The death of [51 Forest Druid] Quee < The Commonwealth > (Halfling)

in A Trade Path Heading into a Ravine

from the perspective of [51 Elementalist] Beltorin Brewed in Blood (Shade)

<worn as a badge>    an emblem of Shanatar royalty (magic) [81%]
<worn on head>       the royal crown of Aravne (magic) [64%]
<worn on eyes>       the eyes of undead fire (magic) (glowing) [28%]
<worn in ear>        a tiny diorite ear stud (magic) [80%]
<worn in ear>        a wad of spawn goo [superior] (magic) (humming) [60%]
<worn on face>       a translucent crystal hemisphere [poor] (magic) (glowing) [73%]
<worn around neck>   a spectral holy symbol of Berronar Truesilver [79%]
<worn around neck>   a spiked torque of dwarven kind (magic) [87%]
<worn on body>       an imperceptable shroud of stars [superior] (invis) (magic) (glowing) (humming) [54%]
<worn about body>    an ethereal symbiote of the inner planes of health (magic) (humming) [88%]
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight with a strange sharp rubin (magic) [55%]
<worn about waist>   a waistband of rock and stone [superior] with a strange dark bloodstone (magic)
<worn on belt buckle>a dreamcasters scepter of stars [69%]
<worn on arms>       a pair of chromium dragonscale vambraces (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of influence of endurance (magic) [70%]
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide of damage (magic) (humming)
<worn on hands>      a pair of gauntlets formed of dust [poor]
<worn on finger>     a ring called 'Soulcatcher'
<worn on finger>     a ring called 'Soulcatcher' (invis)
<held>               the three-pronged totem of the Naga Queen (magic)[204h 28m 15s]
<held>               the orb of elemental fire (magic) (glowing)[204h 28m 15s]
<worn on legs>       some shin-guards of subterfuge [superior]
<worn on feet>       the boots of speed of endurance (magic) [88%]

Endless Plains of Grassy Pastures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 778h/778H 158v/218V Pos: standing >
Endless Plains of Grassy Pastures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 778h/778H 156v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 157v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 159v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 778h/778H 160v/218V Pos: standing >
Endless Plains of Grassy Pastures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 778h/778H 159v/218V Pos: standing >
Endless Plains of Grassy Pastures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W

< 778h/778H 158v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 159v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 161v/218V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 778h/778H 165v/218V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(11th circle)  1 - cascading elemental beam
(10th circle)  1 - etherportal
               3 - gaseous cloud
( 9th circle)  5 - arieks shattering iceball
( 8th circle)  1 - scathing wind
               2 - corrosive blast
               1 - spirit jump
( 7th circle)  4 - greater soul disturbance
               1 - elephantstrength
               1 - elemental affinity
( 6th circle)  7 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  8 - molten spray
( 4th circle)  4 - pantherspeed
               3 - summon beast
               1 - hawkvision
               1 - mending
( 3rd circle)  5 - scalding blast
               3 - purify spirit
               2 - fire ward
( 2nd circle) 10 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  8 - ice missile
               3 - spirit armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    1 seconds:  ( 8th) spirit jump

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 778h/778H 166v/218V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing spirit jump.
You snap out of your meditative trance, memorization complete.

< 778h/778H 179v/218V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 778h/778H 185v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 187v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 188v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 189v/218V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 778h/778H 190v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 192v/218V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal ***

< 778h/778H 194v/218V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal **

< 778h/778H 198v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 199v/218V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal *

< 778h/778H 202v/218V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
The air explodes around you, revealing a glowing portal of energy!


< 778h/778H 206v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 210v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 213v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 217v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
As you enter the etherportal, you feel yourself being torn into a thousand
pieces, scattered over the entirety of reality. Bits of your shattered
consciousness float randomly about the universe with no overall
direction or purpose.  Suddenly, you find yourself elsewhere..
The Twisted Woods
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
Beams of light appear from nowhere, and implode into Mussa!

