The death of [47 Disharmonist] Ganpire (Vampire)

in In a Large Pillared Hall

from the perspective of [56 Spiritmaster] Kale o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Human)

<worn as a badge>    the emblem of meditation [poor]
<worn on head>       the helm of light (illuminating) [86%]
<worn on eyes>       the eyes of a basilisk [87%]
<worn in ear>        an earring of bone [superior] [86%]
<worn in ear>        a shimmering crystal dragon scale (magic) (glowing) [84%]
<worn on face>       the mask of the plague [poor]
<worn around neck>   the holy symbol of sanctity [poor] (magic) (glowing) (humming) [53%]
<worn around neck>   an amulet of fire dragon's blood (magic) [68%]
<worn on body>       the platemail of the Dragon Horde (magic) (glowing)[189h 5m 35s]
<worn about body>    a long shadowy mane [poor]
<worn on back>       a well crafted backpack (magic) [51%]
<worn as quiver>     the quiver of holding (magic) [48%]
<worn about waist>   a waistband of rock and stone (magic) [74%]
<worn on belt buckle>a glowing white pearl (glowing)
<worn on arms>       some glowing sleeves made of devil skin [poor] (magic) (glowing) [69%]
<worn around wrist>  a blackened bluestone bracer (glowing) [65%]
<worn around wrist>  a carved diorite bracer [superior] (magic)
<worn on hands>      a pair of hazy green gloves (magic) (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a bright platinum wedding band [78%]
<worn on finger>     a ring called 'Soulcatcher'
<primary weapon>     the holy mace of the efreeti (magic) (glowing)[189h 5m 37s]
<held>               the three-pronged totem of the Naga Queen (magic)[79h 2m 43s]
<worn on legs>       a pair of blood-stained wyrm scale leggings [poor] (magic) [88%]
<worn on feet>       a pair of clawed demon-hide moccasins

Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (1 minute)
pantherspeed (57 minutes)
accelerated healing (3 minutes)
bless (20 minutes)
vitality (9 minutes)
armor (15 minutes)

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kale

Level: 56   Race: Human   Class: Cleric Shaman Sex: Male
Hit points: 899(899)  Moves: 271(271)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   18
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat Holiness
Protected from: Fire Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Sneaking
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (1 minute)
pantherspeed (57 minutes)
accelerated healing (3 minutes)
bless (20 minutes)
vitality (9 minutes)
armor (15 minutes)

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Hint: Losing the battle? Try to 'flee'. But don't flee too many times, or you might run into something even nastier!

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: accelerated healing 

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
Your accelerated healing magic is refreshed!

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(12th circle)  1 - miracle
(11th circle)  1 - etherportal
               1 - group recall
               2 - gaseous cloud
(10th circle)  4 - arieks shattering iceball
( 9th circle)  1 - word of recall
               1 - plane shift
               1 - corrosive blast
               2 - spirit jump
( 8th circle)  1 - dispel magic
               4 - mass heal
               1 - elephantstrength
( 7th circle)  6 - full heal
( 6th circle)  1 - continual light
               6 - molten spray
( 5th circle)  3 - vitality
               3 - destroy undead
               1 - soulshield
( 4th circle)  2 - remove curse
               1 - summon
               1 - protection from lightning
               1 - protection from acid
               1 - snailspeed
               1 - purify spirit
               2 - invigorate
( 3rd circle)  2 - remove poison
               6 - cause critical
( 2nd circle)  3 - blindness
               1 - preserve
               1 - protection from fire
               1 - protection from cold
               3 - ice missile
               1 - spirit armor
               1 - wolfspeed
( 1st circle)  4 - armor
               4 - bless
               1 - detect evil
               1 - detect magic

And you are currently praying for the following spells:
    1 seconds:  ( 5th) pantherspeed
    3 seconds:  (10th) accelerated healing

You can pray 2 1st and 2 3rd circle spell(s).
You continue your study.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
You have finished praying for pantherspeed.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
You have finished praying for accelerated healing.
You snap out of your meditative trance, memorization complete.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kale

Level: 56   Race: Human   Class: Cleric Shaman Sex: Male
Hit points: 899(899)  Moves: 271(271)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   18
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat Holiness
Protected from: Fire Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Sneaking
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (less than a minute remaining)
pantherspeed (56 minutes)
accelerated healing (20 minutes)
bless (19 minutes)
vitality (8 minutes)
armor (14 minutes)

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You go 'mmMMmmMMmmMMmm'.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kale

