The death of [ 2 Monk] Aspy (Githzerai)

in The Great Fountain of Tharnadia

from the perspective of [55 Brigand] Myrk *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Duergar)

<floating about head>a LARGE green ioun stone[239h 42m 10s]
<worn as a badge>    a necromantic death shroud of constitution [86%]
<worn on head>       the diamond crown of Winduin of constitution (glowing) [88%]
<worn on eyes>       the eye of the ogre of constitution (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<worn in ear>        a flaming earring of constitution
<worn in ear>        a flaming earring of strength
<worn on face>       the terrifying visage of the great wraith Dranum (magic)[239h 42m 10s]
<worn around neck>   a necklace of dangling bones and relics of strength (magic) (humming)
<worn around neck>   a necklace of halfling ears of strength
<worn on body>       the chameleon suit of transformation of regeneration
<worn about body>    a cloak bearing the seal of Bozk of regeneration (magic)
<worn as quiver>     the ancient sheath of *-* Clan BloodLust *-* of regeneration (magic) (glowing)
<worn about waist>   a utility belt of poisoning agents [superior]
<worn on belt buckle>a huge double-bladed axe called 'Skull Splitter' [superior] (magic)
<worn on arms>       some scintillating sleeves of health (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of purple mist [poor]
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide of health (magic) (humming)
<worn on hands>      the gloves of warding of damage (magic)
<worn on finger>     a blue ring shooting sparks of damage
<worn on finger>     an obsidian circle (magic)
<primary weapon>     the sword of fire and flame (magic) (glowing)[239h 42m 10s]
<secondary weapon>   a gladius called 'Backstabber' (magic) (glowing)[239h 42m 10s]
<worn on legs>       some wolf hide pants [64%]
<worn on feet>       the boots of speed of endurance (magic)

Omm enters from the east.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The young woman who is close by to your north.
A tall merchant who is close by to your north.
A street sweeper who is close by to your east.
Zhady who is a brief walk away to your east.
A peddler who is close by to your south.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The young woman who is close by to your north.
A tall merchant who is close by to your north.
A street sweeper who is close by to your east.
Zhady who is a brief walk away to your east.
A peddler who is close by to your south.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks east.
Sizen leaves east.
Syl leaves east.
Ayla leaves east.
Choro leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Center of the Great Bazaar
   This huge wide open area, probably five hundred feet square, serves as the
focal point of Tharnadia's trade with the surrounding lands.  Laid out in a
giant L and paved with cobblestones, this place easily hold two to three
thousand people at any given time during the trading season.  Here merchants
of all kinds could set up temporary shops, or sell out of their carts, the
many goods that flow in and out of the great city.  This part of the market is
the only place where you can walk without bumping into people.  The bazaar
continues on in every direction from here.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A street sweeper is cleaning here, singing songs of labor.(Gold Aura)
Ra enters from the west.
Pooka enters from the west.
A winged hellhound trots in from the west.
Omm enters from the west.

< 1187h/1186H 318v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves east.
Sainth sneaks east.
Syl leaves east.
Ayla leaves east.
Choro leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Great Bazaar
   This huge wide open area, probably five hundred feet square, serves as the
focal point of Tharnadia's trade with the surrounding lands.  Laid out in a
giant L and paved with cobblestones, this place easily hold two to three
thousand people at any given time during the trading season.  Here merchants
of all kinds could set up temporary shops, or sell out of their carts, the
many goods that flow in and out of the great city.  Through an arch to the
east, the Grand Tharnadian Way makes its way toward the eastern gates
of the city.  The bazaar continues to the south and west of here.
Obvious exits: -East  -South -West 
A wooden stall stands here, goods displayed upon its counter.
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
*Zhady (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Ra enters from the west.
Pooka enters from the west.
A winged hellhound trots in from the west.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Omm enters from the west.
Saving Myrk.

