The death of [32 Zealot] Dlanor (Halfling)

in An Artic Plain

from the perspective of [36 Guardian] Najj Brewed in Blood (Duergar)

<worn as a badge>    a glowing blue crystal
<worn on head>       a blood hawk headdress
<worn on eyes>       a worn pair of sandstorm goggles [superior]
<worn in ear>        a pair of silver earrings with red rubies
<worn in ear>        a steel earring hanging from an obsidian post
<worn on face>       the mask of Tentro (glowing)
<worn around neck>   the service tags of the squad [superior] (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a green Cimmerian chain [poor]
<worn on body>       a heavy suit of guard's platemail [poor]
<worn about body>    a deep hooded cloak of sorrow [87%]
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight [83%]
<worn about waist>   a crude hide girth from The Docks of Quietus Quay
<worn on belt buckle>a hand-carved yo-yo [87%]
<worn on arms>       some mithril and dragonscale arm plates
<held as shield>     the royal shield of Aravne
<worn around wrist>  a spiked purple steel bracer
<worn around wrist>  a tarnished bracelet of platinum links [poor] [88%]
<worn on hands>      the skinned hands of a troll [superior]
<worn on finger>     a green Cimmerian ring
<worn on finger>     a spiked electrum ring
<primary weapon>     a black double-edged shortsword dubbed, Huntsmaster [poor]
<worn on legs>       some mithril and dragonscale leg plates
<worn on feet>       the shoes of sprinting (glowing) [66%]

Your association is not in an alliance!

< 754h/754H 149v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr leaves south.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: A Cobblestone Roadway

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: A Cobblestone Roadway
A Cobblestone Roadway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W#
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A village native greets you with a nod.
A brutish protector stands tall patrolling the area.
Phuc enters from the north.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the north.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the north.
Col enters from the north.

< 754h/754H 152v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 152v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 153v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr leaves east.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: A Raging River

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: A Raging River
A Raging River
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
The corpse of a bruised salmon is lying here.
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Phuc enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
Col enters from the west.

< 754h/754H 152v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr leaves east.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest
The Miaeril Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A wild ratak scurries around incredibly fast.
A wild ratak scurries around incredibly fast.
Phuc enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
Col enters from the west.

< 754h/754H 151v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 152v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 152v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 153v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 154v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 154v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 155v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 156v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 157v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 157v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 158v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?
Zephyr leaves east.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest
The Miaeril Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Phuc enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
Col enters from the west.

< 754h/754H 157v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 158v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 159v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 160v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 160v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?
Zephyr leaves east.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest
The Miaeril Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A wild ratak scurries around incredibly fast.
Phuc enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
Col enters from the west.

< 754h/754H 159v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 159v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 160v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 160v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 162v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 162v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 163v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 163v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 164v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 164v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 165v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A shadowy figure who is rather far off to your north.
A giant terzak who is close by to your south.
A giant terzak who is close by to your south.
A snow fox who is close by to your west.
A shadowy figure who is not far off to your west.
A wild ratak who is not far off to your west.
A wild ratak who is not far off to your west.
A village native who is rather far off to your west.
A brutish protector who is rather far off to your west.
Zephyr settles to his knees.

< 754h/754H 166v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 167v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr rises to his feet.

< 754h/754H 167v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr leaves east.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Phuc enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
Col enters from the west.

< 754h/754H 166v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr leaves north.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A hulking olyx slowly roams the tundra.
Phuc enters from the south.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the south.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the south.
Col enters from the south.

< 754h/754H 164v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A blood hawk who is close by to your north.
A hulking olyx who is close by to your east.
A shadowy figure who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 754h/754H 165v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 165v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 167v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A blood hawk who is close by to your north.
A shadowy figure who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 754h/754H 168v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 168v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A blood hawk who is close by to your north.
A shadowy figure who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 754h/754H 169v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A blood hawk who is close by to your north.
A shadowy figure who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A blood hawk who is close by to your north.
A shadowy figure who is a brief walk away to your west.
Zephyr leaves south.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Phuc enters from the north.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the north.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the north.
Col enters from the north.

