<worn as a badge> a symbol of a sword thrust through a cresent moon
<worn on head> Yingin's crown of Deepearth [88%]
<worn in ear> a spiral woven of smoke [superior]
<worn in ear> a pair of silver earrings with red rubies
<worn on face> veil of darkness [superior] (glowing)
<worn around neck> some kharma mind beads [superior]
<worn around neck> a diamond necklace [poor]
<worn on body> a pitch black bodycloak (glowing)
<worn about body> the saving cloak (glowing)
<worn as quiver> a silken backsheath of flight of health
<worn about waist> a belt of immunity [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>the lost book of 'Magic' [68%]
<worn on arms> sleeves scrolled with intricate runes [poor] [38%]
<held as shield> a crystalline tower shield (glowing)
<worn around wrist> a black and white zebra-hide wristband
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of woven willow leaves [superior] (illuminating)
<worn on hands> some hardened hide mitts
<worn on finger> a golden ring of beauty [superior] (glowing)
<worn on finger> the royal ring of Aravne (glowing)
<held> the flaming orb of revenge
<worn on legs> some shin-guards of subterfuge [85%]
<worn on feet> boots of endurance [superior]
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: A Dark Storage Room in the Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: A Dark Storage Room in the Troglodyte Caves
A Dark Storage Room in the Troglodyte Caves
This dark storage room is used to store whatever wares are acquired on
the surface raids. The troglodytes are often packrats, taking and storing
almost anything. This room is filled with boxes and barrels, all used to store
any goods they got back to their lair. The room smells bad because quite often
the troglodytes forget about what they have amassed and it rots. The floor is
covered with scraps of food and various other trinkets. No doors are needed in
the clan because there is no way to really hide anything. Everyone shares here
unless its something very nice. In that case it would go to the chieftain.
There is usually someone here to make sure that everything is kept in order.
One may travel east to leave this dark storage room.
Obvious exits: -East
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
A shifty eyed troglodyte lurks here in the dark.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte berserker who is close by to your east.
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The troglodyte caves continue here winding through the cold black stone.
The air here is less musty and dirty, as if the floor and walls have been kept
clean from debris and filth. The walls have a little more of a finished look
to them, as if the natural stone has been mined away to widen the corridor.
The ceiling above is rough and uneven, large recessions in the stone in places
that provide a good hiding nook filled with shadows. The floor is rahter well
maintained as well and is quite smooth. The sounds of chanting and muffled
shouts is evident, as if something of a congregation seems to be forming some
where in the dark. The air here has some movement, although this far into the
troglodyte complex, any air movement is likely to be man-made instead of the
naturally forming currents of the surface. The darkness is pervasive and feels
unnatural, as if lurkers in the dark await the chance to show themselves. One
may travel to the north or south from this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West
[3] A large wooden torch has been discarded here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The musty smell in this section of the troglodyte cave system is almost
unbearable. The creatures that claim these caves are the troglodytes, but a
more deadly being can be found here. The troglodyte people carry with them a
virus that is usually deadly to those who breath the air of the outside world.
The disease is a big problem for any outsiders that walk these caverns, but its
not as if many outsiders ever visit this place. These caverns have remained
secure and protected by the troglodyte people since they originally inhabited
these caves several hundred years earlier. The walls here have a temporary
look to them, as if the work is not yet finished. The ground here is littered
with bits of chipped stone and larger pieces of roughly cut stones. One may
continue through the troglodyte caves by traveling east or south from this
Obvious exits: -East -South
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The dark and eerie troglodyte caves continue to wind through the dark
stone of the Black Dog mountains. The air here seems to have an unshakable
stench that permeates all. The ground here is quite smooth, almost perfectly
so, from the hard work of a stone worker. The walls here are rough and uneven
and cast ominous shadows, obvious danger regions and concealing hiding places.