< 1187h/1186H 317v/320V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the legendary platemail of defense carried by Sainth.
Sizen leaves east.
Sainth sneaks east.
Syl leaves east.
Ayla leaves east.
Choro leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Grand Tharnadian Way
   This broad avenue runs through the center of Tharnadia, continuing to the
east of here.  There are onyx menhirs standing every five feet along the side
of the road, silent sentinels on its journey through the city.  Small crimson
cobblestones make up the roadway, each fitted to its neighbor through a tongue
and groove system.  The street looks highly traveled, with buildings flanking
the road as far off as the eye can see. To the west of here, the Great Bazaar,
where visiting merchants peddle their goods, opens up.
Obvious exits: -East  -West 
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Ra enters from the west.
Zhady enters from the west.
Pooka enters from the west.
A winged hellhound trots in from the west.
Omm enters from the west.
Zhady leaves west.

< 1187h/1186H 317v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves east.
Syl leaves east.
Ayla leaves east.
Choro leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Inside the Eastern City Gates
   Two huge ironbound gates guard the eastern entrance to Tharnadia here,
standing nearly twenty feet tall.  The gates are fastened to huge stone towers
on either side, making this entrance seem very secure and protected.  A system
of ropes and pulleys hold the door up, reducing its weight and making it
easily opened and closed by a single operator.  The Great Tharnadian Way leads
away to the west into the heart of the city, while the gateway exits out into
a vast grassy plains with mountains in the distance.  The wall road leads to
the north and to the south.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
Shattered bits of ice are scattered about the area.
[3] The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
[3] The corpse of a militia guard is lying here.
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Ra enters from the west.
Pooka enters from the west.
A winged hellhound trots in from the west.
Omm enters from the west.

< 1187h/1186H 317v/320V Pos: standing >

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A stray dog who is close by to your north.
A cheetah who is a brief walk away to your north.
Sarn, the banker who is a brief walk away to your north.
A homeless peasant who is a brief walk away to your east.
A stray cat who is not far off to your south.
Zhady who is not far off to your west.
A street sweeper who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A stray dog who is close by to your north.
A cheetah who is a brief walk away to your north.
Sarn, the banker who is a brief walk away to your north.
A homeless peasant who is a brief walk away to your east.
A stray cat who is not far off to your south.
Zhady who is not far off to your west.
A street sweeper who is a brief walk away to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves west.
Sainth sneaks west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Syl leaves west.
Ayla leaves west.
Choro leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Grand Tharnadian Way
   This broad avenue runs through the center of Tharnadia, continuing to the
east of here.  There are onyx menhirs standing every five feet along the side
of the road, silent sentinels on its journey through the city.  Small crimson
cobblestones make up the roadway, each fitted to its neighbor through a tongue
and groove system.  The street looks highly traveled, with buildings flanking
the road as far off as the eye can see. To the west of here, the Great Bazaar,
where visiting merchants peddle their goods, opens up.
Obvious exits: -East  -West 
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Ra enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.
A winged hellhound trots in from the east.
Omm enters from the east.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A homeless peasant who is rather far off to your east.
Zhady who is close by to your west.
A street sweeper who is not far off to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A homeless peasant who is rather far off to your east.
Zhady who is close by to your west.
A street sweeper who is not far off to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Syl leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Ayla leaves west.
Choro leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Great Bazaar
   This huge wide open area, probably five hundred feet square, serves as the
focal point of Tharnadia's trade with the surrounding lands.  Laid out in a
giant L and paved with cobblestones, this place easily hold two to three
thousand people at any given time during the trading season.  Here merchants
of all kinds could set up temporary shops, or sell out of their carts, the
many goods that flow in and out of the great city.  Through an arch to the
east, the Grand Tharnadian Way makes its way toward the eastern gates
of the city.  The bazaar continues to the south and west of here.
Obvious exits: -East  -South -West 
A wooden stall stands here, goods displayed upon its counter.
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
*Zhady (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Ra enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.
A winged hellhound trots in from the east.
Omm enters from the east.