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
Epic Zones -----------------------------------------

   Court of the Muse                             (very good)     
   The Chasm of the Misty Vale                   (neutral)       
   The Battlefield                               (slightly good) 
   The Swamp Laboratory of Khul'Lor              (neutral)       
   Clan Stoutdorf Settlement                     (neutral)       
   Kobold Settlement                             (slightly evil) 
   The High Moor Forest                          (neutral)       
   The Stone Tomb of Kelek                       (neutral)       
   Orrak                                         (neutral)       
   Pits of Cerberus                              (neutral)       
   Myrloch Vale                                  (neutral)       
   Pharr Valley Swamp                            (neutral)       
   Village of Werrun                             (neutral)       
   Nizari                                        (neutral)       
   The Dark Stone Tower of the Northern Realms   (neutral)       
   Tower of High Sorcery                         (neutral)       
   Bloodstone Keep                               (neutral)       
   The Temple of the Sun                         (slightly evil) 
   The Elemental Groves                          (neutral)       
   Temple of Flames                              (neutral)       
   Drustl's Yerdonia Enslaved                    (neutral)       
   The Obsidian Citadel                          (neutral)       
   The Ruins of Undermountain                    (neutral)       
   The Mountain of the Banished                  (neutral)       
   Nakral's Crypt                                (neutral)       
   The Outcasts Tower                            (neutral)       
   Fort Boyard                                   (good)          
   Crystalspyre Mountains                        (neutral)       
   The Prisons of Carthapia                      (neutral)       
   Faerie Realm                                  (neutral)       
   The Ruins of Tharnadia's Old Quarter          (neutral)       
   The Fields Between                            (slightly good) 
   The Githyanki Fortress                        (neutral)       
   Labyrinth of No Return                        (neutral)       
   The Desert City of Venan'Trut                 (slightly evil) 
   Rogue Plains                                  (neutral)       
   City of Torrhan                               (slightly evil) 
   The Lair of the Swamp Troll King              (neutral)       
   Zalkapfaan, City of the Headless Horde        (slightly evil) 
  *New Cave city                                 (slightly good) 
   Ice Tower                                     (neutral)       
   Desolate Under Fire                           (neutral)       
   The Citadel                                   (neutral)       
   The Twin Keeps of Devastated Tharnadia        (neutral)       
   IceCrag Castle                                (neutral)       
   Prison of Fort Boyard                         (good)          
  *The Ancient Halls of Ironstar                 (slightly evil) 
   The Jade Empire                               (neutral)       
   Mazzolin                                      (neutral)       
   Forest of Mir                                 (neutral)       
   Quintaragon Castle                            (neutral)       
   The Sky City of Ultarium                      (neutral)       
   Lair of the Gibberling King                   (neutral)       
   Plane of Air                                  (slightly good) 
   The Kingdom of Torg                           (slightly evil) 
   Tribal Oasis                                  (good)          
   The Para-Elemental Plane of Smoke             (neutral)       
   Plane of Water                                (neutral)       
   Shadamehr Keep                                (neutral)       
   The Temple to Skrentherlog                    (neutral)       
   Alatorin - the Forge City                     (neutral)       
   The Trakkia Mountains                         (slightly evil) 
  *The Ethereal Plane                            (slightly good) 
   The Caverns of Armageddon                     (neutral)       
  *The Forest City of Aravne                     (slightly evil) 
   Plane of Fire                                 (neutral)       
   Ruined Temple of Tezcatlipoca                 (neutral)       
   The Astral Plane                              (neutral)       
   Jotunheim                                     (neutral)       
   The Transparent Tower                         (neutral)       
   Krethik Keep                                  (slightly evil) 
   Temple of the Earth                           (neutral)       
   Sea Kingdom                                   (slightly good) 
   Plane of Earth                                (neutral)       
   Sevenoaks                                     (neutral)       
   The Keep of Evil                              (neutral)       
   The Forgotten Mansion                         (neutral)       
   Domain of Lost Souls                          (neutral)       
   The Hall of Knighthood                        (neutral)       
   The Depths of Duris                           (neutral)       
   Arachdrathos Guilds                           (neutral)       
   Valley of the Snow Ogres                      (neutral)       
   The Great Shaboath                            (neutral)       
   The Tempest Court                             (neutral)       
   Pit of Dragons                                (neutral)       
   Ny'Neth                                       (neutral)       
   Lost Temple of Tikitzopl                      (neutral)       
   The Scorched Valley                           (neutral)       
   The Realm of Barovia                          (neutral)       
   The Royal Mausoleum of Castle IceCrag         (neutral)       
   Plane of Fire, Brass                          (neutral)       
   Githzerai Stronghold                          (neutral)       
   Ceothia                                       (neutral)       
   Tiamat                                        (neutral)       
   The Fortress of Dreams                        (neutral)       
   Bahamut's Palace                              (neutral)       
   Dragonnia                                     (neutral)       
   The Charcoal Palace                           (neutral)       
   Vecna's Tomb                                  (neutral)       
   Ny'Neth's Stronghold                          (neutral)       
   Apocalypse Castle                             (neutral)       
   The Realm of Barovia Continued                (neutral)       
   The Hall of the Ancients                      (neutral)       
   The Bronze Citadel                            (neutral)       
   Ny'Neth's Stronghold Continued                (neutral)       
   Negative Material Plane                       (neutral)       
   Celestial Plane                               (neutral)       
   The 222nd Layer of the Abyss                  (neutral)       
   Castle Ravenloft                              (neutral)       

* = already completed this boot.

