<worn as a badge> a red rose [poor] [86%]
<worn on head> a decent sapphire helm from Barrow of the Quiosho
<worn on eyes> a glass eye
<worn in ear> a twisted ivory earring
<worn in ear> a green and black oval earring [poor] (magic)
<worn on face> a dented emerald veil
<worn around neck> a string of gnome feet [superior] (magic) (illuminating) [67%]
<worn around neck> a amulet of the Blood-eye
<worn on body> a pitch black bodycloak (magic) (glowing)
<worn about body> a flowing cloak of black silk (magic) (glowing)
<worn about waist> an exquisite silk sash [poor] (magic)
<worn on arms> some gleaming dragonscale arm plates
<held as shield> a shield made from Tiamat's scales (magic) (glowing) [68%]
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of astrology [89%]
<worn around wrist> an exquisite gold and platinum loop (magic)
<worn on hands> some unique ruby claws [77%]
<worn on finger> a glowing faerie ring
<worn on finger> a silver ring encrusted with a black sapphire (magic) (humming)
<held> an ebonywood drum with silver engraved accents (glowing)
<worn on legs> a pleated red and green kilt [superior] (illuminating) [69%]
<worn on feet> a pair of traveling boots [superior]
. ..M.******
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
The portal hasn't re-stabilized yet...
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
I see no person by that name here!
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You stop using an ebonywood drum with silver engraved accents.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You hold a finely curved horn.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You start playing your finely curved horn and singing aloud.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
As you enter the etherportal, you feel yourself being torn into a thousand
pieces, scattered over the entirety of reality. Bits of your shattered
consciousness float randomly about the universe with no overall
direction or purpose. Suddenly, you find yourself elsewhere..
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Narrow Dusty Road
A Narrow Dusty Road
Obvious exits: -N -S
A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
A ten foot tall humanoid that resembles an ogre stands here chanting. (minion)
A tundra panther prowls the frozen hillside of the ice crag tundra. (minion) (Red Aura)
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You now follow Beltorin.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song to lift the spirits high.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You change up your song...
You start playing your finely curved horn and singing aloud.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin has just given you his consent.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin is in another group.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin has just given you his consent.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin is now a member of your group.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin nods.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song to protect you from the world.
You feel your skin harden to stone.
Bands of AMAZINGLY strong armor wrap around you.
An unworried hill giant's skin seems to turn to stone.
A tundra panther's skin seems to turn to stone.
Beltorin begins to shimmer.
A dark chill from beyond the grave permeates the air around Beltorin.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
Hip! Hip! Hooray!
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
A Narrow Dusty Road
Obvious exits: -N -S
A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
A ten foot tall humanoid that resembles an ogre stands here chanting. (minion)
A tundra panther prowls the frozen hillside of the ice crag tundra. (minion) (Red Aura)
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song to protect you from the world.
Beltorin begins to shimmer.
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
< 694h/694H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before an Old Tavern
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before an Old Tavern
Before an Old Tavern
Obvious exits: -N# -E -S -W
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An unworried hill giant enters from the south.
A tundra panther enters from the south.
Zai enters from the south.
You beckon Zai to follow and consent.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
Zai stops following Beltorin.
Zai starts following you.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
Zai has just given you her consent.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
Zai is now a member of your group.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
The sun hangs low on the southern sky.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin opens the door.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
You stop using a finely curved horn.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
You hold an ebonywood drum with silver engraved accents.
< 694h/694H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
You change up your song...
You start playing your ebonywood drum with silver engraved accents and singing aloud.
< 699h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin closes the door.
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Winding Cobblestone Road
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Winding Cobblestone Road
A Winding Cobblestone Road
Obvious exits: -E -W
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Zai enters from the west.
An unworried hill giant enters from the west.
A tundra panther enters from the west.
< 699h/699H 317v/318V Pos: standing >
< 699h/699H 317v/318V Pos: standing >
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Guard Station
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Guard Station
A Guard Station
Obvious exits: -N -W
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Hugo, the war cleric, prepares the guard for combat.(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands proudly in uniform.(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands proudly in uniform.(Gold Aura)
Zai enters from the west.
An unworried hill giant enters from the west.