< 1187h/1186H 318v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves west.
Sainth sneaks west.
Syl leaves west.
Ayla leaves west.
Choro leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Center of the Great Bazaar
   This huge wide open area, probably five hundred feet square, serves as the
focal point of Tharnadia's trade with the surrounding lands.  Laid out in a
giant L and paved with cobblestones, this place easily hold two to three
thousand people at any given time during the trading season.  Here merchants
of all kinds could set up temporary shops, or sell out of their carts, the
many goods that flow in and out of the great city.  This part of the market is
the only place where you can walk without bumping into people.  The bazaar
continues on in every direction from here.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A street sweeper is cleaning here, singing songs of labor.(Gold Aura)
Ra enters from the east.
Zhady enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
A winged hellhound trots in from the east.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Omm enters from the east.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves west.
Sainth sneaks west.
Syl leaves west.
Ayla leaves west.
Choro leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Great Bazaar
   This huge wide open area, probably five hundred feet square, serves as the
focal point of Tharnadia's trade with the surrounding lands.  Laid out in a
giant L and paved with cobblestones, this place easily hold two to three
thousand people at any given time during the trading season.  Here merchants
of all kinds could set up temporary shops, or sell out of their carts, the
many goods that flow in and out of the great city.  Through an arch to the
west, Keats street can be seen making its north to south bisection of the
city.  The bazaar continues to the north, east, and south of here.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Ra enters from the east.
Zhady enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.
A winged hellhound trots in from the east.
Omm enters from the east.
You quickly scan the area.
The young woman who is close by to your north.
A tall merchant who is close by to your north.
A street sweeper who is close by to your east.
A peddler who is close by to your south.

< 1187h/1186H 318v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
The young woman who is close by to your north.
A tall merchant who is close by to your north.
A street sweeper who is close by to your east.
A peddler who is close by to your south.

< 1187h/1186H 318v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves west.
Syl leaves west.
Ayla leaves west.
Choro leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Keats Street
   A major road only by convenience, Keats street biscects the city from north
to south.  Originally its sable cobblestones were meant to serve as a patrol
path for the city guard.  As the cities construction neared its end, Lord
Kaynor revised building plans to extend the city farther to the east.  This
is the reason none of the buildings exit onto this street.  In the years since
it has been repaved with onyx stones replacing the original sienna-hued cobble
that composed this avenue.   The road continues south, while to the north lies
the Tharnadia-Keats intersection.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Ra enters from the east.
Zhady enters from the east.
Pooka enters from the east.
A winged hellhound trots in from the east.
Omm enters from the east.

< 1187h/1186H 318v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A militia guard who is not far off to your north.
A militia guard who is a brief walk away to your north.
A street sweeper who is not far off to your east.
A street sweeper who is not far off to your south.
A homeless child who is not far off to your south.
A slutty whore who is not far off to your south.
A street sweeper who is rather far off to your south.
A militia guard who is rather far off to your south.
A shady mercenary who is rather far off to your south.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A militia guard who is not far off to your north.
A militia guard who is a brief walk away to your north.
A street sweeper who is not far off to your east.
A street sweeper who is not far off to your south.
A homeless child who is not far off to your south.
A slutty whore who is not far off to your south.
A street sweeper who is rather far off to your south.
A militia guard who is rather far off to your south.
A shady mercenary who is rather far off to your south.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen leaves north.
Syl leaves north.
Ayla leaves north.
Choro leaves north.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Tharnadia-Keats Intersection
   This T intersection connects the Grand Tharnadian Way with Keats street,
forming a small plaza.  The crimson cobblestone's of of Tharnadian intermingle
with the sable stones of Keats in an elaborate pattern, forming the city's
sigil.  Keats street continues its march north and south, while the Grand
Tharnadian Way heads off to the fountain west of here.  To the east lies
the Tharnadian combat arena.
Obvious exits: -North -East # -South -West 
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Ra enters from the south.
Zhady enters from the south.
Pooka enters from the south.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
A winged hellhound trots in from the south.
Omm enters from the south.
You see nothing special...