Long and jagged scars have been cut into the stone, most likely from a wicked
battle. The ceiling here is stained with a thick layer of soot from a long
since extinguised fire. There is a sense here of being watched, as if perhaps
the stone itself can hear and see invaders. The cold stone of the troglodyte
caverns is unyielding and constant, a being from an age long since past. There
is a set of foot holds chiseled into the stone for access to a layer of tunnels
further up. One may travel up and west from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -West -Up
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte assassin who is close by above you.
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The caves continue here into the dark, unforgiving stone. The air here is
musty and unpleasant to breath. Small traces of heat can be seen on the stone
floor, slowly fading back to the cold emptiness of the dark. The ground is
rough and uneven, but appears to be in better condition that most of the rest
of the troglodyte cave system. The ceiling is cracked and crumbling, but the
rubble one would expect has been cleared away. This tunnel seems to stretch
to the north, but the dark is so pervasive one cannot actually measure the true
distance it goes back into the stone. One may travel further into the cave
system to the north or back to the lower level by climbing down the stone steps
Obvious exits: -North -Down
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from below.
Zloin enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The dark and eerie troglodyte caves continue to wind through the dark
stone of the Black Dog mountains. The air here seems to have an unshakable
stench that permeates all. The ground here is quite smooth, almost perfectly
so, from the hard work of a stone worker. The walls here are rough and uneven
and cast ominous shadows, obvious danger regions and concealing hiding places.
Long and jagged scars have been cut into the stone, most likely from a wicked
battle. The ceiling here is stained with a thick layer of soot from a long
since extinguised fire. There is a sense here of being watched, as if perhaps
the stone itself can hear and see invaders. The cold stone of the troglodyte
caverns is unyielding and constant, a being from an age long since past. There
is a set of foot holds chiseled into the stone for access to a layer of tunnels
further up. One may travel up and west from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -West -Up
Zloin enters from above.
Zloin enters from above.
An earth elemental enters from above.
An earth elemental enters from above.
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte assassin who is close by above you.
< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The caves continue here into the dark, unforgiving stone. The air here is
musty and unpleasant to breath. Small traces of heat can be seen on the stone
floor, slowly fading back to the cold emptiness of the dark. The ground is
rough and uneven, but appears to be in better condition that most of the rest
of the troglodyte cave system. The ceiling is cracked and crumbling, but the
rubble one would expect has been cleared away. This tunnel seems to stretch
to the north, but the dark is so pervasive one cannot actually measure the true
distance it goes back into the stone. One may travel further into the cave
system to the north or back to the lower level by climbing down the stone steps
Obvious exits: -North -Down
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from below.
Zloin enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An outraged troglodyte who is close by to your north.
A troglodyte warrior who is close by to your north.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your north.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your north.
A troglodyte warrior who is close by to your north.
< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: Approaching the End of the Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: Approaching the End of the Troglodyte Caves
Approaching the End of the Troglodyte Caves
The cave begins to grow very hot. There are hundreds of small carvings
in the stone, all seeming to have magical qualities. The stone walls are very
smooth yet the floor remains very rough. There is a huge set of stone doors to
the north. There is no light at all this deep into the earth. This part of
the caves is about as close to the center of the Black Dog Mountains as one can
get. The cave is very stable but it is still very possible that an earthquake
could cave this cave in. There are small bones near the wall and they look
humanoid. The smell is very musky and the air feels damp. There seems to be
a great deal of commotion going on nearby. One may travel north or south from
this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North# -South
An outraged troglodyte stands here.(Red Aura)
A large troglodyte warrior stands here protecting his clan.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large troglodyte warrior stands here protecting his clan.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The caves continue here into the dark, unforgiving stone. The air here is
musty and unpleasant to breath. Small traces of heat can be seen on the stone
floor, slowly fading back to the cold emptiness of the dark. The ground is
rough and uneven, but appears to be in better condition that most of the rest
of the troglodyte cave system. The ceiling is cracked and crumbling, but the
rubble one would expect has been cleared away. This tunnel seems to stretch
to the north, but the dark is so pervasive one cannot actually measure the true
distance it goes back into the stone. One may travel further into the cave
system to the north or back to the lower level by climbing down the stone steps
Obvious exits: -North -Down
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The dark and eerie troglodyte caves continue to wind through the dark
stone of the Black Dog mountains. The air here seems to have an unshakable
stench that permeates all. The ground here is quite smooth, almost perfectly
so, from the hard work of a stone worker. The walls here are rough and uneven
and cast ominous shadows, obvious danger regions and concealing hiding places.
