The death of [52 Forest Druid] Brenne o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Centaur)

in A Dark Trail, Approaching The Tower

from the perspective of [51 Necrolyte] Kerf *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)

<worn on head>       a wormskin helmet
<worn on eyes>       an angelic mithril visor
<worn in ear>        a burnt brass stud
<worn on face>       an expression of pure madness [poor] (magic) (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a coral torc [superior]
<worn around neck>   a coral torc [superior]
<worn on body>       some flowing spidersilk robes covered in shadows [superior] (magic)
<worn about body>    a magical iron mantle
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn about waist>   a human-made granite girth
<worn on arms>       some mantis sleeves
<held as shield>     an exquisite diamond tower shield
<worn around wrist>  a rusty platinum bracer from The Temple of Blibdoolpoolp
<worn around wrist>  a shiny mithril bracelet [superior] (magic)
<worn on hands>      some well-crafted dragonscale gloves
<worn on finger>     a ring of shimmering faerie fire [poor] (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a ring of shimmering faerie fire [poor] (glowing)
<held>               the severed head of Vathor the Slayer [superior] (magic)

Obvious exits: -North -South -Up   
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms swims in from the south.
Esy swims in from the south.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji swims up.
Syl swims up.
You follow Kaji.

Beside the Tower, In the Swamp
   The swamp water reaches right up towards the tower here, and is
even deep enough to swim in, implying that there is some way to swim
down.  Towards the north, the swamp continues until it hits the mountain
range.  Towards the east and the west are alligator burrows.  The majority
of the swamp is void of life, and covered in darkness by the tower, even
during the day.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West  -Down 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from below.
Esy floats in from below.

< 731h/731H 324v/328V Pos: standing >
You take a deep breath of fresh air.

< 731h/731H 325v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Large Alligator Burrow In The Swamp
   This large alligator burrow is just west of the main wall of the tower
that comes right up to the swamp.  This large burrow contains a family of
alligators that is in constant competition with the family of alligators
just a ways off towards the west.  This area is mostly void of life, except
for these two alligator families.  It is a good thing that several corpses
are thrown out the tower windows everyday.
Obvious exits: -West 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
Loms enters from the west.
Esy enters from the west.

< 731h/731H 324v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks west.
Syl leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

Beside the Tower, In the Swamp
   The swamp water reaches right up towards the tower here, and is
even deep enough to swim in, implying that there is some way to swim
down.  Towards the north, the swamp continues until it hits the mountain
range.  Towards the east and the west are alligator burrows.  The majority
of the swamp is void of life, and covered in darkness by the tower, even
during the day.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West  -Down 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the east.
Esy enters from the east.

< 731h/731H 323v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks north.
Syl leaves north.
You follow Kaji.

The Back Of A Large Swamp
     This swamp is a small pocket between the tower and the mountain range.
The only animals present in this swamp are a few large alligators, and a
few crows flying overhead.  The shadow of the tower almost engulfs this
swamp, covering it in darkness.  The swamp water reaches right up against
the base of the tower towards the south.
Obvious exits: -East  -South
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the south.
Esy enters from the south.
Thugan sneaks in from the south.

< 731h/731H 321v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

By A Huge Rock, In The Swamp
   A huge rock has fallen from the trail above, revealing a passage
up into the mountains.  Several foot prints can be seen in the mud of
the swamp around this area.  In addition, several decaying corpses can
be seen of adventurers who have fallen down off the trail, like this
huge rock has done.  This huge rock has not only left a huge crater, but
provided a place for several plants and insects to grow on.
Obvious exits: -West  -Up   
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the west.
Esy enters from the west.

< 731h/731H 320v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks up.
Syl leaves up.
You follow Kaji.

A Very Steep Mountain Trail
  This mountain trail descends almost immiediatly into the surrounding
swamp in the back of the tower.  This seems to be a very rare traveled
path that few try to scale without magical means.  It is almost
certain that anyone travelling this route would fall quickly towards
the swamp.  There appears to be several torn pieces of clothing and
rope that were probably ripped when a traveller fell to his doom.
Obvious exits: -East  -Down 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from below.
Esy floats in from below.

< 731h/731H 320v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks down.
Syl leaves down.
You follow Kaji.

By A Huge Rock, In The Swamp
   A huge rock has fallen from the trail above, revealing a passage
up into the mountains.  Several foot prints can be seen in the mud of
the swamp around this area.  In addition, several decaying corpses can
be seen of adventurers who have fallen down off the trail, like this
huge rock has done.  This huge rock has not only left a huge crater, but
provided a place for several plants and insects to grow on.
Obvious exits: -West  -Up   
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from above.
Esy floats in from above.

