<worn as a badge> the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water
<worn on head> a sun halo (magic) (glowing)
<worn on eyes> a pair of gnomish eyeglasses (magic)
<worn in ear> a glowing jade earring (glowing)
<worn in ear> a scale of pulsating darkness
<worn on face> a lithixl beak [superior]
<worn around neck> a masterly-crafted sapphire pendant
<worn around neck> some kharma mind beads (magic)
<worn on body> a sloppy shirt made from dragonscales
<worn about body> the cloak of multi-colored beads (magic) (glowing)
<worn as quiver> a glowing bard sack [superior] (glowing)
<worn about waist> a belt of braided mithril [superior] (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>the lost book of 'Magic'
<attached to belt> an eagle feather quill
<worn on arms> some cracked bone arm bracers
<held as shield> a shadow dragon scale
<worn around wrist> a diamond bracelet (magic)
<worn around wrist> a diamond bracelet (magic)
<worn on hands> the gloves of randomness (magic)
<worn on finger> a band of fiery persistance
<worn on finger> a band of flowing water [superior]
<primary weapon> a rune-covered svalich wood quarterstaff [superior] (magic)
<worn on legs> greaves of avoidance [superior] [80%]
<worn on feet> boots of endurance [superior]
Obvious exits: -North -East
A large bass splashes in the water.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thri-kreen sentry who is not far off to your north.
A Vampire who is not far off to your east.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thri-kreen sentry who is not far off to your north.
A Vampire who is close by to your east.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -East -West
A Vampire (medium) stands, floating here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Vampire leaves west.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
Up a Tall Tree
The size of this tree is immeasurable. It could easily supply a large city
with lumber for an entire year or two, it must be centuries old to be so large.
Large pegs in the tree would give an adventurer adequate means to support his
or her weight as they scale it. It's bark is incredibly strong, tougher than
the strongest leather and is nearly as dense as steel. Huge branches above look
as though they could support the weight of several hundred people all at once.
Obvious exits: -Up -Down
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights downward.
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights downward.
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights downward.
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights downward.
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights downward.
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights downward.
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You failed.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -East -West
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
On a Flowing River
The river is flowing steadily to the northeast. A few fish leap out of the
water and reenter the river in with a loud splash. The water is fresh, which is
convenient for those who would wish to bathe. The huge tropical trees on the
edge of the river sprout up about thirty or forty feet into the air, they must
be a couple of hundred years old. The vines that dangle down from them hide
any possible traversable escape from from the river's current, which runs east.
Obvious exits: -North -East
A large bass splashes in the water.
< 416h/416H 242v/247V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -North -South
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
Hint: Type 'score' to get some information about your character.
A Cleared Pathway
The trees have been cut to their base to give way to space. It is obvious
that the trees must have inhibited some sort of work that was in progress, so
they were cut to provide adequate room. A large worn pathway through the
thick vegetation runs northward and southwards. Weeds and vines stick out and
hang around to further inhibit the path of travel, as slight as it maybe.
Whatever kind of work or exhibition that is going must not have been pressed to
further clear the selected path route, for a great many vegetation still makes
the pathway difficult to travel.
Obvious exits: -North -South
A thri-kreen sentry ensures none of the slaves escapes.
< 416h/416H 242v/247V Pos: standing >
You failed.
< 416h/416H 244v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A centaur slave who is close by to your north.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is a brief walk away to your north.
A cow who is rather far off to your north.
A hearty mule who is rather far off to your north.
A large bass who is not far off to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A centaur slave who is close by to your north.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is a brief walk away to your north.
A barbarian slave who is rather far off to your north.
A cow who is rather far off to your north.
A large bass who is not far off to your south.
< 416h/416H 246v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Here one of the brighter thri-kreens used his brain. He decided to capture
slaves and force them to work doing what humanoids do best, farm. And farm they
do, in order to survive. Let's face it, if humanoids were good for anything it
would have to be farming. If they were any good at war they wouldn't be caught
in the predicament they now face, farm or die. Many columns and rows of corn
have been planted and now are in full growth. They rise well above five feet.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A centaur slave plows the field.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is not far off to your north.