Long and jagged scars have been cut into the stone, most likely from a wicked
battle. The ceiling here is stained with a thick layer of soot from a long
since extinguised fire. There is a sense here of being watched, as if perhaps
the stone itself can hear and see invaders. The cold stone of the troglodyte
caverns is unyielding and constant, a being from an age long since past. There
is a set of foot holds chiseled into the stone for access to a layer of tunnels
further up. One may travel up and west from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -West -Up
Zloin enters from above.
Zloin enters from above.
An earth elemental enters from above.
An earth elemental enters from above.
< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The musty smell in this section of the troglodyte cave system is almost
unbearable. The creatures that claim these caves are the troglodytes, but a
more deadly being can be found here. The troglodyte people carry with them a
virus that is usually deadly to those who breath the air of the outside world.
The disease is a big problem for any outsiders that walk these caverns, but its
not as if many outsiders ever visit this place. These caverns have remained
secure and protected by the troglodyte people since they originally inhabited
these caves several hundred years earlier. The walls here have a temporary
look to them, as if the work is not yet finished. The ground here is littered
with bits of chipped stone and larger pieces of roughly cut stones. One may
continue through the troglodyte caves by traveling east or south from this
Obvious exits: -East -South
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
< 403h/403H 177v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The troglodyte caves continue here winding through the cold black stone.
The air here is less musty and dirty, as if the floor and walls have been kept
clean from debris and filth. The walls have a little more of a finished look
to them, as if the natural stone has been mined away to widen the corridor.
The ceiling above is rough and uneven, large recessions in the stone in places
that provide a good hiding nook filled with shadows. The floor is rahter well
maintained as well and is quite smooth. The sounds of chanting and muffled
shouts is evident, as if something of a congregation seems to be forming some
where in the dark. The air here has some movement, although this far into the
troglodyte complex, any air movement is likely to be man-made instead of the
naturally forming currents of the surface. The darkness is pervasive and feels
unnatural, as if lurkers in the dark await the chance to show themselves. One
may travel to the north or south from this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -North -South -West
[3] A large wooden torch has been discarded here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The dark and gloomy caves of the troglodyte people continue here as they
wind through the cold stone. The stone here seems to vibrate, almost hum as
deep underground forces make such movement possible. There are large cracks
and holes in the stone walls and floor, most likely ancient as a great amount
of dust is visible in some of the holes. There are several dark recesses in
the walls, places perfect for ambush or hiding. There are footprints in the
dust, in fact a good deal of traffic is evident in this dusty tunnel. The air
is stale and not very fresh, but as compared to some of the previous tunnels
toward the entrance of the cave, this troglodyte tunnel is a flowerbed. The
floor is covered with small bone fragments and food scraps, leavings of the
troglodyte warriors that frequent this tunnel system. One may travel east or
north from this point in the troglodyte caverns.
Obvious exits: -North -East
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
A large and burly troglodyte sentinel stands here dutifully.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 175v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The troglodyte caves continue here as they wind further and further from
the warm light of the outside world. The cold stone here is as black as a dark
nightmare. The walls and floor have been slightly altered by the stone workers
to level out and smooth them. The ceiling remains in its natural state with
tiny stalactites protruding downward like sharp fangs. The floor is littered
with various sizes of bones, most of which appear to be rather small. The
troglodyte people are the most feared creatures of the deep for the human
populations surrounding this area. The troglodyte raids of human villages is
as legendary as it is always imminent. The tunnel here continues to wind
through the narrow tunnels. The darkness is complete and quite difficult to
pierce with even the strongest of magical lights. The tunnel continues to the
west or up via the stone stairway.