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A militia guard who is close by to your north.
A militia guard who is not far off to your north.
A street sweeper who is a brief walk away to your south.
A homeless child who is a brief walk away to your south.
A slutty whore who is a brief walk away to your south.
A street sweeper who is in the distance to your south.
A militia guard who is in the distance to your south.
A shady mercenary who is in the distance to your south.
A human merchant who is close by to your west.
The Tharnadian Quartermaster who is close by to your west.
The town crier who is close by to your west.
A stray dog who is not far off to your west.
The doctor who is in the distance to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
A militia guard who is close by to your north.
A militia guard who is not far off to your north.
A street sweeper who is a brief walk away to your south.
A homeless child who is a brief walk away to your south.
A slutty whore who is a brief walk away to your south.
A street sweeper who is in the distance to your south.
A militia guard who is in the distance to your south.
A shady mercenary who is in the distance to your south.
A human merchant who is close by to your west.
The Tharnadian Quartermaster who is close by to your west.
The town crier who is close by to your west.
A stray dog who is not far off to your west.
The doctor who is in the distance to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks west.
Sizen leaves west.
Syl leaves west.
Ayla leaves west.
Choro leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
You follow Kaji.

You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
The Great Fountain of Tharnadia
   An immense fountain, thirty feet in diameter, rests here in a large plaza
near the center of the city of Tharnadia.  The fountains pristine waters are
quite inviting, crystal clear and about two feet deep.  You can see some grey
fish swimming lazily about the fountain's bottom.  The Great Tharnadian Way
runs west of here, while to the east it intersects with Keats street.  A tall
two story building rises to the south of here, its sides made of adobe and
wood.  An oak shingle in the shape of a foot hangs from its front, proclaiming
the structure as the Ogre's Foot Inn.  From here, you can see the high city
walls in all directions off in the distance.  There is a large plaque fastened
to one edge of the fountain here with some lines of text printed on it.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
A shingle hangs over the door to the south.
Before you stands a huge board containing news and feedback.
An onyx plaque can be seen written on the fountain.
A beautifully sculpted ivory fountain rests here.
Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting the town crier.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here, fighting the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A human merchant from another town stands here, perusing Tharnadia.
The Tharnadian Quartermaster stands here, fighting Sizen.(Gold Aura)
The town crier sits here, fighting Choro.(Gold Aura)
Ra enters from the east.
Zhady enters from the east.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Pooka enters from the east.
A winged hellhound trots in from the east.
Omm enters from the east.

< 1187h/1186H 318v/320V Pos: standing >
Pooka snaps into visibility.
A dark shroud encases Pooka as he charges into battle.
A human merchant is knocked to the ground by Pooka's mighty bash!
You quickly scan the area.
Jodnan who is close by to your north.
A stray dog who is close by to your west.
The doctor who is rather far off to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 318v/320V Pos: standing >
Pooka parries a human merchant's lunge at him.
Pooka dodges a human merchant's attack.
Pooka snaps into visibility.
You quickly scan the area.
Jodnan who is close by to your north.
A stray dog who is close by to your west.
The doctor who is rather far off to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 319v/320V Pos: standing >
Zhady snaps into visibility.
A human merchant avoids being bashed by Zhady, who loses his balance and falls.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the mystic axe of the dragonkind carried by Ayla.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the warhammer of the ancient dwarven battleragers carried by Zhady.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 25 ] -=[A human merchant makes a strange sound as you place a gladius called 'Backstabber' in his back.]=-
A human merchant is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The unmistakable scent of fresh blood can be smelled as a human merchant dies in agony.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Syl gets 5 coins from the corpse of a human merchant.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Syl puts a pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Choro fills with a SURGE of BLoOdLuST! ROARRRRRRRR!!!