A barbarian slave who is a brief walk away to your north.
A cow who is a brief walk away to your north.
A hearty mule who is a brief walk away to your north.
A thri-kreen sentry who is close by to your south.
A large bass who is a brief walk away to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is not far off to your north.
A barbarian slave who is a brief walk away to your north.
A cow who is a brief walk away to your north.
A hearty mule who is a brief walk away to your north.
A thri-kreen sentry who is close by to your south.
A large bass who is a brief walk away to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Here one of the brighter thri-kreens used his brain. He decided to capture
slaves and force them to work doing what humanoids do best, farm. And farm they
do, in order to survive. Let's face it, if humanoids were good for anything it
would have to be farming. If they were any good at war they wouldn't be caught
in the predicament they now face, farm or die. Many columns and rows of corn
have been planted and now are in full growth. They rise well above five feet.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Here one of the brighter thri-kreens used his brain. He decided to capture
slaves and force them to work doing what humanoids do best, farm. And farm they
do, in order to survive. Let's face it, if humanoids were good for anything it
would have to be farming. If they were any good at war they wouldn't be caught
in the predicament they now face, farm or die. Many columns and rows of corn
have been planted and now are in full growth. They rise well above five feet.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A thri-kreen taskmaster cracks his whip.
< 416h/416H 241v/247V Pos: standing >
A Grazing Field
This field has been cleared of all tress, stumps, and large rocks. The few
rocks that are in the this tropical forest have been broken into smaller rocks
and now line this section of the forest. Here the thri-kreen's keep cow and
sheep that they have confiscated from nearby human settlements. This supply
of meet keeps the thri-kreen from having to actually hunt for their food which
keep them well nutritioned and seasoned for upcoming campaigns against foes.
Obvious exits: -South
A barbarian slave works the fields.
A cow bites down hard upon a twig.
A hearty mule nibbles upon some grass.
< 416h/416H 240v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is close by to your south.
A centaur slave who is a brief walk away to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is rather far off to your south.
< 416h/416H 242v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is close by to your south.
A centaur slave who is a brief walk away to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is rather far off to your south.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Here one of the brighter thri-kreens used his brain. He decided to capture
slaves and force them to work doing what humanoids do best, farm. And farm they
do, in order to survive. Let's face it, if humanoids were good for anything it
would have to be farming. If they were any good at war they wouldn't be caught
in the predicament they now face, farm or die. Many columns and rows of corn
have been planted and now are in full growth. They rise well above five feet.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A thri-kreen taskmaster cracks his whip.
< 416h/416H 242v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is close by to your north.
A cow who is close by to your north.
A hearty mule who is close by to your north.
A Vampire who is close by to your east.
A half-elf slave who is close by to your east.
A halfling slave who is close by to your east.
A centaur slave who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is in the distance to your south.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Vampire enters from the east.
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is close by to your north.
A cow who is close by to your north.
A hearty mule who is close by to your north.
A half-elf slave who is close by to your east.
A halfling slave who is close by to your east.
A centaur slave who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is in the distance to your south.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A Vampire (medium) stands, floating here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A thri-kreen taskmaster cracks his whip.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A Vampire leaves north.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
A Grazing Field
This field has been cleared of all tress, stumps, and large rocks. The few
rocks that are in the this tropical forest have been broken into smaller rocks
and now line this section of the forest. Here the thri-kreen's keep cow and
sheep that they have confiscated from nearby human settlements. This supply
of meet keeps the thri-kreen from having to actually hunt for their food which
keep them well nutritioned and seasoned for upcoming campaigns against foes.
Obvious exits: -South
A Vampire (medium) stands, floating here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A barbarian slave works the fields.
A cow bites down hard upon a twig.