< 731h/731H 319v/328V Pos: standing >
Argh!!! The sun is too bright.

< 731h/731H 319v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

The Back Of A Large Swamp
     This swamp is a small pocket between the tower and the mountain range.
The only animals present in this swamp are a few large alligators, and a
few crows flying overhead.  The shadow of the tower almost engulfs this
swamp, covering it in darkness.  The swamp water reaches right up against
the base of the tower towards the south.
Obvious exits: -East  -South
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the east.
Esy enters from the east.

< 731h/731H 318v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks east.
Syl leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

By A Huge Rock, In The Swamp
   A huge rock has fallen from the trail above, revealing a passage
up into the mountains.  Several foot prints can be seen in the mud of
the swamp around this area.  In addition, several decaying corpses can
be seen of adventurers who have fallen down off the trail, like this
huge rock has done.  This huge rock has not only left a huge crater, but
provided a place for several plants and insects to grow on.
Obvious exits: -West  -Up   
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the west.
Esy enters from the west.
Thugan sneaks in from the west.

< 731h/731H 318v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks west.
Syl leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

The Back Of A Large Swamp
     This swamp is a small pocket between the tower and the mountain range.
The only animals present in this swamp are a few large alligators, and a
few crows flying overhead.  The shadow of the tower almost engulfs this
swamp, covering it in darkness.  The swamp water reaches right up against
the base of the tower towards the south.
Obvious exits: -East  -South
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the east.
Esy enters from the east.

< 731h/731H 316v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves south.
You follow Kaji.

Beside the Tower, In the Swamp
   The swamp water reaches right up towards the tower here, and is
even deep enough to swim in, implying that there is some way to swim
down.  Towards the north, the swamp continues until it hits the mountain
range.  Towards the east and the west are alligator burrows.  The majority
of the swamp is void of life, and covered in darkness by the tower, even
during the day.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West  -Down 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the north.
Esy enters from the north.
Zone Name: The Outcasts Tower            
Average mob level in zone: 43
< 731h/731H 315v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Large Alligator Burrow In The Swamp
   This large alligator burrow is just west of the main wall of the tower
that comes right up to the swamp.  This large burrow contains a family of
alligators that is in constant competition with the family of alligators
just a ways off towards the west.  This area is mostly void of life, except
for these two alligator families.  It is a good thing that several corpses
are thrown out the tower windows everyday.
Obvious exits: -West 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
A huge alligator makes his home in the swamp.
Loms enters from the west.
Esy enters from the west.

< 731h/731H 315v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

Beside the Tower, In the Swamp
   The swamp water reaches right up towards the tower here, and is
even deep enough to swim in, implying that there is some way to swim
down.  Towards the north, the swamp continues until it hits the mountain
range.  Towards the east and the west are alligator burrows.  The majority
of the swamp is void of life, and covered in darkness by the tower, even
during the day.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West  -Down 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the east.
Esy enters from the east.

< 731h/731H 314v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks north.
Syl leaves north.
You follow Kaji.

The Back Of A Large Swamp
     This swamp is a small pocket between the tower and the mountain range.
The only animals present in this swamp are a few large alligators, and a
few crows flying overhead.  The shadow of the tower almost engulfs this
swamp, covering it in darkness.  The swamp water reaches right up against
the base of the tower towards the south.
Obvious exits: -East  -South
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the south.
Esy enters from the south.
Thugan sneaks in from the south.

< 731h/731H 312v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

By A Huge Rock, In The Swamp
   A huge rock has fallen from the trail above, revealing a passage
up into the mountains.  Several foot prints can be seen in the mud of
the swamp around this area.  In addition, several decaying corpses can
be seen of adventurers who have fallen down off the trail, like this
huge rock has done.  This huge rock has not only left a huge crater, but
provided a place for several plants and insects to grow on.
Obvious exits: -West  -Up   
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the west.
Esy enters from the west.

< 731h/731H 311v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves up.
You follow Kaji.

A Very Steep Mountain Trail
  This mountain trail descends almost immiediatly into the surrounding
swamp in the back of the tower.  This seems to be a very rare traveled
path that few try to scale without magical means.  It is almost
certain that anyone travelling this route would fall quickly towards
the swamp.  There appears to be several torn pieces of clothing and
rope that were probably ripped when a traveller fell to his doom.
Obvious exits: -East  -Down 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from below.
Esy floats in from below.

< 731h/731H 309v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves east.
You follow Kaji.