A tundra panther enters from the west.
A dusty guard suddenly attacks a tundra panther!
A dusty guard suddenly attacks YOU!
< 699h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: Squeaky TP: sta TC:excellent E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
Beltorin sneaks north.
< 699h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: Squeaky TP: sta TC:excellent E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
You sing a song that makes your heart swell with pride.
You feel your heart start to race real fast!
A Guard Station
Obvious exits: -N -W
A tundra panther stands in mid-air here, fighting a dusty guard. (Minion) (Red Aura)
A ten foot tall humanoid that resembles an ogre stands here chanting. (minion)
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
Hugo, the war cleric, prepares the guard for combat.(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU!(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands in mid-air here, fighting a tundra panther.(Gold Aura)
< 699h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: Squeaky TP: sta TC:excellent E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
-=[You attack a dusty guard.]=- [0 Hits]
< 699h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: Squeaky TP: sta TC:excellent E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
Hugo assists a dusty guard heroically.
Hugo suddenly attacks YOU!
< 694h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: Squeaky TP: sta TC:few scratches E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
A dusty guard turns to focus his attack on a tundra panther!
-=[A dusty guard attacks you.]=- [1 Hits]
A tundra panther's snout is smashed as a dusty guard relocates it with his foot.
A dusty guard attacks a tundra panther. [1 Hits]
< 690h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC:few scratches E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
[Damage: 7 ] [Damage: 4 ] A tundra panther attacks a dusty guard. [2 Hits]
< 690h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC:few scratches E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
-=[You attack a dusty guard.]=- [0 Hits]
You suddenly break out a quick verse from your repitiore of songs...
You sing a _VERY_ boring song, droning on endlessly..
You do a ritual dance of joy!
< 690h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC:few scratches E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
Zai leaves north.
< 690h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC:few scratches E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
Hugo starts casting an offensive spell.
-=[Hugo attacks you.]=- [0 Hits]
< 690h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC:few scratches E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
-=[You attack a dusty guard.]=- [0 Hits]
< 690h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC:few scratches E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
Hugo completes its spell...
Hugo utters the words 'parl xafe'
Hugo sends a tundra panther reeling with a holy word.
Hugo sends an unworried hill giant reeling with a holy word.
You are sent reeling by Hugo's holy word.
Zai stops following you.
< 644h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
You sing a song that makes your heart swell with pride.
< 644h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
A tundra panther's snout is smashed as a dusty guard relocates it with his foot.
A dusty guard attacks a tundra panther. [2 Hits]
A dusty guard attacks a tundra panther. [2 Hits]
< 644h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
A tundra panther attacks a dusty guard. [0 Hits]
< 644h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
A Guard Station
Obvious exits: -N -W
A tundra panther stands in mid-air here, fighting a dusty guard. (Minion) (Red Aura)
An unworried hill giant stands in mid-air here, fighting Hugo. (Minion)
Hugo stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU!(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands in mid-air here, fighting a tundra panther.(Gold Aura)
A dusty guard stands in mid-air here, fighting a tundra panther.(Gold Aura)
< 644h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
-=[You attack a dusty guard.]=- [0 Hits]
< 644h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
[Damage: 12 ] An unworried hill giant attacks Hugo. [1 Hits]
< 644h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
Hugo starts casting an offensive spell.
-=[Hugo attacks you.]=- [1 Hits]
< 640h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
You attempt to flee...
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
< 640h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
Hugo completes its spell...
Hugo utters the words 'parl xafe'
Hugo sends a tundra panther reeling with a holy word.
Hugo sends an unworried hill giant reeling with a holy word.
You are sent reeling by Hugo's holy word.
Your some unique ruby claws is burned by the light!
< 594h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
-=[You attack a dusty guard.]=- [0 Hits]
< 594h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
A dusty guard attacks a tundra panther. [2 Hits]
A dusty guard attacks a tundra panther. [3 Hits]
< 594h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
A tundra panther attacks a dusty guard. [0 Hits]
< 594h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
< T: tundra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: dusty sta EP: excellent >
You attempt to flee...
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Cobblestone Road
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Cobblestone Road
A Cobblestone Road
Obvious exits: -N# -E -S
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
You flee northward!