A hearty mule nibbles upon some grass.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
A Grazing Field
This field has been cleared of all tress, stumps, and large rocks. The few
rocks that are in the this tropical forest have been broken into smaller rocks
and now line this section of the forest. Here the thri-kreen's keep cow and
sheep that they have confiscated from nearby human settlements. This supply
of meet keeps the thri-kreen from having to actually hunt for their food which
keep them well nutritioned and seasoned for upcoming campaigns against foes.
Obvious exits: -South
A Vampire (medium) stands, floating here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A barbarian slave works the fields.
A cow bites down hard upon a twig.
A hearty mule nibbles upon some grass.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A Vampire enters from the north.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A thri-kreen taskmaster leaves west.
A Vampire leaves south.
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
A Grazing Field
This field has been cleared of all tress, stumps, and large rocks. The few
rocks that are in the this tropical forest have been broken into smaller rocks
and now line this section of the forest. Here the thri-kreen's keep cow and
sheep that they have confiscated from nearby human settlements. This supply
of meet keeps the thri-kreen from having to actually hunt for their food which
keep them well nutritioned and seasoned for upcoming campaigns against foes.
Obvious exits: -South
A barbarian slave works the fields.
A cow bites down hard upon a twig.
A hearty mule nibbles upon some grass.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is close by to your north.
A cow who is close by to your north.
A hearty mule who is close by to your north.
A halfling slave who is close by to your east.
A centaur slave who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is in the distance to your south.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is close by to your west.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is close by to your north.
A cow who is close by to your north.
A hearty mule who is close by to your north.
A halfling slave who is close by to your east.
A centaur slave who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is in the distance to your south.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is close by to your west.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is close by to your north.
A cow who is close by to your north.
A hearty mule who is close by to your north.
A halfling slave who is close by to your east.
A centaur slave who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is in the distance to your south.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is close by to your west.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is close by to your north.
A cow who is close by to your north.
A hearty mule who is close by to your north.
A halfling slave who is close by to your east.
A Vampire who is not far off to your south.
A centaur slave who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is in the distance to your south.
A thri-kreen taskmaster who is close by to your west.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Here one of the brighter thri-kreens used his brain. He decided to capture
slaves and force them to work doing what humanoids do best, farm. And farm they
do, in order to survive. Let's face it, if humanoids were good for anything it
would have to be farming. If they were any good at war they wouldn't be caught
in the predicament they now face, farm or die. Many columns and rows of corn
have been planted and now are in full growth. They rise well above five feet.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is not far off to your north.
A cow who is not far off to your north.
A hearty mule who is not far off to your north.
A half-elf slave who is close by to your east.
A centaur slave who is close by to your south.
A Vampire who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is not far off to your south.
A large bass who is rather far off to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is not far off to your north.
A cow who is not far off to your north.
A hearty mule who is not far off to your north.
A half-elf slave who is close by to your east.
A centaur slave who is close by to your south.
A Vampire who is not far off to your south.
A thri-kreen sentry who is not far off to your south.
A large bass who is rather far off to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
A Field of Corn
Here one of the brighter thri-kreens used his brain. He decided to capture
slaves and force them to work doing what humanoids do best, farm. And farm they
do, in order to survive. Let's face it, if humanoids were good for anything it
would have to be farming. If they were any good at war they wouldn't be caught
in the predicament they now face, farm or die. Many columns and rows of corn
have been planted and now are in full growth. They rise well above five feet.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West
A centaur slave plows the field.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is a brief walk away to your north.
A cow who is a brief walk away to your north.
A hearty mule who is a brief walk away to your north.
A thri-kreen sentry who is close by to your south.
A Vampire who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is a brief walk away to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is a brief walk away to your north.
A cow who is a brief walk away to your north.
A hearty mule who is a brief walk away to your north.
A thri-kreen sentry who is close by to your south.
A Vampire who is a brief walk away to your south.
