PvP Battle Logs

Date Room Goods Evils
12/10/13 11:49PM A Trade Path Cut From the Jungle
[50 Windtalker] Asf (Halfling)
[36 Thief] Pir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/10/13 11:45PM The Tavern's Reception Area
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Shadowmage] Soloren Disciple of Lloth (Troll)
12/10/13 09:26PM On the Bridge of the Destroyer Apocayptyc Wawe
[52 Controller] Soldon The Empire (Grey Elf)
[40 Shadowmage] Shakti Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
12/10/13 08:48PM The Searing Sands of the Calimshan Desert
[37 Controller] Grutac (Grey Elf)
[25 Mercenary] Jova (Goblin)
12/10/13 06:41PM A Jungle Trail
[47 Necrolyte] Kora The Empire (Human)
[50 Shadowmage] Methaki Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/10/13 05:47PM A Bend in the Road Wall
[28 Warrior] Trenka (Thri-Kreen)
[36 Thief] Pir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/10/13 12:33PM The Maid's Quarters
[56 Pyrokinetic] Solp The Empire (Githzerai)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/10/13 09:31AM The Elemental Plane of Air
[56 Forest Druid] Majk Harbingers of Justice (Grey Elf)
[56 Forest Druid] Evol Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/10/13 03:04AM A Wide Swath of Plain
[56 Enslaver] Nyra The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Thief] Nibl Disciple of Lloth (Goblin)
12/10/13 12:15AM Rolling Fertile Foothills Covered With Grass
[56 Demonic Rider] Nazz Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[56 Guardian] Jair Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[52 Enslaver] Dermo Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
[56 Death Magus] Jonti Kingdom of Lich (Lich)
12/10/13 12:14AM Rolling Fertile Foothills Covered With Grass
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Channeler] Abue The Empire (Human)
[56 Demonic Rider] Nazz Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[56 Guardian] Jair Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Death Magus] Jonti Kingdom of Lich (Lich)
12/10/13 12:14AM Lush Grasslands of a Temperate Valley
[49 Holyman] Bekkar The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Thief] Nibl Disciple of Lloth (Goblin)
12/09/13 09:56PM The Magnificent Woodlands of Evermeet
[56 Pyrokinetic] Solp The Empire (Githzerai)
[40 Shadowmage] Shakti Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
12/09/13 12:23PM A Grassland Covered With Shrubs and Small Trees
[56 Pyrokinetic] Solp The Empire (Githzerai)
[56 Brigand] Romar (Halfling)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Huntsman] Rethaz (Troll)
[56 Demonic Rider] Nazz Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[56 Shadowmage] Joval Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
12/09/13 03:47AM Outside the Southern City Gates
[31 Controller] Lyran (Gnome)
[36 Thief] Pir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/08/13 08:46PM Tranquil Waters of Lake Kilfray
[56 Guardian] Deathli The Empire (Dwarf)
[50 Forest Druid] Dynomo Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[56 Holyman] Hodd Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
12/08/13 08:44PM Endless Plains of Grassy Pastures
[56 Enslaver] Nyra The Empire (Gnome)
[50 Forest Druid] Dynomo Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[56 Holyman] Hodd Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
12/08/13 06:41PM The Waters of the Abyss
[56 Channeler] Abue The Empire (Human)
[56 Shadowmage] Soloren Disciple of Lloth (Troll)
12/08/13 06:18AM A Dense Forest Enshrouded by a Dismal Fog
[56 Summoner] Serral The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Thief] Nibl Disciple of Lloth (Goblin)
12/08/13 03:01AM The Gutted Githzerai Inn
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Necrolyte] Doo Disciple of Lloth (Githyanki)
12/07/13 11:05PM The Ogre's Foot Inn
[1 Monk] Youallsuck (Human)
[51 Holyman] Zukus Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[50 Elementalist] Pok Disciple of Lloth (Troll)
[56 Thief] Nibl Disciple of Lloth (Goblin)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Demonic Rider] Nazz Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[56 Huntsman] Rethaz (Troll)
[50 Shadowmage] Methaki Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[50 Forest Druid] Dynomo Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
12/07/13 11:04PM The Ogre's Foot Inn
[56 Enslaver] Nyra The Empire (Gnome)
[51 Holyman] Zukus Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[50 Elementalist] Pok Disciple of Lloth (Troll)
[56 Thief] Nibl Disciple of Lloth (Goblin)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Demonic Rider] Nazz Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[56 Huntsman] Rethaz (Troll)
[50 Shadowmage] Methaki Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[50 Forest Druid] Dynomo Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
12/07/13 06:09AM A Room of Peace
[52 Thief] Immurk The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Shadowmage] Soloren Disciple of Lloth (Troll)
12/07/13 05:06AM Priests Room
[52 Thief] Immurk The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Monk] Lohrrr Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
12/07/13 04:48AM Along Newhaven Way Before a Great City
[56 Summoner] Serral The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Shadowmage] Cora The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Necrolyte] Orp Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/07/13 03:41AM A Grimney Sleeping Chamber
[34 Holyman] Jero Clan Boris (Barbarian)
[49 Blademaster] Boris Clan Boris (Firbolg)
[40 Shadowmage] Shakti Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
12/07/13 01:08AM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[29 Conjurer] Fx (Gnome)
[36 Thief] Pir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
12/07/13 12:08AM House of Clan Dark Ingot
[56 Necrolyte] Aktosh The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[51 Holyman] Zukus Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
12/06/13 11:32PM The Roasted Elf Inn
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[23 Bard] Khord (Troll)
12/06/13 07:29PM High Atop the Southeast Tower
[25 Rogue] Kori (Dwarf)
[56 Psycheporter] Drayhm (Dwarf)
[20 Mercenary] Grutam (Barbarian)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)