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Sizen's impressive punch strikes the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
Sizen's fine punch strikes the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
Sizen's impressive punch seriously wounds the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
Sizen's fine punch strikes the Tharnadian Quartermaster hard.
Sizen's punch strikes the Tharnadian Quartermaster hard.
Sizen's fine punch strikes the Tharnadian Quartermaster hard.
The Tharnadian Quartermaster begins to sllooowwww down.
Sizen's impressive punch seriously wounds the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
Sizen's impressive punch seriously wounds the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
Sizen's fine punch seriously wounds the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
Sizen's impressive punch enshrouds the Tharnadian Quartermaster in a mist of blood.
The Great Fountain of Tharnadia
Obvious exits: -North -East  -South -West 
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a human merchant is lying here.
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
A shingle hangs over the door to the south.
Before you stands a huge board containing news and feedback.
An onyx plaque can be seen written on the fountain.
A beautifully sculpted ivory fountain rests here.
Omm (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Thugan (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
A winged beast from hell stands here reeking with malevolence. (minion) 
*Pooka (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Zhady (Duergar)(medium) sits in mid-air here.
Ra (Githyanki)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Choro (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting the town crier.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Choro's head.
Ayla (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ayla's head.
*Syl (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Sainth (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Sizen (Githyanki)(small) stands in mid-air here, fighting the Tharnadian Quartermaster.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Sizen's head.
*Kaji (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
The Tharnadian Quartermaster stands here, fighting Sizen.(Gold Aura)
The town crier sits here, fighting Choro.(Gold Aura)

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
Jodnan who is close by to your north.
A stray dog who is close by to your west.
The doctor who is rather far off to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Choro snaps into visibility.
Choro's powerful bludgeon strikes the town crier.
Choro's crush strikes the town crier.
Choro's mighty crush strikes the town crier hard.
Choro's impressive bludgeon strikes the town crier.
Choro's powerful bludgeon strikes the town crier.
Choro parries the town crier's lunge at her.
Choro parries the town crier's lunge at her.
The town crier misses Choro.
Sizen gracefully whirls around the Tharnadian Quartermaster's attack.
The Tharnadian Quartermaster misses Sizen.
Sizen easily dodges the Tharnadian Quartermaster's feeble leg sweep.
You quickly scan the area.
Jodnan who is close by to your north.
A stray dog who is close by to your west.
The doctor who is rather far off to your west.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
The door is open.
A heavy oak door hangs from its hinges.
You extend your sights southward.
The Ogre's Foot Lounge
   One-hundred feet square, this lounge makes up the lower floor of the Ogre's
Foot Inn.  A slatestone hearth is built into the east wall, to warm the inn on
those frigid nights associated with the northern climates.  Four plush leather
couches encircle the fireplace, creating an area where patrons and adventurers
gather to share tales and ale.  A small bar runs along the southern wall,
around which some warriors wait looking for work.  At the room's center, an
ornate oak staircase spirals in through the ceiling, its wooden steps leading
to the inn upstairs.
Obvious exits: -North -Up    -Down 
A large portal leading to the arena floats here. (glowing)
A stone hearth is set in the wall.
A mighty board stands here held up by great swords reading 'Flame Board.'

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
You see nothing special...

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai enters from the east.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Ayla assists Choro heroically.
Ayla's powerful crush strikes the town crier.
The dust surrounding Ayla's ancient adamantium warhammer of dwarven kings scratchs at the town crier's flesh!

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
Choro's impressive bludgeon strikes the town crier.
Choro's impressive crush strikes the town crier.
Choro's crush strikes the town crier.
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Choro as her mighty bludgeon strikes the town crier very hard.
Choro's bludgeon strikes the town crier.
Choro's impressive bludgeon strikes the town crier.
Ra suddenly attacks a Githzerai!
Ra's impressive bludgeon seriously wounds a Githzerai.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
It's really, really hot here.  A slight breeze would really improve things.

< 1187h/1186H 320v/320V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 30 ] -=[A Githzerai makes a strange sound as you place a gladius called 'Backstabber' in his back.]=-
A Githzerai's set of loose fitting leggings was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.