Level: 56   Race: Human   Class: Cleric Shaman Sex: Male
Hit points: 899(899)  Moves: 271(271)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   18
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat Holiness
Protected from: Fire Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Sneaking
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (less than a minute remaining)
pantherspeed (56 minutes)
accelerated healing (20 minutes)
bless (19 minutes)
vitality (8 minutes)
armor (14 minutes)

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Epic Zones -----------------------------------------

   Court of the Muse                             (extremely good)
   The Chasm of the Misty Vale                   (neutral)       
   The Battlefield                               (very good)     
   The Swamp Laboratory of Khul'Lor              (neutral)       
   Clan Stoutdorf Settlement                     (neutral)       
   Kobold Settlement                             (slightly good) 
   The High Moor Forest                          (good)          
   The Stone Tomb of Kelek                       (slightly evil) 
   Orrak                                         (slightly good) 
   Pits of Cerberus                              (neutral)       
   Myrloch Vale                                  (extremely good)
   Pharr Valley Swamp                            (neutral)       
  *Village of Werrun                             (good)          
   Nizari                                        (pure good)     
  *The Dark Stone Tower of the Northern Realms   (slightly good) 
   Tower of High Sorcery                         (pure good)     
   Bloodstone Keep                               (good)          
   The Temple of the Sun                         (pure good)     
   The Elemental Groves                          (slightly good) 
   Temple of Flames                              (neutral)       
   Drustl's Yerdonia Enslaved                    (neutral)       
   The Obsidian Citadel                          (neutral)       
   The Ruins of Undermountain                    (pure good)     
   The Mountain of the Banished                  (neutral)       
   Nakral's Crypt                                (neutral)       
   The Outcasts Tower                            (pure good)     
   Fort Boyard                                   (slightly good) 
   Crystalspyre Mountains                        (neutral)       
   The Prisons of Carthapia                      (slightly good) 
  *Faerie Realm                                  (pure good)     
   The Ruins of Tharnadia's Old Quarter          (neutral)       
   The Fields Between                            (neutral)       
   The Githyanki Fortress                        (slightly evil) 
  *Labyrinth of No Return                        (slightly evil) 
   The Desert City of Venan'Trut                 (neutral)       
   Rogue Plains                                  (good)          
   City of Torrhan                               (pure good)     
   The Lair of the Swamp Troll King              (neutral)       
   Zalkapfaan, City of the Headless Horde        (neutral)       
   New Cave city                                 (slightly good) 
   Ice Tower                                     (neutral)       
   Desolate Under Fire                           (neutral)       
   The Citadel                                   (slightly good) 
   The Twin Keeps of Devastated Tharnadia        (good)          
   IceCrag Castle                                (evil)          
   Prison of Fort Boyard                         (neutral)       
   The Ancient Halls of Ironstar                 (good)          
   The Jade Empire                               (very evil)     
   Mazzolin                                      (slightly good) 
   Forest of Mir                                 (slightly good) 
   Quintaragon Castle                            (pure good)     
   The Sky City of Ultarium                      (extremely good)
   Lair of the Gibberling King                   (neutral)       
   Plane of Air                                  (pure good)     
   The Kingdom of Torg                           (neutral)       
   Tribal Oasis                                  (good)          
   The Para-Elemental Plane of Smoke             (neutral)       
   Plane of Water                                (slightly good) 
   Shadamehr Keep                                (neutral)       
   The Temple to Skrentherlog                    (neutral)       
   Alatorin - the Forge City                     (neutral)       
   The Trakkia Mountains                         (neutral)       
   The Ethereal Plane                            (slightly good) 
   The Caverns of Armageddon                     (good)          
   The Forest City of Aravne                     (neutral)       
   Plane of Fire                                 (very good)     
   Ruined Temple of Tezcatlipoca                 (neutral)       
   The Astral Plane                              (very good)     
   Jotunheim                                     (very good)     
  *The Transparent Tower                         (good)          
   Krethik Keep                                  (good)          
   Temple of the Earth                           (neutral)       
   Sea Kingdom                                   (neutral)       
  *Plane of Earth                                (extremely good)
   Sevenoaks                                     (good)          
   The Keep of Evil                              (slightly good) 
   The Forgotten Mansion                         (good)          
   Domain of Lost Souls                          (neutral)       
   The Hall of Knighthood                        (good)          
   The Depths of Duris                           (very good)     
   Arachdrathos Guilds                           (slightly evil) 
   Valley of the Snow Ogres                      (good)          
   The Great Shaboath                            (neutral)       
   The Tempest Court                             (neutral)       
   Pit of Dragons                                (pure good)     
  *Ny'Neth                                       (very good)     
   Lost Temple of Tikitzopl                      (neutral)       
   The Scorched Valley                           (slightly good) 
  *The Realm of Barovia                          (slightly evil) 
   The Royal Mausoleum of Castle IceCrag         (neutral)       
   Plane of Fire, Brass                          (neutral)       
   Githzerai Stronghold                          (neutral)       
   Ceothia                                       (neutral)       
   Tiamat                                        (very good)     
   The Fortress of Dreams                        (slightly good) 
   Bahamut's Palace                              (good)          
   Dragonnia                                     (neutral)       
   The Charcoal Palace                           (extremely good)
   Vecna's Tomb                                  (good)          
   Ny'Neth's Stronghold                          (extremely good)
   Apocalypse Castle                             (slightly evil) 
  *The Realm of Barovia Continued                (slightly good) 
   The Hall of the Ancients                      (good)          
   The Bronze Citadel                            (extremely good)
   Ny'Neth's Stronghold Continued                (very good)     
  *Negative Material Plane                       (slightly good) 
   Celestial Plane                               (slightly good) 
   The 222nd Layer of the Abyss                  (neutral)       
   Castle Ravenloft                              (evil)          