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
Mussa stops following Mis.
Mussa starts following you.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
The Twisted Woods
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
*Mussa Caskling Brewed in Blood (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Beltorin

Level: 51   Race: Shade   Class: Shaman / Elementalist Sex: Male
Hit points: 778(778)  Moves: 218(218)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 86%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +12.97   Deaths:   32
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life
Protected from: Fire Cold Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward
Enchantments:   Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Haste Sneaking Sparkling
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.66 
Leaderboard Points: 3783 

Active Spells:
vitality (4 minutes)
elemental affinity (15 minutes)
lionrage (27 minutes)
spirit armor (37 minutes)
elephantstrength (38 minutes)
hawkvision (7 minutes)
rested bonus (9 minutes)
detect invisibility (47 minutes)

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An elite Tharnadian warrior stands here, poised and ready for combat.(Gold Aura)

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
The sun rises over the northern horizon.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
The Twisted Woods
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
*Mussa Caskling Brewed in Blood (ShadowBeast)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
An elite Tharnadian warrior stands here, poised and ready for combat.(Gold Aura)

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is close by to your north.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You follow Lip.

A Sloped and Rocky Hillside
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 778h/778H 216v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 216v/218V Pos: standing >
You follow Lip.

A Sloped and Rocky Hillside
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 778h/778H 214v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 214v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 214v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A sand viper who is almost out of sight to your south.

< 778h/778H 217v/218V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You follow Lip.

An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
You quickly scan the area.
A Halfling who is close by to your east.
A Vampire who is close by to your east.
The smiling cleric who is close by to your east.
The scarred mage who is close by to your east.
An elite Tharnadian warrior who is not far off to your west.
A barbarian mercenary who is almost out of sight to your west.

< 778h/778H 216v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 216v/218V Pos: standing >
Lip sneaks south.
You follow Lip.

A Sloped and Rocky Hillside
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Mussa sneaks in from the north.
You quickly scan the area.
A sand viper who is almost out of sight to your south.

< 778h/778H 215v/218V Pos: standing >

< 778h/778H 215v/218V Pos: standing >
You failed.

< 778h/778H 215v/218V Pos: standing >
Lip sneaks north.
You follow Lip.

An Immaculate Stone Highway
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 778h/778H 216v/218V Pos: standing >
You follow Lip.

Zone: Woodseer.
Room: A Trade Path Heading into a Ravine

Zone: Woodseer.
Room: A Trade Path Heading into a Ravine
A Trade Path Heading into a Ravine
Obvious exits: -W -U -D
A large wooden sign stands here.
Lip Caskling Brewed in Blood (Orc)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A Halfling (tiny)  < The Commonwealth > stands in mid-air here.
A brightly glowing torch floats near a Halfling's head. (Illuminating)
A Vampire (medium) stands in mid-air here. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A halfling cleric stands here smiling at everything around her.(Gold Aura)
One of the few mages in the Woodseer guard helps keep watch here.(Gold Aura)
Mussa sneaks in from the west.

< 778h/778H 215v/218V Pos: standing >
Lip tackles a Halfling square in the chest knocking the wind out of him!

< 778h/778H 215v/218V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 778h/778H 216v/218V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Vampire.
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
[Damage: 295 ] -=[Your blast of molten spray slams into a Vampire, burning holes into his flesh.]=-
The vile creature burns and sizzles!

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
A Vampire suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A Vampire's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
A Vampire is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 778h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.
The smiling cleric suddenly attacks YOU!
-=[The smiling cleric's punch wounds you.]=-
[Damage:  4 ] -=[The smiling cleric suffers from contact with the aura about you.]=-
The scarred mage suddenly attacks YOU!
-=[The scarred mage's fine punch wounds you.]=-
The globe around the scarred mage's body flares as it bears the brunt of your assault!