A Mountain Pass
   This mountain pass rises up above the tower here, looking down on
the swamp below and the field towards the south.  It appears that
much of this mountain pass is rarely traveled but for a few lost
souls.  This area seems to become more ecologically sound as one
comes closer to the tree line towards the north.  Several rocks seem
to be out of place towards the west.
Obvious exits: -North -West  -Down 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A large mountain goat hops up the mountain trail.
A large mountain goat hops up the mountain trail.
Loms enters from the west.
Esy enters from the west.
Thugan sneaks in from the west.

< 731h/731H 307v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks down.
Syl leaves down.
You follow Kaji.

A Trail In the Mountains
  This trail into the mountains is fairly difficult to scale, and many of
the passes have been cluttered with falling rocks.  The travel along
these mountains passes are fair at best, and many have fallen to their
doom in the murky swamp behind the tower.  There appears to be
a growing tree line further into the mountains.
Obvious exits: -South -Up   
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A large mountain goat hops up the mountain trail.
Loms enters from above.
Esy floats in from above.
Thugan floats in from above.

< 731h/731H 306v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks south.
Syl leaves south.
You follow Kaji.

A Tight Squeeze
  This tight squeeze inbetween the tower and the rock face is simplay that,
a tight squeeze.  Travelling through this space is tight and single file
at best.  Gnomes and halflings appear to have the upper edge at going
through this space, while ogres and centaurs have a very difficult time.
This area seems to be hardly used, or if it is, someone has taken the
time to cover their tracks well.
This area seems to be exceptionally narrow!
Obvious exits: -North -South
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the north.
Esy enters from the north.

< 731h/731H 304v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji sneaks south.
Syl leaves south.
You follow Kaji.

Before A Cliff Face
  The side trail comes to a brief halt as it reaches where the
east side of the tower meets up with the cliff space.  There appears
to be a tight passage leading towards the back of the tower and into
the mountains, however, anyone travelling in this tiny crack space
would have to go single file.  The shrubs around the trail, although
mostly burnt, appear to be starting to grow back.
Obvious exits: -North -South
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A sturdy looking mount is here, all saddled up and ready to ride.
A sturdy looking mount is here, all saddled up and ready to ride.
Loms enters from the north.
Esy enters from the north.

< 731h/731H 301v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves south.
You follow Kaji.

A Side Trail, East of the Tower
   This side trail spins off towards the northwest.  The side of the
tower can be seen towards the immiediate west, while a small crack between
the tower and the cliff appears to be directly towards to the north. The
trail continues up until this crack where it appears to stop, and on
the other end, spins back towards the main trail towards the southwest.
This trail seems to be used less and less as it gets closer to the cliff.
Obvious exits: -North -Southwest
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the north.
Esy enters from the north.
Thugan sneaks in from the north.

< 731h/731H 299v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves southwest.
You follow Kaji.

A Side Trail, Heading Eastward
   This side trail seems to head eastward and is considerably less
traveled than the main trail towards the entrance of the tower.  This
trail seems to have been made, not by the large footprints of the main
trail, but by several smaller ones, possibly elven or dwarven.  This
area seems to be out of sight of the humble man at the gates to the
tower for some reason or another.
Obvious exits: -West  -Northeast
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the northeast.
Esy enters from the northeast.
Thugan sneaks in from the northeast.

< 731h/731H 298v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves west.
You follow Kaji.

A Dark Trail, Approaching The Tower
   The sky seems to darken as the trail approaches this gloomy tower. The
seems to be a little thicker here, where more of the grass has been worn
down by the constant use of many races.  There is a small sign depicting
a message in an incomprehendable language.  The sign has been knocked
down and trampled upon, and is barely visible through the thick layer
of mud covering it.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
Loms enters from the east.
Esy enters from the east.
Thugan sneaks in from the east.

< 731h/731H 297v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves north.
You follow Kaji.

The Gates To A Dark And Gloomy Tower
    The gates to this dark and gloomy tower stand tall against the
background of a treacherous mountain range.  The gates themselves appear
to be made of a black-steel type ore and seem to have taken heavy
battle damage.  There is a treacherous-looking human guarding the gates;
he apparently is using no weapon.  The tower seems to be blocking passage
into the mountains, leaving the only directions north into the tower, or
south back on to the trail.
Obvious exits: -North# -South
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A quiet little man sits before the gates, guarding them.
Loms enters from the south.
Esy enters from the south.

< 731h/731H 297v/328V Pos: standing >
Argh!!! The sun is too bright.

< 731h/731H 298v/328V Pos: standing >
Argh!!! The sun is too bright.

< 731h/731H 298v/328V Pos: standing >
Argh!!! The sun is too bright.