< 594h/699H 293v/318V Pos: standing >
< 594h/699H 293v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song that makes your heart swell with pride.
< 594h/699H 293v/318V Pos: standing >
The snow is coming down faster now.
You stop using an ebonywood drum with silver engraved accents.
< 589h/694H 294v/318V Pos: standing >
You hold a crystalline lyre.
< 589h/694H 294v/318V Pos: standing >
You change up your song...
You no longer feel like a hero.
You start playing your crystalline lyre and singing aloud.
< 589h/694H 294v/318V Pos: standing >
< 589h/694H 296v/318V Pos: standing >
< 589h/694H 297v/318V Pos: standing >
< 589h/694H 297v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin shouts out loudly.. MOVING!!!!
< 590h/694H 298v/318V Pos: standing >
You are already standing.
< 590h/694H 298v/318V Pos: standing >
< 590h/694H 299v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song to heal all wounds.
Your body feels restored by the power of your soothing song!
A tundra panther stops following you.
a tundra panther is no longer in your group.
Beltorin sneaks east.
Zai leaves east.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before the Du'kel Mansion
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before the Du'kel Mansion
Before the Du'kel Mansion
Obvious exits: -N# -E -W
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A loyal swordsman stands at the gate.
A loyal swordsman stands at the gate.
< 619h/694H 300v/318V Pos: standing >
< 619h/694H 300v/318V Pos: standing >
< 619h/694H 301v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin sneaks east.
Zai leaves east.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Red-Hued Brick Road
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Red-Hued Brick Road
A Red-Hued Brick Road
Obvious exits: -E -W
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
< 619h/694H 301v/318V Pos: standing >
< 619h/694H 301v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin sneaks west.
Zai leaves west.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before the Du'kel Mansion
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before the Du'kel Mansion
Before the Du'kel Mansion
Obvious exits: -N# -E -W
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A loyal swordsman stands at the gate.
A loyal swordsman stands at the gate.
< 620h/694H 301v/318V Pos: standing >
< 620h/694H 302v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin sneaks east.
Zai leaves east.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Red-Hued Brick Road
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Red-Hued Brick Road
A Red-Hued Brick Road
Obvious exits: -E -W
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
< 620h/694H 302v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin sneaks east.
Zai leaves east.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before a Large Courtyard
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before a Large Courtyard
Before a Large Courtyard
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
< 620h/694H 302v/318V Pos: standing >
< 620h/694H 302v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song to heal all wounds.
Your body feels restored by the power of your soothing song!
< 649h/694H 303v/318V Pos: standing >
< 650h/694H 304v/318V Pos: standing >
Zai leaves north.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Blue-Hued Brick Road
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Blue-Hued Brick Road
A Blue-Hued Brick Road
Obvious exits: -N -S -W#
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
< 650h/694H 303v/318V Pos: standing >
< 650h/694H 304v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin opens the door.
< 650h/694H 304v/318V Pos: standing >
< 650h/694H 305v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin closes the door.
< 650h/694H 307v/318V Pos: standing >
Zai leaves south.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before a Large Courtyard
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: Before a Large Courtyard
Before a Large Courtyard
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
< 650h/694H 306v/318V Pos: standing >
< 650h/694H 306v/318V Pos: standing >
< 650h/694H 307v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song to heal all wounds.
Your body feels restored by the power of your soothing song!
Beltorin sneaks east.
Zai leaves east.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Circular Fountain in a Lush Courtyard
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Circular Fountain in a Lush Courtyard
A Circular Fountain in a Lush Courtyard
Obvious exits: -N# -E -W
A circular fountain erupts with water.
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A noble lord listens to a retired soldier.
A former soldier relaxes in a chair and talks about old times.
< 680h/694H 306v/318V Pos: standing >
< 680h/694H 307v/318V Pos: standing >
< 680h/694H 308v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin opens the door.
< 680h/694H 309v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin sneaks north.
Zai leaves north.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: The Entrance to the Oakencrest Mansion
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: The Entrance to the Oakencrest Mansion
The Entrance to the Oakencrest Mansion
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A cook fixes some grub.(Gold Aura)
< 680h/694H 309v/318V Pos: standing >
< 680h/694H 309v/318V Pos: standing >
A servant enters from the north.