Obvious exits: -West -Up
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 175v/184V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Hidden Passage of the Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Hidden Passage of the Troglodyte Caves
This narrow landing is the beginning of a highly secret and closely
guarded area within the troglodyte cave complex. The narrow stone platform is
not a naturally formed prepice. There is a long and winding set of stairs that
leads down into a lower level of the troglodyte cave complex connected to the
landing. The air here is calm and undisturbed, smelling musty and stale. The
ceiling of this small room is many yards above, beyond the range of torches or
other forms of man-made light. This room is the entrance to a highly guarded
series of tunnels, although the immediate purpose is not readily evident. The
tunnel here is not the naturally forming and twisting tunnels of the previous
tunnels in this system. These walls are smooth and worked with fine masonry
and stone working tools. This is the entrance to the lowest layer of the cave
complex. One may travel down further or east from this point.
Obvious exits: -East # -Down
Zloin enters from below.
Zloin enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 176v/184V Pos: standing >
The stone seems to be closed.
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The troglodyte caves continue here near the disgusting cess pool. The
cess pool is a water filled chamber filled with water and filth. The ground
here is damp and this landing above the cess pool is prone to mildew. The
ceiling here rises high up, almost out of the range of normal vision. The cave
ceiling is covered with long and jagged stalactites, silent guardians ever
vigilant over the night that never ends. This room is rather large and spreads
out to like an "L". The northern wall is covered with various glyphs and crude
troglodyte signs, written in their primative language. The western wall is
rather plain, yet smooth, as if a stone mason worked hard to make the wall
completely flat. A slight breeze seems to waft from the western wall, which is
odd since no holes or vents are visible. To the east, a tight tunnel winds
into the stone, a side tunnel it would seem. Below is the cess pool, a watery
tunnel leading back into the troglodyte cave complex.
Obvious exits: -East -West -Down
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
A troglodyte female prowls through the caves here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The dark tunnel continues to wind through the black rock here. The cold
and stale air doesn't move, an unchanging and constant odor in the darkness.
The troglodyte caves are a harsh environment, filled with constant danger,
impending doom, and lurking evils. The deadly creatures that live in these
dark tunnels are hunters of the night, and are quite proficient in warfare.
The tunnel floor is rough and uneven, littered with many small bones and pieces
of rotten flesh. The walls here are filled with shadowy alcoves, providing
hiding and ambush places ideal for this dark cave system. The troglodyte race
is a rare and infrequent visitor to the surface of this realm, yet those of the
surface world are never seen this far into the troglodyte complex. One may
travel further in this cave system by traveling east or west from this point.
Obvious exits: -East -West
A battered human corpse hangs here from a barbed hook.
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your east.
A troglodyte sentinel who is close by to your east.
A troglodyte berserker who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte female who is close by to your west.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The troglodyte caves continue here near the disgusting cess pool. The
cess pool is a water filled chamber filled with water and filth. The ground
here is damp and this landing above the cess pool is prone to mildew. The
ceiling here rises high up, almost out of the range of normal vision. The cave
ceiling is covered with long and jagged stalactites, silent guardians ever
vigilant over the night that never ends. This room is rather large and spreads
out to like an "L". The northern wall is covered with various glyphs and crude
troglodyte signs, written in their primative language. The western wall is
rather plain, yet smooth, as if a stone mason worked hard to make the wall
completely flat. A slight breeze seems to waft from the western wall, which is
odd since no holes or vents are visible. To the east, a tight tunnel winds
into the stone, a side tunnel it would seem. Below is the cess pool, a watery
tunnel leading back into the troglodyte cave complex.
Obvious exits: -East -West # -Down
A troglodyte berserker charges through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
A troglodyte female prowls through the caves here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves Filled With Water
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves Filled With Water
This section of the troglodyte caves is half filled with water. The black
water is very near freezing temperature in a normal setting, but this far below
the surface the water has different properties. The amount of salt and mineral
content in the water makes its freezing point much lower than surface water.