< 731h/731H 298v/328V Pos: standing >

		Score information for Kerf

Level: 51   Race: Drider   Class: Necromancer / Necrolyte Sex: Male
Hit points: 731(731)  Moves: 302(328)
Coins carried:    1 platinum   126 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Compression ratio: 79%
Status:  Standing.
Frags:   -1.00   Deaths:   9
Detecting:      Invisible Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Fire Cold Acid Living All but High Circle Spells
Protected by:   Greater Spirit Ward
Enchantments:   Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.96 
Leaderboard Points:  427 

Active Spells:
sense spirit (63 minutes)
ravenflight (58 minutes)
greater spirit ward (58 minutes)
spirit armor (58 minutes)
pantherspeed (59 minutes)
elephantstrength (59 minutes)
hawkvision (28 minutes)
stone skin (8 minutes)
globe of invulnerability (6 minutes)
virtue (26 minutes)
roar of heroes (3 minutes)
fly (98 minutes)
haste (6 minutes)
improved invisibility (16 minutes)
vitalize undead (11 minutes)
protection from cold (1 minute)
detect invisibility (37 minutes)
protection from living (1 minute)
strength (1 minute)
sense follower (1 minute)
infravision (8 minutes)
detect magic (27 minutes)

		Score information for Kerf

Level: 51   Race: Drider   Class: Necromancer / Necrolyte Sex: Male
Hit points: 731(731)  Moves: 302(328)
Coins carried:    1 platinum   126 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Coins in bank: 3031 platinum  20972 gold    47 silver    28 copper
Playing time: 3 days / 17 hours/ 59 minutes
Received data: 0.2406 MB this session.
Send data:     0.0118 MB this session.
Compression ratio: 79%
Title: Cultist *-* Clan Ragnarok *-*
Group Leader: Kaji
Status:  Standing.
Epic points(total): 19779(21094) Current task: find runestone of The Realm of Barovia Continued
Epic Bonus: No Epic Bonus (0.00%)
Frags:   -1.00   Deaths:   9
Consenting: Kaji
Detecting:      Invisible Magic Life Heat
Protected from: Fire Cold Acid Living All but High Circle Spells
Protected by:   Greater Spirit Ward
Enchantments:   Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility
Stat Pool Timeout: None
Bartender Quests Remaining: 5.
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.96 
Leaderboard Points:  427 

Active Spells:
sense spirit (63 minutes)
ravenflight (58 minutes)
greater spirit ward (58 minutes)
spirit armor (58 minutes)
pantherspeed (59 minutes)
elephantstrength (59 minutes)
hawkvision (28 minutes)
stone skin (8 minutes)
globe of invulnerability (6 minutes)
virtue (26 minutes)
roar of heroes (3 minutes)
fly (98 minutes)
haste (6 minutes)
improved invisibility (16 minutes)
vitalize undead (11 minutes)
protection from cold (1 minute)
detect invisibility (37 minutes)
protection from living (1 minute)
strength (1 minute)
sense follower (1 minute)
infravision (8 minutes)
detect magic (27 minutes)

< 731h/731H 304v/328V Pos: standing >
The Gates To A Dark And Gloomy Tower
Obvious exits: -North# -South
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
*Esy Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Esy's head.
*Loms Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A quiet little man sits before the gates, guarding them.

< 731h/731H 307v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 309v/328V Pos: standing >
Thugan comforts Esy.

< 731h/731H 313v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy leaves south.

< 731h/731H 318v/328V Pos: standing >
A pitch-black sphere suddenly appears over Thugan's head!

< 731h/731H 324v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 324v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 325v/328V Pos: standing >
Argh!!! The sun is too bright.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Argh!!! The sun is too bright.

< 731h/731H 327v/328V Pos: standing >
The Gates To A Dark And Gloomy Tower
Obvious exits: -North# -South
*Thugan Good at Duris  *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Thugan's head.
*Loms Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
A quiet little man sits before the gates, guarding them.

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >

< 731h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl leaves south.
You follow Kaji.

A Dark Trail, Approaching The Tower
   The sky seems to darken as the trail approaches this gloomy tower. The
seems to be a little thicker here, where more of the grass has been worn
down by the constant use of many races.  There is a small sign depicting
a message in an incomprehendable language.  The sign has been knocked
down and trampled upon, and is barely visible through the thick layer
of mud covering it.
Obvious exits: -North -East  -West 
*Syl Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drider)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
*Kaji Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(huge) stands in mid-air here.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaji's head.
*A Centaur (large)  o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.
*Esy Doombringer *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) sits resting.
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Esy's head.
Loms enters from the north.
Thugan sneaks in from the north.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
A Centaur starts casting a spell.
A Centaur snaps into visibility.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji snaps into visibility.
In his haste to slam a Centaur around, Kaji slips and falls!
Kaji is stunned!