A large bass who is a brief walk away to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
A Cleared Pathway
The trees have been cut to their base to give way to space. It is obvious
that the trees must have inhibited some sort of work that was in progress, so
they were cut to provide adequate room. A large worn pathway through the
thick vegetation runs northward and southwards. Weeds and vines stick out and
hang around to further inhibit the path of travel, as slight as it maybe.
Whatever kind of work or exhibition that is going must not have been pressed to
further clear the selected path route, for a great many vegetation still makes
the pathway difficult to travel.
Obvious exits: -North -South
A thri-kreen sentry ensures none of the slaves escapes.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -North -South
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
On a Flowing River
The river is flowing steadily to the northeast. A few fish leap out of the
water and reenter the river in with a loud splash. The water is fresh, which is
convenient for those who would wish to bathe. The huge tropical trees on the
edge of the river sprout up about thirty or forty feet into the air, they must
be a couple of hundred years old. The vines that dangle down from them hide
any possible traversable escape from from the river's current, which runs east.
Obvious exits: -North -East
A Vampire (medium) stands, floating here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A large bass splashes in the water.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Vampire leaves east.
< 416h/416H 246v/247V Pos: standing >
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A Vampire enters from the east.
On a Flowing River
Obvious exits: -North -East
A Vampire (medium) stands, floating here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A large bass splashes in the water.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
A Vampire leaves north.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
On a Flowing River
Obvious exits: -North -East
A large bass splashes in the water.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -East -West
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
A Confusing Path through the Forest
This forest is scary. The endless number of thick, seamless trees play
tricks with one's mind. Even the most skillful woodsmen in the realms could
get lost in here. However, something in the air says that this forest is not
a place to fear, rather one get's the feeling that the tress forma sense of
tranquility. This place would be an ideal place for some of the weaker animals
to hide out in order to avoid their predators, which are numerous.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South
A crane fly flies freely through the air.
An earthly beetle scurries in the grass.
A crane fly flies freely through the air.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
A crane fly leaves east.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You failed.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A crane fly who is close by to your east.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
An earthly beetle who is close by to your east.
A gigantic anaconda who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
An earthly beetle who is close by to your east.
A gigantic anaconda who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An earthly beetle who is close by to your east.
A gigantic anaconda who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A crane fly who is close by to your east.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
An earthly beetle who is close by to your east.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A crane fly who is close by to your east.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
An earthly beetle who is close by to your east.
A gigantic anaconda who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A crane fly who is close by to your east.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
A gigantic anaconda who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
A gigantic anaconda who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A crane fly who is close by to your east.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A fire ant who is close by to your east.
A chimp who is close by to your east.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
A Large Ravine
This huge ravine looks more like a crater. To wander down it would surely
take some time and would tax the most strongest of travelers. The tropical
forest doesn't seem to care of its existence however. Trees and the animals
that reside within them are numerous indeed. Something peculiar sticks out of
the ordinary however, something similar to that of other forests, game trails.
Only this can't be a game trail, for no game live within tropical forests,
which leads to one conclusion. Someone else, a humanoid being perhaps, lives
in this forest. A tough task ahead to discern which being it may be lays ahead.
A large cabin is visible just before the ravine, it looks like a some sort of
human construction from the make of it. It could be a mission.
Obvious exits: -North -East -South -West -Up -Down
A large cabin looks abandoned.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A crane fly who is close by to your south.
An earthly beetle who is close by to your south.
A blow fly who is not far off to your south.
A gigantic anaconda who is not far off to your south.
A large bass who is not far off to your west.
A small squirrel who is close by above you.
A small squirrel who is a brief walk away above you.
A small squirrel who is a brief walk away above you.
A thri-kreen scout who is rather far off above you.
< 416h/416H 244v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A crane fly who is close by to your south.
An earthly beetle who is close by to your south.
A blow fly who is not far off to your south.
A gigantic anaconda who is not far off to your south.
A large bass who is not far off to your west.