Beltorin closes the door.
< 681h/694H 311v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin sneaks west.
Zai leaves west.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Solid Wooden Stairway
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: A Solid Wooden Stairway
A Solid Wooden Stairway
Obvious exits: -E -U
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
< 681h/694H 310v/318V Pos: standing >
Zai leaves up.
You follow Beltorin.
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: The Second Floor
Zone: The Valoisian Castle.
Room: The Second Floor
The Second Floor
Obvious exits: -N -E -D
Puddles of fresh blood cover the ground.
Zai Caskling Brewed in Blood (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Zai's head.
*Beltorin Fosters Brewed in Blood (Shade)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A Dwarf (medium) < The Commonwealth > stands in mid-air here, fighting a frost wyrm.(Gold Aura)
A frost wyrm stands in mid-air here, fighting a Dwarf.
Zai tackles a Dwarf square in the chest knocking the wind out of him!
< 681h/694H 310v/318V Pos: standing >
< 681h/694H 310v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song to heal all wounds.
Your body feels restored by the power of your soothing song!
< 693h/694H 310v/318V Pos: standing >
You stop using a crystalline lyre.
< 693h/694H 311v/318V Pos: standing >
You hold an ebonywood drum with silver engraved accents.
< 693h/694H 311v/318V Pos: standing >
You change up your song...
You start playing your ebonywood drum with silver engraved accents and singing aloud.
< 698h/699H 312v/318V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf gasps suddenly as their body is enhanced by some other-worldly power!
A Dwarf says 'Thi nun-celoevir nusv bi pynithef!'
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf attacks a frost wyrm. [1 Hits]
Beltorin grasps his totem tightly, and begins communing with the spirits.
Beltorin starts casting an offensive spell.
Beltorin snaps into visibility.
< 698h/699H 312v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin completes his spell...
Beltorin utters the words 'arieks shattering iceball'
Beltorin points at a Dwarf.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
Beltorin's iceball shatters upon impacting a Dwarf, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
You start chanting...
< 698h/699H 313v/318V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
Zai attacks a Dwarf. [3 Hits]
A frost wyrm attacks a Dwarf. [2 Hits]
< 698h/699H 313v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin starts casting an offensive spell.
Beltorin snaps into visibility.
< 699h/699H 314v/318V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 88 ] Your giant fist of force causes a Dwarf to stagger in agony!
< 699h/699H 314v/318V Pos: standing >
< 699h/699H 315v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin completes his spell...
Beltorin utters the words 'arieks shattering iceball'
Beltorin points at a Dwarf.
Beltorin snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
Beltorin's iceball shatters upon impacting a Dwarf, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
< 699h/699H 315v/318V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 699h/699H 315v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin grasps his totem tightly, and begins communing with the spirits.
Beltorin starts casting an offensive spell.
Beltorin snaps into visibility.
< 699h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 90 ] Your giant fist of force causes a Dwarf to stagger in agony!
< 699h/699H 316v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin snaps into visibility.
Beltorin completes his spell...
Beltorin utters the words 'arieks shattering iceball'
Beltorin points at a Dwarf.
Beltorin snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
Beltorin's iceball shatters upon impacting a Dwarf, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
A Dwarf's boots of the traveler [superior] is weakened from the intense cold!
< 699h/699H 317v/318V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
Beltorin starts casting an offensive spell called 'arieks shattering iceball'.
Beltorin snaps into visibility.
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf attacks a frost wyrm. [0 Hits]
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
A frost wyrm starts casting an offensive spell.
A frost wyrm attacks a Dwarf. [2 Hits]
< 699h/699H 318v/318V Pos: standing >
You sing a song that makes your heart swell with pride.
Your spell casting seems faster...
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf is stunned!
A Dwarf snaps into visibility.
A Dwarf's mithril-plated gnomish brain force enhancer was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's tribal necklace of royal authority [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's gold-lined mesh fencing mask [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's pantherhide quiver of precision was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf's burnt dragonscale badge was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Dwarf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Squeaky by 13333333.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!