The tunnel here is tight and hard to maneuver in, made even more difficult by
the amount of water resting on the floor. The air here is very cold and hard
to breath. The water itself is very dirty, filled with the disgusting leavings
of the troglodyte people. Essentially this water filled tunnel is one large,
community latrine. The creatures that dwell here have to dispose of their
waste somewhere. One may travel up or south from this point in the caves of
the troglodytes.
Obvious exits: -South -Up
Zloin enters from above.
Zloin enters from above.
An earth elemental enters from above.
An earth elemental enters from above.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte berserker who is close by above you.
A troglodyte female who is close by above you.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves Filled With Water
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves Filled With Water
This tight passageway is filled with the filth and remains of the creatures
that live in these caverns. The water is murky and quite cold. The water is
stagnant and does not move, allowing the filth and murk to settle to the bottom
of the passage. The troglodyte people have no other way to dispose of their
waste, so this passage is filled with their filth. The tunnel is completely
filled with the murky water, and no air is available above, below or on the
sides. There are also bones and skulls, some submerged in the filthy sediment
on the bottom, some floating, susupended in the liquid. The walls here are
rough and uneven, but without any outlet or escape route for the water that
has accumulated here. One may travel north further through the murky tunnel
or up out of this mess.
Obvious exits: -North -Up
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 178v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This rather large room is actually a naturally formed pocket in the deep
troglodyte cave system. The cavern is as large as a domed cathedral, the
ceiling rising several hundred feet above the smooth cavern floor. The walls
of this cavern are quite rough and uneven, with various small ledges criss-
crossing the face of the walls. The floor is comprised of a very rough black
rock, most likely some sort of lava based material. The air here is putrid and
filled with the disgusting smells of raw sewage. There is a large moat like
hole near the wall to the north. The hole in the floor is unprotected and
unguarded with any security railings or safety devices. The hole is filled
with water and filth, appearing to be some sort of latrine or sewage dump for
the troglodyte peoples refuse. One may travel down into the sludge or east
out of this cavern.
Obvious exits: -East -Down
Zloin enters from below.
Zloin enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This dark tunnel continues to wind through the troglodyte cave complex.
The floor is rough and covered with small chips of stone. The chips appear to
have come from a recent leveling of the right hand wall. The cold stone is
hard and unyielding, never changing, never evolving, always the exact same as
the day before, the year before, the millenia before. The air here is stale
and quite unpleasant, filled with the scents of decay. The troglodyte race is
firmly entrenched in this cave complex, as at home here in the dark as any race
of elf is to nature. The hard nature of the troglodyte race makes the life
they live in these tunnels as easy and natural as possible. One may travel
further in this cave complex by going west or south from this point.
Obvious exits: -South -West
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte assassin who is close by to your south.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This oddly shaped room opens up in naturally formed cavern. The cavern
roof is several yards above and is covered with small stalactites. The south
wall is where the iron rung ladder is firmly attached. The floor here is rough
and uneven, sloping to the north, further into the troglodyte cave complex.
The naturally formed tunnels are a wild and, much to the chagrin of the brave
adventurer, deffinetly inhabited. The stale air is filled with many scents,
mostly of rot and decay, of lizards and of death. The rough walls are filled
with shadowy alcoves and hidden passages. There are many passages that appear
to be tunnels, but most end in dead ends a few feet from this chamber. The
feeling of impending doom is unmistakable. One may travel back up a level in
the troglodyte caves or either north or east from this point.