* = already completed this boot.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kale

Level: 56   Race: Human   Class: Cleric Shaman Sex: Male
Hit points: 899(899)  Moves: 271(271)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   18
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat Holiness
Protected from: Fire Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Sneaking
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (less than a minute remaining)
pantherspeed (56 minutes)
accelerated healing (20 minutes)
bless (19 minutes)
vitality (8 minutes)
armor (14 minutes)

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal *****

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal ****

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal ***

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal **

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal *

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
The air explodes around you, revealing a glowing portal of energy!

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Ur steps into the etherportal and disappears among the light.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Doombringer, the sword of chaos carried by Drok.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(12th circle)  1 - miracle
(11th circle)  1 - group recall
               2 - gaseous cloud
(10th circle)  4 - arieks shattering iceball
               1 - accelerated healing
( 9th circle)  1 - word of recall
               1 - plane shift
               1 - corrosive blast
               2 - spirit jump
( 8th circle)  1 - dispel magic
               4 - mass heal
               1 - elephantstrength
( 7th circle)  6 - full heal
( 6th circle)  1 - continual light
               6 - molten spray
( 5th circle)  3 - vitality
               3 - destroy undead
               1 - soulshield
               1 - pantherspeed
( 4th circle)  2 - remove curse
               1 - summon
               1 - protection from lightning
               1 - protection from acid
               1 - snailspeed
               1 - purify spirit
               2 - invigorate
( 3rd circle)  2 - remove poison
               6 - cause critical
( 2nd circle)  3 - blindness
               1 - preserve
               1 - protection from fire
               1 - protection from cold
               3 - ice missile
               1 - spirit armor
               1 - wolfspeed
( 1st circle)  4 - armor
               4 - bless
               1 - detect evil
               1 - detect magic

And you are currently praying for the following spells:
    1 seconds:  (11th) etherportal

You can pray 2 1st and 2 3rd circle spell(s).
You continue your study.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
A faint hum can be heard from the holy mace of the efreeti you are carrying.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
You have finished praying for etherportal.
You snap out of your meditative trance, memorization complete.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Trappist steps into the etherportal and disappears among the light.

< 899h/899H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Your heroic urges slowly fade away.

< 874h/874H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Hint: Beware of guards!  Some guards will come to the aid of your victims!
Your mighty battle cry rallies your comrades and instills fear
into the hearts of your enemies.
Adrenaline burns your veins as the battle cry rings in your ears.

< 874h/874H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Drok lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Avernus the life stealer carried by Drok.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal *****

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal ****

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Drok steps into the etherportal and disappears among the light.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal ***

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Casting: etherportal *

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
The air explodes around you, revealing a glowing portal of energy!

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kale

Level: 56   Race: Human   Class: Cleric Shaman Sex: Male
Hit points: 907(907)  Moves: 271(271)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   18
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat Holiness
Protected from: Fire Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Sneaking
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (5 minutes)
pantherspeed (55 minutes)
accelerated healing (19 minutes)
bless (18 minutes)
vitality (7 minutes)
armor (13 minutes)

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
As you enter the etherportal, you feel yourself being torn into a thousand
pieces, scattered over the entirety of reality. Bits of your shattered
consciousness float randomly about the universe with no overall
direction or purpose.  Suddenly, you find yourself elsewhere..

