<worn on head> a dark blue hood [superior]
<worn on face> a mask of sewn flesh [superior]
<worn around neck> a necklace of dwarf eyes [superior]
<worn on body> a suit of bark coated armor [83%]
<worn on horse body> a leather saddle
<worn about waist> a belt of ragged flesh [superior]
<worn on arms> a pair of dwarf-hide sleeves
<held as shield> a granite shield with the storm crest
<worn around wrist> some oddly engraved bracers [poor]
<worn around wrist> some strange bracers [superior]
<worn on hands> the gloves of tearing [poor]
<worn on finger> a silvery ring studded with gems [poor]
<worn on finger> a dark blue ring [superior]
< 193h/741H 142v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 196h/741H 143v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 197h/741H 143v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 200h/741H 144v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 203h/741H 145v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 205h/741H 145v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 207h/741H 146v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 210h/741H 147v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 213h/741H 148v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 214h/741H 148v/259V Pos: standing >
It's already closed!
< 216h/741H 149v/259V Pos: standing >
You feel nature's energy flow into your 6th circle of knowledge.
< 220h/741H 150v/259V Pos: standing >
You currently have the following spell slots available:
1st circle: 10 of 10
2nd circle: 9 of 9
3rd circle: 8 of 8
4th circle: 0 of 7 ( 63 seconds)
5th circle: 0 of 7 ( 71 seconds)
6th circle: 3 of 6 ( 33 seconds)
7th circle: 4 of 4
8th circle: 2 of 2
< 240h/741H 156v/259V Pos: standing >
You are at the half-way point towards this next level!
< 242h/741H 157v/259V Pos: standing >
Character attributes for Hippie
Level: 37 Race: Centaur Class: Druid / Forest Druid
Age: 23 yrs / 8 mths Height: 72 inches Weight: 543 lbs Size: large
Actual (Base) Actual (Base)
Str: 140 (100) Pow: 54 ( 83)
Dex: 80 ( 89) Int: 75 ( 94)
Agi: 83 ( 92) Wis: 90 (100)
Con: 155 (100) Cha: 90 (100) Luk: 90 (100)
Equipped Items: 16 Carried weight: 28
Armor Points: -237 Reduces melee damage taken by 23.7%
Melee Critical Percentage(int): 8%
Max Spell Damage Reduction Percent(wis): 0%
Calming Chance(cha): 12%
HP Vamp Cap Percentage(pow): 110%
Spell Damage Modifier(str): 110%
Bloodlust Damage Bonus(vs mob only): 0%
Hitroll: 7 Damroll: 22
Alignment: 8 (-1000 to 1000)
Saving Throws: PAR[33] FEA[68]
BRE[41] SPE[36]
Load carried: No Sweat
< 247h/741H 158v/259V Pos: standing >
The escort says 'You have 0 items, which costs you 1 c'
A member of the Storage Locker Safety Commission escorts you to the locker.
WARNING: Storage Lockers are not meant to have multiple containers in them. There is a possibility you may LOSE your container and all items in it. Store them at your own risk! NO REIMBURSEMENTS!
Zone: Adventurer's Vaults.
Room: The Storage Locker for Hippie
The Storage Locker for Hippie
Obvious exits: -N#
[2] A mace has been left behind here.
[2] A pile of plates have been left here.
Some thiefly sleeves have been left here.
Some dwarfhide was dropped here.
[2] A piece of twisted metal is lying here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
You don't seem to see any nature in this closet.
< 270h/741H 165v/259V Pos: standing >
The Storage Locker for Hippie
Obvious exits: -N#
[2] A mace has been left behind here.
[2] A pile of plates have been left here.
Some thiefly sleeves have been left here.
Some dwarfhide was dropped here.
[2] A piece of twisted metal is lying here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 271h/741H 194v/259V Pos: standing >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 271h/741H 195v/259V Pos: standing >
The Storage Locker for Hippie
Obvious exits: -N#
[2] A mace has been left behind here.