Obvious exits: -North -East -Up
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte female who is close by above you.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This narrow tunnel continues to wind through the cold stone of the large
troglodyte cave complex. The inhabitants of this dark cave system are a cold
blooded and ruthless people. They are the stuff of legends, a powerful and
all together devestating race of warriors. The air here is stale and never
changing. The cool stone walls are rough and uneven with several shadowy
alcoves visible from this immediate area. The ceiling is quite askew, with a
long stone projection reaching from ceiling to floor. The projection makes any
travel nearly impossible through this narrow tunnel. The troglodyte race is
a nimble and agile breed, best designed for navigating through these narrow
tunnels. One may travel to the east or west from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -East -West
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte assassin who is close by to your west.
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This narrow tunnel continues to wind through the troglodyte caves. The
black stone seems to be made of a granite like stone, the glassy surface able
to reflect light. The entire cave complex of the troglodytes is devoid of any
natural light. The creatures themselves do not require light to see in these
cramped subterranean tunnels. Small drops of moisture condense on the ceiling
and drip from time to time, creating an odd echo in the endless night of this
community. The smell here is rather unpleasant for those unused to the smells
of death, decay, and sweating reptiles. The walls here are very rough, still
in their natural condition. A great deal of the troglodyte caves are in their
same natural state, but there are some parts of the caves that did have to be
hand cut from the cold, black stone. One may travel to the south or west from
this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -South -West
Zloin enters from the west.
Zloin enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
An earth elemental enters from the west.
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte child who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte child who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte child who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte assassin who is not far off to your west.
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In a Dark and Warm Hatching Nest in the Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In a Dark and Warm Hatching Nest in the Troglodyte Caves
In a Dark and Warm Hatching Nest in the Troglodyte Caves
This dark room is kept warm by the bodies of the troglodyte family that
makes their home here. The "nest" is actually a large pile of animal and also
human skin. The hides are organized loosely but, together with the heat of the
troglodyte bodies, it becomes quite cozy and warm. The room is roughly in the
shape of a circle, the walls all the same distance from the center of the room.
This side cave is naturally formed with almost no stone work having been done.
The floor is littered with small bones and scraps of flesh. Near the entrance
a large pile of molted troglodyte flesh has been piled as well. One may travel
to the north to leave this troglodyte nest.
Obvious exits: -North
A small troglodyte child sits here in the darkness.(Red Aura)
A small troglodyte child sits here in the darkness.(Red Aura)
A small troglodyte child sits here in the darkness.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.
< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This narrow tunnel continues to wind through the troglodyte caves. The
black stone seems to be made of a granite like stone, the glassy surface able
to reflect light. The entire cave complex of the troglodytes is devoid of any
natural light. The creatures themselves do not require light to see in these
cramped subterranean tunnels. Small drops of moisture condense on the ceiling
and drip from time to time, creating an odd echo in the endless night of this
community. The smell here is rather unpleasant for those unused to the smells
of death, decay, and sweating reptiles. The walls here are very rough, still
in their natural condition. A great deal of the troglodyte caves are in their
same natural state, but there are some parts of the caves that did have to be
hand cut from the cold, black stone. One may travel to the south or west from
this point in the troglodyte caves.
Obvious exits: -South -West
Zloin enters from the south.
Zloin enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
An earth elemental enters from the south.
< 403h/403H 181v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This narrow tunnel continues to wind through the cold stone of the large
troglodyte cave complex. The inhabitants of this dark cave system are a cold
blooded and ruthless people. They are the stuff of legends, a powerful and
all together devestating race of warriors. The air here is stale and never
changing. The cool stone walls are rough and uneven with several shadowy
alcoves visible from this immediate area. The ceiling is quite askew, with a
long stone projection reaching from ceiling to floor. The projection makes any
travel nearly impossible through this narrow tunnel. The troglodyte race is
a nimble and agile breed, best designed for navigating through these narrow
tunnels. One may travel to the east or west from this point in the troglodyte
cave system.
Obvious exits: -East -West
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This oddly shaped room opens up in naturally formed cavern. The cavern
roof is several yards above and is covered with small stalactites. The south
wall is where the iron rung ladder is firmly attached. The floor here is rough
and uneven, sloping to the north, further into the troglodyte cave complex.