Zone: Barrow of the Quiosho.
Room: Before a Large Wooden Door
Before a Large Wooden Door
Obvious exits: -N# -S
[2] A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.
Trappist Shadeling ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Red Aura)
*Ur  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Trappist completes his spell...
Trappist utters the words 'zawsufuq hajqp'

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Before a Large Wooden Door
Obvious exits: -N# -S
[2] A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.
Trappist Shadeling ~<=Shadow Knights=>~ (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Ur  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Drok has reconnected.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
The etherportal crumbles to dust and blows away.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kale

Level: 56   Race: Human   Class: Cleric Shaman Sex: Male
Hit points: 907(907)  Moves: 271(271)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   18
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat Holiness
Protected from: Fire Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Sneaking
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (5 minutes)
pantherspeed (55 minutes)
accelerated healing (19 minutes)
bless (18 minutes)
vitality (7 minutes)
armor (13 minutes)

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Jethrus gives a glowing wooden key to Drok.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
The etherportal crumbles to dust and blows away.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Jethrus stops following Drok.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Doombringer, the sword of chaos carried by Drok.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Drok now follows Jethrus.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kale

Level: 56   Race: Human   Class: Cleric Shaman Sex: Male
Hit points: 907(907)  Moves: 271(271)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 87%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   +0.69   Deaths:   18
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat Holiness
Protected from: Fire Lightning Gas Acid Living
Protected by:   Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Sneaking
Combat Pulse:   18 Spell Pulse:  0.97 
Leaderboard Points: 1214 

Active Spells:
roar of heroes (5 minutes)
pantherspeed (55 minutes)
accelerated healing (19 minutes)
bless (18 minutes)
vitality (7 minutes)
armor (13 minutes)

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Drok gives a glowing wooden key to Jethrus.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Jethrus unlocks the door.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Jethrus opens the door.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You lick your mouth and smile.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Jethrus leaves north.
Drok sneaks north.
You follow Drok.

Zone: Barrow of the Quiosho.
Room: In a Large Pillared Hall

Zone: Barrow of the Quiosho.
Room: In a Large Pillared Hall
In a Large Pillared Hall
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
[2] The corpse of a green slime is lying here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.
*Jethrus  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A pool of green liquid has collected here.
Trappist enters from the south.

< 907h/907H 270v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 270v/271V Pos: standing >
Jethrus avoids being bashed by a green slime, who loses its balance and falls.
Jethrus snaps into visibility.

< 907h/907H 270v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 270v/271V Pos: standing >
You follow Drok.

Zone: Barrow of the Quiosho.
Room: In a Large Pillared Hall

Zone: Barrow of the Quiosho.
Room: In a Large Pillared Hall
In a Large Pillared Hall
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
[3] The corpse of a green slime is lying here.
*Drok TrEeHuGgEr o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Firbolg)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drok's head.
A green slime stands here, fighting a Vampire.
A Vampire (medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a green slime. (Casting) (Red Aura)
A green slime is lying here, mortally wounded.
Trappist enters from the south.

< 907h/907H 269v/271V Pos: standing >

< 907h/907H 269v/271V Pos: standing >
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur tackles a Vampire square in the chest knocking the wind out of him!

< 907h/907H 269v/271V Pos: standing >
A Vampire continues preparing his spell from the ground...
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's powerful slash strikes a Vampire.
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's pierce strikes a Vampire.
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's powerful slash strikes a Vampire.
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's pierce strikes a Vampire.
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's powerful pierce strikes a Vampire.
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's powerful slash strikes a Vampire.
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's powerful slash strikes a Vampire hard.
Ur snaps into visibility.
Ur's powerful slash strikes a Vampire hard.
Ur snaps into visibility.

< 907h/907H 270v/271V Pos: standing >
Drok snaps into visibility.
Drok trips over a Vampire, in a futile attempt to slam him down even further.

< 907h/907H 270v/271V Pos: standing >
Trappist starts casting an offensive spell.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
A Vampire stops invoking abruptly!

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
A green slime's fine punch strikes a Vampire.
A green slime shivers as it hits a Vampire.
A green slime misses a Vampire.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
A Vampire sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Trappist completes his spell...
Trappist utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Trappist drains a Vampire - what a waste of energy!

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Trappist starts casting an offensive spell.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Vampire.
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
[Damage: 134 ] -=[Your blast of molten spray slams into a Vampire, burning holes into his flesh.]=-
The vile creature burns and sizzles!
A Vampire's impressive punch strikes a green slime.
A Vampire's impressive punch strikes a green slime.

< 907h/907H 271v/271V Pos: standing >
Trappist completes his spell...
Trappist utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Trappist drains a Vampire - what a waste of energy!
A Vampire is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.