[2] A pile of plates have been left here.
Some thiefly sleeves have been left here.
Some dwarfhide was dropped here.
[2] A piece of twisted metal is lying here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 271h/741H 196v/259V Pos: standing >
The Storage Locker for Hippie
Obvious exits: -N#
[2] A mace has been left behind here.
[2] A pile of plates have been left here.
Some thiefly sleeves have been left here.
Some dwarfhide was dropped here.
[2] A piece of twisted metal is lying here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 271h/741H 196v/259V Pos: standing >
The Storage Locker for Hippie
Obvious exits: -N#
[2] A mace has been left behind here.
[2] A pile of plates have been left here.
Some thiefly sleeves have been left here.
Some dwarfhide was dropped here.
[2] A piece of twisted metal is lying here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 271h/741H 197v/259V Pos: standing >
< 271h/741H 199v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Dark Hidden Cave
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Dark Hidden Cave
A Dark Hidden Cave
Obvious exits: -N#
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
A large wooden counter is here, with a sign posted on it.
(Q)An aged drow inhabits this small cave.
< 271h/741H 198v/259V Pos: standing >
You currently have the following spell slots available:
1st circle: 10 of 10
2nd circle: 9 of 9
3rd circle: 8 of 8
4th circle: 0 of 7 ( 63 seconds)
5th circle: 0 of 7 ( 71 seconds)
6th circle: 3 of 6 ( 33 seconds)
7th circle: 4 of 4
8th circle: 2 of 2
< 271h/741H 201v/259V Pos: standing >
animal friendship
sticks to snakes
faerie fire
faerie fog
flame blade
protection from animals
create spring
lightning bolt
natures touch
earthen maul
call woodland beings
dispel magic
mielikki vitality
summon insects
animal growth
animal vision
pass without trace
spore cloud
consecrate land
wandering woods
10th CIRCLE:
creeping doom
natures blessing
11th CIRCLE:
awaken forest
elemental aura
spore burst
12th CIRCLE:
< 271h/741H 206v/259V Pos: standing >
You feel nature's energy flow into your 6th circle of knowledge.
< 283h/741H 209v/259V Pos: standing >
< 290h/741H 211v/259V Pos: standing >
Frag Level Cap: 55 - Evil, 54 - Others
Good Frags: 1.00
Evil Frags: 1.50
Timer: 01:08:34:51
Frag Information for Everyone:
Top Fraggers
Fraglo 15.26 (Dwarf Assassin)
Notnyx 15.07 (Shade Shadowmage)
Beltorin 14.84 (Shade Elementalist)
Zloin 14.59 (Drow Elf Earth Magus)
Nyx 13.62 (Shade Shadowmage)
Morrigu 7.07 (Halfling Forest Druid)
Sadash 6.09 (Vampire Minstrel)
Kiria 5.92 (Barbarian Bounty Hunter)
Mussa 4.38 (ShadowBeast Psycheporter)
Rioss 4.12 (Grey Elf Forest Druid)
Lowest Fraggers
Dzi -3.11 (Kobold Elementalist)
Zluag -2.47 (Drow Elf Frost Magus)
Brenne -2.38 (Centaur Forest Druid)
Nrz -2.16 (Githzerai Enslaver)
Quee -1.83 (Halfling Forest Druid)
Jai -1.77 (Grey Elf Spiritualist)
Krudd -1.75 (Troll Blighter)
Bis -1.75 (Drow Elf Necrolyte)
Lit -1.50 (Githyanki Necrolyte)
Zar -1.50 (Githyanki Dark Knight)
< 320h/741H 221v/259V Pos: standing >
You feel nature's energy flow into your 6th circle of knowledge.
< 322h/741H 221v/259V Pos: standing >
You feel nature's energy flow into your 6th circle of knowledge.
