths of Duris                           (very good)     
   Arachdrathos Guilds                           (slightly evil) 
   Valley of the Snow Ogres                      (good)          
   The Great Shaboath                            (neutral)       
   The Tempest Court                             (neutral)       
   Pit of Dragons                                (pure good)     
   Ny'Neth                                       (good)          
   Lost Temple of Tikitzopl                      (neutral)       
   The Scorched Valley                           (good)          
   The Realm of Barovia                          (neutral)       
   The Royal Mausoleum of Castle IceCrag         (slightly good) 
   Plane of Fire, Brass                          (neutral)       
   Githzerai Stronghold                          (neutral)       
   Ceothia                                       (neutral)       
   Tiamat                                        (very good)     
   The Fortress of Dreams                        (slightly good) 
   Bahamut's Palace                              (good)          
   Dragonnia                                     (neutral)       
   The Charcoal Palace                           (extremely good)
   Vecna's Tomb                                  (good)          
   Ny'Neth's Stronghold                          (extremely good)
   Apocalypse Castle                             (slightly evil) 
   The Realm of Barovia Continued                (neutral)       
   The Hall of the Ancients                      (good)          
   The Bronze Citadel                            (extremely good)
   Ny'Neth's Stronghold Continued                (very good)     
   Negative Material Plane                       (neutral)       
   Celestial Plane                               (slightly good) 
   The 222nd Layer of the Abyss                  (neutral)       
   Castle Ravenloft                              (evil)          

* = already completed this boot.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Dod

Level: 51   Race: Shade   Class: Illusionist / Dark Dreamer Sex: Male
Hit points: 480(480)  Moves: 217(217)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     3 gold     2 silver     5 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +1.31   Deaths:   9
In the illusion of: a snow buffalo (fair)
Detecting:      Illusions Invisible Good Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Evil Good Fire Cold Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Aware Haste Invisibility Levitation Waterbreathing MageFlame
Combat Pulse:   16 Spell Pulse:  0.70 
Leaderboard Points:  675 

Active Spells:
stone skin (1 minute)
improved invisibility (23 minutes)
infravision (46 minutes)
detect illusion (37 minutes)
bless (8 minutes)
armor (3 minutes)
fly (88 minutes)

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Wodo has just given you his consent.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Wodo is now a member of your group.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Wodo starts following you.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra stops following you.
Ra starts following you.
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Wodo enters from the east.
Sizen enters from the east.

< 480h/480H 215v/217V Pos: standing >
Lush Plains of Shrubs and Small Bushes
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Wodo enters from the east.
Sizen enters from the east.
A rakshasa warrior sneaks in from the east.

< 480h/480H 213v/217V Pos: standing >
Lush Plains of Shrubs and Small Bushes
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Wodo enters from the east.
Sizen enters from the east.
A rakshasa warrior sneaks in from the east.

< 480h/480H 211v/217V Pos: standing >
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Wodo enters from the east.
Sizen enters from the east.
A rakshasa warrior sneaks in from the east.

< 480h/480H 209v/217V Pos: standing >
Lush Plains of Shrubs and Small Bushes
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Ra enters from the east.
Wodo enters from the east.
Sizen enters from the east.

< 480h/480H 208v/217V Pos: standing >
Foothills of a Lush Mountain Valley
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A few chunks of ore poke out of the ground here.
A Dwarf (medium) DarkHorse ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ stands, floating here.(Gold Aura)
Ra enters from the south.
Wodo enters from the south.
Sizen enters from the south.

< 480h/480H 206v/217V Pos: standing >
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior dances an acrobatic maneuver in battle, and trips up a Dwarf!
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 480h/480H 207v/217V Pos: standing >
A rakshasa warrior parries a Dwarf's lunge at her.
A Dwarf misses a rakshasa warrior.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's powerful slash strikes a Dwarf.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's mighty pierce strikes a Dwarf.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's powerful slash strikes a Dwarf.
A rakshasa warrior misses a Dwarf.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's powerful slash wounds a Dwarf.
A rakshasa warrior misses a Dwarf.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.

< 480h/480H 208v/217V Pos: standing >
Sizen settles to his knees.

< 480h/480H 210v/217V Pos: standing >
Casting: asphyxiate 
Sizen passes well above his target and lands on his head.

< 480h/480H 210v/217V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
A pair of Ghostly Hands appear before a Dwarf, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
[Damage: 25 ] -=[You smirk as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around a Dwarf's throat!]=-

< 480h/480H 211v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
A Dwarf screams and doubles over in agony as searing heat ignites within his body.
A Dwarf suddenly looks in pain as he moves.
[Damage: 37 ] -=[You smirk as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around a Dwarf's throat!]=-

< 480h/480H 212v/217V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 24 ] -=[You smirk as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around a Dwarf's throat!]=-

< 480h/480H 212v/217V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A Dwarf's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
You start chanting...

< 480h/480H 214v/217V Pos: standing >
Casting: asphyxiate 
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's powerful pierce strikes a Dwarf.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's powerful slash strikes a Dwarf hard.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's powerful pierce strikes a Dwarf very hard.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.
A rakshasa warrior's slash strikes a Dwarf very hard.
A rakshasa warrior snaps into visibility.

< 480h/480H 217v/217V Pos: standing >
Ra wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
A Dwarf screams and doubles over in agony as searing heat ignites within his body.
A Dwarf's silver ring embossed with a cresent moon shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Dwarf's insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Dwarf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Dod by 12294642.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!