< 753h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
< 753h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 You complete your spell...
You point at a Halfling.
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 159 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a Halfling, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-
Lip's attack glances off of a Halfling's stone hide!
Lip's slash grazes a Halfling.
Lip's darksteel rapier [poor] with a strange black stone murmurs some strange incantations...
Lip's concussion blast rips into a Halfling, shattering his soul!
Lip's weak pierce grazes a Halfling.
Lip's crude slash grazes a Halfling.
Lip's weak slash grazes a Halfling.

< 753h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 Mussa snaps into visibility.
A Vampire's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
A Vampire's elven longsword [superior] shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Vampire is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The last gasps of a Vampire cause a sickening chill to run up your spine.

< 753h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 Lip parries a Halfling's lunge at him.
Lip's intercepts a Halfling's attack with darksteel rapier [poor] with a strange black stone with eloquent ease.
Lip's slash grazes a Halfling.
Lip's impressive slash wounds a Halfling.
Lip parries a Halfling's lunge at him.
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 753h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 753h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 Casting: arieks shattering iceball 

< 753h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 You dodge the scarred mage's vicious attack.
-=[The scarred mage's fine punch wounds you.]=-
The globe around the scarred mage's body flares as it bears the brunt of your assault!
The scarred mage starts casting an offensive spell.
-=[The smiling cleric's decent punch wounds you.]=-
[Damage:  4 ] -=[The smiling cleric suffers from contact with the aura about you.]=-
-=[The smiling cleric's fine punch wounds you.]=-
[Damage:  4 ] -=[The smiling cleric suffers from contact with the aura about you.]=-
The smiling cleric starts casting an offensive spell.

< 715h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC:few scratches E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 Mussa snaps into visibility.
You complete your spell...
You point at a Halfling.
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 147 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a Halfling, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-
The smiling cleric completes her spell...
The smiling cleric utters the words 'parl xafe'
Mussa wavers in agony, as the positive energies sent by the smiling cleric purge her essence!
The smiling cleric sends Mussa reeling with a holy word.
Nooo! The holy power of the smiling cleric is almost too much...
-=[You are sent reeling by the smiling cleric's holy word.]=-
The smiling cleric sends Lip reeling with a holy word.
The smiling cleric sends a Halfling reeling with a holy word.
A Halfling's wisp of shimmering faerie light is burned by the light!

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 A Halfling suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
Mussa snaps into visibility.
A Halfling's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 The smiling cleric dodges your futile attack.
You miss the smiling cleric.
You snap into visibility.
A Halfling clambers to his feet.

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 You start chanting...

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 A Halfling dodges Lip's attack.
A Halfling dodges Lip's attack.
Lip's attack glances off of a Halfling's stone hide!
Lip's weak slash grazes a Halfling.
A Halfling dodges Lip's attack.
A Halfling's face turns pale as Lip slams his head into his face.
Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 A Halfling misses Lip.
Lip dodges a Halfling's attack.
A Halfling misses Lip.

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 Casting: arieks shattering iceball 

< 680h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 The scarred mage completes her spell...
The scarred mage utters the word 'wzhzafgxabraw'
The scarred mage conjures up a fearsome meteor swarm!
-=[The scarred mage smashes you with her swarm of meteors, stunning you.]=-
The scarred mage massacres Lip to little pieces with her meteor swarm.

< 608h/778H 218v/218V Pos: standing >
< T: Beltorin TP: sta TC: small wounds E: halfling sta EP: few scratches >
 You complete your spell...
You point at a Halfling.
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 162 ] -=[Your iceball shatters upon impacting a Halfling, rending flesh and sending blood flying.]=-
Mussa snaps into visibility.
A Halfling's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
A Halfling's spectral holy symbol of Berronar Truesilver shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Halfling's druidic necklace of fish scales shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Halfling's pair of insulated pants [superior] shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Halfling's masterly-crafted dragonscale eyepatch shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Halfling's silken backsheath of flight shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Halfling is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Beltorin by 13333333.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!