< 361h/741H 233v/259V Pos: standing >
A Dark Hidden Cave
Obvious exits: -N#
A large wooden counter is here, with a sign posted on it.
(Q)An aged drow inhabits this small cave.
< 402h/741H 246v/259V Pos: standing >
You feel nature's energy flow into your 5th circle of knowledge.
< 408h/741H 248v/259V Pos: standing >
You currently have the following spell slots available:
1st circle: 10 of 10
2nd circle: 9 of 9
3rd circle: 8 of 8
4th circle: 0 of 7 ( 63 seconds)
5th circle: 1 of 7 ( 61 seconds)
6th circle: 6 of 6
7th circle: 4 of 4
8th circle: 2 of 2
< 413h/741H 249v/259V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 426h/741H 253v/259V Pos: standing >
Casting: natures touch
< 431h/741H 255v/259V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
The warmth of nature fills your body.
< 478h/741H 255v/259V Pos: standing >
You feel nature's energy flow into your 5th circle of knowledge.
< 618h/741H 257v/259V Pos: standing >
The escort says 'You have 8 items, which costs you 2 s, and 5 c'
A member of the Storage Locker Safety Commission escorts you to the locker.
WARNING: Storage Lockers are not meant to have multiple containers in them. There is a possibility you may LOSE your container and all items in it. Store them at your own risk! NO REIMBURSEMENTS!
Zone: Adventurer's Vaults.
Room: The Storage Locker for Hippie
The Storage Locker for Hippie
Obvious exits: -N#
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
You don't seem to see any nature in this closet.
< 640h/741H 257v/259V Pos: standing >
< 659h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Dark Hidden Cave
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Dark Hidden Cave
A Dark Hidden Cave
Obvious exits: -N#
A large wooden counter is here, with a sign posted on it.
(Q)An aged drow inhabits this small cave.
< 659h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
< 659h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
< 659h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Small Dark Cave
A Small Dark Cave
Obvious exits: -N -S
The corpse of a well-dressed commoner is lying here.
< 659h/741H 257v/259V Pos: standing >
< 663h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 670h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 672h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 674h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 675h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 676h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 677h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 678h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 679h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 679h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 680h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 681h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 683h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 684h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 685h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 687h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 689h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 691h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
A large canyon lies to the north.
You extend your sights northward.
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 692h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Broad Twisting Canyon
A Broad Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 698h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Long Twisting Canyon
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 699h/741H 257v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Long Twisting Canyon
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -N -E
< 703h/741H 256v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Long Twisting Canyon
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -N# -S -W
< 705h/741H 256v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Long Twisting Canyon
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -U
The corpse of a humanoid slave is lying here.
< 708h/741H 256v/259V Pos: standing >
A long twisting canyon slopes upward.
You extend your sights upward.
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -N -W -D
[2] The corpse of a humanoid slave is lying here.
< 714h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Long Twisting Canyon
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -N -W -D
[2] The corpse of a humanoid slave is lying here.
< 717h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
The canyon flattens out into the broad cavern of the markets.
You extend your sights westward.
Outskirts of the Markets of Ixarkon
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
The corpse of a well-dressed commoner is lying here.
< 721h/741H 258v/259V Pos: standing >
A humanoid slave suddenly attacks YOU!
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
A humanoid slave dodges your futile attack.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
A humanoid slave dodges your futile attack.
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your decent slash strikes a humanoid slave hard.]=-
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: small wounds >
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: small wounds >
[Damage: 5 ] -=[Your slash strikes a humanoid slave very hard.]=-
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: small wounds >
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: small wounds >
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your slash strikes a humanoid slave hard.]=-
You point at a humanoid slave.
[Damage: 34 ] -=[Your flameburst collides silently with a humanoid slave, who screams out in sudden pain.]=-
A humanoid slave is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You feel the bloodlust in your heart as you hear the death cry of a humanoid slave.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
It appears to be the corpse of a humanoid slave.
a few coins
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
Saving Hippie.