A small squirrel who is a brief walk away above you.
A small squirrel who is a brief walk away above you.
A thri-kreen scout who is rather far off above you.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -East -West
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
On a Flowing River
The river is flowing steadily to the northeast. A few fish leap out of the
water and reenter the river in with a loud splash. The water is fresh, which is
convenient for those who would wish to bathe. The huge tropical trees on the
edge of the river sprout up about thirty or forty feet into the air, they must
be a couple of hundred years old. The vines that dangle down from them hide
any possible traversable escape from from the river's current, which runs east.
Obvious exits: -North -East
A large bass splashes in the water.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Vampire who is not far off to your north.
A thri-kreen sentry who is not far off to your north.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Vampire who is not far off to your north.
A thri-kreen sentry who is not far off to your north.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -North -South
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
The Edge of a River
The river flower smoothly. It is clear that most of the animals in here use
this river as daily refreshment. The trees sprout up all along the river and
their branches hang out over it, with vines dangling loosely over dripping
moisture to the river below. It would be a difficult task to traverse the river
if the need ever did arise, for it must be at least twenty feet deep. Fish
of all sorts must be in the river, which serves as another source of food for
the hawks and other omnivores of the wildlife.
Obvious exits: -North -South
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A Vampire who is close by to your north.
A thri-kreen sentry who is close by to your north.
A barbarian slave who is in the distance to your north.
A cow who is in the distance to your north.
A hearty mule who is in the distance to your north.
A large bass who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A barbarian slave who is in the distance to your north.
A hearty mule who is in the distance to your north.
A large bass who is close by to your south.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
A Cleared Pathway
The trees have been cut to their base to give way to space. It is obvious
that the trees must have inhibited some sort of work that was in progress, so
they were cut to provide adequate room. A large worn pathway through the
thick vegetation runs northward and southwards. Weeds and vines stick out and
hang around to further inhibit the path of travel, as slight as it maybe.
Whatever kind of work or exhibition that is going must not have been pressed to
further clear the selected path route, for a great many vegetation still makes
the pathway difficult to travel.
Obvious exits: -North -South
A Vampire (medium) sits resting. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A thri-kreen sentry ensures none of the slaves escapes.
< 416h/416H 245v/247V Pos: standing >
A Cleared Pathway
The trees have been cut to their base to give way to space. It is obvious
that the trees must have inhibited some sort of work that was in progress, so
they were cut to provide adequate room. A large worn pathway through the
thick vegetation runs northward and southwards. Weeds and vines stick out and
hang around to further inhibit the path of travel, as slight as it maybe.
Whatever kind of work or exhibition that is going must not have been pressed to
further clear the selected path route, for a great many vegetation still makes
the pathway difficult to travel.
Obvious exits: -North -South
A Vampire (medium) sits resting. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A thri-kreen sentry ensures none of the slaves escapes.
< 416h/416H 243v/247V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.
< 416h/416H 244v/247V Pos: standing >
Casting: hammer
A Vampire clambers to her feet.
A Vampire, looking very frustrated, packs up her book.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
A Vampire raises hands performing an arcane gesture and some of your spell's energy is dispersed.
[Damage: 78 ] -=[Your massive hammer causes a Vampire to double over in pain!]=-
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Casting: hammer
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Your spell flows around a Vampire, leaving her unharmed!
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Casting: hammer
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 107 ] -=[Your massive hammer causes a Vampire to double over in pain!]=-
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Casting: hammer
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Your spell flows around a Vampire, leaving her unharmed!
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Hint: Intelligence affects how easily you can search for hidden items or exits and affects how quickly Magic-User classes memorize spells.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
Casting: hammer
< 416h/416H 247v/247V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 15 ] -=[Your massive hammer causes a Vampire to double over in pain!]=-
A Vampire's stout oaken cudgel was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Vampire's some white leggings [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Vampire's toolbelt with ingredient pouches [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Vampire's drow-made leather quiver was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Vampire is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.