< 754h/754H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A hulking olyx who is close by to your north.
A blood hawk who is not far off to your north.
A Halfling who is a brief walk away to your north.
A wild ratak who is close by to your west.
A shadowy figure who is a brief walk away to your west.
A wild ratak who is a brief walk away to your west.
A wild ratak who is a brief walk away to your west.
A village native who is in the distance to your west.
A brutish protector who is in the distance to your west.
Zephyr boggles at the concept.

< 754h/754H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A hulking olyx who is close by to your north.
A blood hawk who is not far off to your north.
A Halfling who is a brief walk away to your north.
A wild ratak who is close by to your west.
A shadowy figure who is a brief walk away to your west.
A wild ratak who is a brief walk away to your west.
A wild ratak who is a brief walk away to your west.
A village native who is in the distance to your west.
A brutish protector who is in the distance to your west.

< 754h/754H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 173v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?
Zephyr leaves west.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: The Miaeril Forest
The Miaeril Forest
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A wild ratak scurries around incredibly fast.
Phuc enters from the east.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the east.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the east.
Col enters from the east.

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?
Zephyr leaves east.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Phuc enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
Col enters from the west.

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?
Zephyr leaves north.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Phuc enters from the south.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the south.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the south.
Col enters from the south.

< 754h/754H 169v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?
Zephyr leaves north.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A hulking olyx slowly roams the tundra.
A blood hawk flaunts its wingspan in a taunting gesture.
Phuc enters from the south.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the south.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the south.
Col enters from the south.

< 754h/754H 169v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 169v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 171v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >

< 754h/754H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 173v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 174v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr leaves east.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -E# -S -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A hulking olyx slowly roams the tundra.
A hulking olyx slowly roams the tundra.
A hulking olyx slowly roams the tundra.
A giant terzak skitters about hissing.
Phuc enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the west.
Col enters from the west.

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
A blood hawk enters from the west.
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?
Zephyr settles to his knees.

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Bash who?

< 754h/754H 172v/174V Pos: standing >
Zephyr crawls south.
You follow Zephyr.

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain

Zone: Miaeril Village.
Room: An Artic Plain
An Artic Plain
Obvious exits: -N -W
*Zephyr WindMaker - Brewed in Blood (Githyanki)(medium) crouches in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A Halfling (small) stands, floating here.
A Githzerai (medium)  < The Commonwealth > stands, floating here.
Phuc enters from the north.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the north.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier enters from the north.
Col enters from the north.

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
[Damage:  6 ] Your skillful bash knocks a Halfling to the ground!

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: Najj TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Halfling sit EP:  few wounds >
 A Githzerai leaves west.

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: Najj TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Halfling sit EP:  few wounds >
 Phuc gives an order to his followers.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier starts casting an offensive spell.
Phuc snaps into visibility.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier snaps into visibility.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier starts casting an offensive spell.
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier snaps into visibility.

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: Najj TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Halfling sit EP:  few wounds >
 The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier completes its spell...
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier's fist beats the life out of a Halfling, blood pours from his body!

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: Najj TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Halfling sit EP: pretty hurt >
 A Halfling says 'Beh fur gorhivinets end be sawed!'
A Halfling misses you.
A Halfling misses you.
A Halfling misses you.
A Halfling misses you.
A Halfling blocks your futile lunge at him.
[Damage: 11 ] -=[Your impressive slash strikes a Halfling very hard.]=-
[Damage: 12 ] -=[Your impressive slash seriously wounds a Halfling.]=-

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: Najj TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Halfling sit EP: pretty hurt >
 Col starts casting an offensive spell.
Col snaps into visibility.

< 754h/754H 170v/174V Pos: standing >
< T: Najj TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Halfling sit EP: pretty hurt >
 The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier completes its spell...
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
The wraith of a grumbling ogre soldier's fist beats the life out of a Halfling, blood pours from his body!
A Halfling's soldiers black-bone shield was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Halfling's pair of thick hydra-hide gloves [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Halfling's spiked limestone medallion was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Halfling's soldiers black-bone ring was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Halfling is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!