< 741h/741H 259v/259V Pos: standing >
Mielikki's blessing fades.
You sigh as you start to feel a bit tired.
< 609h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
< 609h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
You stop regenerating.
< 609h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
< 609h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -N -W -D
[3] The corpse of a humanoid slave is lying here.
< 609h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Long Twisting Canyon
Zone: Ixarkon.
Room: A Long Twisting Canyon
A Long Twisting Canyon
Obvious exits: -E -S -U
The corpse of a humanoid slave is lying here.
A humanoid slave attends to the palatial mansions here.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
A humanoid slave suddenly attacks YOU!
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
Spells are always to be enclosed by the holy symbols known only as 'apostrophes'.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
You must commune with nature more before invoking its power.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
You barely block a humanoid slave's lunge at you.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: excellent >
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your decent slash strikes a humanoid slave hard.]=-
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your decent slash strikes a humanoid slave hard.]=-
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: small wounds >
You dodge a humanoid slave's vicious attack.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: small wounds >
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your slash strikes a humanoid slave hard.]=-
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: few wounds >
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: few wounds >
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your slash strikes a humanoid slave very hard.]=-
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your decent slash strikes a humanoid slave very hard.]=-
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: nasty wounds >
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: nasty wounds >
A humanoid slave dodges your futile attack.
[Damage: 5 ] -=[Your slash seriously wounds a humanoid slave.]=-
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: nasty wounds >
You barely block a humanoid slave's lunge at you.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: nasty wounds >
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Your decent slash seriously wounds a humanoid slave.]=-
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: pretty hurt >
You dodge a humanoid slave's vicious attack.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: pretty hurt >
[Damage: 5 ] -=[Your fine slash enshrouds a humanoid slave in a mist of blood.]=-
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: awful >
You dodge a humanoid slave's vicious attack.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: awful >
A humanoid slave dodges your futile attack.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: awful >
A humanoid slave misses you.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
< T: Hippie TP: sta TC:excellent E: slave sta EP: awful >
[Damage: 6 ] -=[Your fine slash causes a humanoid slave to grimace in pain.]=-
A humanoid slave is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
A humanoid slave slumps to the ground.
[Damage: 7 ] -=[Your slash hits a humanoid slave.]=-
A humanoid slave is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
A humanoid slave's death cry reverberates in your head as she falls to the ground.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
It appears to be the corpse of a humanoid slave.
a few coins
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
Saving Hippie.
< 609h/609H 221v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
< 609h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
< 609h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner completes his spell...
A well-dressed commoner utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before you, close around your neck and begin to squeeze!
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 574h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 533h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 485h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
< 485h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner completes his spell...
A well-dressed commoner utters the word 'asphyxiate'
Ghostly hands appear before you, close around your neck and begin to squeeze!
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 452h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 410h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 371h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
< 372h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner completes his spell...
A well-dressed commoner utters the word 'asphyxiate'
Ghostly hands appear before you, close around your neck and begin to squeeze!
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 330h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 291h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[You gasp for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around your throat!]=-
< 265h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
< 265h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner completes his spell...
A well-dressed commoner utters the word 'hammer'
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[A well-dressed commoner creates a hammer out of thin air that smashes into you!]=-
OUCH! That really did HURT!
The world starts spinning, and your ears are ringing!
< 192h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
< 192h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner completes his spell...
A well-dressed commoner utters the word 'hammer'
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[A well-dressed commoner creates a hammer out of thin air that smashes into you!]=-
YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
< 84h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
The world stops spinning.
< 85h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
< 85h/609H 222v/222V Pos: standing >
A well-dressed commoner completes his spell...
A well-dressed commoner utters the word 'pawwzf'
A well-dressed commoner snaps into visibility.
-=[A well-dressed commoner creates a hammer out of thin air that smashes into you!]=-
Your flaming sabre was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your rough leather coat [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
Your dragon-embossed black and silver eyepatch [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!