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy snaps out of his meditative trance, grinning widely.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy clambers to his feet.
Thugan starts casting an offensive spell.
Thugan snaps into visibility.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy leaves west.
Loms snaps into visibility.
Loms suddenly looks a bit dumb, and madly slams at a Centaur!

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
A Centaur stops chanting abruptly!
Loms dodges a Centaur's attack.
A Centaur misses Loms.
Loms dodges a Centaur's attack.
A Centaur blocks Loms's lunge at her.
A Centaur blocks Loms's lunge at her.
Loms snaps into visibility.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Thugan completes his spell...
Thugan utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
Thugan snaps into visibility.
Thugan calls down a roaring flamestrike at a Centaur who starts to melt!

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy enters from the west.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Thugan starts casting an offensive spell.
Thugan snaps into visibility.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy starts casting an offensive spell called 'greater soul disturbance'.
Esy snaps into visibility.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
Thugan completes his spell...
Thugan utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
Thugan snaps into visibility.
Thugan snaps into visibility.
Thugan calls down a roaring flamestrike at a Centaur who starts to melt!
Esy completes his spell...
Esy utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Esy points at a Centaur.
A Centaur's entire body spasms uncontrollably as her soul is viciously attacked by Esy.
Syl starts casting an offensive spell.
Syl snaps into visibility.

< 731h/731H 326v/328V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 91 ] -=[You drain a Centaur of some of her energy.]=-

< 804h/731H 327v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy starts casting an offensive spell.
Esy snaps into visibility.
Thugan starts casting an offensive spell.
Thugan snaps into visibility.

< 804h/731H 327v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl completes his spell...
Syl utters the words 'qpaahuq fussrz'
Syl shatters the fabric of reality
sending ripples of ChAoTiC energy flowing into a Centaur.
Darkness flows from the rift encasing a Centaur in an impenetrable shell.
A Centaur seems to be blinded!
Syl snaps into visibility.
a Centaur explodes in flames as a GIGANTIC fireball engulfs him.
A Centaur misses Loms.
Loms dodges a Centaur's attack.
A Centaur misses Loms.
Loms snaps into visibility.
You start chanting...

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy completes his spell...
Esy utters the words 'qaffaguzz bragh'
Esy points at a Centaur.
Esy snaps into visibility.
A Centaur screams in utter agony as Esy's corrosive blast slams into her body!
Esy's blast of corrosive matter begins to eat through a Centaur's armor!
Thugan completes his spell...
Thugan utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
Thugan snaps into visibility.
Thugan snaps into visibility.
Thugan calls down a roaring flamestrike at a Centaur who starts to melt!

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Loms snaps into visibility.
Loms's impressive punch wounds a Centaur.
Loms snaps into visibility.
Loms shivers as he hits a Centaur.
Loms's impressive punch wounds a Centaur.
Loms snaps into visibility.
Loms shivers as he hits a Centaur.

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 113 ] -=[You drain a Centaur of some of her energy.]=-
Esy starts casting an offensive spell.
Esy snaps into visibility.
Thugan starts casting an offensive spell.
Thugan snaps into visibility.

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Syl starts casting an offensive spell called 'solbeeps missile barrage'.
Syl snaps into visibility.

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy completes his spell...
Esy utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
Esy points at a Centaur.
Esy snaps into visibility.
A Centaur's entire body spasms uncontrollably as her soul is viciously attacked by Esy.
Kaji clambers to his feet.

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Thugan completes his spell...
Thugan utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
Thugan snaps into visibility.
Thugan snaps into visibility.
Thugan calls down a roaring flamestrike at a Centaur who starts to melt!
Kaji grasps his totem tightly, and begins communing with the spirits.
Kaji starts casting an offensive spell called 'arieks shattering iceball'.
Kaji snaps into visibility.
You start chanting...

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Esy starts casting an offensive spell.
Esy snaps into visibility.

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Thugan starts casting an offensive spell.
Thugan snaps into visibility.

< 804h/731H 328v/328V Pos: standing >
Kaji completes his spell...
Kaji utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
Kaji points at a Centaur.
Kaji's iceball shatters upon impacting a Centaur, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
A Centaur's some ringmail bearing the crest of Clan BloodyFist [superior] freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
A Centaur's griffon feather cloak [superior] freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
A Centaur's wooden amulet of the ancient tree spirit [poor] freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
A Centaur's patched obsidian visor from Darkfall Forest freezes and shatters into million pieces from the intense cold!
A Centaur is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!