The naturally formed tunnels are a wild and, much to the chagrin of the brave
adventurer, deffinetly inhabited. The stale air is filled with many scents,
mostly of rot and decay, of lizards and of death. The rough walls are filled
with shadowy alcoves and hidden passages. There are many passages that appear
to be tunnels, but most end in dead ends a few feet from this chamber. The
feeling of impending doom is unmistakable. One may travel back up a level in
the troglodyte caves or either north or east from this point.
Obvious exits: -North -East -Up
A troglodyte assassin sneaks through the tunnels here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from the east.
Zloin enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
An earth elemental enters from the east.
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
The dark troglodyte caves continue to wind through the ground here. The
tunnels have twisted and turned so many times up to this point in the tunnels
the true direction is nearly impossible to discern. There is nothing to make
any differentiation between this tunnel and any other tunnel within the cave
complex. The dark stone is the same throughout the troglodyte caves, with no
variances in the composition of the rock. The air here is stagnant and has no
movement what so ever. The troglodyte people have claimed these naturally
formed caves as their own and have made some small adaptations to fully use the
entire complex to the fullest. There is a small set of iron rungs embedded in
the stone used as a means of getting from this level of the caves to the level
below it. The rungs are sturdy and can support a good deal of weight. One
may travel south or down from this point in the troglodyte cave system.
Obvious exits: -South -Down
A troglodyte female prowls through the caves here.(Red Aura)
Zloin enters from below.
Zloin enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
An earth elemental enters from below.
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
A troglodyte female leaves down.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Dwarf who is close by to your south.
A troglodyte female who is close by below you.
A troglodyte assassin who is close by below you.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
Zone: The Mountain Village of Tentro.
Room: In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
This section of the troglodyte caves is very tight and narrow. The walls
and ceiling seem to be constricting on the tunnel opening. The narrow tunnel
is filled with the familiar smells of rot, decay and must. The troglodyte race
is a race of warriors, few of which are ever found dead. The race is extremely
successful in their night time raids, most often targeting the human colonies
located near this region. The troglodyte warriors usually attack the strongest
looking targets first and work their way down, which shows they are a very
intelligent and deliberate band of hunters. The air here is rather stale as
no drafts or currents move through the cold and dark stone. The ground here
is littered with small scraps of flesh and bone. A good deal of commotion can
be heard somewhere deep in the cave system. One may travel further into the
troglodyte cave system by traveling north or west from this point.
Obvious exits: -North -West
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
A Dwarf (medium) stands here.
Zloin enters from the north.
Zloin enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
An earth elemental enters from the north.
< 403h/403H 179v/184V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A troglodyte berserker who is close by to your west.
A troglodyte female who is close by to your west.
< 403h/403H 180v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok boggles at the concept.
< 403h/403H 182v/184V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 3 ] A Dwarf is knocked to the ground by an earth elemental's mighty bash!
A Dwarf avoids being bashed by an earth elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok starts casting an offensive spell called 'fireball'.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the word 'yufzbarr'
Pok smirks as his fireball explodes into the face of a Dwarf.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf misses an earth elemental.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok starts casting an offensive spell called 'fireball'.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 6 ] An earth elemental's decent crush wounds a Dwarf.
[Damage: 7 ] An earth elemental's fine crush wounds a Dwarf.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the word 'yufzbarr'
Pok smirks as his fireball explodes into the face of a Dwarf.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Casting: earthen maul
Pok starts casting an offensive spell called 'fireball'.
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 141 ] -=[You cause the earth to reach up and crush your opponent!
The unstable nature of your surroundings, causes extreme amounts of extra debris!]=-
A Dwarf is stunned!
< 403h/403H 184v/184V Pos: standing >
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the word 'yufzbarr'
Pok smirks as his fireball explodes into the face of a Dwarf.
A Dwarf's tigerskin shield [superior] melted from the intense heat!
A Dwarf's some holy beads melted from the intense heat!
A Dwarf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.